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cowtown October-16th-2001 03:11 PM

OHHH Yeah, customer service means everything to me! I am only 27, but I put in 8 years in computer retail doing tech and sales, I know how it works. I too have had the raggety looking customers come in and drop 4-5000 on a new computer rig. People just don't get it sometimes!

Take me for instance, our household (me my wife and my brother) bring in over $120,000 a year with me bringing in 80% of that! I don't have any kids that I tend to so guess what? I have a LOT of cash to spend on things like electronics and cars. Don't even get me started on Future Shop either. I don't get that place they work on commission (I should know I worked there for a few months before leaving because of the morning chants) The last 4 times I have been in any FS in the city I have wandered around with stuff under my arm looking to buy something else and not a single salesperson approached me. On my last visit where I was carrying around $200 in stuff it was a stockboy who doesn't make commision that finally talked to me after 25 minutes!

That was one of the main reasons we dealth with Jeff up at Sunridge he was great, real friendly didn't ignore us at all, came right out (we didn't even make it to the door). In the end he got our sale and the sale of my buddy Mike on his 2001 ES and almost got a third friend but they couldn't get a decent financing plan worked out for him...

I do know Sunridge just came under new owners in September, I don't know if Kramer would own Sunridge now seems to be someone esle, I dunno.

As far as mods go, K&N Panel Filter, Medium tinted windows and Polk Audio speakers front and rear.


DaleK October-16th-2001 07:09 PM

I am also in Calgary. I got my P5 from Northill. They are 6 blocks from my house, plus I thought the guys there were fantastic. I got the leather as well, and they actually wound up bringing the crew in from Vancouver to do the cars because after September 11th the Vancouver port authority would only allow the cars to go straight to the final destination. Because of this they couldn't take the car from the port over there like they normally would before. We only had to wait 3 days from getting our car to getting the leather put in. The leather is awesome too!


rowan October-16th-2001 08:52 PM

If you're wanting factory leather as an option, you might want to think again... at least if the leather that comes from the factory on the Tribute is any indication.. it was kinda stiff and slippery.

When I was at the dealer (downtown toronto) they had a Miata with leather done custom by a local guy who apparently does furniture and stuff as well. It was the nicest, softest leather with perfect stitching and embroidery and everything. Apparently only cost $2000 or something. Plus you get the good feeling of supporting local artisans ;)

Just thought I'd post what I saw...

don668 October-17th-2001 12:24 AM

Seems like a lot of us salespeople had the same experience. My big eye opener was a customer that was being ignored by one of our "EX" guys, I just got back from lunch, talked to him and 3 months later billed out $115,000! (nice house)
There are also nice perks @ times. A cabin in Fernie I can use whenever I'd like, same guy gave me his Jag XKR for the weekend of my anniversary. But mostly I like the rides my clients have taken me on. I've been for burns in Ferrari 360's, 348, BMW Z8, Vipers, RUF 996 turbo, Panteras, everything but a Lambroghini. (And for as big of a car nut I am, thats huge!)

As for the leather, the stuff in my car is quite soft, double stitched, and although the seats could use a little more bolstering I find there is enough to keep you planted. First car with leather and I dont think I'd buy one without it again.

Are you still in PC sales Shawn, and if you dont mind saying, where?


Protege5chick October-17th-2001 12:53 AM

Let's just say that I was dealing with first the salesman (some oriental guy - forgot his name) and then I went to the manager/owner (Doug) All they pushed for was my deposit and that was all. They didn't even have a car for me to test drive!!! There's more to this, but I am too lazy to elaborate. They seemed to be in it for the sale and nothing else. When I walked onto the Northill lot, I was thinking that they were a little small, but I looked at the P5 anyway. A salesman (ken) approached me and asked I needed help. When I told him that I wanted to look at a P5, he told me to wait and then he went inside and got me the keys and a plate. He told me to *go nuts!* and let me take the car out by myself! Well, was I ever impressed!!!:D They may be a smaller dealership at Northill, but the service is great and I wish every car dealership was like that!

On another note, I wanted to add that I hate dealerships that are all snooty and crap to me just coz I am young. I may not have the most money now since I am a student, but I wish salesmen (and saleswomen);) would remember that I am getting my university education for a reason - to make lots of $$ in the future. I mean my generation will have more expendible income than any others before us and for salemen to ignore people in my situation is stupid! I mean, my friend just graduated this year, and since she got her new $40,000 job, she wanted to get herself a car. She had been wanting a WRX for the longest time, so we went into the dealership. Not only were we snubbed (there was a wagon inside the showroom - but we had asked to see the 4 dr outside and the lady wouldn't go show us and told us that thee 4dr looked exactly the same as the wagon without the hatch - told us to imagine it that way) but she gave us terrible service! Let's just say that my friend and I wlked out and that lady has lost my friend as a potential customer as well as me and all our friends and our friends friends, etc!!! WE YOUNG PEOPLE DESERVE RESPECT! Blue Blue I may wear jeans and a t-shirt but that doesn't mean that I won't have $.

*inhale* sorry about my venting.... :rolleyes: I can't help myself when I'm on a roll.

