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drinkin stories...

Old February-26th-2003, 09:27 PM
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drinkin stories...

well, just because i am drunk and wanna know....lets hear some of your best drinkin stories of the past...
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Old February-27th-2003, 08:19 AM
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We were playing quarter bounce about 2 weeks ago and one of my friends accidentally swallowed the quarter!! Here he is trying to puke it back up.
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Old February-27th-2003, 03:17 PM
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ok this story of mine happened a couple of weeks ago

it was first period of school.... i had a spare.... so me and a friend decide to get a mikky each. so we picked up 2 mikkies of bacardi each... and i chug mine down in about 2 - 3 minutes... we had no time... he chugged about half of his. I finished mine. so we get back to school, second period about to start... i walk into class (the bacardi hadn't effected me yet) i sit down, and about 10 mins latter i was like confused... i was leaning halfway outta my desk.. another friend of mine is like "YO SIT STRAIGHT, YOU DUN WANNA GET CAUGHT"
den he tells me to read the book (English class) that we are reading... and well i couldn't even read the first sentence without losing concentration... period ends... i stumble outta class... and well i was cracking up jks at everyone... I'll go up to someoone and be like... "YOU LOOK LIKE A ***" and well.. no one let me go to the rest of my classes, and i'm like I HAVE TO GO.... and **** liek that.... everyone was holding me back from going to class and ****. and then i was cracking jks all day long and ****....

well you had to have been there to see how funny it was.

well theres a drunk story of mine for you
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Old February-27th-2003, 06:29 PM
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The second or third drunkest I've ever been.
I was 17, it was I dunno, August 1997 or so. I went to Mosport with my brother one of his friends and one of my friends.
I didn't have alot of cash so all I really had for alcohol the whole weekend was a 2 litre bottle of cider about 7% alcohol. THATS IT. We got to Mosport around 11:30 am on the Friday. We cracked our drinksas soon as we got in to the park, got to the campsite and set up our stuff. about 12:30 I was finished the whole bottle and completely wasted. My brother and his friend were gone bacause they were Race Marshalls and had to go to the paddock to sign in. So it was just me and my friend Ryan at the site. He gave me a couple shots of Southern Comfort and we smoked a couple joints which I also had.
We were sitting in this big tent on one of the bench seats that we had taken out of the van, when suddenly, I decided to keel overand land on the ground. I rolled on to my stomach and had that "feeling". I tried to stand but I was too drunk. I tried to crawl but I was too drunk. finally I just kinda dragged myself out of the tent and up to the spectator fence. Managed to sit up and puked. After I was done that I just laid back where I was and passed out. I don't know how long but only for a bit. I dragged myself back to the tent, tried to get back on the seat. I made it but promptly (like 2 seconds later) fell off again. I got the "feeling" once again, and tried to walk out of the tent, too drunk, tried to crawl, too drunk. dragged myself out of the tent and back to my old spot. Sat up, puked in he same spot. Laid back and passed out, this time for a good long while because there were cars going around the track. It started raining and I was just pased out on the ground.
For the love of **** that rain felt good. I opened my eyes once and there were other people around us a few were looking at me passed out because it was raining and no later than 130 in the afternoon and I was passed out drunk.
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Old February-28th-2003, 02:04 PM
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hmmm drunk stories...

haha well this one time i was at my friend sara party and it started out as a get together with like 10 we are all just chillin and i had promised my mom i wouldnt drink that night, and i was trying realllllly hard..but i ended up just taking sips of other peoples drinks and i never actually had one of my own..but eventually i was drunk...(keep in mind im a very big lightweight.) So as the night continues more and more people are showing up..and sara is already wasted so she isnt making people leave..she is just kept saying the more the merrier..but anyways back to my story..there was this one chick ashley there who was really pissing me off, she was going up to all the guys and being like "do you think im ugly?" and stupid **** like that and so all the guys were trying to make her feel better and **** i went looking for her to make sure she was ok, cuz she was wayyyyy too drunk, and i find her downstairs alone with this one guy who i had been jockin that i start yelling at her about how pathetic she is...then she yells back at me "its not my ****** fault yur ugly!" i was sooo pissed off i just started after her, but as i was running across the room two guys who had come down when we were yelling at eachother grab me and are holding me back from beating the **** out of this girl...i was so mad and i probably looked like a complete ***...well me and ashley are friends now haha....

