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Witchdoktor June-16th-2003 07:22 PM

Knoxville Meet
OK guys and gals, post up if your interested and give some feedback.

Any Saturday or Sunday works for me with about 3 weeks in advance. Personally, I'd prefer Saturday. In Charlotte we hung out at a preapproved parking lot and then went out later to hang out for dinner at restaurant/sports bar/arcade. Worked out great and had a good time.

Proto2k June-16th-2003 08:22 PM

I am very flexible about when we can meet. Suggest a day and I will be there. We can have a meet before the Gatlinburg show.
AHootGodess live

WhoDiddy June-16th-2003 08:59 PM

shit yeah! only an hour drive! within the next few weex would b gr8!

zoomgirl June-17th-2003 07:26 AM

I'm up for ir. I do need pretty good notice. My work sucks. I will be gone for july 4th weekend. Hey Proto2k, what were the dates on that show? That would really make it worth everyone's while. Usually when there is a show in Gatlinburg, it is REALLY packed. Let me know if you guys need me to do something. This will be my first meet, so I'm clueless. There is a lot to do, mostly if we go to Gatlinburg though. There's go carts, arcades, movies, ect... and a lot of cruising.

Proto2k June-17th-2003 10:13 AM

June 27th to 29th. I am not sure if I will be able to go though. I work at Fox Den Country Club and we have the Nationwide Tour there that week. It is the biggest tournament we host all year and I will probably be working all day shifts.

fallintoshadow June-17th-2003 10:40 AM

I want to go but the last weekend in June is not good for me. I have to work that weekend and then every other weekend after that. So the july 4th one is good, but the next weekend wouldn't work. By all means though don't plan this around my schedule. I hope it works out for everyone. I can't wait to head back to the mountains.

Proto2k June-17th-2003 07:25 PM

4th of July weekend doesn't work for me either. Sounds like we are all pretty busy. I am sure there is sometime we can meet up.

zoomgirl June-18th-2003 08:11 AM

What about the weekend after the 4th? Or it could be the weekend after so fallintoshadow could go too. Even if there is not ashow in Gatlinburg, there is always cruising, well, weather permitting anyway.

Proto2k June-18th-2003 09:42 AM

It sounds like to me the best time would be the weekend of July 18th. That would work work for me.
Live sex

WhoDiddy June-18th-2003 09:54 AM

june 27th/28th or July 18th/19th seem to be the ideal dates.

on the July13/14, on the cruzing tip i will try to goand cruz also... cause peeps from here (asheville, NC) go cruz there 2. or we can try 2 have a "Mazda Mini Cruz";)

Witchdoktor June-21st-2003 05:46 AM

How does Saturday July 19th work for everybody?

Proto2k June-21st-2003 11:38 AM

I am in. Now we just need a location.
Laguna Beach Resort Jometien Condos

zoomgirl June-22nd-2003 03:16 PM

This might sound lame, but I am a manager of a Schlotzsky's Deli here(my father in law owns it so I'm stuck there... don't laugh!) so if you are just looking for a place to meet up and hang out for a while, we can use my store. Do we have any idea how many are going. It wouldn't be that exciting but it's easy to find so we could all meet up there and then go wherever. Anyone have any ideas of what you want to do?

Witchdoktor June-22nd-2003 06:13 PM

I think we'd get between 10 - 15 proteges. A secured parking would be perfect. Then maybe a place to hang out and eat such as Jilian's or something similar.

Proto2k June-22nd-2003 06:27 PM

The Deli would be a perfect place to meet up. It isn't hard to find either for the out of towners. Sounds good.

KillerFrank June-23rd-2003 06:33 PM

set a solid time and date and i will see if i can make it

Proto2k June-23rd-2003 07:28 PM

How about July 19th, anytime after 7:30.

zoomgirl June-24th-2003 08:37 AM

That's fine with me. I feel stupid asking this, but where is Jillian's. I live here and have never heard of it.:confused:

Proto2k June-24th-2003 09:16 AM

I don't think we have a Jilian's in Knoxville, because I have never heard of it either.
Nexium Lawsuits

WhoDiddy June-29th-2003 09:04 PM

mane! wut's tha deally with this meet!?!?! is anyone from KNOX gonna control this? danny's mentioned it and u all seem interested in it, but no1 has said where to meet. and there's no definate date. i'd like to see wut everyone's workin with. to see how peeps in TN are reppin. come on peeps! do ya'll wanna throw a meet together? maybe get a spot and cruz out there.

Witchdoktor June-30th-2003 03:10 AM

Originally posted by WhoDiddy
mane! wut's tha deally with this meet!?!?! is anyone from KNOX gonna control this? danny's mentioned it and u all seem interested in it, but no1 has said where to meet. and there's no definate date. i'd like to see wut everyone's workin with. to see how peeps in TN are reppin. come on peeps! do ya'll wanna throw a meet together? maybe get a spot and cruz out there.
now if I was from Knoxville I just wouldn't take that, I'd have to get something going just to prove that pimp wrong........:rolleyes:

zoomgirl June-30th-2003 08:32 AM

Sorry guys! I work pretty much the whole weekend normally so I don't get on here on the weekends. Alright, all the peeps from Knoxville! I think there's 2 of us. All I need to know is are we talking you guys getting here early, late, somewhere in the middle? Proto2k and I can take it from there. Don't know how far away you guys are so I don't know if it's a long drive for you. Just give me a time frame of when you can be here. As far as I can tell July 19 is the day. That seemed to work with everyone.We can find a place to meet, eat, ect. no problem. Since I have never been to a meet I'm not sure if you guys make it all day, all weekend or what. You guys that do this all the time let me know that much and I can do the rest. I am hoping some more people from Knoxville will come out of the woodwork, but it just doesn't seem like it at this point. Sorry guys I won't leave you hanging this time.

