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Glazedham42 February-3rd-2003 03:13 PM

White Gauge Faces Blowout!!
Here's the deal guys. I was going through some stuff the other day and found all of the white face gauge sets I made to sell. (Forgot how good they look, and almost made me shed a tear for my pro because I miss it.) Anyway, I know how hard it is to find gauges for the pro so here's the deal. I'm not looking to make any money on these, I'm just selling them AT COST.. For $10 I will send you a set of two gauge faces for the LX clusters, (a total of 8 faces, 2 for each gauge). If anyone wants some, let me know because if not, I'll probably end up sticking them in a box somewhere. I'm now paypal capable also, so if you wanna paypal it that's cool. You'll get them lightning fast that way. Later guys....

itzkcatz February-3rd-2003 03:40 PM

Do u have a nightshot of those?.. Do u take money orders? Thanks...Jon

Glazedham42 February-3rd-2003 03:49 PM

Here's the nightshot you requested. I know they aren't perfect, but at least you can see them. :D

Also, I have seen this done and decided it wasn't a half bad idea, but seeing as my pro is gone, I can't do it. I think he just bought one of those small neon lights and mounted it in the cluster, after he took out the old bulbs. You could do this if the illumination really bothers you.

Oh, and I would be more than happy to take a money order!

Make it out to: James Hamilton

Mail to: James Hamilton
4440 Westgate Drive
Richmond, IN

Or if you guys wanna paypal send it to the user:
(my brother in-law is nice enough to let me use his account.)

High Body February-3rd-2003 04:52 PM

hey... Glazedham...You like what i did?? its really easy to make them and its a Tres Dos Tres Original.. I thought of doing that myself.. i just tryed to think of something different that i could make my gueages blue and i came up with that... (i mean some one could have done it before me , but i have never sceen it done)
the directions are on my web page how to do it... i kept the bulbs in, they are just not turned on.. because that wasent mounted in my car then, but they are in now, just need to wire them up...
i also pained all my bulbs blue (like oil,gas, belt and all those) they look hot..
i got the neon at walmart... the greates thing is that they come in a bunch of different colors... if you want more detail info how to do it or any questions pm me or catch me on aol im- High Body

funkdaddysmack February-3rd-2003 05:26 PM

Hey brotha, I will most definately take the deal, do you paypal? e-mail me if you do THANKSSSS! :)

[edit] I was so excited I didn't read your whole message. I'll send the money........ Say right about NOW :)

jeremy February-3rd-2003 05:33 PM

i will mail money order on tuesday4th......

what colors do you have laying around.....

(as far as where it says mazda and shit)---

jeremy February-3rd-2003 05:34 PM

oh and it needs to redline @ 7 rpm...thanx

Glazedham42 February-3rd-2003 05:35 PM

All I've got right now is the ones that are identical to mine....

If you guys express enough interest there is a chance I would consider making other colors, but I'm really not wanting to make more. I'm trying to get back some of the money I lost making these others. This is kinda my way of saying goodbye and thanks to all you guys that helped me while I was a protege owner. :D

funkdaddysmack February-3rd-2003 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Glazedham42
All I've got right now is the ones that are identical to mine....

If you guys express enough interest there is a chance I would consider making other colors, but I'm really not wanting to make more. I'm trying to get back some of the money I lost making these others. This is kinda my way of saying goodbye and thanks to all you guys that helped me while I was a protege owner. :D

SHIIIIIITTTTT! I JUST paypalled you my money, but I don't want them unless they're the 7k redline :( :( I will have two LX cluster's soon, so I need them! Let me know if I'm one of the lucky few, please.

Glazedham42 February-3rd-2003 09:22 PM

7k is no problem at all Dan. Don't worry bro, I've got you covered. Yours are on the way! Enjoy! :D (When I meant they were identical to mine, I meant the basic design. Forgot about the differences in redlines. I did make two separate templates because I knew the majority of you guys would want 7k, even though my old DX was a 6k'er. So the redlines are no problem at all.)

P.S. Let me see some pics when you guys get them in!

celi85 February-3rd-2003 10:35 PM

glazedham-please reserve a set for me! ill send a money order out on Thursday. :D


celi85 February-3rd-2003 10:38 PM

almost forgot. send me your address at

Glazedham42 February-4th-2003 06:37 AM


The faces are made on a clear material, so you can make the gauges whatever color you want, by changing bulbs I believe. And yes the letters are black.

Identity_X February-4th-2003 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Glazedham42

The faces are made on a clear material, so you can make the gauges whatever color you want, by changing bulbs I believe.

How sure are you on that? If that's the case then I am getting a set too:D

Glazedham42 February-4th-2003 09:28 AM

85% sure? I'm not making any guarantees but I'm pretty darn sure that it'll work if you change the bulbs... I took the green off of mine after the pictures and just had them shine white. It looked pretty cool and they were even a little brighter.

sileighty21 February-11th-2003 06:13 PM

this may be a stupid question, but since there aren't any of exactly do you install the gauge faces? i got them yesterday in the mail and they look great. i just gotta figure out how to put them in now. any help or useful tips to get them in nice and easy?

itr0754 February-12th-2003 12:52 PM

I want a set too..
Count me in for a set. I am not sure if I need the 6k or 7k redline but I'll take a look at my cluster and get back to you. I will PayPal the money to you.


