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funkdaddysmack July-8th-2002 01:33 PM

Finally installed "MX-3" seats
It's been about 2 or 3 months since I've gotten my MX-3 seats, but I was too frustrated to put them in. Apparently they are from a lower trim level MX-3 or something, and aren't the 'cool' seats like Wil has in his car. They are pretty normal looking. The place I bought them from didn't even bother to clean them up before sending them to me, so they're still dirty. Not only that, but you can also tell they're pretty faded :(

The install wasn't too horrible. I had to re-use my seatrails from my old seats and do some creative drilling and grinding to get the seatrails on right.

While they use the same seatrails as the previous seats, they sit much much lower overall. I'm pretty short to begin with (5'8" or so) and I can hardly see over the wheel now, it's literally that low! It's pretty annoying, but I suppose I'll get used to it. The lateral support is much improved though.

Another problem is that the two seats seem to 'lean' in towards the center of the car, meaning the seats are mounted about 1/2" too low on the inside side of the rails. It's not too bad I suppose, you can't really notice it, but I'll probably end up fixing it sooner or later.

If anyone wants to see pics of my 'wonderful' new seats, I'll go out and take some. Moral of the story: make sure you see what you're buying first, I would have rather kept my old ugly seats in :( But since I paid $100, they are of no use sitting around.

funkdaddysmack July-9th-2002 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Gro Harlem
My seats were dirty as hell when I got them...i sat there with like 10 rags cleaning out hte sand and dirt out of the passenger side one (the door was missing on that side). THe drivers wasn't bad, but it is slightly faded.

The MX3 seats I have bolted right in....they sit 1" lower, but i'm a tall ass mofo so its a welcome improvement from my knees being crushed against the damn steering they clear it fine and it feels like I'm in a fiero when i'm driving!! I've had so many people bitch about how hard it is to get out of my car since, you literally are only like 6" up from the ground when your sitting in them.

Hell yea it's hard to get out of! Factor in a slight lean to the center of the car, and parking on the side of a street that's sloped towards the outside of the road, and it's TOUGH to get out! hehehe... Oh well, it's all good! :) I should have just bought your seats when I had the chance :(

turbonium959 July-9th-2002 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Gro Harlem
My seats were dirty as hell when I got them...i sat there with like 10 rags cleaning out hte sand and dirt out of the passenger side one (the door was missing on that side). THe drivers wasn't bad, but it is slightly faded.

The MX3 seats I have bolted right in....they sit 1" lower, but i'm a tall ass mofo so its a welcome improvement from my knees being crushed against the damn steering they clear it fine and it feels like I'm in a fiero when i'm driving!! I've had so many people bitch about how hard it is to get out of my car since, you literally are only like 6" up from the ground when your sitting in them.

Hey I need them seats. I am 6'7", and I am not complaining about sitting up high. I get to see all around, but my legs do get tired during long strides on the highway. I am going to look around for those. Say, a junk yard?

funkdaddysmack July-9th-2002 01:43 PM

Originally posted by turbonium959

Hey I need them seats. I am 6'7", and I am not complaining about sitting up high. I get to see all around, but my legs do get tired during long strides on the highway. I am going to look around for those. Say, a junk yard?

I ordered mine from a place here in PA. Shipping was reasonable, I can find the website if you'd like. Yes, a junkyard would also be a good place to start. I'm pretty sure you'd have to re-used your seatrails from your seats now, since you have a 2nd gen. These seats would be perfect for you :)

titocruzsd July-22nd-2002 12:08 AM

so are the Mx-3 seats a direct fit in the 1st gen pro or not? i've been thinking about getting them for awhile now. is there a difference between the RS and GS trim seats? i've been trying to get some pics off of ebay and stuff, but i haven't been able to get any good pics. so is $100 the average price for a pair??

temrich July-22nd-2002 12:23 AM

Here's a good place to look for MX-3 seats:


funkdaddysmack July-22nd-2002 08:08 AM

Originally posted by titocruzsd
so are the Mx-3 seats a direct fit in the 1st gen pro or not? i've been thinking about getting them for awhile now. is there a difference between the RS and GS trim seats? i've been trying to get some pics off of ebay and stuff, but i haven't been able to get any good pics. so is $100 the average price for a pair??
Yes, apparently they are a direct bolt in. Wil has them in his car. I think mine were a little different because the 323 might use difffernt bolt patterns or something.

