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redrims February-12th-2003 10:40 AM

VA or NJ? That is the Question.
After talking to Adam in NJ, cause we were considering doing the next Protege Picnic, I think I would rather have it in NJ. I live in Southern Maryland and for me this is about a 3 1/2 hour drive. Adam said that there is a HUGE Mazda dealership around his area where the Miata guys have there annual meet. I thought it sounded pretty cool, but where ever it is and whoever is doing it, I WANNA HELP. :)

akaveli February-12th-2003 12:20 PM

hhmm... don't matter to me as long as we can have it on a resonable day that I can make it.. :-D

Protege5Gurly February-12th-2003 11:01 PM

why not have it where the most people who would attend would be? like if there are 30 people from NJ area that would attend the meet but there are like 75 people from the VA area then it should be in the VA area. the 30 from NJ area could either attend the VA meet with the other 75 people or they could have their own meet up there as a regular club meet.

reking February-13th-2003 09:45 AM

I vote VA. Because I cannot go to NJ, the toll are outrageous. It would cost me 20$ just to go up there and plus gas which is not cheep these days. If it MD, VA or DC I will go. Sorry ;)

redrims February-13th-2003 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Protege5Gurly
why not have it where the most people who would attend would be? like if there are 30 people from NJ area that would attend the meet but there are like 75 people from the VA area then it should be in the VA area. the 30 from NJ area could either attend the VA meet with the other 75 people or they could have their own meet up there as a regular club meet.
That's what the poll is for.

TrexPro5 February-13th-2003 11:29 AM

Virginia is better for me, Im in Ohio. Have we got a day set for this yet?

ZoomZoomH February-13th-2003 11:50 AM

holy cow, as of this post, it's a 3 way tie with 4 votes for each choice!

we just can't decide!!!

Ambient February-13th-2003 11:56 AM

I think it'd be easier, if that "I don't care" wasn't up's just basically nullifying the results.

How about people stop hitting the "I don't care"

ZG77_OzZ February-13th-2003 11:59 AM

Good news
I have a talk with Adam .
We will be talking to the dealer next weekend. Looks like there will be a cover charge but there will be food there and raffles I will let you know when we have more details.:shift: :cheers: :tit: :beer: :crook: :dj: :winky:

TrexPro5 February-13th-2003 03:24 PM

lol where? when? etc...

ZG77_OzZ February-13th-2003 03:35 PM

It will be held in NJ
time most likely will be first week in june. more on the way,,

redrims February-13th-2003 04:06 PM

Re: It will be held in NJ

Originally posted by ZG77_OzZ
time most likely will be first week in june. more on the way,,
So is 'Meade' allowing you to use the name Mid-Atlantic Protege Picnic for the meet if it is in NJ?

mixmaster_matt February-13th-2003 04:20 PM

If it is NJ then I will go, but I can't go to the VA one b/c that is like a 6hr drive for me.

ZG77_OzZ February-13th-2003 04:39 PM

Re: Re: It will be held in NJ

Originally posted by redrims

So is 'Meade' allowing you to use the name Mid-Atlantic Protege Picnic for the meet if it is in NJ?

Oh boy.
Again I am the Chapter Leader for the Network Northeast chapter.
So Go harlem and I are workin out detals.

Bruce95fmla February-14th-2003 01:36 AM

Originally posted by reking
I vote VA. Because I cannot go to NJ, the toll are outrageous. It would cost me 20$ just to go up there and plus gas which is not cheep these days. If it MD, VA or DC I will go. Sorry ;)
are you serious ,,, 20 bucks ,, your beefing about 20 buckss,,,, my god ... we drove seven hours to VA and spent like 50 bucks on gas and what not ,,,, try that on ,,.. and your worrying about 20 bucks ...... :bsflag:

ZG77_OzZ February-14th-2003 05:28 AM

Its funny
I know it like 50 bucks tolls and gas for us.
If they are not apart of the network and not apart of Gro Harlem’s club. they really have no wait. The network is hosting it. Like they always do. Funny the ones that make, the biggest complaints are the ones that go, do not bring money or food. Or do not show up all together. To any meets.

eeterp February-14th-2003 12:08 PM

I vote Atlantic City.

Next year, VA Beach.

