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We can't handle the truth

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Old June-8th-2006, 08:59 PM
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I guess the thought of a conspiracy behind 9/11 is a bit too intimidating. I know our gov't has the technology to launch travel thru the roof! But that might not be such a good idea. But our dependence on foreign oil needs to end.
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Old June-8th-2006, 11:37 PM
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I watched something called "Loose change" which was something about 9-11.
its all very convincing.
all makes perfect sense..
its creepy..
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Old June-9th-2006, 08:01 PM
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Yeah i originally heard about the whole thing on the radio. It was kind of like some type of conservative broadcast. Yes. It is creepy...
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Old June-9th-2006, 10:11 PM
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Originally Posted by ghettopro
I watched something called "Loose change" which was something about 9-11.
its all very convincing.
all makes perfect sense..
its creepy..
Yeah, that's probably the best "conspiracy" video I've seen...The one about the truth from that first link is from that....It's like two hours long, but worth it!
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Old June-10th-2006, 09:16 AM
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But then what? It's good to know it could have happened that way, but what are we supposed to do about it? Wait until it happens again to the American people? That's my problem. What happens now? What can we do to stop terrorism from within??
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Old June-10th-2006, 10:33 AM
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My opinion.
Tryint to stop "Terrorism/Terrorist" is like trying to destroy a religion.
appearantly there are way too many on the inside and too many followers and stuff like to to actually stop it.
there would just be more people who follow what has already been done.
(If that makes any sense at all)
but thats how I see it.

unless we take over the army and destroy every bit of our own government and rebuild our own system.
then try again.
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Old June-10th-2006, 03:36 PM
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Haha right. Just like the Russians. Or rather, the former USSRians!
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Old July-7th-2006, 09:35 PM
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Another example: anyone ever heard of chem trails?
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Old July-8th-2006, 12:04 PM
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THat loose change video is HILARIOUS, notice how when they "cite" their sources, they show, A, document, I have been using photoshop for 3 months and i could make a fake government document.

Beleive me i am not saying our government is trash, it basically is. But come on, the fact that they identified the hijacker by his passport that fell out of the plane? well the hijacker had to have bought a ticket correct? So they already had his information...

There is so much **** in that video that if not thought through, seems VERY convincing, but If you have a triple digit IQ and have a functional brain, you can disprove almost everything they say.

Such as the "detonations" going off, below where the building is collapsing.
-Think about how many pounds are falling at 9.8m/s (give or take from wind resistance) it's simple Physics, A building is basically a semi enclosed tube (SEMI, because of windows) So what happens when you drop an object which the sides are air tight to the sides of a tube, down said enclosed tube? It stops before the bottom! Because of something We like to call air pressure!

So, those "detonations" were caused by the pressure of the tens of thousands of pounds of steel and whatnot free falling down the building.

I have never taken a physics class in my life and I can figure that one out, come on guys, dont fall for this conspiracy bullshit. 9/11 is something we may never know what happened, most likely all the information we are searching for will surface in about 40 years and no one will care at that point.

Please refresh my memory of some of the other stuff they say it was awhile since i watched that video.
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Old July-9th-2006, 12:32 AM
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You can disagree with the government all you want but to think for a moment that they would kill thousands of their own people is ludicris.

Every facet of the conspiricy surrounding 9/11 can be disproved using science. Go to this link and read the truth.
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Old July-9th-2006, 01:12 AM
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I don't think 9-11 was a conspiracy...that would have to be messed up beyond a whole lot of stuff for people in our government to sign of on the deaths of 1000s of people like that. I still say there is a bunch of motivation to defend our nation from these terrorists because they freaking murdered a bunch of us (US citizens).