Oh yea, there IS a difference between the RS and GS trim seats. The RS (I think that's what I have) aren't that special... Just normal looking seats. I'll take a picture of them tonight so you can see. The GS seats are much much nicer, and that's what I thought I was buying in the first place. I'm still pretty happy though! :)

titocruzsd July-22nd-2002 09:30 PM

hey funk,

how much was S&H on your seats? today i called mazda auto recyclers and they wanted $150 for the seats. when i asked about S&H, the guy said "uuuuuhm, like, uuuuuhm $100"!! then i called another place that wanted around $50 for S&H, yet they wanted $300 for the seats!!!! :eek:

i've been searching around all day but i still can't find the difference between the RS and GS seats (besides the 25th anniversary special edition MX-3 that came with leather). :confused:

titocruzsd July-23rd-2002 12:05 AM

:dunno: ok i talked to an MX-3 guy, and he told me the only difference between the RS and GS seats is that the RS headrests are adjustable, and the GS headrests aren't. is that the only difference???? also, i checked out a site that said the only 2 colors that the MX-3 seats come in are black and taupe (is taupe a shade of brown or something?), yet i could have sworn i saw a set of faded blue seats on a white MX-3 at school today!!:doh:the only good news i've gotten so far is that the MX-3 guy i talked to today is willing to sell me his seats for $100. :cool:

funkdaddysmack July-23rd-2002 07:32 AM

Originally posted by titocruzsd
:dunno: ok i talked to an MX-3 guy, and he told me the only difference between the RS and GS seats is that the RS headrests are adjustable, and the GS headrests aren't. is that the only difference???? also, i checked out a site that said the only 2 colors that the MX-3 seats come in are black and taupe (is taupe a shade of brown or something?), yet i could have sworn i saw a set of faded blue seats on a white MX-3 at school today!!:doh:the only good news i've gotten so far is that the MX-3 guy i talked to today is willing to sell me his seats for $100. :cool:
Yes, there are blue MX-3 seats, Braden (turboge) had them in his protege.

And yes, the RS seats do have an adjustible headrest while the GS seats have a 'molded in' headrest. It's just all one peice, the backrest and the headrest. I like the GS seats better, even though I haven't sat in them. They look cooler :)

Sorry I didn't get a chance to take a pic of my seats last night, the batteries in my digital camera are shot.... Plus my car is DIRRRRRRRRTY! hehehe... Tonight, I swear! :rolleyes: :D

titocruzsd July-24th-2002 05:01 PM

still waiting on the pic dan :o :zzzzz:

funkdaddysmack July-24th-2002 06:35 PM

damn, i was hoping you forgot... I'll go out and take it now... gotta find me some batteries! hehe

funkdaddysmack July-24th-2002 08:51 PM

Here's a link to my yahoo pictures album thing... It's in the folder called car seats. Sorry I could only take one pic, but the batteries died and that's all I could take.

Yea, I know my car is dirty... Oh well

titocruzsd July-24th-2002 08:54 PM

:rofl: LOL....i have a memory like a.....uhmmmm, i forgot! :confused: :D i can get a set of black RS or black GS seats for $100, but i'm a little apprehensive about how the black seats (with a blue pattern) will look with my tan interior. i'm still looking for a pic of the brown seats, and i saw a pair today that were kind of a greyish color (i emailed the guy because i don't know if they were just faded blue or what?!?!) :dunno:

titocruzsd July-25th-2002 12:05 AM

ok, i still can't find a pic of the brown MX-3 seats, but i was reading a post on, and it said that the grey seats have a teal pattern in the middle. i guess those are outta the question because that wouldn't look good with a tan interior! :barf:

yeah dan, the link doesn't work. :nono: are you trying to build up our anticipation or what? let's see the seats already....hahahaha just kidding :D

titocruzsd July-25th-2002 01:05 AM

yeah, i'd have to agree with you on that one, but my car exterior is tan so it would look pretty nasty. here's the link to the post for the guy that's selling the grey seats if it doesn't work, just go to, and check out the "buy/sell/trade" area and look under "parting out 93 GS". :cheers:

funkdaddysmack July-25th-2002 07:20 AM

Sorry guys, yahoo! photos was being a bish.... I moved them into my other photo gallery, and they're the very last picture in there (i think like #70 or so) so you don't have to keep looking for them.