ZG77_OzZ February-14th-2003 11:48 PM

One of the to names since we have people upset that it will not be in VA. And they might have to pay tolls. Oh my!!!! NAPPS OR NEPPS how’s that.
People its one day we all can get together to have fun.
If some tolls bother you stay home, people like that will bring down the fun.
If you want to have a good time food friends and cars and more, if not host it yourself , or just shut up.
It was put out there , it was asked I put the Northeast chapter who has 43 members wants up here, 43 just in my club alone. If you want to host redrims then you, organize it and you make the calls , get the place for it, then let everybody know ok. If not please give it a rest, damn it going to be held you think you would be happy.

Ambient February-15th-2003 12:28 AM

OK, I had left this alone, but your post right here is too inappropriate to be ignorned.

1. You do not coin or own the name of MAPP (Mid Atlantic Protege Picnic) You have taken it over and tried to play it like it was yours. You obviously have noticed this or you would have not changed your gathering to NAPP or NEPP which I suspect stands for North Atlantic/East Protege Picnic. Which begs me to answer the question, if it IS North Atlantic, why are you still whoring the MAPP name and DC forum? Have your own.

2. Taken from Yahoo Groups:

Message 932 of 935
From: "Will" <zoomzoompr5@h...>
Date: Wed Feb 12, 2003 6:32 pm
Subject: Re: [Team-Mazda] Look at this guy on the forum... you need to go through the whole thread..
These guys are a bunch of babies who dont want to travel
Message 933 of 935
From: Ron C <zgozz@o...>
Date: Wed Feb 12, 2003 6:58 pm
Subject: RE: [Team-Mazda] Look at this guy on the forum... you need to go through the whole thread..
He backed down. I know what Power I have in the Network. Hell we are the network 43 members we are the biggest chapter and I think we have the right to host here.
But that is me

- In response to Will [zoomzoompr5]:

Originally posted by zoompr5man
Sorry but i'm not driving to VA thats too far for me.

Originally posted by zoompr5man
For me to drive about 4-6hrs for a meet isnt really convenient.
Self Explanatory

- In Response to Ron C [ZG77_OzZ]

You have NO power. You are bastardized by your belief that your self appointed leadership gives you any right to take over someone elses creation. You quote that you have 43 members. But from what I have heard seen and researched myself, some of your members are from places more than 1000 miles from NJ. You have members from LA in which you said "Oh they submitted an app, I'll let them in" don't count. So please spare me griping about your so called power, as far as I'm concerned, your "power" ends with this:

Originally posted by Meade
That's the name I chose for events I organize or help organize. And since it stands for "Mid-Atlantic Protege Picnic," I don't think it would apply here since you guys are talking about having it in New Jersey. That'd be closer to a "NEPP." :-)

3. You are immature and self loathing, you would think someone 32 years old would act accordingly, if I didn't see your profile I would have thought you were 10. Your previous post shows just how much you need to grow up.

If some tolls bother you stay home, people like that will bring down the fun. If you want to have a good time food friends and cars and more, if not host it yourself , or just shut up.

It was put out there , it was asked I put the Northeast chapter who has 43 members wants up here, 43 just in my club alone.
You represent your 43 members poorly, and I would hope they would try and find someone more capable of leading the PNO.

NOW I want to make sure everyone understand this. I have NO problems in voting where the next MAPP would be, I do have a problem with how Ron conducts himself and the lies he has told to mislead everyone. If anyone goes back a reads my posts, I have always been clear about my intentions. More than half of what Ron posted, I can not link to any credible evidence.

Protege5Gurly February-15th-2003 01:00 AM

:bt: ;peace; OWN3D

ZG77_OzZ February-15th-2003 09:45 AM

Look your man , you host it. And you do it for down there ok. Gro Harlem and myself are talking about have 2 different MAPPS you might say . So again you have no facts you moron.
It was put out there, did you come up to the plate? No so shut up. Put up or shut up.
All I see is you bitching complaining. So again put up or shut up.
Oh that’s right you’re just the kind of person that joins clubs ,does not never attends their meets .
Our if you do you never pay , you eat others food, Right? If it’s not around the corner you do not go but just bitch about it.