Though, in an article read to me today in the Oregonian (like the ny times, la times, a main news media), that the terror plot in NY that was stopped--those politicians who knew--some called the incoming info a threat and monitored it while the opposing group ( of politicians) threw that idea in the trash because they didn't want a victory (in whatever form) for their opponents. Read between the lines and basically you have a group of people put their selfishness and political well being over the lives of A) their constituants (read: big deal), but much more importantly B) normal people (even bigger deal). I wonder about their respect for the incredible value of human life. That chain of thoughts and events is pretty messed up stuff. Though it may seem like I just disproved my earlier claim, note that this recent event is in the face of the current political state...a much more intense state than pre 9-11 (relative to this issue of protection/foreign policy). My thoughts.
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Old July-11th-2006, 11:55 AM
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WOW, I hope non of you really think our government had anything to do with this.
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Old July-11th-2006, 09:40 PM
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Okay. You've finally spoken, those who believe that something like this wasn't "allowed". BTW don't forget about Pearl Harbour and how our intel at the time knew about an impending attack. Face it. We WANTED to be in the war that time but had no way of butting in. We are the police of the world whether you like to admit it or not. 9/11 -God bless the souls of the innocent that were lost- was used as motivation for the whole "war on terror" and we the people supported that notion. And although i believe the world is a better place w/o Sadaam and his sons, tell me what did they have to do with 9/11? Why are we still there in Iraq?? (Support our troops!) Funny i thought OsamaBL did not get along with or hated sadaam. Isn't he after all the mastermind behind the attack?? Look, I love my country and believe it to be the greatest in the world but i simply feel that things are not what they always appear to be.
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Old July-11th-2006, 09:41 PM
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I'm not implying direct involvement or colaboration on the part of the government; but more along the lines of indifferent/not minding/looking the other way (perhaps intentionally). Personal motives can and do cloud judgement in regards to other people, and I think there was a certain amount of that involved in this case (of this recent ny subway/tunnel issue). People can see the benefit of some victory happening, but forget or not want to think of any of the negative reprocussions that occured to get them there. They see the end, but perhaps neglect the means.

Understand that I'm not bagging on the government here or saying they're complete garbage (they do do a lot of stuff to keep this country running fairly smoothly, they were at least willing to step up to that plate of responsibility, and I am thankful for that). There's junk that goes on both sides, and it does bother me that they do get caught up with their agenda and not focus on the betterment of everybody (but rather their party or whatever). I don't need everything lovey-dovey in there, I just like teamwork and self evaluation/correction in keeping on the path of the benefit of everyone (everyone is an obviously idealistic term, but you know what I'm getting at). I think it's the question of "what's the motivation behind all this." It can reveal a lot.
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Old July-12th-2006, 07:33 AM
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If there were any shred of evidence that our own government had anything to do with the 911 attacks it would have been found and the people killed. Yet instead of finding any they (the Bush haters) ended up making themselves look more ignorant then they used to. Every one that thinks this administration went to war for oil is just as ignorant. None of these people need money, nor are their families ever going to need money.

Look at people like Mr. Moore and his 911 movie. If this BIG Bush hater really thought that his movie had any real evidence then why charge to see it? It’s not like he couldn’t afford to make it. He saw a way to make a quick buck off of the gullible people that listen to trash like this. They feed off of the insecurities of the American public, and you are one of them.

As far as our government needing a reason to go to war with Iraq. We could have went just because of the fact that Sadaam never followed the United Nations sanctions that was imposed on him 10 yrs before. Bill Clinton should have done this along time ago. I feel Clintons world views and policies are directly responsible for the attacks and how the world views us. The USA is a super power and because of this we have taken on the task of being a world policing agent. If we wanted to start a war on terror we could have done that with out the oil. And to think that oil is the main reason behind the war is just plain stupid. If you believe that you obviously don’t now squat about oil and the refineries. We have more oil here in the US and out in our waters and in our soil then any of you know. If the oil company’s wanted to make a killing we would not buy foreign oil and focus on drilling our own. The reason we buy foreign oil is because it’s cheaper then having to drill or mine ours. But don’t take my word for it, and don’t just sit there and copy and past links off of sites that bias to one side of the part line. Call on some of the oil companies. Do some real research. My father spent 35+ yrs in the energy field. I’ve had a little experience.
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