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Roddimus Prime June-7th-2004 02:45 PM

very nice! Currently, I'm lacking some of the tools / equipment needed to do my own fabrication. I was hoping that selling my video games would allow the cash I need to buy a new mig welder and chopsaw. A local shop here is going to cut my mounting brackets for me so I'm set with that.

I lack about $400 in tools to really start digging deep into this. Hopefully I can sell my spare stuff laying around the house and get it underway.

I've also got to come up with $300 for Ken @ protege garage for my catback, I have GOT to slow down!

Racing Beat June-7th-2004 03:14 PM

LOL.... I put my GF in charge of my budget to slow me far so good. Im in the works of a straight pipe exhaust and custom intake work (so far my results have been terific)...It'll be a nice lil Togue monster when Im done..

Racing Beat June-7th-2004 03:23 PM

Im assuming you plan on running EGT, AF, Oil PSI, Boost and oil temp gauges? Myabe not oil temp but the others are essential. I prefer to use a wide band dedicated O2 for AF reading and westech EGT thermocouples for EGT sensors..had great experience with them in the past

Roddimus Prime June-7th-2004 03:35 PM

My wife keeps a pretty tight leash on my spending. I don't mind though. New house, new cars, new shop, an ass-load of video games and toys...

As for gauges I had planned on including a dual vaccuum / boost guage and a fuel pressure guage. I feel that with an aftermarket FMU keeping a very close watch on your fuel pressure is essential. AF gauges do nothing for me. In order to get an AF gauge that will actually tell you something you'd have to spend $200. Also, EGT is nice but I don't think it's a neccessary tool. If your fuel pressure is holding firm where you want to in and out of boost there is nothing an EGT gauge is going to help you with. It can tell you if you're running rich under boost and you'd need to turn the FMU down a bit but once I have the initial tuning done here (on dyno) all you'd have to do is set it to the specs I give you and it's good to go.

Racing Beat June-7th-2004 04:18 PM

I've always used an EGT/AF combo to dial in my fuel ratio, EGT's are good to watch as they can usually indiacte something amiss...IM also paranoid about tuning, never losta mototr to my mods before, dont want to ever...

Roddimus Prime June-7th-2004 04:25 PM

EGT is really only good at guessing if you're running rich or lean....same as most AF gauges. If you're running overly rich you'll notice your EGT lower and vice versa. This is about the same as those little bar-style gauges that don't really tell you whats going on.

For my personal use I will have a vaccuum / boost gauge (to verify bypass valve operation) and a fuel pressure gauge. Since 100% of this base kit will be tuned by the FMU I feel it's more important to know what it's holding at than exhaust gas temperature. If you build boost and the fuel pressure drops drastically then you KNOW you have a lean condition!

Feel free to add any auxillary gauges you may want. I think I'm only going to include a choice of 2 or 3 vaccuum /boost guages. I don't like the idea of telling people what gauge to use but it is pretty important (not as important on a turbo who has spikes and leaks, and creeps.)

Racing Beat June-7th-2004 04:35 PM

agreed, most people (like myself) while fit gauges as needed to feel secure...
I hope this can happen as its what our cars need, I think the Pro' will respond nicely to an SC...what sort of power is requirede to spin the SC? Anyideas?

Roddimus Prime June-7th-2004 05:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
yeah. It is a centrifugal blower but in order to reduce the amount of drag the blower has a built in "transmission". It's litteraly a step-up gear ratio so boost comes on hard early on and gets exponentially stronger..

I drew a sample dyno chart of the difference between a supercharged motor and a na motor. Notice that as rpm's increase the gap in power stretches. This is because the blower is based on rpms not exhaust gas flow.

Please everyone enjoy my drawing but do not reproduce without expressed permission of "Turbo Matty P" "MullisBrothersRacing" or "Gullable Moron Monthly".

Roddimus Prime June-7th-2004 05:57 PM

SO sorry for the huge picture...I had no idea!!

Racing Beat June-8th-2004 07:53 AM

wow, thats a big napkin dyno chart...
I understand how SC's build powerm with the RPM number you quoted for the unit we'll be know where near its capabilities, but at the relative low rpm we'll be turning it at, whats its efficiency?

Roddimus Prime June-8th-2004 06:06 PM

at low rpm efficiency will be based solely on how you're driving it. I know this sounds strange but let me see if I can explain. The superchargers are designed to use a "bypass" system. This means at cruising speeds, coasting or ideling (low rpm, lo load) the bypass opens and the motor runs just like stock. Once vaccuum is increased to the point of atmospheric pressure the bypass snaps shut and boost is built. (now you see why I want to include a dual vaccuum/boost guage as opposed to just a boost guage) Now, should you be cruising on the interstate at 75mph (about 3200rpms for us) and running 0psi boost should you hammer the throttle and put that load on the engine the bypass will snap shut and you will be at the boost level for 32-3500rpms...possibly 3psi or so...instantly. Can you imagine the passing power of the 2.0L at that point?!?! wow...

Back to your question....Im not sure if I answered your question or not. I do not have the actual efficiency numbers in front of me for the blower. I know the efficiency rate of the intercooler cores we'd be using!! I guess what I'm saying is that you're not going to notice ANY decrease in driveability with this at low rpm/low load. Inversely though you WILL notice a huge increase in midrange and high end power. It'll really make the car come alive.

FC3s Boy June-8th-2004 06:17 PM

to bad you are'nt closer to our shop, good luck with it

Roddimus Prime June-8th-2004 06:20 PM

Thanks, everythig is just about done except for receiving the blower and tuning!! I've already taken the front of the car off and prepped where everything is going to go. I've lined up back up suppliers for the materials, I've got half of the mounting brackets designed already (just need the final blower for fitment).

It's just frustrating being this close to something and having money/parts hold you back. Maybe I should sell a kidney....or part of my liver....I'm a non-drinker!

Racing Beat June-9th-2004 07:47 AM

thanks Rodimus, you sort of answered my question, but its enough to satisfy...thanks.

FC3s Boy June-9th-2004 11:58 AM

Originally posted by Roddimus Prime
Thanks, everythig is just about done except for receiving the blower and tuning!! I've already taken the front of the car off and prepped where everything is going to go. I've lined up back up suppliers for the materials, I've got half of the mounting brackets designed already (just need the final blower for fitment).

It's just frustrating being this close to something and having money/parts hold you back. Maybe I should sell a kidney....or part of my liver....I'm a non-drinker!

be a sperm doner i heard they make a few bucks

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