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Old March-27th-2002, 02:00 PM
The Horns of Jericho
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Man. I despise stupid people.
Two nights ago, I came back from running to a couple of stores. It was about 7:30pm? ..Anyways. I was behind some traffic on a regular two-lane surface street. I'm behind a somewhat slow pickup with a camper on. I really can't get over because the right lane was going about the same speed and had quite a few cars in it. So I'm coming up on a light, I'm a couple car lengths before the first line, and the light turns yellow. At this point I already noticed this 80's chevy truck behind me, but he's not ON my ***.
He is back there and a bit too close for my tastes. Anyway, I figure I brake and stop for the yellow, or just follow the pickup in front of me at the brisk pace of 40mph. So I follow. I can see the light turn red just as I am 20 feet from second line (the lines are the ones directly under the lights, so the second line being the one to pass to be fully through the intersection you guys can get a visualization here). Okay. It's all fine and good. There's another light just under a 1/4 mile from the light I just went through. It turns red. So, I'm behind like two cars. The right lane is filled. I notice the light behind me turns green. My vision focuses ahead of me again. A couple seconds pass and I look in my rearview mirror, and I notice that the ******* in the truck is now speeding towards the light I'm sitting at. So I think to myself, "Hmm." He stops behind me, and a few seconds pass before the light turns green. Now, I'll say that the traffic was slow to start moving, but there was nothing I could do. Anyways, we pass the intersection, and the two cars in front of me pull into the center lane to turn left into the gas station. All while this was happening, the truck behind me starts sticking closer to my *** than he was before. I also I could see his headlights bouncing up and down from him mashing the throttle here and there. So, now, no one is in front of me, but I'm not goinig to speed up, because I'm making a left turn into the apartment complex about 200 feet down the street. So NOW the ******* is right on my ***. He's like a foot behind my bumper, and he's going side to side slightly. So now I'm thinking, "WTF? What? Are you pissed at me because you had to sit through the other light, while I was able to get through?" Even if I accelerated, which I sometimes to do to give some extra room behind me for the guy behind me to get through, I couldn't go anywhere because there was a pickup right the **** in front of me. He would have ran a red. I'm getting massively pissed at this point. So I stomp on my brakes, the ******* nearly smacks right into my bumper (I'm surprised he didn't hit it), and then he ******* flips on his brights. WTF?!@&!%@ By this time, I need to pull into the center lane so I can turn, and I do. Only, I notice as he passes me, he's like an inch away from hitting my passenger mirror. After he passes me, I see his left tires are both in the center lane. "OH. WTF?! You're going to try and run me off the road now?!$?!%@?#@?!%?" Right then I contemplated following the ****-face to his house and then getting out and beating him. I had a long, two-inch pipe in my back seat, so it would have been easy work. I swear to god I really wanted to follow him. I mean I was pissed. I rarely get pissed off. I think the last time I got this pissed, was like two years ago.

WTF is up with people that do that ****? Their mentality of "oh, if I speed up and get on the *** of the person infront of me, he'll speed up, too, or he'll get over. Then, nobody will be in front of me, and I can go!" If you want to ******* get going, cut someone off and go the **** around me. I mean, people like that make no sense whatsoever when they do that to a whole LINE of cars in front of them. I swear, either they missed out when god was handing out logic, or they just were beaten as a child.

Anyway, I pulled in and starting taking the crap out of my car and into the apartment. I came out one time, and I saw a Suburban(sp?), which was what almost ran me off the road. So, I shot my adrenaline up, and was just standing there looking at them. They were like a 100 feet down the parking lot, just sitting there. So I immediately thought it was them. Though, after thinking about it, this thing was a 90's model, and the one from the street was a 80's. So, I settled down and finished unloading my car.

I'm still pissed. It takes me a while to cool down.
I never tailgate a person, unless they were doing it to me in the first place, and that doesn't usually happen as I'm the one speeding so that all the stupid people are behind me instead of in front of me. We I do find myself behind a slowpoke, I just find or wait for an opening and go around. Why does everyone else not do this?


