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MarkSpark November-6th-2002 09:46 PM

Originally posted by brogeflog
Mr. Deeds.

However, Winona Rider was very sweet. She can shoplift in my store anytime. I demand an appeal!

I agree. Mr. Deeds sucked!!!!! But I saw it with my girl on our first unofficial date, so it was special.

UCSBgeek November-6th-2002 11:30 PM

I dislike Adam Sandler, because of his annoying childish little voice, maybe it's cute for a couple of minutes but then augh :rolleyes:

Anybody ever see Mosquito?

titocruzsd November-7th-2002 12:11 AM

Originally posted by sandman
....I had to get my mallrats plug in somehow!

That movie was MAD Funny man.. I expect a backlash, but i'm sure I've watched it at LEAST 20 times and it gets funnier every time i watch it..

hey i'm with ya on mallrats! :bt:

i used to work at blockbuster, so i've seen a LOT of movies, but one of the worst was RED DAWN!!!! :thumbs do

neuromancer November-7th-2002 10:03 AM

Have you guys heard of a little movie called Queen of the Damned? That is at the top of my "I can't beleive it sucked THAT bad" list. I knew it was going to be bad going in...I just didn't think it could be THAT bad. I'd hate to have that movie be my last before I died.

Eyes Wide Shut was horrible. Sure you get to see Nicole Kidman nekkid, but that wasn't enough...nothing could have saved that movie. And building artifical suspense with three notes on a piano is hear that Stanely? LAME!

Battle Field Earth was so bad that John Travolta should have to stop acting, and endure a public beating. I think L. Ron Hubbard should come back from the dead, kick Travola's ass, take away his membership in the Church of Scientology and then steal his wife. John doesn't deserve a hottie like Kelly Preston.

Lawnmower Man 2. As if there needed to be another one. I thought the first one was a train wreck...then enter Max Headroom. Yes it can get worse.

A.I. The only redeming quality this movie had was the walking talking stuffed teddy bear. In fact I had more sympathy for the bear than the kid. This just proves that great FX and a classic plot can still be fucked up in a huge way. Could that movie have been any longer and slower moving? Aliens indeed!

I think some film makers should be fined!

The most horrible thing is that once I start watching a movie I will finish matter how painful it is. I've actually seen most of these titles more than once.

I'm going to have to watch Memento again, just to feel better.


funkdaddysmack November-7th-2002 10:07 AM

Originally posted by brogeflog
Mr. Deeds.

However, Winona Rider was very sweet. She can shoplift in my store anytime. I demand an appeal!

Hahaha, my friend and I were talking about her one time, and I said she's such a klepto that she stole my heart! hahahaha... I think her punishment should be having to be my loveslave. :D

funkdaddysmack November-7th-2002 10:53 AM

Originally posted by foxymazda

OHHHHHHHHH The horror!:rolleyes: I wish I had enough money so that I could shoplift and have people want me to be thier loveslaves! lol. :D

Well, I'd be more than willing to make an exception for you, hahaha... I think I'm going to upset a lot of people with that comment :D

I didn't say anything about her money, I just want her hot bod. Although money COULD come in handy I suppose, she must have a lot if she doesn't pay for anything. :laugh:

funkdaddysmack November-7th-2002 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Gro Harlem
freddy got fingered............funny, fucked up, and just plain bad
Along those same lines... Saving harvard or whatever his newest movie is. Tom Green doesn't impress me, I don't think he's funny most of the time.

Brycer79swoman November-8th-2002 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Brycer79
oh god I forgot about grbage pail kids wow thats old and boy did it suck lets see what else


A crack in teh floor

the killer throws a pick axe and you see it go about 5 feet away from teh person to the right or left and next thing you know yup it hits her smack dab in the middle of hte back, and it has slater from saved by the bell.. and the worst part is "so does she smoke? slater or some guy replys "just my beef joint" I laughjed because that was such a retarded line

you know that whole thing about a thousand monkeys at athousand typewriters, well it's not true they all just end up writing a crack in teh floor..

the only way I would ever say watch it is to show people that it really is THAT bad...



onehawaiian November-8th-2002 05:06 PM

To Wong Foo. holy crap that movie should be banned. i got tricked into watching that one... thought it was a undercover cop action movie. i mean c'mon, TuWong Foo? that kinda name has got to be a martial arts flic... damn i was wrong. :eek:

sandman November-8th-2002 05:08 PM

Originally posted by onehawaiian
To Wong Foo. holy crap that movie should be banned. i got tricked into watching that one... thought it was a undercover cop action movie. i mean c'mon, TuWong Foo? that kinda name has got to be a martial arts flic... damn i was wrong. :eek:
LOL.. then you'll probably not want to watch the original (and far better) - Priscilla Queen of the Desert! No sign of martial arts in that one!

sucker.. :p

igdrasil November-8th-2002 07:03 PM

Mars Attacks

David November-9th-2002 08:28 PM

shakes the clown
johny tooth pick
99% of movies made between "70 & "84.
the man who know to little.

onehawaiian November-9th-2002 11:42 PM

okay, these movies ppl need to stay away from:

-to wong foo bastards! :mad:
-battlefield earth
-dune (not the original, the stupid follw-up one)

please ppl, do not:
a) rent these movies
b) buy these movies
c) watch these movies (except to wong foo cause i want other ppl to go thru the same crap)

stocker November-9th-2002 11:52 PM

I know I am gonna get flamed for this one, it's not the worst movie ever made, but I was bored stiff. Had to turn it off.
'Thin Red Line"
Hmm lets see how many famous people we can put in a movie and not have them do anything. That freaking movie just won't end.

Oh worst movie I paid for in the theatre was "Event Horizen" Worst rental was Thou Shall not Kill" Lame vietnam war movie. So lame it should have been put out of its misery.

mnkyboy November-10th-2002 06:49 AM

Anyone post this movie yet?

"Idle Hands"

Only thing good about that movie, Jessica Albas ass at the end of the movie. :D

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