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P5Gurl June-23rd-2003 02:54 PM

I'll be there....and lemmie know if there is anything I can do to help.

UPSman June-23rd-2003 07:54 PM

I will most likely show up. I just hope that the weather is nice for ONCE!!!!

pro00 June-23rd-2003 11:08 PM

More people sign up = more stronger case for getting the dealer and the aftermarket shop(which by the way, I am calling daily to check if they wanna come or not)

But not to worry, If they don't come, there is something else which is also FREE!!

It just so happens that in Mason, GMU is working with Cox cable to bring free movies in mason

Basically, it is a drive thru movie, and July 19th is the last night and so, they will be playing Shrek. That movie is FREE

I will go and watch the movie and I was hoping after the meet anybody want to see a good movie would come and join me

It will start at 8:30pm, and it will be fun. Free food AGAIN and drinks.

Hope that just add the the stuff to do on the day

I will keep you guys up to date with every development

Man, I can't wait till the day, I am so freaking excited!!!!:D :D :D

akaveli June-24th-2003 09:37 AM

Do I need to sign up? or just let u know I'm coming?

pro00 June-24th-2003 01:05 PM


You are just fine

Just show up bud!


glowck June-24th-2003 02:49 PM

If I do not get a sudden Job interview in Florida. I could also be there.

pro00 June-24th-2003 05:35 PM

Ok, due to popular demand, here is what I found out

1. POOLS, and you know who I am talking too!!!!!:D (you know I am j/king).......but, there is a fitness center which is walking distance to where we are from and I called and checked with them. This is what they said

General Public are allowed for the whole day at the pool for $6 only. You will need to bring your own lock because they do not issue keys in the locker room.

This pool is consisted of three parts
1. one major swimming area
2. just hanging out area
3. hot whirl pool

If there are any questions hit me back through pm

Usually through the summer, there are no people in the pool, so it will be all for us, especially on Saturday summer!!!

Hope that answered alot of your inquries


Babygirl June-24th-2003 07:00 PM

Haahha... thanks pro!! I'm sure I am the only one who wants a pool!! but thanks for checking!!

proto5handler June-24th-2003 11:23 PM

we need as many people as possible. call everyone you know. the lot holds 100+ cars, it would be awesome if we can fill it. we need a STRONG presence. need to make this the best meet of he summer.

ZoomZoomH June-24th-2003 11:38 PM

wow we gonna go into the pool? cool!!! :D

akaveli June-24th-2003 11:52 PM

:tear: pool?! I can't swim! :(

redrims June-24th-2003 11:54 PM


I may miss it cause of my Family Reunion, but if I come, I'm wearing my Leopard Speedos!:booty:

ZoomZoomH June-24th-2003 11:56 PM

Originally posted by akaveli
:tear: pool?! I can't swim! :(
just sit in teh whirlpool and mack on the ladies then ;)

wait I want to do that, back off biatch!!! :mach:

akaveli June-25th-2003 12:10 AM

LOL good one!:bt:

Babygirl June-25th-2003 06:24 PM


You guys actually want to go swimming??? I thought I was the only person!! I just cant stand being out in the heat all day...I need somewhere to cool off!! hahah. wish the pool was outside.

What I really wish they had was like a park with a lake.. we have those in delaware where you can go swimming in the lake and they have BBQ's... its fun!!

Dont pay me no mind know you love my pain in the ass!!! hahhha:D

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