then there was this other time that i had gotten high before going to one of our football i had smoked like a bowl before the game and then took a few more hits in the car in the school parking i walk into the game with my friend jenny, and we see our other friend tiffani who had transferred schools, she was there with her parents watching her little brother on the JV team...she waves us to come over and i really didnt want to go sit by her and her parents cuz her dad is a cop...and i was soooo faded so when we walked over there i tried not to make eye contact with sure they noticed but eventually i just walked was really funny.
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Old February-28th-2003, 03:24 PM
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It was Fourth of July in Santa Cruz. Anyone who has been here for the 4th will tell you. Stay away from the beach after 10pm! It turns into a war-zone.
Sooo- My then girlfriend gets a limo for about 8 of us so we don't have to worry about DUIs, etc. We're cruising around with a bunch of alcohol and weed; smoking, drinking and HECKLING everyone. After a few bottles & doobies, we decided to cruise down by the Boardwalk(an amusement park right ON the beach). It was PACKED. Roman Candles and Bottle rockets everywhere. We're sitting in dead stopped traf-****, pickled-drunk, heckling anyone who will listen, when my friend spots some poor cop, all alone, on the fourth of July beach beat, trying to restore some sense of order among all the drunkards. "Hey Officer!" my friend yells, and then he stands up through the sun-roof, turns around, drops his pants, and gives the cop the 'ol "pig-in-a-blanket"!(use your imagination).
The cop just SNAPPED! He ran over to the (oblivious)driver and dragged him out of the car first, and cuffed him. Then all of us, 1 by1. All cuffed, sitting on the curb, in front of the Boardwalk, on the 4th of July in front of thousands of people. Once he found the pot, we knew we were chapped. So we all blamed it on Chris(pig-in-a-blanket boy), and off he went to the cooler. Poor guy, Chris has got the classic "little man"complex, so he put up a pretty good fight, the cop used pepper-spray, the whole nine yards. Remember, this is in front of like 5000 rocket-shooting people on fourth of july. It wasn't funny at the time!

