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Roach220 July-9th-2003 12:15 AM

You know what Thanks alot And I really mean that. For someone not even within the state to Help Out man thats why I love this club..

The Disenchante July-9th-2003 12:56 AM

awsome, ill be sure to keep and eye out for him :)

mazdaspeedwest July-9th-2003 10:33 PM

no problem at all man. Always glad to share the Protege love.

Roach220 July-12th-2003 04:51 PM

hey angelo did you get my email.

Roach220 July-12th-2003 09:35 PM

If any one wants to get in touch with the club Our E -mail is now I hope we grow here fast..

Roach220 July-26th-2003 01:08 AM

for anyone who cares I am going to start a heavy shearch for Nm pros and their owners I need help with this so if anyone is willing I will send you a copy of the flyers that you can print and pass out... thanks

The Disenchante July-26th-2003 11:05 AM

hey whats up
if you need to reach me either post here cuz i get an email or
either way

Roach220 July-26th-2003 11:47 AM

Hey dis whats up
I really want to get this thing going so I'm going to go looking for pro owners in Las Cruses.roswell,carlsbad and as many places as i can..Im also going to make new flyers (still keep them printer friendly) and I will get it to you ASAP.

Roach220 July-26th-2003 01:15 PM

New flyer bisicly same as the old one but in jpg format

The Disenchante July-26th-2003 01:16 PM

yea as soon as you have the flyers just email it to me and ill post some around UNM and stuff :-D

The Disenchante July-26th-2003 01:17 PM

cool ill get to printing and post some this next week, i work weekends so... thx though :-D, looks around for some tape....

Roach220 July-26th-2003 01:40 PM

Hey dis I just wanted you to know that if you want the club shirt or any of the other club stuff I cant get them to you since you are kinda one of the founding members at cost if you want them or have and ideas for others drop me a line..

Roach220 July-26th-2003 02:38 PM

NMPA online is up not done but main page is up..
nmpa online

The Disenchante July-27th-2003 08:34 AM

nice site and yea ill get a hold of you to get a shirt :D

fire July-30th-2003 01:40 PM

he what's up sorry for not keeping in touch but i've been super busy. if there is anything i can do to help spread the word about the n.m.p.a let me know. i see a lot of protege owners since i work here at Borman. for those who don't know that's the mazda dealership in Las Cruces.

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