Witchdoktor June-30th-2003 07:10 PM

zoomgirl - there's like a dozen people over on that are in the same boat. Everyone just kinda looking at each other and no one really taking charge. Who Diddy and myself went to 2 charlotte meets. We have a bit of experience but not much. But at least someone was running the show. We all want to meet and hang out for a day, we just need someone with some initiative and get-go. If not, no meet. WhoDiddy and me are trying to light some fires.

WhoDiddy June-30th-2003 07:52 PM

early would be good for the day. go get sum food hang out, do sum car talk, meet, cruz and post up sumwhere. or sumden similar to that. it's gotta be more than 2 peeps that are gonna show up.

Witchdoktor June-30th-2003 08:02 PM

can everyone please post what weekend dates work for ya'll

Witchdoktor - any weekend except July 27th (spooling open house)

Proto2k June-30th-2003 08:53 PM

How about we shoot for July 19th. As long as I have advance I can make the time work. If we meet up at the Deli we can eat there and then go cruise up to Gatlinburg, maybe.

Lets start a list for this weekend and then we will start setting some times.
Kid Wellbutrin

zoomgirl July-1st-2003 09:53 AM

Hey guys. July 19 seems to work so far.

witchdoktor, are there a lot of people on the other board wanting to come to the Knoxville meet? This is the only board I post on. If there is interest on the others, point me in the direction and I'll go there. I know there has to be more then two people. When you originally pm'd me who else showed interest? I can contact them too.

Here's what I suggest. July 19. meet up at my work(Schlotzsky's Deli, I will give directions). I'm thinking noonish or a little before. We can eat there or go to a nicer place where we can chat. If you guys just want to hang out after that, I can find us a parking lot somewhere. Maybe take some pics and such. Then we can sruise up to Gatlinburg. There's all kinds of stuff to do there. If you want to just hang, cool. If you want to ride go carts or something, cool. As it get dark, there is usually a lot of cruising. We can grab some dinner and just chill. This is all assuming weather is good. Everyone let me know if you can make it.

I'll try to plan this as much as I can. Just let me know who's coming. Proto2k, are you with me here? Let's do this. I don't want it to fall apart.

zoomgirl July-1st-2003 10:06 AM

OK guys, I just tried to register on, but I can't access my email for some reason. Something's wrong with my computer. I'll keep trying so I can post on there. Just bear with me please!

Proto2k July-1st-2003 12:28 PM

Just tell me what you need and I will try to take care of it.
Laguna Bay Condominium

Witchdoktor July-5th-2003 05:39 AM

of the 17 PMS that were sent, so far it's 3 ya and 1 nay for August 2nd.

Witchdoktor July-5th-2003 07:38 AM

8 yeah and 1 nay for August 2nd

WhoDiddy July-6th-2003 11:42 AM

wut time frames we gonna aim for?

meet, eat, cruz?

eat, meet, cruz?

WhoDiddy July-8th-2003 09:27 PM


Proto2k July-8th-2003 10:19 PM

Lets make August 2nd the date for the meet. That gives me some time for some last minute mods. If Stephanie can find us a lot to meet at, we can meet there first around 1 or 2. We can stick around there for awhile and then go to Gatlinburg for a cruise and dinner. Lets try not to let this one fall apart.

fallintoshadow July-8th-2003 10:27 PM

I agree. August 2nd seems to be the best date. Just tell me where to find everyone and what time and Me and Whodiddy will bring the NC style west of the border.

Proto2k July-8th-2003 10:49 PM

I will try to hammer out a definate time soon. I am not sure of any lots where we can meet and not be interrupted. There is a lot where a K-Mart used to be, but it is on the main road, and I want something a little more secluded.

I am waiting on my fellow Knox member to think of a place to meet. We will definately have to cruise up to Gatlinburg at night though.
Novana Residence Condo Pattaya

fallintoshadow July-8th-2003 10:53 PM

yea...parking in Gatlinburg might be a nightmare though.

MIA protege July-8th-2003 11:21 PM

might hit this meet up ... we will see, hopefully i can but its going to be a close call cuz i get back to NC the 1st and thats alot of driving if i decide to go to tenessee, but ill see

gatlinburg huh .... im going there next week for vacation and im going to helen georgia this week :D

Proto2k July-8th-2003 11:57 PM

MIA you gotta be there. You can then finally stop asking me for pics, just kidding. I would love to see another pro with the Erebuni kit.

Witchdoktor July-9th-2003 05:24 AM

August 2nd works for most other people over on the other forum. Once we have a secured meeting place it's official.

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