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eeterp February-20th-2002 02:23 PM

99-00 Protege Carbon Fiber Hoods
This thread is intended to get a formal list of all those interested in a carbon fiber hood for the 1999-2000 protege's. If we have a good amount of interest, we can get these hoods made.

Oh, and when I say "interested", I mean "INTEND TO BUY". Reply ONLY if you have approx $500 to spend on the hood.


biknman February-20th-2002 02:37 PM

CF Hood
Hell yes!!! I'm diffidently in. $500.00 is a great price. Let me know.

protetype February-20th-2002 07:34 PM

for me, it really depends on how far down the line we're looking at actually have to put the money on the table. i just gave rishie almost 1200 dollars yesterday, so my money is kinda blown for the moment. if we're talkin a few month, then sure... i'm in. but next week? no. :[ let me know.

eeterp February-20th-2002 07:38 PM

I haven't even contacted anyone yet. So, there's time. If you're willing to spend the $, that's good enough for now. I think I can add Eric F and Jeremy D to the list. I'm hoping we can get 10 SOLID buyers.

Protege5online February-20th-2002 07:49 PM

Where were you planning on getting them for 500.00? I can easily get the Fiber Images hoods produced (once I finish with the 2001-2002 hoods in a few weeks). The price on those for the regular CF hood is 620.00 shipped in the US. They also have the red, blue, & yellow Kevlar weaves for an additional 100.00. These are great hoods. Probably the best on the market. I think I've got 2 or 3 people on a list already (assuming they arent already posting here)

eeterp February-20th-2002 08:07 PM


That's why I stated "approx $500". I haven't tried to price any hoods yet. Do you know if fiberimages will definitely make hoods for the 99-00 cars? How many orders do they need? I was going to try a few places because I figured I'd get turned down at least once.

Please let us know if you can hook us up, Mitch. :bt:

protetype February-20th-2002 08:15 PM

If you can get fiber images to do the 99-00 hoods, i'd 150% be in. From what I've heard, they make the most reliable CF hoods out of anyone. They're mad durable. I haven't seen anyone else confident enough to take a car over one of their hoods. hehe. But yeah, Mitch... hook us up man. If you get them to do it, that's cool.

chdesign February-20th-2002 09:29 PM

Hey Jermey T get up with Mike at Tri-Point I believe they were debating making a CF hood for the 99-00 UI know they make one now for the 2001+ and it runs right at 500 if I remember right. Check with him though.

tradr February-20th-2002 10:43 PM

I'm definitely in if it would be under $650 shipped.. and from a good quality source (I'd rather fiberimages than tripoint if possible), and has the windshield squirter provisions (very very important!)

'00 Protege DX

Eric F February-21st-2002 09:52 AM

I'm still interested, especially if the hood is produced by Fiber Images. I'd also prefer the plain black color. Did anyone ever confirm whether Tri Point's hoods are a true Carbon Kevlar weave?

eeterp February-21st-2002 01:37 PM

Ok, we've got 6 people. We must have 4 more. I fear we're going to come up short. Please ask around on the various protege boards and get the message out there. I've been emailing companies and the few responses I've received so far say, we NEED 10 people.

eeterp February-21st-2002 02:43 PM

Ok, just talked to tripointengineering. They will start production if they receive 8 pre-orders. Their hood is a fiber glass shell with carbon kevlar cloth overlaid. The cost is $475 per hood + about $100 shipping.

Mitch, what people do you have lined up? Can we combine our people and get production started?

Does anyone have a problem with tripoint's hoods?

protetype February-21st-2002 07:29 PM

:\ i'm leanin more towards fiberimages. i'd be willing to shell out the extra few bucks to get a better quality product.

biknman February-21st-2002 08:00 PM

Tripoint CF hood
Sounds good to me, since we live in the same area maybe we could combine shipping and save a little. Question are there going to be holes drilled for the windsheild washers? If not I wonder how hard it is to drill carbon-fiber? I'd probally want to drill holes for hood pins any-who.

eeterp February-21st-2002 09:40 PM


I'll find out about the washer holes when we get 8 orders. You, Jeremy D, and I can have the hoods shipped together. We SHOULD be able to cut shipping costs considerably. Tripoint ships through Yellow Freight. So, the cost will depend on the total weight.

why do you think tripoint isn't good quality? I haven't heard anything bad about them. Although, fiberimages does seem to be the best available. I'll see if tripoint can send me a pic and I'll post it. I'll ask about quality, but what are you looking for in terms of quality?

The best thing about tripoint is they only need 8 orders. We have 6 people lined up right now and getting 2 more MAY be a struggle. I'm not sure we can get 10 orders. Thus, fiberimages wouldn't even consider making a hood.

