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JDMstuff August-7th-2002 01:06 AM

Sorry to hear about your loss. I'd like to see the look on their faces when they try to put it on their Civic and find out it was a 5-lug rim. :)

Protege5girl August-7th-2002 12:37 PM

Originally posted by JDMstuff
Sorry to hear about your loss. I'd like to see the look on their faces when they try to put it on their Civic and find out it was a 5-lug rim. :)
Hehe I know. That and they only got 3 rims.

Anyway I was getting tired of the rims, and I couldn't have people in the back seat cause it maybe its a good thing. The adjustor told me on Thursday that the cheque was in the mail and my car is currently in the shop getting fixed up. (scratches on the side skirts, windows, dash etc...) But in the meantime I'm driving a Taurus and am scared for my life in that thing.

itzkcatz August-27th-2002 12:20 PM

last year some people broke into my chevy blazer and stole a bunch of stereo crap 3 10 mtx in a box amps cd deck now i have a video camera mounted over my driveway 3 german sheperds and a motion detector spotlight ...noone lights bright lghts and 3 100 plus pound dogs trying to eat them :-) ...Jon 93 lx... but atleast i get to watch them run on tape

Chumpman August-27th-2002 01:41 PM

sorry ta hear about it... yeah, those crooks couldn't possibly be too smart because there aren't that many models of cars out there with a 5x114.3 fitment... either way we should figure out some way to hook up a tazer gun to the lugs ;) .
BTW your ride looks pretty sweet on the yahoopics! very nice seats!!! :bt: but yeah, a 2way alarm is becoming a must these days, and Kyokugen locks are supposed to be the best (i.e. slow them down for a couple seconds longer :p). Anyway post some pics when you get new rims! :D

zuMP5 August-27th-2002 04:37 PM

damn that really sux...and I'm sorry it happened to ya...I know the feeling when somebody f*&ks w/ your car...thats why I'm glad my baby is sleeping good inside the garage:D

Patio August-28th-2002 02:54 AM

Honda Prelude
Nissan Maxima

if it fits our cars, it fits these too, along with anything else

that sucks, Ive had my car broken into 3 times, well my old car,

in my pro5, I keep fearing my headunit will get stolen one day, that thing costs $1G itself :(
but the best advice Ive heard is

have a black car
window tint makes you stand out
dont get big and shiney stuff
BOLT everything down

advice from former car theives/repomen i know

"if it can be built, it can be unbuilt" Car Alarms only scare off petty theives, and wheels locks can be literally ripped off with the right tool

Phyba Optikz August-28th-2002 07:53 AM

damn, shit happens i guess
damn, that sucks

i've never had it happen to me yet *knocks on wood*

but a good friend of mine witht he same kind of ca has gotten his broken into and then stolen.

like yall all said, alarms dont really do nothing. i let me alarm go off ina parking lot to see if anyone paid any attention to it, and no one did. so basically, i just take everything out of myu car when i get out at night. the tv, the Face off my head unit, cd's etc...

i have the trunk to where you can't open it unless you have the key and i doubt anyone can get my amp off the rack, its bolted into 2 steel rodded plates ont he backside of the board, attached to the frame of the car =) they might be able to get my cap, but thats about it.

i got 2 sets of lugs on each set of wheels, total of 4 different lock nuts per wheel =)

so theyw oudl have a hard time and a long time to get my wheels.

sorry that happened to you.

Patio August-28th-2002 05:38 PM

Re: damn, shit happens i guess

Originally posted by Phyba Optikz
i got 2 sets of lugs on each set of wheels, total of 4 different lock nuts per wheel =)

so theyw oudl have a hard time and a long time to get my wheels.

sorry that happened to you.

Discount Tire literally ripped my wheel locks with one tool (the wheel lock key got stripped) in less than 1 Minute

seriously though, I never wish damage or theft upon to anyones car :( I know how it feels

SEA_P5 August-28th-2002 10:25 PM

Some one in an old beat up truck tried to do get ready to break into my car. His head was down looking for something. My sister screamed someone just hit your car...mind you that it is 1:00 am in the morning...grabbed my rosewood sword...(the crazy stuff you buy in chinatown for kicks) and literally appeared at his driver side door tapping on his window...when he looked up from his window and actually lifted his hands as being arrested. I pointed my stick at him and belted out get the F#$% of my property...just say he left quite quickly...You don't mess with a 6'2 220lb pissed off asian...:yell: :mach:

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