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Deceptipro May-3rd-2002 05:14 AM


Aside from some minor details, it is VERY true to the comic. Best comic-based-movie I've seen.

Makaveli May-3rd-2002 07:19 AM

Very true........

I thought that it would totally look computerized, but it doesn't....

I just found it to be a bit too cheezy for my liking......
oh and his uncle and aunt are horrible actors.......

Randy Savage is in it too...

vkyolv May-3rd-2002 10:03 AM


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Sorry....I get carried away some times.

Seriously...Scale of 1-10 what would you rate it? Thinking of going to see it.

Deceptipro May-3rd-2002 10:54 AM

How can it be "too cheezy" in any way? It's about a kid who dresses up in a red and blue body suit and fights criminals who dress in big neon green suits. It's a comic book movie. It stays true to the comic. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Don't even wait to hear what people say about it. See it. See it now! My guess is that once people hear how good it is, the theaters will be full for weeks. (the weeks leading up to Episode II, at least) In terms of numbers...8.75

Macho Man doesn't have the only cameo. I caught a glimpse of Stan Lee... and I think Lucy Lawless is in it too.

2002VividYellow May-3rd-2002 11:03 AM

The trailers for the movie look great hope the movie lives up to them

Sir Nuke May-3rd-2002 11:09 AM

ME TOO! I may go tonight.....I was surprised to see that our little theater actually got it the first week.

Ambient May-3rd-2002 11:57 AM

I think I'm looking foward more to Kirsten Dunsts' wet nipple shots in the alley.

Sir Nuke May-3rd-2002 12:18 PM

oh wow!! gotta keep an eye out for that!! :{D

talked to the wife a little while ago....looks like we are going tonight... going to take my son as well. I am sure he will enjoy it too.


well guess that is it for a little while....its my day off and the lawn is calling my name! lol

2002VividYellow May-3rd-2002 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Sir Nuke
oh wow!! gotta keep an eye out for that!! :{D

well guess that is it for a little while....its my day off and the lawn is calling my name! lol

Hope those bugs don't attack you when mowing:D

Travis May-3rd-2002 12:54 PM

Originally posted by 2002VividYellow

Hope those bugs don't attack you when mowing:D

:rofl: they have formed a posse and are waiting for him :D He's gonna get it :inthebum:

Sir Nuke May-3rd-2002 01:33 PM

I went out armed with the weedwhacker....they were SKERT! there was only one or two that TRIED to attack....I am on for a cold one and a short break....I need gass for the lawnmower...just got all the trimming and edging done! lol

azrakain May-4th-2002 12:01 AM

Spider Man Movie
I went and saw the spider man movie today and it was great. Good special effects and I think they stayed pretty faithfull to the comic books. They also had a preview of the new Marvel movie for Summer 2003; THE HULK. It will be a must see, I'm sure.

Travis May-4th-2002 12:02 AM

coolness, I am gonna try and see it tomorrow night :) Glad to hear they stayed on track with the comics..

Evil Homer MP5 May-4th-2002 12:58 AM

Spider-man Movie Rocks
Hello everyone,

I just got home after i have seen the SPIDER-MAN movie.

and i must say, it ROCKS big time, i'd go see it again any day.

I also gotta get it when it comes out on DVD.
i'll be pre-ordering that one for sure.

Travis May-4th-2002 12:58 AM

hehe lets see how many people we can get to start a topic after seeing the movie :D

Sir Nuke May-4th-2002 01:05 AM

I went to see it but didn't get nearly to the window and they were announcing that there were no seats left together in the theater....I wasn't going to go in with my wife and son and have to sit in seperate parts of the we will probably just go to an early show tomorrow.... :{D save a few bucks while we are at it too!

Makaveli May-4th-2002 03:38 AM

Yeah, it was too cheezy as in 'too much romance'.......

Plus his aunt and uncle weren't the greatest of actors.....

in any case, not a bad movie overall, pretty good I must say.

It's an 8 out of 10

Sir Nuke May-4th-2002 05:19 PM

this is starting to suck......we went last night and got nearly to the window and they were announcing that although they had seats....there was no garrentee that there were any two seats we didn't go in....SO, today we figure we will go to the early show in the next town over since we were going to the mall over there and the wife was getting her hair cut....we swing by the theater shortly before they opened and the lines were huge....there was a 1:15 show....and my wife checks the show times, there is a show at we go on to the mall and walk around and gennerly goof off....we get back to the theater at 3 to find a sign out front that not only is the 4 pm show sold it the one at 7!!!! grrrrrrr this is really starting to piss me off!! .... guess we will be going to church early tomorrow and hitting the theater here in town as soon as it opens right after noon!!! lol

Travis May-4th-2002 05:20 PM

Man that sucks bro :( sounds like F&F when it came out hehehe...I am going tomorrow with my sister and her husband, wish me luck! :D

Racer91 May-4th-2002 08:04 PM

One Word


Nuff said..... when are they doing the next one and which bad guy do you guys think they should have??