Protege5online February-21st-2002 09:47 PM

The Fiberimages is going to be 620.00 shipped for the black CF hood. They also offer the Red, blue & yellow Kevlar weave for an additional Color. If I can get 8, I can probably get it done. But, I wont commit to it until I have 8 payments. Because if I commit, I'll be paying for 10 hoods. Meaning we'll cover the extra 2 if we only get 8 & hope there will be 2 other people soon buying it. I also think Fiber Images is well worth the extra 45.00. If we are truelly interested, I'll get the info from Fiber Images so we know for sure they will do it. I think as long as I order 10, they'll do it. But, like I said, if we start this, we have to finish!! I have to have the payments ASAP.

protetype February-21st-2002 09:49 PM

:[ i could probably survive with tripoints hood. but what is the weight on tripoints compared to fiberimages? i've never read any articles on tripoint, but i've seen articles on fiberimages. maybe if you talk to fiberimages, and say you're gonna go to tripoint if they don't drop the number by a couple, they'll re-consider. i'm just being picky, cuz i like quality and i've never seen tripoint take a car over one of their hoods. hehe. may sound stupid, but i like to see some proof that the shits gonna hold up. but, if tripoint is all we can get (i dont really know about their quality, so don't take it as a rip against them cuz i like fiberimages) then tripoint it is. beggers can't be choosers right? :D

protetype February-21st-2002 10:11 PM

i couldn't wait ;x
the rims were a quick photoshop. so they look kinda shitty :D

eeterp February-22nd-2002 07:47 AM

Well, if Mitch can get fiberimages to make the hoods then I say we go that route. Fiberimages is everyone's first choice. As soon as they tell you that they'll make the hood, I'll send $$$. :bt:

Eric F February-22nd-2002 09:47 PM

Jeremy, I hate to do this, but I'm with Prototype on this one. I'd rather pay a little more and get the hood from Fiber Images also. I think the true cabon fiber weave hood will be more flexible and a lot more durable than the fiberglass shell. I don't want to take the chance on a hood that can crack.

Originally posted by eeterp

why do you think tripoint isn't good quality? I haven't heard anything bad about them. Although, fiberimages does seem to be the best available. I'll see if tripoint can send me a pic and I'll post it. I'll ask about quality, but what are you looking for in terms of quality?

biknman February-22nd-2002 10:01 PM

CF Hood Tripoint or Fiber Images
I'm in with the majority. Maybe we need to start a vote and at the same time get who is interested and when they can commit. I personally would like one ASAP since the shows are soon. And that’s the only real reason I'm getting one is for looks. If I wanted lightweight I'd just cut one out of some thin sheet metal and holed it down with four hood pins. If you hit anything or some ahole jumps on it your screwed either way. And it’s a lot easier to buff out or bend metal than carbon fiber. Any-who I'm down for which ever gets a CF hood on my car the soonest.

eeterp February-23rd-2002 09:01 AM

I'm about 90% sure fiberimages is going to make the hoods for the 99-00 proteges. Mitch has been talking to them about ordering 10 hoods.

Mitch, when should we send payment? Also, when will the hoods be ready?

biknman, I'm with you. I'd like to get the hood before some of the shows and everyone should be happy because fiberimages appears to be making the hoods. :blue:

Protege5online February-23rd-2002 11:02 AM

Everyone that will really wants the hood from fiber images, e-mail me at If we get 10 hoods paid for, they will make them. But it will probably be at least a month before they can get the mold made & the hoods done. Its really hard to say exactly how long it will take. They've got to finish the 2001-2002 mold & hoods (should be about a week from now) and if they have any other hoods already in the process of being made, they will have to be finished first. But, if I can go to them & say I have 10 ready to be paid for, they may be able to push it forward. But, Im going to have to have the payments for 10 hoods before we get this done. It doesnt sound like thats going to be a big deal. The price is going to be somewhere around 620.00 for the black & 720.00 for the colored hoods (shipped in the US) Payment will be with Cashiers Check (Paypal payments are fine, but there is a small fee for them). So, e-mail me if you are really interested in paying for the hood in the next couple of weeks. We have to get this done ASAP if ya'll want them quick.

