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P2K March-3rd-2003 11:05 AM

Riced out Pro for sale...HAHAHA!!!
Can you believe this guy. He really thinks all those stickers and paint gives it more horsepower. There's no other reason why he'd think that unless the dumbass that had it before him told him this. He's acting like it's a REAL sports car or something.

$4K in extras :rolleyes:
Tuned up a few horses for better performance :rolleyes:
Peels out in first (automatic):laugh: :laugh: :laugh::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

People are actually bidding for it too. Riced Pro

tonkabui March-3rd-2003 11:37 AM


did he spray paint his steering wheel? wtf? and did he say that the automatic and the rear defogger were "extras". oh my. i'm sorry, but the interior of that thing is so half assed with spray paint, it's not even funny. and what's with the missing nonfunctional gauge on the passengers side? dude, i wouldn't pay more than $3K for that car.

webmaster March-3rd-2003 12:31 PM

people these days :rolleyes:

itzkcatz March-3rd-2003 12:35 PM

Did the DX come in a 2.0? that looks like the 1.6 liter in the lx proteges. its a base model dx with a shitload of paint and some cheap pepboys seat covers...GGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD i wanna beat that kid

nate0123 March-3rd-2003 01:11 PM

Originally posted by itzkcatz
Did the DX come in a 2.0? that looks like the 1.6 liter in the lx proteges. its a base model dx with a shitload of paint and some cheap pepboys seat covers...GGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD i wanna beat that kid
In the US, 02' + Proteges all got the 130 hp 2.0 liter engine.

itzkcatz March-3rd-2003 01:12 PM

Wow thats great to hear the 1.6 is a dog :) ...But his car is still riced

nate0123 March-3rd-2003 01:20 PM

Did you see the tractor-trailer lights he put on the trunk?!? Holy shit! :eek: :eek: :eek:

ZoomZoomH March-3rd-2003 01:32 PM

IS THIS A JOKE???? :eek: :eek: :eek:

itzkcatz March-3rd-2003 01:34 PM

No :( no its not a joke

nate0123 March-3rd-2003 01:37 PM

I bet whoever it was woke up one day and realized he was going to hell for what he did to his Protege... panicked, and traded it in. Gawd. I can't imagine that the used car lot gave him SHIT for his car.

kcbhiw March-3rd-2003 01:43 PM

Did you see the tractor-trailer lights he put on the trunk?!? Holy shit!
I was wondering about that myself. Instead of de-badging properly, he just made it look worse. :tooth:

As far as the painting goes, it looks like he didnt' remove anything from the car to paint it. Notice the un painted edges, especially the steering wheel. ugh.

Are all of those guages the same? :rolleyes:

THEGOLDPRO March-3rd-2003 04:22 PM

yeah that is pretty gay. and from what i can tell all the gauges are the same. as far as the paint goes, a retard could do a better job. i feel sorry for the kid who buys that thing. and if its someone on here. just kill your self. :)

Identity_X March-3rd-2003 04:29 PM

That's just sad. I can't figure out what the decals say, but I bet he doesn't have the products on the car. I think one of them is AEM.............. do you guys see a CAI cause I don't......:D
maybe he got a big brake kit;)


THEGOLDPRO March-3rd-2003 04:49 PM

yeah also look closley at the pic of his engine, and look at the air box. it looks like there is duct tape on it for some reason. and he took off the front air scoop thingy. that kid should be punched in the throat for that shit.

Ambient March-3rd-2003 04:58 PM

Hey, it peels out in first gear.

Bruce95fmla March-3rd-2003 05:18 PM

The frigin nerve of this guy,,, everybody email him this link .....

THEGOLDPRO March-3rd-2003 05:21 PM

i would rather punch him in the throat. lol

P2K March-3rd-2003 05:44 PM

When I first saw this, I thought it was someones idea of a joke. It was so funny I had to post it. Sorry for posting in the wrong section. I wasn't selling it, just wanted to show it.

