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Anyone Exercise?

Old July-2nd-2002, 04:09 PM
Bruce Leroy
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I used to be really into lifting and had a buddy giving me protein stuff. I'm not sure what kind it was though so I can't recommend a brand. I was never into the supplemental science of lifting..I just like doing it

My favorite form of protein is steak!! mmmmm...steak....ahhhhhhh (drool)!!

Edit: I should say I'm still into lifting, just not as hardcore as I used to be.
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Old July-2nd-2002, 06:36 PM
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Originally posted by GraphicsMan

Wow, 55g per serving!!! I use EAS Whey Protein powder, and it tastes good and seems to work pretty well too. It is only $10.00 for 12 servings, how much is Pro Blend 55? And, where can you get it?
Well, my friend and I saw it at a GNC store, but he didn't get it there because they overprice everything. He got it from for like $20 + $5 shipping or something for a 2lb jug.

Off topic: I drove to the gym today because it was way too hot to run there, and afterwards I could hardly steer my car! I need power steering! hehehe
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Old July-2nd-2002, 06:38 PM
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Originally posted by Pro_fan

Edit: I should say I'm still into lifting, just not as hardcore as I used to be.
My brother in law just got back into lifting hardcore. He used to be big, but then he didn't lift for like a year and lost it all... He started up again, and he is gargantuin(sp?)!!!!! He's probably about 5'8", and just a sliver under 200lbs., but he can put up 375 on the bench twice!!! I wish he'd loan me some of that muscle!!!!
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Old July-2nd-2002, 08:16 PM
Bruce Leroy
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Yikes! That's bordering on freakish huge

I perfer less bulk in favour of athletic abilities (ie. speed + agility).
Not saying you can't be big and quick though...I've seen plenty of fast big guys....Now that's scary!

Last edited by Pro_fan; July-2nd-2002 at 08:19 PM.
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Old July-2nd-2002, 08:20 PM
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Originally posted by Pro_fan
Yikes! That's bordering on freakish huge

I perfer less bulk in favour of athletic abilities (ie. speed + agility).
Not saying you can't be big and quick though...I've seen plenty of fast big guys....Now that's scary!
Yea, so do I.... But he sure gets the looks from the ladies, that's for damn sure! hehehe... I really admire people who have the drive to go all out like that.
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Old July-2nd-2002, 11:12 PM
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i'm not buff, but i ain't a fatty. actually, i have a pretty decent bod (i'm not bragging), but it took me awhile to get from where i was to where i am. i am in a pretty good routine right now, m/t/th/f, and i get a solid workout everyday. i don't want to be a "bodybuilder", but i do want (and slowly achieving) an athletic body. this is where i'm at right now:

mon- shoulders/bi's
tue- chest/tri's/calves
thur- shoulders/back/leg press
fri- chest/tri's

when i first started, i was benching 95lbs, and didn't want to go over 135lbs (i weighed 145 after dropping 20lbs) cause i didn't want to be "huge". now i am 160, benching 245, cause it was too easy and i had to go up. but the trick was i did everything the right way, even when lifting the lighter weights. i concentrated on my form and that helped increase my strength. as far as cardio goes, i try to run 3x a week.

try to get a challenging yet obtainable workout, and concentrate on your form. even if you are curling 15lbs, do it right. as long as you don't "cheat", you'll achieve faster results.

but here are more "tips":
-proper diet (this is a must)
-supplements (some ppl want to be "all natural, but there will be days when you don't wanna train)
-protein (i like opt. nutrition 100% whey protein)
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Old July-2nd-2002, 11:27 PM
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here are some good stuff and places:

protein/weight gainer
- optimum nutrition 100% whey protein (22g/serving)
- n'large (high carbs, decent weight gainer)
- eas stuff (myoplex)
thermogenics/fat burner
- adipokinetix by syntrax (discontinued in us), WAS THE BEST!
- spirosome (by ids), THE BEST!
- kranker (pill version of spirosome)
- thermadrene (discontinued in us)
- hydroxycut
- md6
online sellers
DPS Nutrition
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Old July-2nd-2002, 11:46 PM
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The thing that worked the best for me, and I'm slowly getting back into it is........

Day 1: Biceps, Shoulders, Traps
Day 2: Triceps, Chest, Lats
Day 3: Cardio

and just repeat that. Make sure you don't put too much stress on your body too early as your body needs a break from heavy lifting. Lift heavy for mass, lift many for definition....