Protege5chick October-17th-2001 01:05 AM

Kms vs Miles
btw...a little off topic...
my salesman told me not to go too rough on my car till it reaches 1600kms which is a bit odd of a number to me :confused: :confused: I know that 1600kms converts to roughly 1000miles in the States and maybe that's when you guys south of the border can open your cars up, but then I could just be grasping at straws. Has anyone heard differently?

don668 October-17th-2001 01:08 AM


I know what you mean. Women have the worst time from salesmen. I wont buy anything from a salesperson who wont look at my wife when they are discussing features or otherwize. And its funny when my wife goes to buy something and she knows more about it than the salesperson :)

Protege5chick October-17th-2001 01:19 AM

Fortunately, I do a lot of research before I get myself into a sales situation. I try to know my stuff so I know what I'm getting.:cool: Actually, your story about your wife getting respect reminded me of a time when I went into a Ford dealership with my mother to look for her car and the salesman was such a chauvenous pig! He didn't discuss engine, power, or feature with us, but went straight to the colour swatches, paint chips, AND to make things worse, he took my mother to the passenger side and did the most cliche thing...told her about the vanity mirrors :rolleyes: :rolleyes: let's just say that we were NOT impressed!

don668 October-17th-2001 01:21 AM

as for the break in thing... I have a few mechanic friends who build race cars. They have always told me to drive it like I plan to. In other words if your a hard driver, drive it hard. (dont be stupid though) Dont drive @ constant RPM's for too long, rev it high at times. (connecting rods can stretch @ high RPM and you need to mark that in the cylinders)
I dont worry about it too much past 1000km. Never had problems. You should get your first oil change at 3000km. though.


ps. take it to Banff on a road trip.... dont drive at a constant speed and use 4th & 5th gears.

Protege5chick October-17th-2001 01:23 AM

I drive auto thoughBlue Blue

don668 October-17th-2001 01:27 AM it like you plan to. You can manually shift it in and out of 5th (overdrive) safely. Kick it down every so often into passing gear.

Protege5chick October-17th-2001 01:38 AM

thx don. I actually hope to be driving out to the mountains tonns this year. I need to snowboard and catch up on what I missed out on (lack of snow) from last year!!!

cowtown October-17th-2001 03:43 AM

Yeah I know about the Subu dealerships in the city! My buddy Mike got really snubbed at the dealership up in the NE last year when he was considering an Impressa 2.5 RS, the salesguy wouldn't even open the door to the car unless Mike had a firm offer to buy! What the hell!?

What makes this even worse is that a month later myself and another two friends of ours (one of which had a VW Golf VR6 on it's way and another getting a new car) when to test drive the 2.5 RS and the salesguy (at the same dealership) just gave the three of us guys the keys to the car and said have at her! My buddy Mike heard of our test drive went up there with a female friend a second time and got snubbed again! He wasn't poorly dressed by any stretch of the imagination and in fact probably was far better dressed than I in my Hawaiian shirt!

As far as break in is concerned I have heard the drive it like you will in real life thing from many people now so that is how I drove my car and I feel it will be the better for it.


gok October-17th-2001 08:37 AM

if anyone is interested in leather, i know a place that sells Katzkin leater kits (front seats, rear seats, armrest, door panel armrests) for $650 +shipping. alot of my civic buddies have ordered from him and he is legit. email me if you want some info.

KrisA October-17th-2001 09:23 AM

Another Cowtown resident checking in.

I purchased my ES GT from North Hill after dealing with both Sunridge and Kramer. Sunridge were jerks, they were trying to sell me a demo model with 10K km's on it for full list, I told them to bite me.

Kramer was wayyyy worse. Prepare for a long story...

One day my fiance and I are in looking at the Pro they have in the showroom. I overhear a conversation between a salesman and a family looking to buy a Tribute. The mother of the family expresses concern that the Tribute is part Ford and that she has had bad luck with Ford's in the past. (Personally I have nothing against Ford's, I think they make a good product) Now this salesman, and older white haired guy, looks her straight in the face and says the Tribute has nothing to do with Ford. The woman presses him saying she heard they were one and the same, which they are. He starts getting defensive holding to his story that they are not the same. At this point I can't take his lies anymore I causually mention to the woman that she is correct, but that the Tribute/Escape are probably the best small utes out there. Well the a-hole salesman flies off of the handle, saying I know nothing. I ask him about the B-Series, "is it or is it not a rebadged Ford Ranger?" He relies no!!!!! By this time the family had left, good for them, and so did we.

Anyways the salesman we were dealing with at Kramer, Ryan, was great. One saturday we went in to order our vehicle. I came in with a print out from the "Mazda Maker" on I put down the paper and said if they could give me the MSRP price I'd put down my deposit. (ES GT models were in high demand at this time) Ryan says that he has to get the salesmanage to approve the price. Well guess who the salesmanager is, yes, the prick from the Tribute incedent! I should have just walked out but I did not. I said, give me this price and we have a deal. To make a long story short he started lying to me that he could not give me that price because of a number of factors. The worst of which was that he said that the destination fee from Vancouver to Calgary was TWICE what Mazda said on their web site! LIE!!! He also said they had a $500 paper work fee!!! After fighting with him for almost an hour we left. I was soooo pissed off that I just about canceled the whole new car wish.

Two days later I went into Northhill and talked to Bobby, what a great guy! He got us our car for MSRP plus included free wheel locks and a bra. The service there was excelent, the price was good, and the people were friendly. I would recomend them to anyone.

BTW - all 3 local dealerships are owned by the same guy, but the way they are run is drastically different!

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