Last edited by eggynatey; February-28th-2003 at 03:26 PM.
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Old March-1st-2003, 04:38 AM
Ive got that funny feelin
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12 shots of Tequlia... puked in a running AC unit... puke came back up in my face.... passed out in my own vomit beside the ac unit. Woke up hugging the thing like it was some hot girl.
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Old March-1st-2003, 09:51 AM
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n/m happy stories only, lol
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Old March-3rd-2003, 04:18 PM
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For the most part girls are complete dumb asses that don't know how to hold their alcohol and do stupid stuff like you so wonderfully described, giving those females with half a brain and males more ammunition to knock down the female population. I should probably be nice and give props for you girls becoming friends though.
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Old March-3rd-2003, 05:53 PM
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Old March-3rd-2003, 06:28 PM
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Originally posted by Chastan
n/m happy stories only, lol
What could be happier times then waking up in your own Tequila vomit hugging an air-conditioner?
....So, Trexpro, did the thing kick down? Did ya score?
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Old March-3rd-2003, 08:20 PM
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Just this last Saturday went with some friends up to Ames. We started off at paddy’s in campus town. Yeah not much going on there so we headed across the street to Welch ave. pub. Where I got serious. it felt like I was doing more poring of beer then drinking. Mmmmm it taste soooo good once it touches your lips. Kicked some *** in darts. Some girl came up to me but I was drunk to understand what she was talking about. Damit!!!! After finishing off 4 pitchers there to myself. We headed somewhere else. I decide I wanted to run down the alley. Yeah not a good idea hit some ice and almost flipped backwards. My friend was behind me and said it just looked like someone closed line me. Then we got there we all line up at the bar. Everyone places their order. She asked me what I wanted. I told her a pitcher. She then asked me how many glasses. I told her one or a long straw. She then proceeded to make me a long straw and passed the pitcher. All this time I had my head resting one of these lighting things. So I got my pitcher and we headed over to one of the pool tables. Where I decide it was a good idea to paint my face with pool chock. Put white chock all over my face and blue at the tip of my nose. And was doing play by play with the chock on the side of the table. We left at 1:45am so we could hit hy-vee to pick up 2 cases. All 6 of use piled into my car. I wasn’t driving of course sitting in the back. Then someone decide to throw my gorilla that I have in the back out of the car. I’ve had this think forever. Told them that I was going back. They parked at the store and I took off running. 3 blocks and across the parking lot to go get it. By the time I got there my friend had come around with my car. Turned of the flashers and stopped traffic. I grabbed it and dove into the back seat. Went back to hy-vee. Went inside the turned around after all this running was settling vary well. Right out the front door I let it go threw up in the corner. We got back into the car and drove to someones house. We sat back and played some cards and then passed out a 6am. Not my best story but right now cant remember any other one.
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Old March-3rd-2003, 08:45 PM
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This didn't happen to me brother in law and his friend go out this past New Year's and party at some club. My brother in law leaves early and his freind stays behind with some chick he met. He feels he has to puke so he leaves the girl on the dance floor and heads to the bathroom. The next thing he knows is he's on the floor in a small dark room. He feels around and finds a door handle and when he comes out he's been in a closet STILL in the club at 9:00am the next morning. Everybody's gone....door's locked and he has break out of the club through the back door. To make it worse the poor guy has to walk 30 mins across town with puke stained clothes.
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Old March-3rd-2003, 09:54 PM
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Alright, I just had to share this story of mine from a couple months back, sorry if it's a little on the long side.

A friend invited me to go to Northwestern Univ to party for the night. I wouldn't know anyone there, but I figured it'd be fun. We went all over town and I kept drinking a shitload and also buying drinks for this ...umm... not so hot chick that was in our group. We finally end up at this bar where I start dancing and grabbing girls asses. I only vaguely remember the rest, but I found a booth with the girl and start making out like crazy. The next thing I know, I'm walking down the street in the rain, alone. I couldn't figure out what I was doing, so I sat down in the entry-way of some business, then lean over and fall asleep. Some time later I open my eyes and realize there's a lot of cars going by. I hear this deep voice say, "does this look familiar?" I turn to look and then it really hits me: I'm in a car...a cop car. This cop is looking at me funny and I just say, "no." I'm in the front seat so I'm not too worried and just go back to staring out of the window. Finally, I tell him to just drop me off and i'll figure out what to do. Mind you, I've never been to this town and I'm completely lost. I go to a hotel and call my friend. Turns out it's like 4am and I'd been gone for 3-4 hours. They were only a block away at Burger King. They had just given up looking for me, so they were pretty pissed off.

Still haven't filled in all the blanks, just glad no one mugged me.
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Old March-4th-2003, 09:42 AM
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Mine was during Halloween last year in Lincoln. It was me and two of my buddies. I went as Captain Morgan, my friend went as Peepers (Chris Kattans monkey character from SNL) and my other buddy went as a cockNballs. He made up a giant paper mache (sorry, don't know how to spell that) costume that was a long tan colored tube that fit around his whole body. He had arm holes cut in it, and strapped two balloons to his wrists. He then took some brown ribbons and curled them up and stuck them all over his costume (short and curly effect). Anyway, we were at a party at some house when the cops busted it. We took off running down the back alleyway and I was a couple of yards behind laughing so hard watching a drunk monkey and a really drunk ***** running down the alley. What made it so good was the fact that the guy dressed in the ***** costume made it so he couldn't really run without his knees breaking his costume. I guess you had to be there, but that was funny as hell.
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