The most important thing for me was getting the proper sleep and having a good breakfast and a good diet overall. Just eating right (no midnight snacks!!!) helped a lot.

Do a lot of swimming as well!!!

I already posted something like this before, DO A SEARCH!!! lol (just joking)

Last edited by Makaveli; July-3rd-2002 at 03:53 AM.
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Old July-3rd-2002, 04:13 AM
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RTFM... lol, just kidding too!
yeah, don't exceed whatever it is your body can handle. unless a pretty girl walks by. then pick up the 50lb dumbell and curl it once, but count out loud "...19...20... ungh....too easy, drill sargeant!"
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Old July-3rd-2002, 11:00 AM
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For anyone in sports where you do drug testing, stay away from thermogenics. I am hardcore into track and field and am constantly at track meets where I can be tested Thermogenics contain ephedrine which is a serious stimulant. Just a small warning.

I hang out with a lot of track athlete girls(talk about sweet bodies ) and have come to an understanding that some dude with big arms and chest is totally gross. Us guys at track constantly make fun of the people at the gym who concentrate entirely on bench and curls but have the little chicken legs. Meanwhile, we're cleaning 275lbs and noone but the hardcore lifters even understands how tough that is to do.

I suggest building a sleek, ripped leaner body type. Do the weights but also lots of calesthetics(spelling??), pushups, situps, crunches, chinups, etc... To help lean out go out and do some intense cardio training with explosive spurts, basketball is good cause you'll be playing then all of a sudden driving and jumping as high as you can. I just go to track practise where we do sprinting and jumping workouts. I like lots of jumping because it is very good for the legs and gives a great workout. Stretch tonnes too. Get to a point where you are pretty close to doing the splits. Then it's near impossible to pull a muscle.

Then the diet. My diet is totally strict because of my competitions but the most important thing is to never eat greasy fast food and do not eat a bunch of sweets between meals. Just well-balances diets is all you need. And beer is very bad because it has tonnes of calories.

Protein powder, creatine, and other supplements all have their place but they must be taken at the exact right time and in proper cycles(creatine) to work the best. NEVER drink a carbo drink unless you are working out immediately afterwards, otherwise your body will simply store it as fat energy. Drink a protein drink immediately after an intense workout to help supplement the rebuilding of all the microtears you've caused in your muscle fibers. Creatine must be cycled to work properly. I personally don't like creatine. Usually when some guy starts taking creatine he also starts working out more. He puts on a bunch of weight in water retention and his lifts go up but I believe that's simply because he is working out more often.

This is a biased opinion here but I totally recommend anyone looking up a local track club if they want to get into shape. You become very strong, lean, great endurance and better fast twitch muscle contractions. We constantly get football players(high school, university, CFL) who want to keep busy during the off season. These guys come in with attrocious running technique, no endurance and usually a spare tire around the waist. By the time the football training season begins, they are so far ahead of the other players, it's like they are at a whole new level. Leaner, faster, better endurance, stronger. They eat up the other people at the training camps. Usually they keep training at track during the football season because it is still so much better than what they do at football practise. Just a little something to think about. Maybe it'll help someone.

I hope I didn't step on anyone's toes.
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Old July-3rd-2002, 11:29 AM
Bruce Leroy
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Therms are also bad for you because of bad *** mood swings and other side effects. I had a friend who was taking thermadrine (sp?) and he became what we called "the Big Green Monster".

Also, ephedrine is HARD on you. You'll have brutal sleep (fitful, restless, hard to get to sleep), mood swings, and probably temper problems. This is especially true if you're using it in synergy with caffeine. Good combo for working out, bad for your health though (IMHO).
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Old July-3rd-2002, 03:03 PM
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OW! my toes shawn! hehe, j/k!

actually, i wanna be a lifeguard. they have solid bodies! (here in hawaii, anyways) and they are in shape too. i don't care too much for that huge physique that bodybuilders have, but i don't wanna be a pudge either. i go light on my legs cause i have naturally strong (and kinda big) legs to begin with, so i don't want them any bigger.

thermos might be bad for you, but just run it out of your system. and i found you can "channel" those moods. get all mad to lift harder and more, then get all "smooth" when those honey's walk by. nor-ephidrene was good til the fda banned that. it eliminated the crash and was really good (adipokinetix by syntrax innovations) and they banned it.


protein after workouts and b4 sleep= good.
yeah, thermodrene got pulled from the shelves here in the us. it was a potent pill tho...

Last edited by onehawaiian; July-3rd-2002 at 03:05 PM.
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