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Roach220 February-10th-2003 11:51 AM

New mexico protege owners
i am looking for other New Mexico protege owners

Not New Not Mexico

The Disenchante February-10th-2003 10:35 PM

Holy cow, there are other people in NM with a protege!!
Im so happy
Where abouts are you im in Albuquerque.

The Disenchante February-10th-2003 10:38 PM

Nevermind, i saw the La Luz answer to my question
a bit too late, ahahahaha :D

Roach220 February-14th-2003 11:38 AM

No f#$KIN WAY I I'm not the only one hey was up I was going to try to get an NM protege club going I f anyone replied . So you in Albuquerque you want to start a club maybe we can find more people who love their protege.

The Disenchante February-14th-2003 08:15 PM

YEA, im all for getting a club started.
Ive seen a few people up here with pros
but sounds like a great idea,
email me so we can chat about it

Roach220 May-5th-2003 02:09 PM

Ok well Lets see if we can so this again.I going get ahold of the people that are interested.If anyone else want get in contact me.

fire July-2nd-2003 06:06 PM

sup people i'm new here. so is there a new mexico club? i'm from las cruces.

Roach220 July-2nd-2003 11:45 PM

well it kind of A work in progress I'm still tring to but my cpu keeps getting screwed . But here Is what I have so far
We have These are the people on this forom so far that we have found.
In Aqb theres The Disenchante
In roswell there is Tweeks (not sure about joining but wants keep in the ring.)
In alamogordo (LaLuz) theres me Roach220.
And In LC theres you Fire.
so If you are interested Pm me you Email and we can talk.

P.S. it will grow when I finish the flyers and we start looking every where for Pros..

The Disenchante July-3rd-2003 11:17 AM

sorry for being out of touch, i changed scheduals at work and was repairing the comp, new HD and mods... there is a gen 1 pro down teh street i left a flyer but they havent gotten in touch with me yet, and sadly all the people i run into with pros are 1 too old and dont wanna deal with a pro club, or 2 real dicks :( so... ill keep looking though

Roach220 July-3rd-2003 11:42 AM

long time no hear. Well Just so you know I almost have the new flyers done I think we should go with protege owners for now then if that works maybe go in to all mazdas.. I will email you the new flyers as soon as it is done..

The Disenchante July-4th-2003 09:32 AM

awsome cant wait to get them :)

Roach220 July-7th-2003 01:42 PM

The first club shirts are here.

They are $18.99 and all profit goes to furthering the club.

Roach220 July-8th-2003 12:09 AM

Almost forgot heres the link

Roach220 July-8th-2003 12:09 AM

I have also added a visor and a babydoll t-shirt

mazdaspeedwest July-8th-2003 09:05 PM

just an FYI

dunno if he's a member or not, but i saw a Yellow P5 with white wheels (mesh style with a polished lip) kinda hard to see at freeway speeds, but thats what i got from it. Lowered with what i am to assume is skunk2 coilovers (too low for reg springs) he had a skunk2 sticker, so i am just guessing.... had NM plates but was cruising the 405 frwy in Los Angeles today.

Short guy, glasses, mustache, young and with a lady friend...

car looked good.

Roach220 July-9th-2003 12:15 AM

You know what Thanks alot And I really mean that. For someone not even within the state to Help Out man thats why I love this club..

The Disenchante July-9th-2003 12:56 AM

awsome, ill be sure to keep and eye out for him :)

mazdaspeedwest July-9th-2003 10:33 PM

no problem at all man. Always glad to share the Protege love.

Roach220 July-12th-2003 04:51 PM

hey angelo did you get my email.

Roach220 July-12th-2003 09:35 PM

If any one wants to get in touch with the club Our E -mail is now I hope we grow here fast..

Roach220 July-26th-2003 01:08 AM

for anyone who cares I am going to start a heavy shearch for Nm pros and their owners I need help with this so if anyone is willing I will send you a copy of the flyers that you can print and pass out... thanks

The Disenchante July-26th-2003 11:05 AM

hey whats up
if you need to reach me either post here cuz i get an email or
either way

Roach220 July-26th-2003 11:47 AM

Hey dis whats up
I really want to get this thing going so I'm going to go looking for pro owners in Las Cruses.roswell,carlsbad and as many places as i can..Im also going to make new flyers (still keep them printer friendly) and I will get it to you ASAP.

Roach220 July-26th-2003 01:15 PM

New flyer bisicly same as the old one but in jpg format

The Disenchante July-26th-2003 01:16 PM

yea as soon as you have the flyers just email it to me and ill post some around UNM and stuff :-D

The Disenchante July-26th-2003 01:17 PM

cool ill get to printing and post some this next week, i work weekends so... thx though :-D, looks around for some tape....

Roach220 July-26th-2003 01:40 PM

Hey dis I just wanted you to know that if you want the club shirt or any of the other club stuff I cant get them to you since you are kinda one of the founding members at cost if you want them or have and ideas for others drop me a line..

Roach220 July-26th-2003 02:38 PM

NMPA online is up not done but main page is up..
nmpa online

The Disenchante July-27th-2003 08:34 AM

nice site and yea ill get a hold of you to get a shirt :D

fire July-30th-2003 01:40 PM

he what's up sorry for not keeping in touch but i've been super busy. if there is anything i can do to help spread the word about the n.m.p.a let me know. i see a lot of protege owners since i work here at Borman. for those who don't know that's the mazda dealership in Las Cruces.

Roach220 July-30th-2003 02:05 PM

Thats cool I was there yesterday looking at pros..Send me your E-Mail and i will get you the flyers..
Oh yea and this is what I need from you.
Your name
What pro you own
and if you wish to be the comtact for the LC area.

fire July-30th-2003 02:27 PM

you've got mail

The Disenchante July-30th-2003 11:52 PM

hey i had a question for ya since you work at a dealership, what would i need to know to get hired at one ;-), i need a second part time job, any info is appreciated :D

Roach220 July-31st-2003 12:07 AM

I was at mack massy however it spelled and those guys were not to mazda smart I knew alot more then the salesmen did I mean every answer was I dont know dumb people i could easly out sell them..:D

The Disenchante July-31st-2003 05:31 AM


The Disenchante July-31st-2003 05:33 AM

btw, how old are we all here, im 21 :D

fire July-31st-2003 08:51 AM


Roach220 July-31st-2003 10:10 AM


Roach220 August-9th-2003 01:46 AM

hey angelo
there here got them tonite and they look good..although Im a little pissed my 4x is the same size as your 3x. oh well though.. I will put pic up as soon as I can take some prob. some time tommorrow nite..

The Disenchante August-9th-2003 08:41 AM

awsome cant wait to check them out!!! :D

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