Last edited by zenilder; March-27th-2002 at 03:54 PM.
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Old March-27th-2002, 02:06 PM
"Dirty Dee"
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ohhh!!!! you were that assh$le in the protege...dont you ever slam on your brakes in front of me again....i will kick you!!
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Old March-27th-2002, 02:08 PM
The Horns of Jericho
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Originally posted by craigrrrp
ohhh!!!! you were that assh$le in the protege...dont you ever slam on your brakes in front of me again....i will kick you!!
Yeah.... Har har har.
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Old March-27th-2002, 02:48 PM
Protege God
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man.....that's like the longest post ever......
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Old March-27th-2002, 03:09 PM
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Yeah I hate tailgaters too, they really **** me off! Instead of speeding up, I jus slowwwww down. Works just about every time. Sometimes you have to slow down to like 10mph, but it usually works... It makes them think your crazy or something...
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Old March-27th-2002, 03:44 PM
Just Say n2o
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Good job on not following the bastard home and beating the **** out of him

I never tailgate people in my P5...I just cruise until the opportunity presents itself to pass and ZOOM Im gone...

I think I live in the land of the tailgaters...its a regular thing in the Bay Area...everyone wants to get to the friking red light first!

I feel your pain brother
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Old March-27th-2002, 03:51 PM
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Originally posted by blades242
Yeah I hate tailgaters too, they really **** me off! Instead of speeding up, I jus slowwwww down. Works just about every time. Sometimes you have to slow down to like 10mph, but it usually works... It makes them think your crazy or something...
that IS the best thing you can do....and is what Defensive Driving class will teach as well.

Road Rage can be some crazy sh*t.....there is no need getting shot, or killed over someoneELSE being an A$$.....just let them by......I can not tell you how many times I have done this....just to see the offender pulled over a mile or two down the road getting a ticket....and I honk and wave.....PAYBACK! LOL :{D
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Old March-27th-2002, 04:50 PM
The Horns of Jericho
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Originally posted by Protégé Ménacé
Whenever I have some hto shot tailgating me, me and my friends will start SWERVING AORUND our lane. make it look likeweer drunk or something, going from line to line, and jerking the wheel so it looks like were drunk. peaopl WILL back off then, and its hillarious. The second we start swerving they back like 4 carlengths off

jsut dont jerk it toop much or you may loose control (i dont do it that hard)
Bwahhaha. I believe I will have to try that next time.
Thank you for that idea.

Knowing my luck, the first time I try that, I'm going to get pulled over.
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Old March-27th-2002, 04:59 PM
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Originally posted by PseudoRealityX my 4th post in that thread is pretty long, although mostly NOT me talking
damnnn......that was pretty long..........I might spend the night reading it 'cause it looks interesting......

Pseudo.........what do you want for "the longest post award" ?

an intake maybe ?
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Old March-27th-2002, 05:01 PM
Evil P5 On The Loose!!!!
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hehe, yeah i hate them too.

Once when i was coming home from a friends house. i was going down a 60KPH street going about 70, its 3 lanes, 1 N, 1 S, and a centre lane for turning left on to the side streets.

this guy has this old beat up civic (looked like one) on my ***, i could not see his lights in my rear view mirror, i had my mom's 2000 acura 1.6 EL at the time, so i hit the brakes, guy goes into the centre lane to pass me, then i floor the gas my car, to keep his ugly *** behind mine...

GGGRRRRRRRRRRR, there must be something to get these A$$ holes to stop.
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Old March-27th-2002, 05:16 PM
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the scariest experience I had with a tailgater....the tailgater was a in 18 wheeler....I was in the slow lane (right hand side) of the highway...and was going the speed limit....this GOMER in a Cabover rolls up behind I start to speed up cause he is coming on pretty fast....I end up with my car floored...and he rolls up and matches my was just dark enough you needed your head lights.....I could NOT see his headlights in my rear view....NOTHING BUT GRILL...and HIS head lights were shining OVER my car and onto the road!!!! had I eve had to begin to stop.....I would have been nothing but a little crumpled piece of metal....
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Old March-27th-2002, 05:20 PM
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I sometime just slow down without using the brake & make them pass me. Or sometimes I tap the brakes. Kinda blinking the tails at them. Also I turn the mirrors so that their lights reflect back on them. I was thinking about getting a sticket that reads"Get off my *** your ******* PIG" Ya know with the double meaning and all. But Im thinking I could get arrested for that somehow.
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Old March-27th-2002, 05:26 PM
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a buddy of mine which has a roll bar in the back of his P/U with off road lights all the way across it...well he just rewired two of them seperately.....then turned them around backwards.....if someone won't get off his a$$.....he just flips on the switch...and presto chango...they can't see SH*T! they always back off then.
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Old March-27th-2002, 05:44 PM
Evil P5 On The Loose!!!!
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oh ****, that's one way to get someone off your A$$
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Old March-27th-2002, 05:57 PM
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Yep just long enough for them to reach for their GAT to go RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT on that ***.
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