“Self appointed” see this is your wrong again no facts.
One you have no facts strait, because you only running on a half of brain.
One it was put out there, I said our chapter will do it this year. The name is nothing.
We are changing it because it is not going to be held in VA so Gro Harlem and I and other said lets Call it NEPPS or NAPPS. SO who is taking the name?
Mapps is staying Mapps Putz. Gro Harlem is going to be hosting something down there or maybe he is not, nor the other gent who started it.

Really funny dude sounds like your jealous of the NE chapter because you do not have the skill to organize you own sock draw.
Have you help out with any meets?
Have you ever organized anything except your underwear draw?
Do you have any backing to say you have any pull anyware? NO SHUT UP.

Funny lets pick your replay line from line.
You have NO power. You are bastardized by your belief that your self appointed leadership gives you any right to take over someone elses creation. LOOK ABOVE you wrong again.
Really I started the Northeast chapter , Most of our members, are form PA,NJ,NY.
I was asked to host other states to get them started.
1000 miles away who?
I would like to know.
Power hmmm you will see what power this club has when the you see the places we have meets. Lets see you back that point up with your own club, I starred it with 3 members.

You quote that you have 43 members. But from what I have heard seen and researched myself, some of your members are from places more than 1000 miles from NJ.

Who have you heard and were is your research?
1000 miles away? HUH who? Here gain no backing. Our members are from NJ-PA-NY. The main group, I would say 80% the other is from NH,CT . SO again HUH?
You have members from LA in which you said "Oh they submitted an app, I'll let them in" don't count. We did I say this? Wrong that kinda stupid no?
No sorry wrong again, he emailed me maybe it was you that asked how he can start a chapter in LA. He is not apart of my chapter. WRONG again, no facts. You’re talking out the side of your face.
You related to Johnny Crocker?
So please spare me griping about your so called power, as far as I'm concerned, your "power" ends with this:
Really I do not think so buddy.
Start your own chapter , use the place like we have for meets.
Then you can talk.

Ambient February-15th-2003 10:03 AM

So basically you proved my point that your members are mainly NJ, PA and NY.

And the fact that you lost nearly half of your members: yet you still claim to have power of 43.

How many times do I have to say it?

I don't mind the next MAPP being in NJ, and set up by you. The votes will count. What I DO mind is your attitude towards the whole deal. The fact you think people who don't want to pay tolls and don't want to drive aren't good enough for your meet. What I do want is you to take a step back, stop talking behind my back(I know you are, I have MANY more friends than you think) and realize what you are doing. You need to show the people of your club and those who attend MAP, some respect.

Protege5Gurly February-15th-2003 10:07 AM

Ron .. couple things ... spell check and proof read ...

You first started NY/NJ/PA chapter ... it was worthless, so NE was started to try to build a better group. Your own memeber got fed up and started TEAM Mazda and appointed himself leader. Just like you started NY(NE, WHATEVER) and appointed YOURSELF leader.

You contradict yourself again when talking about members ... 43 ... last time I counted on your official NEPNO website it only listed about 24 including you! If you count Team Mazda members, you only actually gain 2 more.

Ambient has attacked the way you lie, complain, and push your opinon on everyone else ... you simply come back by calling him names.

If all of these different meets are scheduled ... drop the MAPP name since apparently thats not what it is going to be anymore!

O yea ... that guy with the chroma flames on his front end -- NOT from NY/NJ/PA/NH/or CT ...but from MA(even further!) --- you contradicted yourself AGAIN...

I think its funny how you stated to "your" own members that you had all this power over the the "club" ... I see no power in your hands at all -- reality check, maybe... you being an ass ... definitely... I havent once seen ambient talking to all of his "friends" complaining about you in other threads and linking them back to this one ... unlike YOU ... which you did AGAIN in a NEW post on another site.

I guarantee that once most of the NE members actually meet you, they too, will leave the group.

And god forbid its at a car show ... I have never once seen a "spectator" put his hands all over a show car, touch everything, and even GET IN ... all without permission ... grow the hell up.

As for Will ... he has no right to bitch either ... in one post he complains that "the babies dont want to travel" yet in another he proclaims that anything over a 2-3 hrs is too much for him as well... boo fukin hoo ...

Protege5Gurly February-15th-2003 10:11 AM

:bt: GRO .... I basically think that said it all ... right Ron?

Let Meade do it ... he started it, and apparently doesnt want it in NJ ... its basically HIS ... unless your appointing this as part of YOUR power now too.


