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fossil boy September-6th-2002 08:46 AM

Originally posted by lupus
i feel like i'm at a democratic convention. i'm and a pro-smoker as i do not encourage others to do it but i am in no way against it. i still love the way people wanna legalize weed but illegalize cigs. why not legalize both. damn librals
Hey I don't think liberals are the problem (they just want your handguns and are hoping to save "fuzzy bunny"). Given "W's" Administration, John Ashcroft and the recent Patriot Act, I think that the right-wing element has done much to erode our Rights and Civil Liberties as of late.
As far as I know, you can still grow your own (tobacco)...

OPRAKU September-6th-2002 03:38 PM

I used to smoke back when I was like 14-15... it wasn't really the pressure cos I didn't have any, I think it was more that since I lived in a family of smokers I had this odd curiosity to try it. But eh.. it was dumb and I'm glad I didn't continue it before I got too addicted to it. And especially after seeing what my mom does after I hide her cigs... heh... don't wanna end up like that. (Thing of a infuriated chicken running around everywhere as if they were looking for something).

OurP5 September-7th-2002 08:07 PM

My turn
Unfortunately, I and my wife are both smokers.

We both smoke a pack a day.

I started when I was like 16, am now 28. I have quit many times and started right back many times.

I have no will power and admit it.

If I could turn back the clock to when I started..... I never would have.

I do not smoke in my house and I do not smoke in my car. I do not smoke inside other people's houses who do smoke inside. I
figured, I don;t do it my house, so I am not going to do it in your's. I will step out to the porch or out in the yard.

It just angers me when I sit back and think that I am spending almost $4100 a year on cigarettes that in turn will cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills in the future.

I am not pro-smoke. I am not anti-smoke.

If you are of age, do what you want.

If you don't like smoking or it bothers you immensly (sp) take yourself out of the situation.

If what you are doing is endangering others....STOP.

My wife and I have discussed that when she is carrying our children we will both quit, and hope to never start back.

pr5owner September-7th-2002 10:47 PM

Re: My turn

Originally posted by OurP5

It just angers me when I sit back and think that I am spending almost $4100 a year on cigarettes that in turn will cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills in the future.

damn.. $4100.. glad i didn't start...

$4100 = $1K stereo system, CAI, Exuast, Rotors, Springs, Swaybar, tie bars, strut bars, some decals and lots of Gasoline.
Ford model t engine specifications

pr5owner September-7th-2002 10:52 PM

Originally posted by midnightblue97

Over 10 grand a year for smokes?? Jesus H.
Around here people would have to smoke probably 10 packs a day to spend that much money. I guess Ontario has it good, smokes are only 6.95- 7.50 where I am.

well its $12.95 a pack, you smoke pack and a half a day (just for calculation) $12.95 ?1.5packs ? 365days/yr = $7090.13,

3 grand off woops sorry (i just made up the 10K off the top of my head).. but 7 grand CAD is still alot!! you can buy 2 used cars for that.. or lots of cool mods for you car!

onehawaiian September-8th-2002 01:00 AM

i have nothing against smokers cause nowadays most ppl seem to be aware of others, so they try to smoke out of the way of non-smokies.

but no one is allowed to smoke in my ride. no one is allowed to smoke by my ride. ladies, you can smoke after we've made out, not before.

the government is out to glamourize cigs. seriously, with the upwards pricing, soon only rich ppl will be able to smoke, making it the "fashionable" thing. :rolleyes:

...hold up, i'll be right back. gotta burn some ganja. :smoke:

onehawaiian September-8th-2002 01:03 AM

...okay, where was i? oh yeah, smoking don't bother me as long as it's not in my face or car. do what you like, but it seems ppl on here know what to do with the extra $4000 year...

okay. we're all good right?. hehe...

onehawaiian September-8th-2002 01:06 AM

hey wil, that festiva looks good. damn. looks good.

mnkyboy September-8th-2002 10:08 PM

Originally posted by lupus
i choose to smoke and no one will take that choice from me;.
Man, I feel sorry for you... well...maybe I dont. "Choice"? You can make millions of choices, but it doesnt mean they are right. Do what you want to fuck your body up, I dont give a shit, but I wish that smokers would stop using the "choice" thing as an excuse to smoke. I wish I could hear a better excuse once in awhile... :D

5SpeedP5 September-8th-2002 10:19 PM

well i dont smoke anymore, and hate it quite frankly

but you know, it is a choice to smoke, and most people that like smoking, enjoy it... it has a socail life that is/can be great... sure it kills you, but it can be enjoyable... sadly :eek:

mito7878 September-9th-2002 08:38 AM

The best choice I ever made was not buying another pack. You dont have to quit smoking just quit buying them. Bum from friends. Eventually they will get so fed up with you asking that they will help you quit just so that they dont have to give you any more. I still will smoke a cigar once in a while for the flava and a little laughy grass for you know what but I havent touched a cigastix for about a year. The best part is that now when I wake up I dont cough up all that nasty smokers flem.

On a side note

JasonKilpa you said that your throat hurt? Your not supposed to inhale cigar somke.. Just thought you should know....

Maxx Mazda September-9th-2002 12:29 PM

I tried it once (obviously, being 17,) but I felt so sick afterwards. :( All of my friends smoke, but I decided against it a long time ago. My friends are actually really good about their habit. I don't bug them about it or anything, but they know they're not allowed to smoke in my car, and they don't pressure me to at any time. I tried it because I wanted too, and they actually won't let me do it again, for fear that I'll start up! :p

Like I said, no one smokes in my car, and they always butt out at least 3 mins prior to entering because they know I hate the smell. I've done my share of weed, but I quit last year. There's no point to it. Sure you get high, but I can just as easily get drunk... (Which I like to do.) We all hand in our keys and stuff, so it's safe, and always spend the night at that house so you won't even need to drive. I've seen alot of people killed because the "only had a few..." :(

alcoholiday September-9th-2002 12:33 PM

i smoked when i was in the music scene. i was sucking up so much second hand smoke anyway. plus, it relaxed me and roughed up my voice for singing. but, overall, my body felt like shit while i was smoking.

but i never smoked heavily and it's just too damn expensive anyway. haven't had one since february.

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