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sandman April-30th-2002 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Sweedenhouse
Where can I sign to be a manaic, who's a bit whack, on planet Stasiak?!?!

You hail from planet Stasiak?
The man's a maniac!
Time after time,
That man can rhyme!
He's pretty good on the mic
what's not like
about a guy whos mad whack
from planet called stasiak?

Seriously tho - I see this guy going a long way. His gimmick is hilarius and he's not too bad on the mat either. He's jobbing like crazy right now, but it's all good. It's funny to watch. Like last weeks 1 second match against who was it.. Regal?

Thanks for the props on the avatar.. I'm glad I finally have enough posts to get one! :D

Sweedenhouse April-30th-2002 03:02 PM

Yeah dude, Regal knocked his loopy ass out with the power of the punch. But I gotta agree I like this angle for Stasiak much better than when he was "Meat", you remember that?

Oh and ZoomZoomH has a sweet avatar too....."Wanna get high?", "Don't forget to bring a towel"

ZoomZoomH April-30th-2002 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Sweedenhouse
Oh and ZoomZoomH has a sweet avatar too....."Wanna get high?", "Don't forget to bring a towel"
hehe thanks, next week, TIMMMMY!

Identity_X April-30th-2002 03:23 PM

Pigs was a movie I fell asleep 3 times while watching..

anything with DMX sucks......Stegen Sagal (sp?) too....
Desert Heat or something like that with Van Dick(:D ) too....

oh man..........I hate watching bad movies........I fall asleep....wake up.......and it's still the same boring crap.......:mad:

Deceptipro April-30th-2002 03:32 PM

Don't know what my "worst movie of all time" would be, but the worst movie of 2001:

A Knight's Tale

That movie was painful to watch. Intellectually, mentally, and physically.

The Wedding Planner is a close second.

onehawaiian April-30th-2002 03:55 PM

um anybody seen to wong foo? aaaagh! okay, altho the acting was good with snipes, leguziamo, and swayze, i sat thru the whole movie thinking "wtf? dude, just get up and walk out. get up right now, and walk out. dude, walk out." my friend and his wife had to apologize to me the whole way home cause they thought it was an "action/martial arts" flic. :squint:

worst movie? crap i wouldn't know since i try to purge my mind of all that sorta sh!t... oh wait, that one with john ritter and the kid...damn, what was the name of that dumb@ss movie, where he adopts the kid, and the kid is a pain in the @ss blah blah blah? yeah, well that one. and all the ones that followed. nothing saved those movies- not hot chicks. no sex. nothing.

sandman April-30th-2002 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Sweedenhouse
Yeah dude, Regal knocked his loopy ass out with the power of the punch. But I gotta agree I like this angle for Stasiak much better than when he was "Meat", you remember that?

Oh and ZoomZoomH has a sweet avatar too....."Wanna get high?", "Don't forget to bring a towel"

Just barely.. I was JUST getting into wrestling as meat was disappearing from the spotlight...

Remember Regals other (dumb) gimmicks? The man's man? He had hilarius commercials, but that's about as far is it went..

Mp3Angel April-30th-2002 04:05 PM

Originally posted by onehawaiian
um anybody seen to wong foo? aaaagh! okay, altho the acting was good with snipes, leguziamo, and swayze, i sat thru the whole movie thinking "wtf? dude, just get up and walk out. get up right now, and walk out. dude, walk out." my friend and his wife had to apologize to me the whole way home cause they thought it was an "action/martial arts" flic. :squint:

LMAO!! :rofl: I remember me and my mom tricked my dad into watching about 5 mins. of that movie by telling him it would be like Jackie Chan lol.
Afterwards he went to his workshop for a couple of hours to play with power tools, rev up his Mustang, and console himself with manly things in general :rolleyes:

eeterp April-30th-2002 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Deceptipro
The Wedding Planner is a close second.
the only thing keeping that movie going was J Lo's fine a$$

Summer of Sam is the worst movie I saw in a theater and The Ninth Gate had the biggest anit-climax of any movie I've seen. The Horse Whisperer was really awful too. It's well over 3 hours long and there is no dialogue in the first 15 minutes or so.

leungwingkei April-30th-2002 06:37 PM

Movies can't be too bad if they have hot girls and "action" in it.:D
Too bad F and F had none.

Chumpman April-30th-2002 07:46 PM

I can't believe all that and no one mentioned "BATTLEFIELD EARTH"!!!! (either that or i missed it! :P ) that movie SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUCKED!!! I'm the kinda person who'll normally sit through really bad movies in the hopes that they'll get better as they go on... but DAMN!!! i just had to kill this one after 20mins!!!

mazda disciple April-30th-2002 11:40 PM

Come on now Ator the fighting warrior was pretty bad and it was on mst3k too so you know it was BAD !!!!!!

onehawaiian May-1st-2002 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Chumpman
I can't believe all that and no one mentioned "BATTLEFIELD EARTH"!!!! (either that or i missed it! :P ) that movie SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUCKED!!! I'm the kinda person who'll normally sit through really bad movies in the hopes that they'll get better as they go on... but DAMN!!! i just had to kill this one after 20mins!!!
daaaaaaaamn that movie sucked!!! i think i still have that on dvd. i ignored my friend's warning and bought it anyways. yeah, i gotta go with that as the WORST movie ever... :eek:

mnkyboy May-1st-2002 12:40 AM

Originally posted by onehawaiian

daaaaaaaamn that movie sucked!!! i think i still have that on dvd. i ignored my friend's warning and bought it anyways. yeah, i gotta go with that as the WORST movie ever... :eek:

You buy dvds before watching the movie? I usuallyy buy dvds only for the movies that I love, and would watch more than once. I never saw Battlefield Earth, but I like John Travolta. Ive heard bad things about the movie, but I may watch it sometime in the future.

onehawaiian May-1st-2002 02:02 AM

Originally posted by mnkyboy
You buy dvds before watching the movie? I usuallyy buy dvds only for the movies that I love, and would watch more than once. I never saw Battlefield Earth, but I like John Travolta. Ive heard bad things about the movie, but I may watch it sometime in the future.
dude, DON'T DO IT!!! that movie suuuuucked royal @ss!

yeah, i'm a dvd fiend. sometimes i don't think a movie will be worth my gas into town or the 7 bones, so i wait for the dvd. that way for 15-20 duckets,, i can watch it as many times as i want...or not. i buy all kinds of dvds just so i can blow money. i still have movies on my shelf that i haven't opened/watched yet. maybe oneday. all my friends come over to borrow movies, but i should make membership cards or something so i can charge them rental :p

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