ZG77_OzZ February-15th-2003 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Ambient
So basically you proved my point that your members are mainly NJ, PA and NY.

And the fact that you lost nearly half of your members: yet you still claim to have power of 43.

How many times do I have to say it?

I don't mind the next MAPP being in NJ, and set up by you. The votes will count. What I DO mind is your attitude towards the whole deal. The fact you think people who don't want to pay tolls and don't want to drive aren't good enough for your meet. What I do want is you to take a step back, stop talking behind my back(I know you are, I have MANY more friends than you think) and realize what you are doing. You need to show the people of your club and those who attend MAP, some respect.

Talking behind your back . No dude I tell you strait out.
Our Club is hosting NEPPS.
OK there you go and you can host MAPPS.
And one thing too you have no points. You have no say on anything we do for our meets.
And if you joined our mailing list, replay so we now who you are.
Grow up dude.
You won your the king..
I bow to you unreal talents, and all the freinds you have and are feeding you info thats not true.
Its a club for people to get to gether. have fun..
I am done with this .

Protege5Gurly February-15th-2003 10:19 AM

Its not necessarily talking behind his back.. its going to other forums/groups and whining about this post and linking them to it ... and telling those people that you have all this power.


ZG77_OzZ February-15th-2003 11:02 AM

Ron .. couple things ... spell check and proof read ... “OK thanks you do too “

You first started NY/NJ/PA chapter ... it was worthless( Too you we still have meets and have a lot of fun ), so NE was started to try to build a better group. Your own member got fed up and started TEAM Mazda and appointed himself leader. Just like you started NY(NE, WHATEVER) and appointed YOURSELF leader.( one I started the local club, So I have the right to point myself and other agreed, and the Local club is what changed, not the Northeast chapter)

You contradict yourself again when talking about members ... 43 ... last time I counted on your official NEPNO website it only listed about 24 including you! If you count Team Mazda members, you only actually gain 2 more. (Sorry the Web site is getting change, the people who were working on the site are no longer on it. Facts, you have none to base this on. I have not updated the list because one of time , and two due to changes ahead but again you would not know this you are not a member so what due you care maybe this is why.
I rember how you threw a fit about things in the club, and members jumping on you because of you audited towards other, you where if I rember right asked to leave. So again. Mods on your car are not all true to if I rember. And you and Wil who is the Prez of the Team Mazda and just let you know I am a officer in that club, so if they were tired of my shit I would not be there.

Ambient has attacked the way you lie, complain, and push your opinion on everyone else ... you simply come back by calling him names. Wrong I am sick of crap that people do not get facts strait .
My opinion is that mine.

If all of these different meets are scheduled ... drop the MAPP name since apparently that’s not what it is going to be anymore!( You need to read all the thread before posting things you have no facts and do use all a favor get your facts strait if you read the all the thread, there was a statement on how the name is going to be changed , because it was not down there, but again like all ways you jump like you did in the club too..

O yea ... that guy with the chroma flames on his front end -- NOT from NY/NJ/PA/NH/or CT ...but from MA(even further!) --- you contradicted yourself AGAIN...( Again I stated this Virgina , you are still complaining like you did in the club. He is from Mass , I made the mistake oops, its not contradicting myself, its forgetting OOPPS.
You are still complaining about things that are not your concern anymore and it Komelon Flames your wrong . Just to let you know people in the club did not like you, I always came to your defenses when they did attack you.
And to this day they still do not like you .So do use all a favor ,you do not like the club then do not bother talking about something you had no part in and never help one bit.)

I think its funny how you stated to "your" own members that you had all this power over the the "club" ... I see no power in your hands at all -- reality check, maybe... you being an ass ... definitely... I havent once seen ambient talking to all of his "friends" complaining about you in other threads and linking them back to this one ... unlike YOU ... which you did AGAIN in a NEW post on another site.

I guarantee that once most of the NE members actually meet you, they too, will leave the group. ( You’re a train wreck, you are so jealous of the club and the members, I do not know why you are so bitter towards people in there. I really wish you would move on all ready. You’re a nice person and have a lot going for you , it’s a shame you still are so bitter towards people. And just to let you know , I have meet a lot of the members there still here your not so that says enough no?)

