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The weakest Ticket of all!!!

Old October-3rd-2002, 10:56 PM
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Angry The weakest Ticket of all!!!

I spent a night at my buddy's house with my car parked on the street. As I walked up to my car, I see a parking ticket under my wiper I thought to myself, "What could it possibly be for? I bought a 1 year parking permit to park on the street!" You can't freaking believe this... it was for "No Front License Plate!" It was a $70 dollar ticket! The weakest thing was... this ticket was written at 3:17 AM!!!!! In the freaking morning... the damn cop probably had to use a freaking flashlight to write the ticket. I was so furious, but didn't want to deal with it so... a couple of weeks later I had to put the plates back on and I drove to the freaking police station and wrote a $20 check ($10 handling feel or something like that)

Last edited by Protege5Lava; October-3rd-2002 at 11:25 PM.
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Old October-3rd-2002, 11:40 PM
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I can almost top that for the weakest ticket. I got pulled over one night for some unknown reason. The cop said I was going a little fast, but did not have me on radar so could not write a ticket for speeding. He asked for license, ownership and insurance.
I'm sitting there which seemed like twenty minutes went by. He comes up to the window and hands me a ticket for "unsigned ownership in pen"! I thought it was a joke until I saw it was for $120.00. I almost wish I was wearing depends at the time because I can very close know!
Anyway there was no way in hell I was paying that ticket. I went to court to at least get the fine reduced and the judge threw it out of court and he had a look on his face like he thought it was a bigger joke than I did.
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Old October-4th-2002, 01:02 AM
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Originally posted by ESsedan01
I can almost top that for the weakest ticket...He comes up to the window and hands me a ticket for "unsigned ownership in pen"! I thought it was a joke until I saw it was for $120.00.
*ding ding* i think we may have a winner here for the weakest ticket ever! it may be hard to top that one.

on a side note: i had a pretty lame brush in with the law, but it wasn't a ticket. some friends and i were walking to the car in a grocery store parking lot, and a cop told me to walk over to him. he asked me where i lived, and when i told him, he arrested me for obstruction of justice (i don't understand how walking in a grocery store parking lot was an obstruction of justice), resisting arrest (i was handcuffed and was pinned up against the car - that doesn't constitute "resistance"), and lying to a police officer (i had no reason or chance to lie to him! he arrested me immediately after i told him where i lived). my mom contacted her friend at internal affairs, and the san diego police deparment *conveniently* lost the paperwork and dropped all charges. the cop claimed he had never seen me before, but he had herassed me on several occasions (once for being out at 10:01pm, and curfew was at 10:00pm!) and he was even in the grocery store i worked at earlier that day!

the real reason he was messin' with me was because he liked this one chick that i worked with, and he gave me a note once to give to her when i was outside of the store. she didn't want anything to do with him, so he took it out on me. damn bastard! after that arrest incident, he got in trouble and they gave him a sh!tty beat to patrol. needless to say, he never messed with me again!
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Old October-4th-2002, 01:07 AM
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Originally posted by titocruzsd

*ding ding* i think we may have a winner here for the weakest ticket ever! it may be hard to top that one.

on a side note: i had a pretty lame brush in with the law, but it wasn't a ticket. some friends and i were walking to the car in a grocery store parking l......
....curfew was at 10:00pm!) and he was even in the grocery store i worked at earlier that day!

Is there a curfew in S.D.?

Hmmm most cops are really good but there are some that are just crooked. I guess it's just human nature.
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Old October-4th-2002, 01:45 AM
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Originally posted by Chastan

Is there a curfew in S.D.?

Hmmm most cops are really good but there are some that are just crooked. I guess it's just human nature.
yeah, there's curfew in SD, but most cops don't care (as long as you're not causing trouble). that was back in '97, so i don't have to worry about curfew anymore since i'm no longer a minor. it was just that this particular cop had a grudge towards me, so he hassled me on several occasions. the curfew incident was messed up though because he actually came up to us before 10pm, and starting herassing us for loitering (we were in the plaza minding our own business finishing up our food), and then kept messin' with us for about 20 minutes until after 10pm so that he could then herass us about curfew. luckily my friend's mom just happened to drive by when we were about to get arrested, and she threatened to turn him in for herassing us, so he left us alone. we would have been gone before 10pm, if he wouldn't have kept us there. oh well, he never got with the girl that i worked with, and he got in trouble after they conducted an investigation on him. he messed with me, but i had the last laugh

Section 58.0102 -- Curfew Restrictions
(a) It is unlawful for any minor to be present in any public place or on the premises of any establishment within the City of San Diego during curfew hour.
(b) It is unlawful for any parent or guardian or a minor knowingly to permit, or by insufficient control to allow, the minor to be present in any public place or on the premises of any establishment within the City during curfew hours.

