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Silvermp5 July-5th-2002 10:30 AM

I have the same problem, my light flickers on setting 2 and only when I am on the hwy. I had my dealer check it and they said that it's a faulty switch and they order another one for me. They have already diagnose the problem with another P5 with the same problem.and when I went in they told me that right away.

It's under warranty, get it checked

Dave Cameron July-6th-2002 12:01 AM

Mine has been doing the same thing, sort of-
I have a remote starter for just such extreme hot weather (not too bad here yet by Oklahoma standards, only mid 90's) or extreme cold weather. I set the fan on the "2" position for such remote starts. I was really surprised a month back or so when I went out to the car, and discovered the interior still hot. Sure enough our friend the little button's light was not on.
Since then I have watched it much more closely, in the the "2" position the light will come off and on, most notably at highway speeds on one of the more bumpy into expressways. I have had the car in for service on a different issue and asked about the button, and was totally blown off by them. That alone had me hacked off, but now to discover a thread reflecting it is a problem to more than just me, so Mazda probably knows about it really pisses me off!
There used to be three dealers in town, but now only two. I go to the one closest to me, the other is way on the other side of town, probably 30 miles. But this service sucks! I will probably be forced to see if the service is any better in Norman.
At least here the dealers act as though they are doing you a favor by doing service. And as long as mine is under warrenty, I am afraid they hold all the cards.
If anyone finds a fix, please post it or let me know. As is, I will be hard copying this string and taking to the dealer to show them. Intermitent or not, this is a design or part issue that is being seen by more than one owner, and it should be fixed!
Anyone interested in a class action lawsuit to see if we can spur thiem on? I doubt I really would have the time to devote to it very much, buy my rates to myself are pretty good! (free)

chuck July-12th-2002 04:54 PM

Fan 1 to 2 flickering, 1 to 3 or 4 no flickering, 4 or 3 to 2 no flickering.
Fan 1 to 2 flickering
1 to 3 or 4 no flickering
4 or 3 to 2 no flickering



Dave Cameron July-12th-2002 07:11 PM

Same issue- I think- one to two flickering and sometimes two to three. But never any other. Sometime if the button is pushed in, and the fan set on two while the car is off, then started, the fan light will not come on at all.
Quite the aggrivation!!

eric1234 July-12th-2002 08:40 PM

I was finally able to demonstrate to my dealer, and they have acknowledged that it's a faulty fan switch. Its on order, and will be replaced under warranty.

I'll keep you posted once it's in, and let you know the progress!!

eric1234 June-24th-2003 04:00 PM

AC Light Flickering

It's been almost a year now, and I have JUST FINALLY gotten a fix. The dealer has been behind my dash a number of times to replace the fan switch to no avail.

Then they tried to replace a Printed circuit board, to no avail. Then, I took it back again, and it was another Printed Circuit Board, and now it seems fixed.

- An interesting note: The service tech told me he has an '02 and that his does it too. He says mazda told him it was normal. I said "Normal that 1 of the 4 fan speeds doesn't work with AC? How about if I only send Mazda 3/4 of my payment each month? Will they accept that as 'Normal'. I then asked to see the owner of the dealership, and before I knew it, one of the lead techs was riding with me. It was interesting, because I had only recently noticed that this fault also had a speed-related component. If I was going over 75, the AC would cut out.

I hate dealer service!!

mts3 June-24th-2003 09:48 PM

FINALLY I am seeing someone else with this problem. Since new, my 02 P5 had its light flash just the first time when going from 1-2, but it was so quick that the compressor never shut off.

After almost a year (and 22000 miles) it got worse, so bad that fan speed 2 (and sometimes 3) NEVER worked until the car had been on 10 or 15 mins. And even then, sometimes when going down the road, position 2 didn't work.

So I called the dealer and told them I had a bad fan switch and could they have one ordered for me (I live 100 miles away and had to burn a vacation day at work to even go in for them to look at it). They wouldn't. So I did and went up there and had them look at it. Of course the car didn't act up.