And god forbid its at a car show ... I have never once seen a "spectator" put his hands all over a show car, touch everything, and even GET IN ... all without permission ... grow the hell up.( that was not me sorry I have no idea what you are talking about, I don’t go into others car with out asking, oh maybe when I was jugging but it was not your car.)

As for Will ... he has no right to bitch either ... in one post he complains that "the babies dont want to travel" yet in another he proclaims that anything over a 2-3 hrs is too much for him as well... boo fukin hoo ... [/B][/QUOTE]

You should talk really.
Funny Lie, no.
Again you still have beef with him. Bad that’s why people to this day have beef with you.
Because you have it with them. They forget things and only post like this bring back all the crap you started in the club.
Sorry you have so much hate towards people good luck with your life and your car, it would be nice to see you mod the car up like you said you did. Funny. Who is lieing?

ZG77_OzZ February-15th-2003 11:04 AM

One other thing
You should Talk holy cow.
And this issue has been resolved a while agao as well and infact I am done with you as well.


Protege5Gurly February-15th-2003 12:22 PM

First off, I left the NEPNO on my own terms due to poor quality in the group. I wanted to have a meet and noone -- including YOU was willing. I offered suggestions from prior meets and car club that worked well... everyone was unwilling to change their ways of failing. I guess constructive criticism doesnt work. Its your way or no way ... I was never asked to leave and you even said you were sorry to see me go.

There were posts from Will about the groups becoming one ... your response .. "Thats news to me" ... maybe the 2 of you should have discussed that earlier...

Fine... you dont have time to update the site ... ill give you that one.

Mod List -- my current mod list is 100% accurate ... you can see that first hand at the shows this year. When was the last time you actually saw my car? Maybe this is where all the jealousy comes into play?

Your latest posts show the name change ... so now MAPP is no more with your group ... problem solved ... take it out of the DC section now and put this drama into the NE section where it apparently belongs.

Chroma/Chameleon/Komelon ... all the same crap just under different names

Who doesnt like me in the club? They(the 2 people) didnt like me since I was going against you - someone who they knew longer. I only met 2 of you. They can think what they want. Im not here to impress anyone or have them love me. Im here to better my car and win at shows -- my goals are already being accomplished.

Not liking your group still doesnt mean I shouldnt have a say in MAPP or whatever you wish to call it ... MAPP is more of a Protege Club thing... not an NE thing.

Please dont assume that I am actually jealous of what you have built. That is far from the truth.

The day you first met me was at an Etown car show -- so NO you were not the judge... upon talking with me, you proceeded to put your hands all over the car while looking at it and even got in the driver seat. I even had to follow behind you to wipe away the greasy finger prints left behind.

I havent spoken a single lie yet, just reinforcing what has been said before.

How should I talk when dealing with distace for meets? Ive been to CT and MD for meets, and several other states for car shows. I have no problem driving -- unlike several other people -- Will included -- and I only brought up his name for the commments he made about people complaining and him in return saying he is pretty much unwilling to travel.

I have no issues with anyone on this board -- just with the things they say and the actions they take.

If you and Will have problems ... so be it ... and when others meet me, they can make the call themselves as to if they will like me or not.

BTW .. check my posts against yours... there are far less gramatical errors on my part. Plus, I have far more coherant sentences.

Its over .. .drop it ... go back to NE and start your picnic.

ZG77_OzZ February-15th-2003 12:24 PM

Read my last post
end of story.
Wrong again please move on, you old news and so is this thread.

Protege5Gurly February-15th-2003 12:27 PM

Its not that I am wrong again .. its that I am telling the truth and its a problem for you to see that.

You also continue to run to your friends and complain to them that they are getting "blasted on the forums".... hes a big boy .. let him deal with it himself ... he doesnt need you to be his mommy and fight his issues for him -- if he even cares ... dont turn it into one by posting messages to him about it ... if its that much of a problem for you CALL HIM .. dont tell him to call you.

Old would be the way you carry yourself as a supposed LEADER.


ZG77_OzZ February-15th-2003 12:39 PM


Originally posted by Protege5Gurly
Its not that I am wrong again .. its that I am telling the truth and its a problem for you to see that.

Old would be the way you carry yourself as a supposed LEADER.