protegeDX July-25th-2002 09:17 AM

phatnessss. now all u gotta do is get fabric paint and paint some red in it to match ur car =P j/k

nice seats man

funkdaddysmack July-25th-2002 10:04 AM

Yea, the more I see them the more I like them. They're pretty 'clean' in an aftermarket sense, but 'dirty' in a cleanlyness sense... hehehehe :D

titocruzsd July-25th-2002 01:00 PM

yeah dan, the seats look nice :cool: those are actually the first seats that i've seen with the adjustable headrest, even though say said the RS are the ones that come with the adjustable headrests. i've seen a few RS seats on the net, and all of them have the "molded" headrest. now i'm even MORE confused. :cookoo:

mike, don't worry, check out again, there's a few guys selling their seats that are from canada. you just gotta search the posts a bit.

zenilder July-25th-2002 02:11 PM

Originally posted by funkdaddysmack
Here's a link to my yahoo pictures album thing... It's in the folder called car seats. Sorry I could only take one pic, but the batteries died and that's all I could take.

Yea, I know my car is dirty... Oh well

Hrm. I can't seem to access that page. Yahoo keeps spitting out "The File You Are Looking For Is Inaccessible."

titocruzsd July-25th-2002 05:25 PM

hey mike, looks like we've caused a seat buying frenzy on :laugh: check out my post "MX-3 Seats". there's a guy "Postman2K" that's selling a pair of tan '93 seats and a pair of black '94 seats. it says he's from ottawa, ontario, canada. i don't know how far that is from you, but you might wanna check it out.

titocruzsd July-25th-2002 06:12 PM

mike, check out your post on Postman2K said he's got the tan GS seats that you want and he'll even deliver them to you! damn, i wish i were that lucky. :rolleyes: oh well, i think i'll buy get the tan GS seats from the MX-3 guy in oklahoma. :bt:

titocruzsd July-25th-2002 08:03 PM

hey mike, take some pics of the tan seats. PLEEEEASE!!!! :D if not, just let me know if they'll match well with the tan interior. i still haven't been able to find a pic on the internet ANYWHERE! :thumbs do i put up a post at, so hopefully someone will come through with a good pic.

titocruzsd July-25th-2002 11:06 PM

thanks mike, if you could snap some pics of the seats, that would be AWESOME! no luck yet with the post on in regards to people sending me pics of their seats. :(

by the way, dan, that civic conversion blazer pic that you have in your photo album is SWEEEET! :eek: :bigthumb: if any of you guys missed it, check it out!

titocruzsd July-25th-2002 11:59 PM

mike, there's now a guy on from canada selling his LEATHER seats. :nod: i think his highest bid so far is $175 (Canadian). it says he's from "nanvut" (or something like that). once again, i'm not sure how far that is from you, but you might want to check it out!

funkdaddysmack July-26th-2002 07:28 AM

Originally posted by titocruzsd
by the way, dan, that civic conversion blazer pic that you have in your photo album is SWEEEET! :eek: :bigthumb: if any of you guys missed it, check it out!
Yea that was a freaking trick ride... My fav. truck there was the landcruiser with 23s. Wasn't much done to it other than that on the outside, but it was just so amazing to look at. The owner was real nice too, he said he was through about 8 sets of rims before he gots those (in like two years!). He even drove down from CT. Must be nice to have money!

titocruzsd July-28th-2002 02:53 PM

:eek: yeah mike, i knew you would come through with the pics!!!! :wee: so would they actually look good in our rides? they look pretty good in the pics. :bigthumb: are you going to buy them from that postman2k guy? tomorrow i think i'll send a money order to the guy i'm going to buy them from. :blue:

titocruzsd July-28th-2002 11:21 PM

mike, that sucks that you haven't heard back from that guy about the seats. i'd email him again and ask him what's up?! :stickpoke the guy that's selling me the seats said he was taking them out and he noticed some stains on them :crying: he said he was going to clean them up though. if not, i have some interior cleaner that should do the job. i'm getting my interior redone once i move back to san diego anyway, so it doesn't really matter. :D

titocruzsd July-29th-2002 10:58 AM

i'll post pics as soon as i get them. i'm sending out the money order today, so they should be on their way by friday (hopefully i'll get them next monday). :wee:

