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Old August-4th-2002, 09:48 PM
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Originally posted by Smedly



Funny no one has made comments of my link yet....

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Old August-5th-2002, 07:54 AM
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This is an old religious war--I doubt anyone will convince anyone else here, but just in case:

Virtually every independent study (that is, not run by Apple or a PC company/Micro$oft) that's been done on productivity and total cost of ownership shows that in the long run, Macs are cheaper and more productive. Lower support costs are a big part of this.

Of course, at home most people don't incur this because they support themselves. Well, I have better things to do than take apart my computer (though I can if I need to, I almost never do).

I also refuse to support Micro$oft's monopolistic business practices, and the fact that M$ products like XP send all kinds of information back to Micro$soft whether you want them to or not. (In fact, at the NASA installation where my wife works they won't certify XP for this reason.)

The only argument for a PC that ever sounded good to me was that it was easier to get "under the hood" to dink around, but with OS X that's no longer true and the "under the hood" is Unix, not DOS, which is a huge improvement.
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Old August-5th-2002, 08:36 AM
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Originally posted by sunbyrne
The only argument for a PC that ever sounded good to me was that it was easier to get "under the hood" to dink around, but with OS X that's no longer true and the "under the hood" is Unix, not DOS, which is a huge improvement.
Windows 2000/XP is not based on DOS anymore, not since Windows ME I think. While I have not used OS X yet, I hear its a great operating system. And I'm sure it is. But being an IT person myself, I can appreciate the avalibility of software for PCs, and the stability (yes, stability) of Windows 2000. I don't think Windows is all that bad, it's just people don't know how to properly configure there systems to not run like garbage. Apple's are good an all, but I'll stick with my windows and linux, thanks.
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Old August-5th-2002, 12:59 PM
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Originally posted by funkdaddysmack
(yes, stability) of Windows 2000.
While I have not used the latest versions of Windows for extended periods of time, in my experience "stability" and "Windows" just don't go together.

Originally posted by funkdaddysmack
I don't think Windows is all that bad, it's just people don't know how to properly configure there systems to not run like garbage.
That's the problem. Windows runs like garbage unless you are skilled enough to configure it not to. Right out of the box, the Mac is the most stable, user friendly machine...IMO
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Old August-5th-2002, 01:08 PM
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Originally posted by Smedly

While I have not used the latest versions of Windows for extended periods of time, in my experience "stability" and "Windows" just don't go together.

Well, that's just your problem... You haven't, so how can you say? I'm not downing OS X, in fact I'm praising it because I hear it IS very good. Don't judge a book by it's cover. I love Windows 2000, and I'm sure a lot of people can agree with me.

The only reason windows runs like garbage is people loading **** on their computers that they'll never use. i.e. gator and all that spyware resource killing ****. Everytime I look at someone's home PC that has any types of problems, they all have like freaking 15 things running in their system tray at the same time... If I designed windows, I'd take most of that crap out of there.
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Old August-5th-2002, 02:34 PM
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Originally posted by funkdaddysmack
Well, that's just your problem... You haven't, so how can you say?
I CAN say because I have been using PC's since the early 80's and I know the difference. I didn't want this thread to turn into this. It all depends on what you're going to use your computer for. Apple's are VERY good at what they do and PC's are good for writing papers.

"And that's all I have to say about that"
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Old August-5th-2002, 07:39 PM
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Originally posted by Smedly

I CAN say because I have been using PC's since the early 80's and I know the difference. I didn't want this thread to turn into this. It all depends on what you're going to use your computer for. Apple's are VERY good at what they do and PC's are good for writing papers.

"And that's all I have to say about that"
Damn Mac heads. Anyway somebody forgot to mention that most games, productivity software, and hardware is designed for the PC. Do I have to mention who invented the PCI and AGP busses? Hmmmm..... Was it.... Intel? Do I have to mention that the only way Macintosh could have a good OS is to build it off of Linux (I know that Linux is a derivative of Unix, don't wanna hear it)? Linux is a great operating system but what Macintosh did to it was a joke. Windows 2000 was the first real Microsoft operating system, its stable, and extremely fast. I wonder what you Mac guys think now that a lot of the graphics world is actually moving over to Wintel workstations? Where they can take advantage of AGP pro and other amazing technologies. Sorry but I think people who use Mac's were either:

A. Too retarded to figure out Linux.
B. Too stupid to learn how to use Windows.

Look at their newest commercials. We are the computer for idiots that can only click one mouse button.
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Old August-5th-2002, 10:26 PM
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Wow, this is ALWAYS a fun subject to get into.

I personally have used and maintenance both types and both have their advantages, yet neither is better.

