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mnkyboy September-3rd-2002 12:57 PM

Originally posted by foxymazda

I actually learned NOT to smoke from my Mom who does smoke. When I was younger I thought it was the thing to do b/c Mommy did it. So I took a puff of a cigarette that she left on the table one day. ( i think i was 4 0r 5 ) I remember this b/c I was so sick for the next week, I thought OMG! how can she do that?!

Yeah congrats on the marriage HH!! :D

Cool, some people are smart and learn from their parents mistakes, other people are not, and follow in their footsteps. :D

hihoslva September-3rd-2002 02:12 PM

Pro-smoking? Well, I can't say that I'd ever be "pro-smoke" like that, but I am "pro-choice" (this about smoking remember - the abortion thing is whole other thread - someday, maybe, but not now ;)).

My only problem is with the government (be it federal, state, or local) getting involved in people's businesses. When the gov't steps in and tells an independent restaurant owner that he can no longer have smoking in his establishment, that is plain wrong. If the public wants it that way, they will stop patronizing his restaurant until he bans smoking. Economics will dictate the situation. If not, they will keep coming. But that is that individual's business - his livelihood, and his investment. And while smoking is legal, he should have the absolute, inalienable right to allow it to take place in his business if he so desires.

As far as public buildings - I agree that no-smoking is a fine rule to have. But stay out of an individual's pockets and business. Private property is just that - PRIVATE. If no illegal activity is taking place, leave the poor people alone.

I also have to take issue with no smoking at outdoor arenas and ballparks - this is just plain dumb. Basically, all it amounts to is the non-smokers are too much of a bunch of pussies to just ASK the person to please not smoke, or not allow the smoke to billow into their face. And the smokers are too frigging rude to care without being told. But this is a social issue that should be able to be solved between mature adults - the government should NOT have to step in and separate the children so they don't fight. I know that if someone requested that I not smoke fo some reason - I don't. I can have respect for someone who has respect for me. But if you don't have enough respect or balls to just ASK me, I don't care about you - you're the sneaky litle kid who runs to tell the teacher what the bad boy is doing.

I don't know how it is in other states, but smoking is all but completely banned in any stadium or arena here in NY. It's OUTSIDE for crying out loud!! I mean, I got told to put one out at a concert - a RUSH concert! Even at the Tool show I went to last year. Gimme a break.

Occasionally, the non-smokers should realize that smoking has a place in our society, and they need to deal with that. If you don't want to be somewhere because of the smoke, then DON'T GO - like bars, where smoking is still "legal" (for now). What will be next? Burping in public? Farting? Wearing funky clothes? What if you hate onions - better yet, what if you vomit at the smell of hot dogs, and the guy next to you at the ballgame is eating one. Should we ban franks? If you don't like the place, go home - you can't make the whole world conform to your standards.

Other than the laws about smoking, I am 100% against it. No one should do it. It is becoming a rich-man's habit nowadays (at least here) and I really do applaud it - we should all quit. However, I sincerely believe that even if I was a non-smoker, I'd feel the same way - that the laws are an invasion of privacy and personal liberty in many cases. Not all, but many.

I know many of you will say "why should I have to breathe your filthy smoke" and I agree. I have a choice to smoke, and you have a choice to stay or leave. Who will you go after next? People with too much cologne? Or that stink? Or garbage trucks? Should we really ban garbage trucks? You get the point.

We should just learn to respect each other, even if we don't like each other.

Whew - I need a smoke! ;) :smoke:


mnkyboy September-3rd-2002 03:14 PM

Originally posted by hihoslva
Whew - I need a smoke! ;) :smoke:


LOL, I agree with you, to an extent. Are you serious about the Tool concert? That is just plain stupid! Most of the people at the Tool concert I went to in New Orleans was smoking weed, and there is no stopping that! That was an indoor concert, so banning outdoor smoking crazy! Like I said, I HATE cigarettes, but its still legal, so you should still have your rights. Another think that really bugs the hell out of me are the smokers who throw their cigarette butts on the ground. This is trash, and you ARE littering! Next time you are at a stop light, take a look out your window at all the butts. Outside of buildings are just as bad. If you must smoke, put your butt where it :D

SEA_P5 September-3rd-2002 03:21 PM

That is one thing that I did not get...why do people smoke in their cars? I can not even count how many times that I was almost rear ended by someone on a cell phone or smoking a "cancer" stick...(couldn't help it...had to quote one of my favorite movies "Clerks")

CanadaFX September-3rd-2002 03:43 PM

i never understood smoking myself.
i can honestly say i've never smoked a cigarette in my life. however with all the second hand smoke i've inhaled throughout the years, you might as well say i've smoked.
it won't be long until smoking is prohibited everywhere!