Section 58.0101 -- Definitions for Curfew Provisions
For purposes of Sections 58.0101 and 58.0102:
"Curfew hours" means the period from 10:00 p.m. any evening of the week, until 6:00 a.m. the following day.
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Old October-4th-2002, 10:09 AM
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These are all really good. I have never been pulled over really but I didn't pass State Inspection one time cause my turns signals were too fast. They said the person behind me would think I had a busted fuse and would run into me since I was slowing down to turn. The inspectors in Delaware are the lowest form of life known to man and will harrass anyone with decent car or a person that is younger then they are.
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Old October-4th-2002, 10:19 AM
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Back in highschool in a small small town far far away! lol
Yuma AZ to be exact I was driving late around 11 with a buddy on a county road and was passed by two sheriffs going the opposite direction, I was in a lowered bug cruizing along not even speeding. next thing I know they whip a bitch and come after me. Can you say bored thinking I am a gangsta or something. I had tinted windows double limo all the way around a 4in strip on the top of the windshield and a 2in on the bottom of the windshield.
The cop comes up to my window gun drawn, which was rolled down by this time. They tell me and passenger to put our hands on out the sunroof, he then comes up and says did you know that you have a taillight out while the other two cops are flashing their lights right up against the glass trying to get a peek inside, by this time a city police shows up and a highway patrol guy and not long after that a freakin border patrol cop comes by. Along with the freakin ghetto border patrol helicoptor.
The cops seperate us from the car and place us in the back seats of some cars. They come over and talk to me first and ask me to go back to the car to get the registration and stuff. I had preveiosly told my buddy to roll his window down cause there gonna check for tint. Sure enough the highway patrol guy comes over and breaks out his tint gauge he asks me to roll up the window and with the biggest grin from ear to ear I slowly roll up the window maybe 6 inches. The highway patrol guy looks at me pissed and leaves. (side note: a few weeks earlier that window got broken clear glass) The cop proceds to ask me if he can search my car for drugs or alcohol. Thats why the border patrol dog sniffer is hear. I willingly allow them to search my car knowing that anything I had in there was gone already. The dog goes freaking bazirk and this scares the hell outta me while the other sheriff throws me against the side of the car. The damn dog found a half a candy bar. The spot light helicoptor leaves the highway patrol guy is gone in a flash, the border patrol guy laughs at the sheriffs and leaves. The sheriff brings my buddy back over to the car and he sits down while they unhandcuff me he whips up a fix it ticket that I have to take and show juvinile court. Talk about a waste of about 2hrs.
Old October-4th-2002, 03:44 PM
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All of you remember that you do have, beyond a shadow of doubt, the right to exercise your constitutional rights, both federal and state (not aquainted w/ canadian law-sorry). Yes, most cops will harrass you and most likely violate your rights while on the scene w/ you, but do NOT cause trouble @ the scene!!!

If you feel that your rights are being violated or that the officer(s) are using improper procedure, etc...then sit there and say NOTHING!!! The law (of which they supposedly represent and enforce) allows you the right to say nothing-even in front of a judge!! When you refuse to speak (do not go so far as obstruction-again common sense applies) to a judge at arraignment, he must enter a 'not guilty' plea.

If you do this, you may find yourself in jail and feel like the heavens are falling on you but remember, you always get your date in court. And if a cop has violated you rights, then you can sue him and/or the dept also for such offence(s). They wont have the state court to protect them because the court will be Federal and the Federal govt. aint too keen on cops who violate rights.

Lastly, I aint a lawyer and I am NOT giving any legal counseling, but simply offering logical observations based upon reading the us. constitution. You too can do this and although lawyers will, undoubtedly, make you feel that your pious little mind is not able to do so, you CAN protect yourself. Sorry for the tirade but, I had to say something.
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Old October-4th-2002, 04:01 PM
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Originally posted by mike_moss
shitty cops, tito!
****, that was only one of the crazy incidents i had in high school. the last week of my junior year my friends and i went to mcdonald's to work on a cops & robbers skit for one of our classes. in the parking lot, one of my friends showed us a BB gun that he was going to use as a prop. we worked on the skit for a little while, and then we decided to go start filming it. when we opened the door to mcdonald's, there were cops EVERYWHERE with guns drawn. we're like WTF?!?! they told us to get out of the way because mcdonald's was being robbed. we walked to the car, and we realized that WE were the ones that the cops thought were robbing the mcdonald's (apparently an old lady saw the BB gun that my friend showed us in the parking lot, and called the cops claiming we were robbers). we got in my friends car and started to drive off, when we were boxed in by 4 cop cars (they figured out that we were the ones they were after).

they arrested us all and found out that it was a BB gun, yet they still kept messin' with us. they thought we were in a gang (they didn't believe us when we told them we weren't). when they stopped us i had been chewing on some fries, and when i got out of the car, i spit them out. the cop thought i was coughing up drugs, and then searched the fries for drugs. that was pretty entertaining! it was right after school, so about 200 people witnessed it and were laughing that the cops ended up looking like jack@$$es. they were so embarassed, they took us across the street to finish herassing us; then they finally let us go. the whole ordeal lasted about an hour and a half. we made it into every newspaper in san diego and on every news channel as well. my friend's grandpa even heard about it in LA. if i can find the newspaper article(s), i'll post them. i made the front page of one of the newspapers! after that incident, i was known as the hamburgalur.