So after 45 mins of bitching at them and finally getting the car to act up, talking to the service manager, etc, they agreed to replace it. I had to explain to them how I was not coming back to have it done once they ordered the part (My wife is 9 mo pregnant and I don't want to use anymore vacation time that I otherwise could spend with my new daughter).

In the end they took an entire radio console, fan switch, hazard switch and all, from a new 03 P5 and replaced mine with it.

Now if I could just get them to do the cold engine rattle fix I'd be happy, but they said I had to come down again and leave the car overnight so they could listen to it.

Farsyde June-25th-2003 10:15 AM

Damn i have never had this problem. The AC does seem to be rpm dependent so at highway speeds, even after 15 mins in 90 degrees, it is freezing in under a minute.

Originally posted by Dave Cameron
Mine has been doing the same thing, sort of-
I have a remote starter for just such extreme hot weather (not too bad here yet by Oklahoma standards, only mid 90's) or extreme cold weather. I set the fan on the "2" position for such remote starts. I was really surprised a month back or so when I went out to the car, and discovered the interior still hot. Sure enough our friend the little button's light was not on.

i don't think throwing your compresor on at startup is such a good idea.

Lazlo123 June-25th-2003 03:49 PM

Originally posted by js1
I have to admit the A/C could be better in this car but it's cold once it has a chance to run for several minutes. I live in Arizona where we're averaging 110 degrees lately. It's about a 10 minute wait until the A/C feels cold after the car has been sitting in this heat for more than 30 minutes. Not too bad considering my other car takes 5-6 minutes to cool down. It's not the worst system but it's not the best either. But I'm satisfied with it.
I live in AZ too, and i actually don't even have to turn the fan past 2 and its plenty cold, of course going 70 down the highway for 35 minutes might help it a little too...

akaveli June-25th-2003 11:42 PM

mines flicker once when I turn the AC from 1 to 2. I'm starting to think maybe this is normal.:(

irish6714 July-6th-2003 03:41 AM

Mine does it also, I think that the fan switch has bad contacts at the 1-2 and 2-3 pos.

JJB July-6th-2003 09:36 AM

Originally posted by eric1234
Mine does the exact same thing as hitek's. From Speed 1 to Speed 2 or from Speed 3 to Speed 2. It flickers on and off. If I jiggle the fan switch, sometimes it gets better.

I've told the dealer about it, but of course everytime they look, it works fine.

wow, lots of people with the same thing that happens in my car. I am starting to think that this is likely not a switch issue but a controller issue with the AC system. I.e. in my case it only seems to happen when I come down from speed 3 to speed 2. I think that something in the electronics is getting confused and then throwing the error indicator (flashing light).

kickniteasy July-6th-2003 01:00 PM

I've never had a problem with my A/C, in fact, my friends all comment on how fast my car cools down. With it on only the 2nd level my car cools down in minutes when it's over 80 outside, and I don't even have my windows tinted.

Babygirl July-6th-2003 06:49 PM

I think the AC in our cars suck!!! And i have tinted windows!!! i thought it was just my car.. but my light too flickers on and off.. I will have to watch more closely on what numbers it flickers on.. but you wanna know something extremely weird!!!!

the other day my boyfriend was driving my car and he put the AC on.. we were no more than minute from his house when we left. and he had the driver side window down... i noticed when the window was DOWN...the light on the AC turned off... and when he put the window UP the light on the AC turned on??? we did this a few times and were like... WTF??? it doesnt do it all the time.. but the light flickering just bothers the hell out of me!!! and the AC isnt cold at all!! i mean its cool air.. but not ice cold!! what the deal!! what should i do about? my warranty runs out in about 2k miles!!!

Farsyde July-6th-2003 11:07 PM

tint only blocks visible light from getting into the car and some UV rays. This means that the sun coming throught the car won't give you a suntan. However, tint does nothing to block out infrared radiation among many others. So heat still gets into the thing pretty well. Now if you buy this stuff called V-cool, it blocks out like 95% of the heat. Still your car will bake in the sun b/c the doors and the roof will still heat up and transfer the heat pretty well.

Anyhow my AC works great. Even in a real hot day. Maybe you P5 and late model protege's are gettin screwed but my light never blinks.

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