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Stueck November-26th-2004 11:44 AM

Roddimus Prime November-26th-2004 12:09 PM

oh yeah....1.04G's on a dkid pad on stock 15" wheels and tires....hahaha,

Makes me wish I had bought the last conversion kit for $2500 when I had the chance. A guy in Cali was selling the last ever un-used conversion kit needed to make the SHO fit into the festiva...I was just a little broke at the time. Maybe I can pick up a built shogun from someone if they're selling one.

Da P-Funk! November-29th-2004 08:43 AM

"why ruin a good joke"? Is there a car we could have ALL agreed was a 'crummy/slow/butt-of-joke-worthy car without SOMEONE going, "yeah, but my uncle dropped a big block into it and it ran ...."


rustychops41 November-29th-2004 09:45 PM

Shogun was in Car & Driver, awesome car. I've found that since I started autocrossing (in 1993!, God I'm old) I no longer tend to feel the need to "prove anything" to every booger-nosed high school kid with enough money to buy some 17" rims and a "performance exhaust" for his roached-out Civic. I think it has something to do with whipping them by more than 2 or 3 seconds on the weekends up in Atwater at the SCCA events, but then again it could just be old age setting in. Where's my Geritol and my walker?

juddz November-30th-2004 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by rustychops41
Shogun was in Car & Driver, awesome car.

Agreed. Kind of like a latter day Renault R5 Turbo... yet another "must have" on my already long list of cars that I am going to buy, should I ever win the lottery.

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