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Badboifla March-28th-2003 03:58 PM

P2K, I was worried about ya... I have a lot of friends already over there... Well good luck whenever ya good... Keep Ya head up and Represent!!!!

PRican_Angel March-30th-2003 10:52 PM

cool cool....

i hope u get better p2k....

well me, i dont have anything to show off , i'll prolly juz go to chill or sumthin'.... :(

holla :angel:

99mazdadx March-31st-2003 09:46 AM

prican is all good youl get some good ideas.........p2k hope your knee gets better and be safe man god bless and yeah bring me back saddam lol i got somethin for him i think we all have somethin for him ....i have freinds and fam over there be safe and come back

M3nac3 March-31st-2003 10:54 AM

Hey all, Just bought a protege lx saturday. Previously had a 2003 tiburon ( still have it for a few weeks). I'm used to meeting up with them and talk about our cars. I don't know much about this car so I'd love to come out an chill with yall sometime. This Saturday might work for me. I'll let ya know.


P2K March-31st-2003 12:35 PM

Thanks Badboifla, foxy, PRican_Angel, and 99mazdadx. I'll try to be as safe as possible but it'll be kinda hard when you have bullets grazing your ass, lol. I'll try to make an appearance when I get back even if it is 6 months to a year from now.

Take care

Badboifla March-31st-2003 02:56 PM

No problem P2k, When you get back ya'll have so much flow I don't even want to see your car after that!!!

This past weekend I check with John and he's bringing his boy from Miami so the number is now up to 9 maybe 10

John with the Silver 2000 LX and his friend
maybe M3nac3

FL.O.G. March-31st-2003 03:47 PM

I'll still want to have a cookout or something. Does anyone have a place we can meet that has a grill? Maybe we could go to a park or something that has a place to grill. Anyone have ideas?

M3nac3 March-31st-2003 06:38 PM

whoa thats kool. We should hang out... you can teach me some stuff about this car. I love your rims I've always wanted some of those. My car payment on this car is $150 cheaper a month than my tiburon so I got money to fix it up nice. Rims are the first thing to come I cannot stand hub-caps. Then something has to be done bout this 130 HP that just doesnt work for me... So anything that you guys can tell me that will help with that would be great.
P.S. I'm selling my alpine head unit if anyones interested it's the cda-7893 seen here:
Also selling my tiburon CAI but I dont think any of you are interested.. =P


MIA protege April-1st-2003 07:11 PM

i wish i was at home now cuz id definately make the drive from miami but its ok cuz theres meets going down in NC , but maybe when i get back down, ill meet with u people


MIA protege April-1st-2003 07:20 PM

Originally posted by foxymazda

Damn straight Danny. then you can chill with my miami club :D

definately will

M3nac3 April-4th-2003 09:30 AM

heh.. took me awhile to find how to check pm's. I'll be coming this weekend. I'll be there pretty early though cause i hafta meet someone in lakeland at 6 hopefully i can find something to do to pass the time.


Badboifla April-4th-2003 03:45 PM

Well this is last call, Anyone else coming???????????

99mazdadx April-4th-2003 04:25 PM

sorry fellas i cant go just found out my coudsin flyin from new york to orlando tomorrow night so imma go get him see yall on the next one

FL.O.G. April-5th-2003 09:49 PM

I just want to thank all of you for coming out, it was real nice to meet all of you. Sorry to those who couldn't make it...maybe next time. We have some pics so you can see what you missed. Foxy get those pics up!:nod: I think everyone agreed next time we're gonna meet at a park or something where we can have a little Bar-B-Q, possibly on a Sunday and a little earlier during the day so we can have better light for the pics. I'll be out of town around May 5th-9th, I'll know for sure when I get my plane tix, everyone reply with your availability.

MackDadam April-5th-2003 10:44 PM

hey guys want an opionion what about these rims??

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