Originally posted by kosmicride
....The cop proceds to ask me if he can search my car for drugs or alcohol. Thats why the border patrol dog sniffer is hear. I willingly allow them to search my car knowing that anything I had in there was gone already. The dog goes freaking bazirk and this scares the hell outta me while the other sheriff throws me against the side of the car. The damn dog found a half a candy bar....
a candy bar?!
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Old October-4th-2002, 04:11 PM
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Originally posted by Protegé Menacé

like i said, that was just one or two of the incidents. i have a few more.
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Old October-4th-2002, 05:43 PM
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Originally posted by Protegé Menacé
lets hear em!
ok, here it goes. this is another incident from high school. one day my auto shop teacher was sick, so we had a substitute teacher (josh - the school's athletic trainer). i had auto shop right before lunch, and josh let our class out about 20 minutes early. my friend rafael and i went to the parking lot to wait for anyone else to get out of class so that we could go eat (we had off campus lunch). while waiting for our other friends, rafael told me about a CD changer that he had bought off of someone, and he wanted to see if my CD changer cable would work on his CD changer. i popped open my trunk, and we checked it out. my cable didn't hook up to his, so i closed my trunk, and he put his CD changer back in his car. after a few minutes, he forgot he didn't have any money for lunch, so he asked me if he could borrow some. i said sure, and i pulled out my wallet and gave him some money. when our friends finally got out of class, we jumped into rafael's car, and began to drive out of the school parking lot. all of a sudden, richard (the campus security guy), pulls out in front of us and stops us from leaving. he tells us to get out of the car, so at this point we're thinking what the hell is going on?!

richard said that some PTA mom had went to the office, and said that she saw us dealing drugs in the parking lot! after telling richard and the principal what had happened they wanted to see for themselves (the PTA lady thought the CD changer was a brick of cocaine and that the money i had let him borrow for lunch was drug money). of course they didn't believe us, so they said that we either let them search our cars, or they'll call the cops on us to do a search. knowing my damn luck with the cops, we showed them the CD changer and the money that i had given him. when they looked in my trunk, they saw a can of paint (i was planning on painting my calipers) and then the principal tried to blame me for tagging up the school with graffiti the week before (some guys from another school had come to our school and tagged all kinds of stupid gang ****). after explaining what the paint was for, and about the CD changer and the money, she (the principal) felt like a jack@$$ and wanted rafael and i to go to her office. she said that even though we weren't selling drugs, she was going to give us detention for ditching class. when we tried to explain that josh had let our entire class out early, she asked josh, and he of course said no. he said we had disappeared from class! freakin' liar! the real story behind him saying no, was due to the fact that A) he didn't want to get in trouble for letting us out early and B) a few week earlier, he wouldn't let me leave class to go take a **** (he was substituting for another one of my classes), so i left anyways, and on my way out i told him to go f*#k himself!

well rafael served his detention, but i refused because josh was being a ***** and the principal felt like a jack@$$, and was trying to find BS stuff to get us in trouble (her intent was to mess with us one way or another). i felt i didn't deserve detention since josh had let us out early. the principal then threatened me that if i didn't serve detention, i was going to be expelled from the school. i said ok, but i'll only serve detention on graduation day. the principal agreed, and said if i didn't go to detention, i wasn't going to be able to graduate with my class. do you think i every actually served that detention?! hell no!! by the time the principal found out, i already had my diploma. i wish i would have been able to see her face when they called my name at graduation knowing that i never served detention.

not as dramatic as the mcdonald's incident, but oh well.
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Old October-4th-2002, 08:06 PM
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I have a good one,one day my friend and me were driving through this plaza, which has like mcdonalds, and bradlees, and a food store, so we see a friend walking, so me and my buddy think it would be funny to make it look like we kidnapped him, so we go flying up lock on the brakes and jump out, kick his ***, and throw him in the backseat, and peel away. well little did we know an off duty cop saw the whole thing and thought we really did kidnapp someone. so he started chasing us, we finally lost him, just thinking it was some guy, so we laughed it off. so later that day we go to my buddys house, and their are like 20 cops there. all thinking we kidnapped someone. needless to say our parents were not impressed.
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Old October-4th-2002, 08:29 PM
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Originally posted by THEGOLDPRO
I have a good we see a friend walking, so me and my buddy think it would be funny to make it look like we kidnapped him, so we go flying up lock on the brakes and jump out, kick his ***, and throw him in the backseat, and peel away. well little did we know an off duty cop saw the whole thing and thought we really did kidnapp someone....
that is a good one! so what did the cops say when you got home?
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Old October-4th-2002, 08:46 PM
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well that undercover cop was there, and we had to convince him that it was all a joke, then my buddy got hammered with all kinds of fines, from speeding, tolike improper use of an automobile, all sorts of crap. thank god i wasnt driving!!!!
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Old October-5th-2002, 06:03 AM
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Originally posted by foxymazda
...I have a really funny story about the time(s) my bf got pulled over if anyone wants to hear them! Lemme know!
definitely! reading these stories is pretty damn entertaining!
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