AMD is an excellent processor, and I would not be surprised if Apple picked them up. This would be hard to do because of the Triad contract between Apple, Motorolla, and IBM. I'm not sure how easily Apple could pull out of this. This has been a rumor for so many years, it's not even funny. Funkdaddysmack, I have yet to click on your link, but i'm sure the results are quite shocking. Quite frankly I really don't believe for a second that a P4 could beat a G4, but I will read. OS X IS an excellent operating system and will be even better once that rid it of all of its bugs. It doesn't have many, but there are a few. Natural for a company that is just starting to use the BSD Unix Kernel.

Now in my time as a PC & Mac user I have found ignorance on both sides. Mactavists focus all their hate towards Intel and Microsoft. This is pure ignorance because I'd prefer an AMD and Linux on a PC which is far superiour to Intel and Microsoft. The only excellent chip Intel produces is the Xeon (that's a drooler ). PC-activists are ignorant simply because they have never spent time with a Mac and believe very strongly that just because a processor may have a higher Mhz rating it is obviously faster. This is a horrible way to reason.

I personally have used and maintenance both and LOVE both. I use PC's on a regular basis because i'm a developer, but i'd love to have a Mac.

And the only explanation an Apple salesperson can come up with )which is fed to them btw) is that a Mac comes with a lot of useful pre-loaded software and not junk software(link dell and all those other PC companies). A Mac is ready to capture and manipulate digital video straight out of the box. Very few PC's are, and the ones that are, are more expensive than Macs (i.e. Sony's).

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Old August-6th-2002, 08:05 AM
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Well, I'm going to leave this thread be or there will never be an end to it. If the Mac community loves their computers and hate my PC, so be it, I don't care.

I just hope the Mac owner's don't expect me to love their witty little comercials about how difficult windows PCs are to use
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Old August-6th-2002, 08:27 AM
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yeah, i get a pretty good kick out of those commercials. but like I said I know them both well. I almost became an employee working at one of the Apple stores, but I got a better job as an Information Systems Assistant Manager.

i'm actually trying to get them to buy me a Mac for me to use for little **** like email and web developement. I use my PC for SQL administration and C#/Java developement.
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Old August-6th-2002, 08:42 AM
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Originally posted by kc5zom

Sorry but I think people who use Mac's were either:

A. Too retarded to figure out Linux.
B. Too stupid to learn how to use Windows.
Real nice attitude. "You don't agree with me, so you must be an idiot." Name-calling is a pretty poor argument. I prefer Macs and I am neither "stupid" or "retarded" and I think it's pretty childish for you to say that I am when you don't know me or anything about my skills and background.
I'm perfectly capable of using both Linux and Windows, thank you, but I prefer not to because I'd rather be getting my work done than fighting with a poorly-designed GUI. Oh, and I don't care a whit about games--I spend enough time in front of a computer for work--so that argument doesn't sway me at all. Yes, Windows and Linux have their good points, and I can see that, but they're simply not my choice because I'm more efficient with a Mac.

Clearly, I have different priorities than you. It's very Windows of you to assume that simply having a different perspective makes me an idiot. Nice display of thoughtfulness and open-mindedness.

Now, in terms of technology innovation, you can spout off your list all you want but Apple has always been at least as innovative as Microsoft. Do I have to mention who invented (at least in terms of the consumer market) the mouse, direct manipulation interfaces, Web browsers (the original Mosiac was for the Mac), FireWire, and so on? That argument is a wash.

Oh, and it's "Macs", not "Mac's". If you're going to go around calling other people retarded, at least get your grammar right.

That's enough of this thread--I'll look for one where people can disagree without resorting immediately to name-calling.
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Old August-6th-2002, 08:59 AM
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just a note,

it is a common misconception that Apple invented the mouse or firewire, or the GUI for that matter. I agree completely with what you just said, but that statement is incorrect. Like I said, it's a common misconception and totally excusable.

Hardcore Mactavists believe that Apple invented a lot. During my time in the computer retail business these are the technologies that Mactavists claimed Apple invented:

2) GUI
3) Mouse
4) USB
5) AGP
6) Firewire
7) i forget the name, but the monitor connection on the g4's

again, i agree with what you are saying, but that sentence was a false statement. Just an FYI.
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Old August-6th-2002, 10:19 AM
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Originally posted by Mr_Green

7) i forget the name, but the monitor connection on the g4's
DVI, i think it's digital video interface, not sure though.... It's primarily for LCD monitors, but maybe higher end CRTs use them as well? I dunno.
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Old August-6th-2002, 10:24 AM
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no, it's like DVI, but it's not DVI, i believe it starts with an A, don't perfectly remember though...
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Old August-6th-2002, 02:07 PM
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I don't have a damm clue as to what the hell all you are talking about. There is alot of computer oriented people on this board. I'm not one of them. I don't think this disscussion should come down to name calling because you like a different computer. But what do I know.
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