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onehawaiian May-6th-2002 01:35 AM

cool as ice- i actually thought it was an okay movie... :eek: "haggle with him, may..." ha ha ha and the dance moves in the beginning were pretty cool (or was it at the end?) it was a very surprising movie.

but i don't like the ice-ster. i don't hate him either tho...

proto- i'm with ya on battlefield earth. that one sucked royal @ss! :mad:

Mp3Angel May-6th-2002 07:42 AM

Originally posted by onehawaiian
cool as ice- i actually thought it was an okay movie... :eek: "haggle with him, may..." ha ha ha and the dance moves in the beginning were pretty cool (or was it at the end?) it was a very surprising movie.

I never knew there even WAS a Vanilla Ice movie... and neither do I ever care to watch it :rolleyes: I'm sorry but I thought he was ridiculous back when he was "popular" lol... You should do a search on Saturday Night Live and pull up Jim Carrey's interpretation of him, it's classic! :D

Don't know about y'all but I think Eminem is going to be in the same boat in a few years... dumb forgotten-about white boy :rolleyes:

mnkyboy May-6th-2002 07:57 AM

Originally posted by protetype
and battlefield earth has got to be the dumbest fucking movie. i'm still pissed off that I paid to see it in the theatre.
Damn, if this movie is as bad as everyone here is saying, i might just rent it!! LOL I am a big John Travolta fan, was he bad in the movie, or just the movie itself?

mixmaster_matt May-6th-2002 09:15 AM

Anything with vanilla ice in it has to be good. C'mon now, everyone was down with ICE,ICE, BABY! Kick it one more time, boyyyyyyyyyy!

protetype May-6th-2002 01:02 PM

Originally posted by mnkyboy

Damn, if this movie is as bad as everyone here is saying, i might just rent it!! LOL I am a big John Travolta fan, was he bad in the movie, or just the movie itself?

Generally, I'm a huge Travolta fan myself... but this movie is even below "Michael" and I can't believe John even took the role in this movie. It seriously sucked ass, as did his part in it.

azrakain May-6th-2002 05:16 PM

battle field earth was a great movie if you read the book. It was so true to the book its crazy. I have never seen a movie that followed a book so closely.

onehawaiian May-6th-2002 05:54 PM

Originally posted by azrakain
battle field earth was a great movie if you read the book. It was so true to the book its crazy. I have never seen a movie that followed a book so closely.
aaah, but most often times, books are better. movies have a hard time with budget, cast, time etc. to convey everything that the book has to offer. the movie just plain sucked.

mp3angel- yeah, that was in living color. i had all their videos! it looked pretty cool at first tho. :p

mnkyboy- go rent it. then come back here and post. lol wait, if it's still sitting on my shelf, you can have my dvd! (minus s/h of course)

mp4life May-6th-2002 06:55 PM

Lose the zero, and get with the hero.... ahh classic, i was thinking of putting that down earlier, but then i decided it belonged in the other movie thread

Sweden's probable right about me not understanding City of Lost Children. I couldnt have been more the like 13 or so when i saw it, and didnt have the patience to sit thro it... Altho i doubt i would now, it was painfully slow

You guys hating on Dude Where's My Car probably didnt understand it, i thought it was halerious, guess you have to be a teenager...

There was some movie about this football player who was blind and a paralyzed guy and they went white water rafting that sucked... a lot... thankfully i cant remember the name, it might bring back more repressed memories of scenes ive forgotten...

Umm there was another utterly painful one but i cant remember it... maybe it'll come to me later

Mp3Angel May-7th-2002 01:02 PM

Originally posted by onehawaiian

mp3angel- yeah, that was in living color. i had all their videos! it looked pretty cool at first tho. :p

LoL thanks, grrr at myself! Seems like I always forget that he was on In Living Color

Makaveli May-8th-2002 03:31 AM

People, I thought that Rat Race was excellent......... very funny, especially the Hitler part.

In any case..... Driven's the worst car movie I've ever seen.... one of the worst movies in general..... the guy goes from last to first in a race...... but that's not the bad part. The bad part is that him AND the other guy are doing it at the same time. When was the last time that you saw two guys passing formula 1s at the SAME time? Disgusting....

The Faculty (I think that's what it was called) was so bad that I couldn't watch it past 7 minutes in........

mnkyboy May-8th-2002 12:02 PM

Originally posted by onehawaiian

mnkyboy- go rent it. then come back here and post. lol wait, if it's still sitting on my shelf, you can have my dvd! (minus s/h of course)

:rofl: Keep it! Every collection has to have a "worst" movie in it :bt:

arl240 November-6th-2002 05:20 PM

My order as it stands currently (after being forced to watch one of the following movies b/c I lost a bet to my girlfriend):

3. Anaconda - there was 6 of us at the lake staring at each other for an hour and a half with the old "WTF?" look. We more or less dictated the method and person who would get killed next. So cookie cutter it hurt. Though we were laughing our asses off at all the cliches and "twists" - OMG there are 2 snakes - incredible! Cube held that movie together, just cuz he is a cool mother.

2. White Oleander - this recently displaced Anaconda at second worst. I even payed full price to be subjected to this mental kick-in-da-balz. It dragged on and on and on and you don't give two cents worth about the characters, and there was no ending and blah blah blah......Even my girlfriend (who loves those crappy movies) was talking during the film. That was the only fun part, us and the six other couples ripping into the film for the last hour. Yech.

1. House on Haunted Hill - Worst movie ever. Not scary or shocking, only confusing. The friggin ghosts in the film switch how they look and behave 50 bloody times. The only part i really liked was the last bit when they were running in the hallway. That is when the props guys found out they had an unused exploding hallway in the back shop and insisted that it be used, as it will rot if they don't. Worst movie ever.

brogeflog November-6th-2002 06:36 PM

Mr. Deeds.

However, Winona Rider was very sweet. She can shoplift in my store anytime. I demand an appeal!

blackp5sdp November-6th-2002 06:41 PM

anyone see Kung Pow?? i usually can laugh at the ,"airplane, hotshots, naked gun,top secret, etc." type movies,, but kung pow was F@%$ing STUPID... and not funny stupid either,, like freddy got fingered stupid.

sandman November-6th-2002 09:37 PM

Originally posted by blackp5sdp
anyone see Kung Pow?? i usually can laugh at the ,"airplane, hotshots, naked gun,top secret, etc." type movies,, but kung pow was F@%$ing STUPID... and not funny stupid either,, like freddy got fingered stupid.
wtf.. you liked mallrats!! How could you not like kung pow!?!? Sure, they're not even the same caliber, but hey, I had to get my mallrats plug in somehow!

That movie was MAD Funny man.. I expect a backlash, but i'm sure I've watched it at LEAST 20 times and it gets funnier every time i watch it..

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