My Vote

Doc Ock for one of the older villians of course :-)

Sir Nuke May-4th-2002 08:44 PM

well if for some reason tomorrow doesn't work out....I will just wait two weeks....cause then the new star wars will be out I think and then everyone will be going to that insted! lol

Net Seven May-5th-2002 12:26 AM

I just saw it tonight, and I would say it was a good movie. We were laughing with my friends about stupid stuff during the previews, then I stoped. They didnt stop and where laughing through half of the movie and making up stupid stuff. Then I told them to STFU:D

There was a movie preview for "XXX" and it has that bold guy from F&F in it. It has car stuff and action like guns and stuff, which is my type of movie. I have to go see it when it comes out.

mnkyboy May-5th-2002 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Ambient
I think I'm looking foward more to Kirsten Dunsts' wet nipple shots in the alley.
Hmmm, they were nice :winkyum:

I have to say, this is probably the BEST comic book movie that I have ever seen. Alot of people where saying that Toby wasnt a good choice to play Peter Parker, but I knew from the minute I heard he was playing the part that he would be perfect for the part. They were saying how he hasnt been in any action movies, and he isnt an action type of guy. If they even read the Spiderman comic, they would know that Peter Parker was a shy, quit guy. All in all, I was very impressed by the movie! I give it 2 thumbs up! :bigthumb:

Evil Homer MP5 May-5th-2002 03:38 PM

I just saw the Spider-Man movie for the second time.


It was good.:D :D

Sir Nuke May-5th-2002 05:09 PM

I FINALLY got to see the was really good....I enjoyed it from start to finish....even though I wasn't a big comic book reader as a really didn't matter.....they did a great job with the story.

as for the movie XXX that was previewed...well its a SUPER spy flick...and its going to be is Men In Black 2.....I can't wait till they come out.

and IF you guys like action...there is a movie coming out in july...the 12th to be exact....the title is something Reign of Fire or something like that...anyway....its about Fire Breathing Dragons that have taken over the world....and OUR fight to take it back...its awsome lookin too. If you saw the movie DRAGONSLAYER....its the same type of visuals that was used in that movie....the dragon sceens are so frickin awsome....

Net Seven May-5th-2002 06:11 PM

The whole theatre started laughing during the men in black II prview. That was when will smith shows that other guy his car and he asks if it came with that driver. Will Smith said "No, it came with a black guy but he always got pulled over". That was so freaken funny.

Travis May-5th-2002 07:13 PM

went and saw spider man today also, awesome movie! When theatres die down I am gonna go see it again! Can't wait til next movie when Green Lantern's son comes as a Villain..or he should atleast, never know what they are gonna do with movies..

azrakain May-5th-2002 07:29 PM

I am still pissed that my thread is gone especially since I think I started it at like 4PM on opening day. Oh well, the movie was awesome. Two things bothered me though:
1.) Webbing didn't come out of his wrists. He made webbing launchers and made the webbing cartridges so he could swing. Without this he could only climb.

2.) Norman Oswald doesn't die in the comic book. He goes to the looney bin and Norman becomes the goblin.

Two minor things but to an old comic 'buff those are big things.

Sir Nuke May-5th-2002 08:10 PM

Originally posted by azrakain
I am still pissed that my thread is gone especially since I think I started it at like 4PM on opening day. Oh well, the movie was awesome. Two things bothered me though:
1.) Webbing didn't come out of his wrists. He made webbing launchers and made the webbing cartridges so he could swing. Without this he could only climb.

2.) Norman Oswald doesn't die in the comic book. He goes to the looney bin and Norman becomes the goblin.

Two minor things but to an old comic 'buff those are big things.

and unless I am mistaken....something else you didn't mention....Spiderman is from a VERY long time ago....actually created during the beginning of what we refer to as the "atomic age".....and if my memory serves me correctly....the spider that bit Peter Parker had been IRRADIATED accidently and was running around the wasn't a genitically enhanced "SUPER SPIDER" created in a lab....

but that is cool....THIS actually makes more sense than a GLOW IN THE DARK spider biting him anyway.....for we are all a little wiser about radiation now anyway. :{D

omg the MIB2 sceen you was sooooooooooo funny....then I got to laugh at my wife when she looked at me and said "what did he mean by that?" LOL LOL omg I thought I was gonna die!!!!