Glazedham42 February-12th-2003 02:09 PM

As far as installing them I highly recommend buying a razor blade or an X-acto knife. I used a very sharp razor blade to make the cuts on my gauges. You can't use scissors because they aren't sharp enough and they will bend up the gauge faces. I have mailed everyone a diagram so far showing how I made my cuts, but for those of you that need more info here goes....

A circle means cut a hole there. A line means cut a line from one circle to the other. Basically a line means connect the dots. For the temperature and fuel gauges, just cut from the hole straight down, all the way off the gauge. The space between the needles and the edge of the bezel is so small that you won't see the cut, so don't worry about cutting to the edge of the gauge face.

You will want to use a ruler when making your cuts to help keep the path of your knife straight. You could also use a hole punch to make the holes for the screws if you wish. If you have any more questions let me know!

celi85 February-12th-2003 02:52 PM

Jamie, be expecting something in the mail within the next few days...


Glazedham42 February-12th-2003 03:07 PM

Okay, I will. Thanks!

G-Man February-12th-2003 10:31 PM

hey u still got any gauges left?

btmdk12 February-13th-2003 12:55 AM

hey do you have any gauges faces left ?

itr0754 February-13th-2003 08:42 AM

Money for white gauge faces.
James, check your PayPal ... I sent you money for the gauge faces. Please drop me a line to confirm we are all set. Thanks !!

Glazedham42 February-13th-2003 10:38 AM

Yes, I still have a bunch left. I don't think i'll be running out of these for quite a while. Any of you guys that want some can send me a money order for $10.00. My address is:

Jamie Hamilton
4440 Westgate Drive
Richmond, IN

Or if you are a paypal user $10.00 to

Also, PLEASE specify which redline you want. It makes it much more confusing for me when I have to e-mail you back and ask. Thanks guys!


G-Man February-15th-2003 05:19 PM

man, i live in canada, we go by KPH and ur gauges are in MPH,i mean i dont really ever look by how much i am breakin the speed limit so , ya who cares!
u said that by changin the bulbs in the back it will change that ugly green glow? so if i put some nice blue bulbs in then that would work to make it look blue?

Glazedham42 February-15th-2003 07:42 PM

I'd say there's an 85% chance that the bulbs will shine through blue if you change them. I have these things priced so low though, I really don't see why it would matter either way. Nopi sells the same thing for ~$90 if i'm not mistaken, so either way, you're getting one heck of a deal here. I guarantee you'll never be able to find them this cheap anywhere else......

SgtRauksauff February-20th-2003 12:55 AM

money sent!!!
You've got Paypal! What a phenomenal deal! I'm telling a couple of friends from the ERDT forum about it, who are also swapping in some Protege guages into our 'scorts... :)


Loundarp March-6th-2003 07:01 AM

do you can have it in Km/h???

Glazedham42 March-6th-2003 10:58 AM

Sorry, Unfortunately I do not have them in km/h. I wish I would've made some for you guys when I had the chance though....

Loundarp March-6th-2003 11:03 AM

if you decide to make it, let me know i will buy one set for sure.

jedwards242000 March-30th-2003 09:40 AM

do you still have any left if so email me at i would like to get them

pdx_protege March-30th-2003 01:19 PM

I just found this site and this is great! I have a 1992 Mazda Protege' DX and love the car. I have been wishing I could find white gauges for it, if you still have some available, please email me at


Glazedham42 March-30th-2003 09:16 PM

For any of you guys that are still interested in purchasing some of the gauges, I am now selling them through ebay. If you would like to purchase some just place a bid on my current auction. I am taking payment through paypal for the auctions. Here is the URL, happy bidding!

90-94 Protege White Gauge Overlays

sileighty21 May-28th-2003 01:35 PM

i finally got pics taken of mine installed. i put them in, but had a hard time seeing the white needles on the white faces at nite so i painted them blue.

i'll try to get a nite shot too.

DeaDLy93PRoTeGe May-29th-2003 06:40 AM

yo dude, you still have these?

D323 May-31st-2003 05:04 PM

Any more?
Any more left? I would love to jump on that deal. Damn computer crashing on me and making me miss this post....:mad:

Anyways, lemme know if you have any left.
I would love to get my hands on a set.
MimeAssassin on AIM

Glazedham42 May-31st-2003 08:57 PM

Hey guys. Yes I've still got some left. If you wanna buy some you can paypal me $11.00 or send me a money order for the amount. My paypal user id is If you'd like to mail a money order, let me know and I will e-mail you my shipping address. If you pay PLEASE specify which redline you want. Thanks!


Liquid_Ag June-22nd-2003 10:15 PM

hey, i dunno when u last u have any left, id love some!

kylemce June-23rd-2003 09:34 AM

do u got any more gauges

D323 June-23rd-2003 09:56 AM

Look in the lower left corner to see the last time he posted.

I got mine in the mail and they look sweet. I need to post pics, once I take some. Just email him at the email he gave, he usually responds quickly.

You can trust him,as many have gotten their gauges and love them.

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