5SpeedP5 September-3rd-2002 04:48 PM

well, also a reason why i smoked was, cause for that point in my life i was spending alot of my socail life in areas that were heavily filled with second hand smoke.... and hell if im gonna breath that i just figured ill just smoke.... stupid thinking, but hey it was enjoyable for a while, though stupid.

VagaBond-X September-4th-2002 09:11 PM

hmmm I smoke very rarely!

my smoking habits are something like once a month, and thats only when ppl are around and they offer to me

I've never gotten a craving to smoke or anything liek that...and even once a month for the last year is prety rare....and out of those times them actually beeing cigs are rare too...most of the time I'm smoking weed....

so I don't consider myself addicted...cuz I've passed up on smoking allot of time too....haha...with out any hesitation......

Makaveli September-5th-2002 02:22 AM

Originally posted by foxymazda


yeah i kill me!

:D :D :D

onehawaiian September-5th-2002 09:08 AM

Originally posted by foxymazda
I dont smoke, never have and never will. I like my white teeth!! :D <-See!!
LOL, das cute. :)

cig's blow, but aaah sweet weed... let us take a moment to remember our father bob (marley) and thank him for the mellow sessions and for making everything irie... :smoke:

hehe, just kidding. :D

eazilyamuzed September-5th-2002 10:29 AM

Smokie Smokie!!!
ONLY THE CHRONIC!!!;) as far as cig's go... Never have never will... Oah and OneHawian You ain't got to lie to Kick it.... WE all know how good the "Tree's" grow in Hawaii hehe :cheers: We only wish we had it as good as you!

mnkyboy September-5th-2002 11:58 AM

Re: Smokie Smokie!!!

Originally posted by eazilyamuzed
ONLY THE CHRONIC!!!;) as far as cig's go... Never have never will... Oah and OneHawian You ain't got to lie to Kick it.... WE all know how good the "Tree's" grow in Hawaii hehe :cheers: We only wish we had it as good as you!

midnightblue97 September-5th-2002 12:43 PM

Originally posted by pr5owner

Knife: $3.00
smokes over (10yrs?):$10K +? grand a year on smokes..? i dunno sorry i don't smoke but i imagine its lots since the price went up again to almost $13CAD

Over 10 grand a year for smokes?? Jesus H.
Around here people would have to smoke probably 10 packs a day to spend that much money. I guess Ontario has it good, smokes are only 6.95- 7.50 where I am.

lupus September-5th-2002 10:00 PM

jesus i wouldn't have read this if you would have said smoking by what the hell and why does everyone care why people smoke so much. after wasteing time in this thread it seems as some people wanna play mommy or daddy and tell everyone how to live. i smoke and i love to smoke. i smoke 1 1/2 packs a day and i am never fucking quiting. i dont' care if cigarettes bring the death of me and the only way i'm gonna quit is when i run out of money and once i get some more money i'm gonna start right back up. i love how some people say weed is ok even though its breaking the law and what a great example that is setting. i choose to smoke and no one will take that choice from me;. i love the way it taste and the way way it calms my road rage. saying smoking isa disorder that you have to fess up to to deal with is like saying over-eating is a disorder. whatever its all excuses. i get on this board on all i seem to see is nothing but protest against something whether it be against mazda or smokers. i feel like i'm at a democratic convention. i'm and a pro-smoker as i do not encourage others to do it but i am in no way against it. i still love the way people wanna legalize weed but illegalize cigs. why not legalize both. damn librals

titocruzsd September-5th-2002 11:34 PM

Originally posted by lupus
saying smoking isa disorder that you have to fess up to to deal with is like saying over-eating is a disorder.
guess you've never taken a psychology class before. sorry to break to it ya buddy, but compulsive eating IS a disorder. :chef:

nobody here is trying to play "mommy" or "daddy". did anyone say "hey lupus, be a good boy and put out that cigarette"? NO! they're just expressing their opinions on smoking (just like you did).

onehawaiian September-6th-2002 12:51 AM

hit the chronic and let it go man... :)

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