Eric F February-23rd-2002 12:39 PM

Re: CF Hood Tripoint or Fiber Images
I can appreciate that you want the hood for looks, but a true carbon fiber weave hood is more flexible, and stronger than the fiberglass shell type hood. Have you looked at the videos Fiber Images produced about the durability of their hoods? If not, check them out on their site. I'm only saying this because I'm more interested in the hood for the weight savings, particularly in the front end. I'll probably paint my hood to match the car. I'd rather spend this kind of money on something I think will be more durable. I'm not trying to hold things up, but if you've seen the videos of the Fiber Images' hoods, you've got to admit it's pretty impressive. I can guarantee the stock steel hood isn't anywhere near that strong or flexible. Mine was crunched when a lady rear ended me and pushed me into the car in front of me. I only had minor scratches on the rear bumper, (Thank Mazda for that rear bumper improvement from '99 to '00) but because I had my brakes on, my front bumper went under the bumper of the car in front of me. The front grille was trashed, and the hood tried to fold in half as it was designed to, to prevent it from moving back and breaking the windshield. Just an example of where a flexible hood could be of benefit. That's why I'm so hooked on Fiber Images.

Originally posted by biknman
I'm in with the majority. Maybe we need to start a vote and at the same time get who is interested and when they can commit. I personally would like one ASAP since the shows are soon. And that’s the only real reason I'm getting one is for looks. If I wanted lightweight I'd just cut one out of some thin sheet metal and holed it down with four hood pins. If you hit anything or some ahole jumps on it your screwed either way. And it’s a lot easier to buff out or bend metal than carbon fiber. Any-who I'm down for which ever gets a CF hood on my car the soonest.

eeterp February-24th-2002 12:12 AM


please email me ( I'm trying to set up something where you, Jeremy Dehart, and I can have our hoods shipped together. So, I need your contact info.


protetype February-24th-2002 01:42 AM

ok, this really blows. this is why i was hoping the cf hood thing wouldnt need payment for a few months. however, i really would like this for the shows. :/ but damnit, i just spent $1200 on my rims and exhaust. so i'm broke. let me know exactly how soon you'll need payment, so i can see what i can do about gettin some extra cash flow goin. cuz if its immediately... that's one less person on the hoods. but if i have a little bit of time, i can work something out :]

Protege5online February-24th-2002 09:04 AM

It is going to be needed pretty quickly. Cause I've got to have all payments before they will start the mold to make them. It seems like we shouldnt have a problem getting 10. And then once they are done, the mold is there & I can order them at any time. But it would be good if we can get payment quickly. Thats all up to those of you wanting the hood. The quicker we get the payments, the quicker they get done.

shion69 February-24th-2002 10:22 PM


Sounds like you got something good going on. I'm more interested in a hood scoop. Not an outrageous one that'll make my pro look like it has too much, but a small one more like the WRX Impreza. If you can get me one, I'm definately in. Name your price.

eeterp February-25th-2002 10:33 AM


Sorry, I can't help you, but this guy should be able to. Check this link:

protetype February-27th-2002 12:02 AM

ok... if we order these now... i'm not really into sending payment for something i know i wont have for a while. but IF we did order now.. how soon could we have them? i'm lookin at havin it for the shows by may. i've decided, i'm set on this now. :] and i wont back out of buying it either if you get it rolling mitch, from fiberimages. oh... and any word about the sprayer holes? gotta wash my windshield still :/ lol

eeterp February-27th-2002 01:05 AM


they will NOT come with pre-drilled washer holes.

biknman February-27th-2002 06:57 AM

Washer holes
Drilling carbon fiber is easy. I've cut carbon fiber and drilled it, I'm into bikes and we use a lot of carbon fiber parts. It’s just like cutting a fine wood. Just mark the spot you want to drill put some masking tape down so you do not scratch the area around the hole and drill away slowly at low to medium rpms. Drill from the top of the hood so that you get a clean cut edge around the hole on the top. I'm not sure of Fiber Images manufacturing process but if the use pressure or heat to cure the Carbon Fiber it will be just like wood. You can sand it cut it whatever it’s like working with hard wood. One thing though you will lose the nice look of the fiber weaves when cutting or drilling at the cut site. No worry though if your going to paint it or covering it with the washers output post. And depending on the number of clear coats or epoxy covering, if you do scratch it you can probably buff the scratch out. I'll be drilling holes for lockable billet hood pins in mine.

Protege5online February-27th-2002 09:23 AM

Whatever happens, I have to pay for 10 of these to have them made. So, they cant start making them until 10 of you have paid me. Or at least paid half to me (which will be unrefundable if you back out) And its really hard to say how long because I dont know if Fiber Images has any other hoods ahead of this. Iknow with the 2001-2002 hoods, they did it pretty quickly. But, the faster you get to me, the faster we get it started. I've only had 3 of you e-mail me saying you want this hood. 3 is not 10! So, those of you who havent e-mailed me & gotten a reply from me, e-mail me now. If you want the hood made, you are going to have to make it happen. THose of you that said you wont be able to pay for it until later, please, deposit half of it now so we can have the 10 orders. And the wiper nozzles you will just have to drill 2 holes to put those in.