Oh BTW, someone SHOULD punch that kid for representing us like that. :D

derrick1623 March-3rd-2003 06:29 PM

my god!!! that interior loks like a baby ate some blue flaked paint, and threw up then shit all over the dash and wheel!

NegatiZE March-3rd-2003 08:55 PM

OMFG that bastard should be killed. :mad:

Proto2k March-3rd-2003 09:51 PM

It is people like him that give the people who tastefully customize their car a bad stereotype. He better run if I ever meet him.
Live Sex

sweetprotege93 March-3rd-2003 11:38 PM

Wow dude.... how I aspire to buy that car! I mean it has "all the toys included!" Super cool blue interior w/ CUSTOM SEATCOVERS... and check out that lift kit! Okay excuse my sarcasm... this car sucks. It would have been better off left stock. That car gives the Protege a bad name.

Identity_X March-3rd-2003 11:44 PM

Originally posted by sweetprotege93
It would have been better off left stock. That car gives the Protege a bad name.
Not only better, but MUCH better. Please people, don't post links like that because I feel like :mach: this guy.


pr5owner March-4th-2003 01:06 AM

WTF he has no engine work done... lame ass POS!, yeah it will peel out in first gear if you drop it from N @ 5000RPM, same with ANYCAR!!!!!!!!

he doesn't even have the power options.. this cheap ass bitch..he is a disgrace to all protege drivers

pantherES March-4th-2003 06:24 PM

Originally posted by THEGOLDPRO
as far as the paint goes, a retard could do a better job.

eeterp March-4th-2003 11:55 PM

click the bottom left picture. I'd swear it has a lift kit on it. lol

Bruce95fmla March-5th-2003 11:02 AM

so I emailed the jerk
So I email the jerk the link and he has the nerve to reply back with a wise ass coment, he must be the guys cousin or some shit, I sware look at what he brags about , how he owns a 911 and a M3 , but yet the fucktard can't even help his cousin frigin mod his own car .....

----------------------------------------------my response below --------

yeah ,, that was a cute statement, anyway why don't you tell your friend to come join our groups and then he can learn a little something about setting up his Protege ,, especially what to do and what not to do .... You really have some nearve putting the car on ebay in that condition , with the frigin stickers and shit all over the car, I mean what does that do for the car ,, it does not make it look better, the rims are nice, but the car needs to be lowered, and you say you have a 911 and a M3 , SO FUCKING WHAT , your cars don't say shit about you , if you let your own damn couzin hook up his car like that, why didn't you convince him to drop a turbo in there , or since you got so much damn money and cars, sell one of them vehicles that you think is all that and help him hook up the damn Protege, I mean damn ,you are no better than him ,,, a bad fucking influence, I am sorry I even have to write this email to fucking inform you of this shit..... and btw I was just emailing you the frigin link ,, you want to take offense so fucking what ,, like I care....... you need to spend your damn time helping your cousin hooking that car up ,, trust me it can look a lot better than it does .....


Protosport Racing
------------------fucktard wrote this below---------------- wrote:

hey buddy-boy,
why don't you find something to do, maybe you're just bored with yourself. if
you think you're a bad a.. making fun of my 15 year old cousin's protage, why
don't you show me what you drive??? maybe you can't afford one like it??? so
what if he did a shi..y job with painting the inside, he is a young kid,
maybe his 14 year old girlfriend likes it this way...(at least he has one) so
what if i did a shi..y job with the description...i don't deal
protage's........if you think you have a better ride (protosport_racing??????)
what kinda name is that, let's see what you can do vs. my "'96 911 turbo" or
my "'01 M3" anytime, anywhere!!!!" Punky. Get a life and stop spreading sh..
over the internet.
the dealer

-------------I emailed him this below -----------------

> enumber=1
> --------------------
> Question from:
> Title of item: Mazda : Protege
> Seller: nr1dealer
> Starts: Feb-22-03 18:58:18 PST
> Ends: Mar-04-03 18:58:18 PST
> Price: Currently $5,100.00
> To view the item, go to:

P2K March-5th-2003 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Bruce95fmla
------------------fucktard wrote this below---------------- wrote:

hey buddy-boy,
why don't you find something to do, maybe you're just bored with yourself. if
you think you're a bad a.. making fun of my 15 year old cousin's protage, why
don't you show me what you drive??? maybe you can't afford one like it??? so
what if he did a shi..y job with painting the inside, he is a young kid,
maybe his 14 year old girlfriend likes it this way...(at least he has one) so
what if i did a shi..y job with the description...i don't deal
protage's........if you think you have a better ride (protosport_racing??????)
what kinda name is that, let's see what you can do vs. my "'96 911 turbo" or
my "'01 M3" anytime, anywhere!!!!" Punky. Get a life and stop spreading sh..
over the internet.
the dealer

What a dumb ass!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Hold on. 15? That explains the fu.... up paint. BTW, he doesn't even have a license.

Identity_X March-5th-2003 04:38 PM

What a stupid moron. He can't even spell Protege right. Judging by how dumb he is I wouldn't be surprised if he looses to a Protege with his 911 or M3, which I highly doubt he owns.

jas9297 March-5th-2003 06:56 PM

That is God-awful. Have you seen this one?

This guy spent how much for a P5? $19,000 for a stereo???? $4,400 for the interior? $5500 for paint? $4300 for wheels?

I love my car, but ...$30+ grand more to make it look like crap! :wtf:

nate0123 March-5th-2003 07:30 PM


Originally posted by jas9297
I love my car, but ...$30+ grand more to make it look like crap! :wtf:

Well his other car is a Ferrari. Go figure.

Felix Wankel March-5th-2003 09:36 PM

I like the thermal tape on the radiator hose. That's quality right there.

protegeDX March-6th-2003 10:56 AM

P2K, i think his altezzas look better than yours.. but basically, its rice

ur cars clean 97%

P2K March-6th-2003 11:43 AM

I'm trying to mod the altezzas I have by taking them apart and removing the red lenses on the inside and tinting the inside of the clear outer lens with dark red tint. I might destroy them in the process, but I was thinking of going back with the factory tails anyway. We'll see what happens.

nate0123 March-6th-2003 01:04 PM

I just bought these:

TheMAN March-6th-2003 02:46 PM

nice stock stereo :rolleyes:

protegeDX March-6th-2003 03:21 PM

Originally posted by P2K
I'm trying to mod the altezzas I have by taking them apart and removing the red lenses on the inside and tinting the inside of the clear outer lens with dark red tint. I might destroy them in the process, but I was thinking of going back with the factory tails anyway. We'll see what happens.
oic. good idea. i wanna do somtin to my 1st gen tail lights too. just too lazy :D yeah ur car looks real good. update us on the tail li te mod with some pix :P

dialup March-6th-2003 03:28 PM

Originally posted by nate0123
I just bought these:

Those are the Corksport ones, right? I like those MUCH more than Altezzas but the thing is they're not that much different than stock so what's the point?

nate0123 March-6th-2003 04:18 PM

Originally posted by dialup
Those are the Corksport ones, right? I like those MUCH more than Altezzas but the thing is they're not that much different than stock so what's the point?
I bought them from a fellow board member so I'm not sure where he got them originally.

And you're right that they look more like stock. That's why I bought them. The color scheme will go well with my black paint. It won't be obnoxious like some are, but it will have a more interesting circular lighting pattern. More like the P5's lights.

Plus the price was right! :D

EDIT: Plus, the reason I brought it up was because I thought that they were similar to the result P2K was looking for... when he wrote:

I'm trying to mod the altezzas I have by taking them apart and removing the red lenses on the inside and tinting the inside of the clear outer lens with dark red tint.

demoninvictus March-6th-2003 04:48 PM

spray paint on the battery too, nice touch

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