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Smedly August-2nd-2002 12:05 PM

Just want to find out what type of computer everyone is using and why?

I use a Mac now because of my job (3D Graphics/Animation). But I have been using PC's since the early 80's for games, school work, etc.

Pro_fan August-2nd-2002 12:32 PM

Games, customizability, cheaper parts, parts easier to obtain (IMO), mouse has 2 buttons not 1 (serious...major PITA w/ 1 button), etc, etc.....

5SpeedP5 August-2nd-2002 12:34 PM

lol you callin me crazy biaaattcchhh?

Ever screw with a dual 1ghz G4 machine running Mac OS X.... now thats freakin powerful, and what i use as my main machine at home.... though i bought it exclusively for video editing (final cut pro) and photoshop. i now use it as my main machine surfin the web, email and the whole nine yards, hell microsoft office is better on mac os x imo, than on xp or 2000. but i do own a nice pc that i use quite freaklently.... ahhh damn hang over anyways...

5SpeedP5 August-2nd-2002 12:36 PM

oh, my mac has two damn mouse buttons, actually two and a scroll button, im usin the same microsoft intellimouse (laser) that alot of you guys probably have, Mac OS X supports two button mice natively

mopho August-2nd-2002 01:17 PM

Dual Poccessor G4 Mac and an IBook for photography work
Cheap generic PC for internet and paperwork
Can't say I prefer one system over the other

turbonium959 August-2nd-2002 01:18 PM

Please do not get me wrong, but there is just so much you can do with PC, than Mac. Maybe once I turn 40, and have millions of dollars, then I would not care and perhaps by a Mac. I think it is TOO simple, and Apple should advertise them for ages 5-12 and 40 +. The inbetween part is for PC. IMO

funkdaddysmack August-2nd-2002 02:17 PM

Originally posted by 5SpeedP5
lol you callin me crazy biaaattcchhh?

Ever screw with a dual 1ghz G4 machine running Mac OS X.... now thats freakin powerful, and what i use as my main machine at home.... though i bought it exclusively for video editing (final cut pro) and photoshop. i now use it as my main machine surfin the web, email and the whole nine yards, hell microsoft office is better on mac os x imo, than on xp or 2000. but i do own a nice pc that i use quite freaklently.... ahhh damn hang over anyways...

Well, I hate to burst your buble, but I'd read this article first:

The dual G4 1ghz gets owned by the dual AMD and the single p4 in every test (which are primarily final cut pro and photoshop benchmarks). I was actually suprised when I read this thing, I always thought that Macs were indeed faster in those types of programs. Also did you hear that Apple will probably be abandoning their processor architecture in favor of (possibly) the new AMD 64-bit cpu? Motorolla (their chip designer now) is really dragging it's feet on going any further speed wise, and apple may (it's all rumors right now) be picking up the AMD chip for their next gen computerts.

I don't have anything against Mac people, but I'm definately more into the PC side. Macs have their place, but not with me. I really hate their "converting" commercials. They actually offend me because people will buy into that bullshit and spend twice as much on a computer for all they need. Oh well, they gotta do business somehow I guess.

Smedly August-2nd-2002 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Pro_fan
Games, customizability, cheaper parts, parts easier to obtain (IMO), mouse has 2 buttons not 1 (serious...major PITA w/ 1 button), etc, etc.....

I agree with you, games/software in general are hard to get for a Mac, which sucks. But I have a 3 button mouse at home which works great.

Originally posted by 5SpeedP5
Ever screw with a dual 1ghz G4 machine running Mac OS X....
I'd have to see it to believe that any PC could stand up to a dual G4. I use a dual 800, with 1.5G of ram and it's by far the fastest machine I've ever touched.

funkdaddysmack August-2nd-2002 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Smedly

I'd have to see it to believe that any PC could stand up to a dual G4. I use a dual 800, with 1.5GHz of ram and it's by far the fastest machine I've ever touched.

Anything with 1.5GB of RAM (not GHz) is going to be hella quick. Read those benchmarks from my previous post and it'll show you a P4 2.53 single CPU OWN the dual G4 1GHz in every benchmark by probably about 20-30% I think.

Anyways, just some interesting trivia for you guys.

Pro_fan August-2nd-2002 05:06 PM

Ok...My experience with Macs has been somewhat limited and I didn't know they had 3-buttons on their mice now.

Last Mac I touched was my gf's parents's iMac. What a kept on crashing on them, and I had a hella time trying to fix it. I don't even remember if I was able to now....

Anyway, that one button mouse drove me NUTS!! But glad to see the newer ones have all the necessary buttons! :D

Smedly August-2nd-2002 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Pro_fan
Anyway, that one button mouse drove me NUTS!! But glad to see the newer ones have all the necessary buttons! :D
They don't actually come with a three button mouse, I had to pick one up. I have a Belkin that works great. As far as I know Macs all come with the new clear optical mice that don't actually have "buttons". You push down on the mouse itself and the bottom is the "button". I hated it at first, now I love it.

NoahsMP5 August-2nd-2002 07:20 PM

What exactly is the difference between the 2. I have always wonder this. Why are macs are so much for expensive. And I have a Pc . Just got it last week . Had a HP got a gateway. Happy so far.

kc5zom August-3rd-2002 08:21 AM

Originally posted by 5SpeedP5
lol you callin me crazy biaaattcchhh?

Ever screw with a dual 1ghz G4 machine running Mac OS X.... now thats freakin powerful, and what i use as my main machine at home....

Got you beat there buddy. Have a dual Athlon 1800+ machine that will run circles around it. Even have a dual 2.2GHz Xeon at work. Not a MAC in the world that will touch either of them.

5SpeedP5 August-3rd-2002 04:05 PM

Ignorance is blis!

Smedly August-4th-2002 06:03 PM

Originally posted by 5SpeedP5
Ignorance is blis!

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