Racing Stories Race anyone lately ( does not endorse Street Racing)

racing stories are funny

Old December-19th-2001, 02:55 PM
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racing stories are funny

man, i'm getting a big kick out of readin gthese raicng stories latly. i don't know what it is. i thought i would share a couple of mine:

this one is funny, becuase i had three other people in my car with me, and it was only a week after i had the car. (befor it was fully broken in) it was a sunday afternoon, and we were heading to the movies, nothng better to do. came up to a stop light and this black, mid 90's two door cavalier pulls up next to us with limo windows, cut springs (he was bouncing all over the place), and blaring 'enter sandman'. the light turned green and i wanted to see what he would do. i take off and run the engine up in first, shift to second and pull about a car length in front of him. i then shift to third at about 50mph and let off. (don't want a ticket!) he procedes to continue "racing" and we all let out a big laugh.

eagle talon (non-turbo):
this one is very similar to the cavalier 'race', but happened with five people in the car and on a different night.

we all got a big kick out of these two incidents, (1) becuase there was multiple people in my car and only one person in the other, (2) the way they sped off was like they were really pissed because some guy in a four door mazda beat his pants with a full house. i chuckle just thinking about it.
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Old December-19th-2001, 03:20 PM
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This really isn't a RACING story, but its fun nonetheless.

Ok this happend to on the infamous night of 4/20 .. this year

anyways, we were all out causing trouble (including Protege Menace) and we went to the back of the industrail area of my city. lo and behold there were about 30 kids back there drinking and smoking it up...morons. so we went flying by and doing doughnuts just to **** them off. (I was in my mom's Geo Prism, BTW, my motor was broken). So they all get pissed and take off after us! THREE yes 3 SUVs go after me.. more on that later.... My friend in a station wagon was being followed by a huge old van. He tried all the techniques to loose 'em, drifting, excessive speed, driving through fields... these guys wouldnt give up eventually they come to a stoplight. The guys in the van hold out a bat, my firends hold out a bat and a crowbar. they start yelling **** about how they're prison escapees and how their prison buddies are gonna **** 'um up good so my friend try to take off but they block him in with the van and start to get out... LUCKILY just then cop sirens were heard and the "prison escapees" got scared and booked as did my friend!

Back to me now.... After nearly hitting pretege menace tryin to get the **** outta the indust area i take off on a main road towards the east..... the SUVs were really mad. I took 'em on a road up to around 65 mph and one was in front of me, one to the side, and one behind that one. So i slam on the brakes and come to a sccrrrrreeeeeeeeeechhhhing hault. needless to say they cant brake as fast. I whip to reverse and head the opposite direction, they follow. Go on some cury roads hoping that they will either flip or back off... they didn't i was VERY surprised as to how well they actually handled on the curves. But they definitely LOOKED like they were about to roll over. Well i cant loose em in the GEO so i am like **** I'M GONNA DIE TONIGHT. i go into a parking lot and try to out manuver em in there i loose two and they are stuck behind a chain link fence with me on the other side. i am thinkiing WHOO HOO FREE AT LAST. then BAM! some bright-as-hell-burn-your-retinas-out halogens are staring me in the face (its the 3rd one). so i gun it to the rightand he follows me, the other two get outta their cage and i get stuck like this: i end up in a parking spot. one is to the left, one is to the right, and one behind. there is a handicap parking sign in front of me, as well as a curb!! now one kid gets out with a baseball bat and i am rolling up my manual windows and locking the manually locking doors, as is my firend who was with me. he is swearing up a storm and threatening to kill us yadda yadda yadda... so i make one hell of a bold manuveur and gun it to my right diagonal and slam onto the curb JUST MISSING the sign and SUV (god knows how i fit though there!!!!!) so i am off road now with 3 SUVs following me. They cant drive worth **** on the grass though, especially since i am E-braking to all hell spinning away from them till i get a clear route out. BINGO more flooring JUMP off the curb and hit about 80 in a 35 (hey its a geo) they are gainnig FAST so i decide to go out secret style. turn off the lights, and duck into a residential make some random rights and lefts pull into a driveway and duck the seats back, lights/car off.. waited 15 mins, no action so i left and never saw them again...

I know i was young and STUPID but it was one hell of a time and one of the best / scariest nights of my life! Near death expiriences are always refreshing too

I would have to say I'm a VERY good driver seeing as i out drove THREE SUVs off road and on road for matter IN A ******* GEO!!

aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh..... good times!
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Old December-19th-2001, 04:51 PM
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the moral of this story is.....don't f\/ck with drugies!!!!!
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Old December-21st-2001, 12:54 PM
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Ah don't bother the peeps having sex, that's illegal, you should be on death row for that! hehe
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Old January-4th-2002, 04:12 PM
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That's some story fellas..... That's all I have to say....
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Old January-4th-2002, 05:01 PM
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I liked the story, too...

The only difference is, and this is what I think makes you guys pretty lucky, is that where I'm from, it's not just a matter of out-driving the other guy, you have to avoid getting hit by him, too..

You see the guys around here that chase you do it in big American cars like old Monte Carlos and Caprices. They don't care about their car's well being (they're all ready covered in battle scars)... They'll just ride your *** up to 170 (kph)... If you decide to slow down, even for a turn, BAM! bye bye back bumper!!! And don't even try playing chicken with these guys! one of my friends had to pull his handbrake and spin out onto the shoulder when I guy was comming at him the wrong way on a 2 lane highway... He was going 150 (kph) and the other guy was prolly doing the same.. that's a combined speed of 300kph!!!! The other guy would have been willing to die he was so pissed off!!! What would you do in that situation? You can't pull into the other lane in case the guy actually changes his mind at the last minute and goes back into his lane, you can't safely pull onto an unpaved shoulder 'cauz you're going 150 and you can't just pull over and stop cuz he'll smack into you and kill you!!! That's some scary **** to think about!!!

Also, you were talking about guys walking up toi the car and threatening you with baseball bats. In my area, if the guy's standing next to your car with a bat, say goodbye to your panels! They don't even bother wit hthe window 'cuz they know that panels are more expensive to fix! Those bastards!
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Old January-6th-2002, 12:21 AM
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no he had his AC on too....poor man style AC
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