Travis May-5th-2002 09:36 PM

I agree that last part of the MIB II Preview was so freaken funny! :rofl:

mnkyboy May-5th-2002 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Travis
Can't wait til next movie when Green Lantern's son comes as a Villain..or he should atleast, never know what they are gonna do with movies..
Green Goblin, not the Green Lantern. Isnt the Green Lantern a good guy? I cant remember?? :D

Travis May-5th-2002 09:53 PM

Originally posted by mnkyboy

Green Goblin, not the Green Lantern. Isnt the Green Lantern a good guy? I cant remember?? :D

Doh lol I think so, I never was a big Spider Man fan so no wonder I got them mixed up :rofl: Either way hehehe

mnkyboy May-5th-2002 09:57 PM

Originally posted by azrakain
I am still pissed that my thread is gone especially since I think I started it at like 4PM on opening day. Oh well, the movie was awesome. Two things bothered me though:
1.) Webbing didn't come out of his wrists. He made webbing launchers and made the webbing cartridges so he could swing. Without this he could only climb.

2.) Norman Oswald doesn't die in the comic book. He goes to the looney bin and Norman becomes the goblin.

Two minor things but to an old comic 'buff those are big things.

I have to agree with Sir Nuke, I like the way they did the movie vs the comic book. You are correct that the original spiderman built a web shooter to attach to his wrist, but having the web come out of his wrist is alot cooler! As for the Norman Oswald not dying in the comic book, there was a new comic every month. I think it would get boring to have the Green Goblin come back in the next movie, then the next , then the next (like the comic book :) ). Look at the Batman movies, the Joker died, whereas he didnt in the comic book. Also, who DID die in comic books back then? That would have been violent, and that wouldnt have set good with parents back then! LOL :D

Sir Nuke May-5th-2002 10:31 PM

YES, the GREEN LANTERN was a good guy.....and his side kick was KATO!...

AND just a little bit of trivia here guys...there was a Green Lantern TV show....and BRUCE LEE played Kato!

Net Seven May-5th-2002 11:06 PM

How much are tickets over in your area? Here they are $8 for an adult. I think thats way high, so when we have a bunch of guys going to see the movie with buy two tickets. Both of the 2 guys with tickets go into the theatre, then one of them comes out with both tickets. He hands one of the tickets that he used to get in to another guy and they both walk in, then another guy walks out with both of them, and so on. I am not paying $8!!

Travis May-5th-2002 11:23 PM

$8? That is insane! it was $5 for us..I guess one of the perks of living in a small town :D

mnkyboy May-5th-2002 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Sir Nuke
YES, the GREEN LANTERN was a good guy.....and his side kick was KATO!...

AND just a little bit of trivia here guys...there was a Green Lantern TV show....and BRUCE LEE played Kato!

LOL, sorry Sir Nuke, but its the Green Hornet, not the Green Lantern. Check it out here. I remember seeing the show a couple of times, Bruce Lee kicked ass like always, but the show didnt last that long.

GREEN LANTERN (he has the superpower ring)

GREEN HORNET (sort of like Dick Tracy, crime fighter)

Sorry if I sound like a no-it-all, but I use to be heavyly into comic books :batman:

Travis May-5th-2002 11:43 PM

There was a green lantern somewhere heheheh :D

Makaveli May-6th-2002 04:46 AM

Originally posted by Net Seven
How much are tickets over in your area? Here they are $8 for an adult. I think thats way high, so when we have a bunch of guys going to see the movie with buy two tickets. Both of the 2 guys with tickets go into the theatre, then one of them comes out with both tickets. He hands one of the tickets that he used to get in to another guy and they both walk in, then another guy walks out with both of them, and so on. I am not paying $8!!
Aha, so that's what you do!!!

Hehehe, that wouldn't work with me (yes, I'm an usher) as I know what you people are up to.......

Price at my theatre is 7$ CDN (about 4$ US) for an adult, and 4$ CDN (2$ US) for matinees and kids/seniors .

Any protegeclub would get in for free if you guys came ;)
free popcorn and drinks as well

Sir Nuke May-6th-2002 07:46 AM

DAMN DUDE!!! I stand corrected.....ya gotta understand...its been a LONG time since I read comic books!!! lol lol my memory is pretty good...but sometimes the little details get mixed up..

but yes.....there WAS a green lantern.....hmmmmm just which comic was he in?

Originally posted by mnkyboy

LOL, sorry Sir Nuke, but its the Green Hornet, not the Green Lantern. Check it out here. I remember seeing the show a couple of times, Bruce Lee kicked ass like always, but the show didnt last that long.

GREEN LANTERN (he has the superpower ring)

GREEN HORNET (sort of like Dick Tracy, crime fighter)

Sorry if I sound like a no-it-all, but I use to be heavyly into comic books :batman:

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