titocruzsd July-29th-2002 02:22 PM

yeah, hopefully we'll get pics of the seats in OUR cars soon instead of having to drool :drool: over them in other people's cars. :laugh: let me know when postman sends you his pics....i'd like to see what kind of condition mine are in compared to others. :bt:

titocruzsd July-29th-2002 03:34 PM

hey mike,

here's a link from in regards to the rims. i'm pretty sure those are the rims he's talking about. i was thinking the same thing about our MX-3 seat thread. :rofl: these guys are probably thinking "why are these two guys SO damn excited about their seats?!" :dunno: :laugh: we're like two kids that can't wait to open up their presents on christmas day. :D

titocruzsd July-29th-2002 05:46 PM

i would definitely get those rims if i had a chance! i wanted a set of those awhile ago, but i couldn't find anyone around my area that was selling them. :( the guy that was selling those leather seats got banned from MX-3!! they found out he was a fraud. :eek: i emailed the administrator to make sure that they haven't gotten any complaints about the guy that's gonna sell the seats to me. thankfully they haven't gotten any so far. :D TWO presents in one i know what they mean by "christmas in july". :p

titocruzsd July-30th-2002 01:32 AM

the 5 spokes are nice too. :bt: i'm not exactly sure what the miata bbs wheels look like but i heard that they're lightweight, which is good. the MX-3 guy said he wasn't able to get the stains out, but i've been planning on having my entire interior detailed, so hopefully the stains will come out then. :rolleyes: my dad's interior was FILTHY, and the detail place made it look awesome! :D i should have asked you before, but is the tan material on the seats the EXACT same color as our tan stock seats? do the MX-3 seats have the tweed texture or is it more like a velour texture?

titocruzsd July-31st-2002 01:02 AM

today i called around the local junkyards to see if they had any MX-3's. i wanted to search around to check out the seats while i wait for mine to arrive. 2 of the 5 junkyards i called said they had some MX-3's, so i went to both of them. the first place had one "somewhere in the yard" but i searched for the damn thing for about 30 minutes, and i couldn't find it! then i went to the second junkyard, and when i got there, they said they didn't have any MX-3's (yet an hour early i had called and they said they did). :bonk: oh well, i guess i'll have to wait for my seats to come in to drool :drool: over them. :D

Glazedham42 July-31st-2002 08:26 AM

Can you guys tell me what the year span for the MX-3 was that had these seats?? 90-94? 90-95? I'm not sure what year range to put in on the online parts search. Also, you said that they came in blue right? Are the blue ones the seats that Wil has in his car? Cause I'm not sure I'd want the red insert cause it wouldn't match the back seat....

titocruzsd August-1st-2002 12:08 AM

glazed, what color is your interior? i think wil's seats look SWEET! :bigthumb: seeing his seats was one of the reasons i went ahead and decided to actually get the MX-3 seats (i've been toying with the idea for over a year). that, and the fact that mike actually got a pic of the "holy grail" - a pic of the tan seats (i looked all over the internet for a pic of them)!!

hey mike, thanks for the junkyard link, although they gave me the name of the junkyard that i went to yesterday, :( i might be able to get ahold of some tan LX side view mirrors. :D

titocruzsd August-7th-2002 11:24 PM

damn, i think i'm getting screwed :inthebum: on my MX-3 seats deal!!!! :mad: the guy that i sent the money order to said he received it on friday and was gonna send the seats out saturday. monday i emailed him asking when i should expect the seats, and he emailed me back saying he had just received the money order (although he had already told me he got it friday) and that he would send the seats out tuesday. i haven't heard from him since. :rant: anyone in the tulsa oklahoma area wanna kick some @$$ for me. :fight: :bt:

titocruzsd August-8th-2002 10:42 PM

i called the tulsa police department (where the guy that was supposed to send me the seats lives) and they said they could charge him with fraud. :bt: i'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and wait another day or two, but if i don't hear from him, i'll file the police report and charge him with fraud! :D

titocruzsd August-9th-2002 12:16 AM

believe me, i've been emailing him left and right!! :rant: i just checked out, and it looks like i'm not the only person waiting for stuff from him. i emailed the other guy telling him to let me know if he doesn't get his stuff. if i don't get my seats, he'll have TWO charges of FRAUD against him!! :D :evilgrin: i don't want to deal with all the legal crap, i just want my damn seats.

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