Eric F February-27th-2002 11:36 AM

Mitch, I'm not thrilled about paying 50 to 100% of the purchase price in advance for a product I have no way of knowing when it will be delivered. Is this a requirement from Fiber Images, or are you trying to protect yourself from something similar to the '01+ hoods and gauge pod purchases you set up. I completely understand your position, and Fiber Images' as well, but I think that percentage is high for a non refundable deposit with no time frame for product delivery. As you probably know there are 5 or 6 of us that are pretty serious about getting these hoods made, from Fiber Images in particular. Jeremy has been trying to find another 4 solid interested buyers. Non of us are looking to back out and not get the hoods made, but we also don't want to make up for other deals gone awry. If Fiber Images is making this demand, I'd be glad to talk to your contact with them to try and work something out. I'm pretty confident I could work out something reasonable to all of us. I'm OK with the $620 shipped price, so I'm not interested in whatever deal you were able to make with them on the price. After all you should get something for your time, and use of your resellers license to set up the buy in the first place. I'd like to get some kind of production time commitment from Fiber Images on the hoods, after which our deposits would be refundable. I also think a 15 to 20% cash deposit is more than sufficient to provide you and Fiber Images some security that full payments will be forthcoming upon receipt of the hoods. I'm not in the habit of throwing $100 to $125 away on nothing. I think I speak for all of interested so far in saying we would like to get this done. I also realize we need a few more people to make it happen. I think this would ease the task of finding those people as well as the burden on those already interested that will have to pay deposits earlier, and wait longer to receive the product. Feel free to forward this post to Fiber Images to use in trying to get this deal done, or I would be more than happy to talk to them directly.

biknman February-27th-2002 04:08 PM

Fiber images deal
Hay Proteges,

I think a 25% non-refundable down payment seems fare to me. We got six confirmed and we'd probably get two more with a 25% down. That's $155.00 each for a total of $930.00 @ six people that's quite a bit for setup cost. I've had custom circuit cards assemblies with wire wrapping and burned EPROM’s needed in quantities of two or three with setups/engineering fees less than that. Just my own thoughts. If there is anything I can do let me know, wish I had another 99 or 00 and I'd buy another CF hood to help out. I'm willing to pay a little extra if it helps expedite the process.

Come on guys you can use any credit card with Paypal so a CF hood is just a few easy payments away. I know, I know my tree only grows so much money too. Dam I wish I could find the right fertilizer to get that dam tree to produce mo' money! Hehe 

Mitch since you have a relation ship going with FI what's a good price on their rear CF wing?

taxmasta March-2nd-2002 02:41 PM

im 100%
i smashed my p5 need a hood ASAP !!!!!!
tell me what to do i have contacted mitch earlyer today
however i might want to upgrade to the RED

eeterp March-2nd-2002 03:25 PM


this thread is for 99&00 protege hoods. You've already done what you Mitch.

eeterp March-5th-2002 12:05 AM


I still want this CF hood and if you want it too, then email Mitch If you want to make suggestions about pre-paying, then email Mitch If you want to know when these will be made, then email Mitch

Basically, FI needs some $$$ to get started. So, email..... well you know the rest. ;)

biknman March-5th-2002 06:12 AM

I'm in on the CF hood deal and what ever it takes to get one. I've already contacted Mitch and I'm ready at the door waiting for him to tell me to jump, yahoooo! Oops sorry, old military stuff coming out becuase I'm so exicited about getting the cf hood. Repost this message with your user name and where your at on this deal so everybody knows where we're at:

1. biknman - made offer for payment to Mitch waiting go-head
2. eeterp
3. Jeremy Dehart
4. Eric F
5. protetype


Protege5online March-5th-2002 11:49 PM

Like I said, no matter what happens, I will be paying for 10 hoods. If we do 25% down non refundable thats fine. And refundable is always workable with me. Im not in this to steal from anyone! So, I will need 10 25%+ downpayments before I can get these started. After that, Fiber Images is looking at 4 to 6 weeks. Last time they told me that, the hoods where ready 3 weeks later. So, it could be sooner. But, the faster we get 10 orders, the faster they get produced. I dont think 10 will be a problem since ya'll have had more time to think about it & dream about it & WANT it! So, if you want it, e-mail me. I still only have e-mails from like 3 of you. So, e-mail me your name, address, & that you want the hood for the 99-2000 Protege. I'll keep everyone posted on how the payments are coming along. Some of you are ready to pay the full amount, I would honestly rather have the full amount if you are ready to pay it all now. Sorry, I know how I am with hanging on to money!! If I have it now, I would want to pay it all so I dont accidentalyly spend it! We'll get this done, but I've really got to have the orders & commitement to get it done. Once I see that, I can relay it to FI & get a better ETA on it.

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