Again , you state things again your complaining.
Meets are one of the reasons that Team Mazda was formed. Plus that club is going in a different direction. And again Wil and I were on two different clubs at that time, so both local clubs are now , Team Mazda.
The NE chapter is different from that.
Rules , meets when you were in the club it was just getting put together.
Again you persist to keep going when I said this was resolved. You have not changed nor ever will.
One I must say people seem very please were the club is now, and what is coming down the pipe. I have my down falls and will admit this, but people do not come off the way they are in person . But you do in this post.
Mods funny that is one of the reasons you got blasted from the club, you have put people down who due not agree with you view and you still do.
You need to get another hobby. Funny the club is still around and still growing.
I must have some kind of leadership qualities. And have some Ideas on how to run it.

Protege5Gurly February-15th-2003 12:43 PM

"Mods funny that is one of the reasons you got blasted from the club, you have put people down who due not agree with you view and you still do."

Why can you STILL not clarify that statement? I offered help in the club ... you decided not to listen. You wanted sponsors from companies like Meguiars... i offered to help since I have met, and know, the man in charge at Meguiars -- CRAIG LIEBERMAN -- Meguiars does not look for a bunch of Protege's running around lookin for free crap. Look at the cars they sponsor already -- when you reach that level they might actually consider you. And yes, the whole club need to be at that level -- its even in their sponsorship documents.

Your 2 groups can be whatever they want ... thats in your hands, but for awhile it seemed like the 2 didnt have a clue as to what was really going on.

You havent run anything... all you have done is have people sign up to have their name on a website. When the club grows, has regular meets, and actually progresses, I will congratulate you..

And again .. if people have issues with me, let them confront me about it. Dont just assume everyone has issues -- so far it seems like only you do.... but ill give that to you as well... you have been man enough to basically say it.

until then ... let it go ... i am


ZG77_OzZ February-15th-2003 12:47 PM

Then why do you keep replaying.
You had made some surgestion I will give you this.
But that was it.
you let it go all ready , how many times did I say move on .

Protege5Gurly February-15th-2003 12:54 PM

After everyone reads all of the BS thats been going on ... they can now read this... and hopefully read it in the way it was meant to be read...

If the groups had been more receptive of my ideas and offerings when I had made them (I had even made some the first time we met) things might be better off between us all now. Because of the way I was treated and had my ideas and criticisms(although constructive) shot down I chose to leave on bad terms with basically 2 (iirc there were only about 5 members at that time) members of the group.

If I could go back and change that ... would I ... maybe ... depends on the way people would act towards me again .. and this time actually listen to what I have to say.

I have been in the car club/show scene for about 4 years now ... I have the experience, knowledge, and connections to help you out ... all you had to do was listen.



redrims February-15th-2003 01:08 PM


Originally posted by ZG77_OzZ
If you want to host redrims then you, organize it and you make the calls , get the place for it, then let everybody know ok. If not please give it a rest, damn it going to be held you think you would be happy.
WTF are you talking about? I said I wanted to HELP whoever is doing it. Did you even read ? I also said that I WANTED it in New Jersey.

Your the one putting a pipe up your ass cause you here that some ppl don't want to pay tolls. I put the poll up to see what most ppl wanted as requested by Ambient. I really don't give a fuck where it is. All I said is that I rather have it in NJ at that Mazda Dealership that Adam told me about and that I'll be glad to help.


ZG77_OzZ February-15th-2003 01:22 PM


Originally posted by redrims

WTF are you talking about? I said I wanted to HELP whoever is doing it. Did you even read ? I also said that I WANTED it in New Jersey.

Your the one putting a pipe up your ass cause you here that some ppl don't want to pay tolls. I put the poll up to see what most ppl wanted as requested by Ambient. I really don't give a fuck where it is. All I said is that I rather have it in NJ at that Mazda Dealership that Adam told me about and that I'll be glad to help.


Sorry got you and another person mistakin my falt sorry...

redrims February-15th-2003 01:32 PM

Man this thread has become childish and stupid...I regret starting it.

Ambient February-15th-2003 01:55 PM

Originally posted by redrims
Man this thread has become childish and stupid...I regret starting it.
Agreed, I believe my IQ has dropped because of this.

Protege5Gurly February-15th-2003 01:58 PM

Either way its makin ya laugh :)


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