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Old March-29th-2002, 05:23 AM
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Wassup, I've been working out for a couple of months now in a row after stopping for three years hehe. 4 times a week, sometimes 5 these days.....
Never had a set schedule of stuff to do though. How do those work? Should I only work out one part/day like some people do? How often should I do cardio.
Any tips would be good

only work-out smiley faces I could find, excluding the monkey at the end hehe
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Old March-29th-2002, 07:21 AM
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Pump it till its hard baby! hehe

What are your fitness goals i.e. weight loss, better conditioning, nice abs?

This will determine what your schedule should be, remember diet and rest are also very important parts of a fitness routine.
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Old March-29th-2002, 09:34 AM
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Forget cardio man.............just pump iron 5 times a week and you are set............

Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Back
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday: Arms
Friday: Abs, Shoulders
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Old March-29th-2002, 02:37 PM
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My abs, I mean I do crunches, and some other little ab things, but ya know, I still got my beer-gut bouncing left n right hehe

Okay, it's not that bad, but ya know, and I wanna be moving up consistently on weights. It would be much easier if I had a plan like some people do.
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Old March-29th-2002, 02:54 PM
The mp3 Girl
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I just started my exercise regimen back too, My main goal was just to drop a couple of excess pounds to stay fit.. I walk/jog a two mile track 2-3 times a week, do the treadmill at a fast jog for around 15 minutes, and do my leg and ab workouts around 50 reps each.. nothing major, but I've gone from 149 to 135 in about 2 months with healthier eating, etc at 5'4"
It's worked for me so far, without absolutely draining my energy.
"Exercising creates endorphins, and endorphins make you happy... and happy people don't kill their husbands!"
It keeps me sane!
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Old March-29th-2002, 02:58 PM
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HAhaha, thats funny

But damn, that's pretty good, 14 pounds in two months.

I've stopped drinking pop, and have been trying to eat more fruits and I do feel better. I went from 155 pounds to 165, most of it being muscle I hope hehe

I just gotta cut those damn abs I guess running could help
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Old March-29th-2002, 03:18 PM
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Definitely Makaveli, Running is awesome b/c it works everything.. and you're on the right track with cutting out the soda, that's the hardest part for me, I could live off of mountain dew!
*sigh* oh well... speaking of which I should probably drink some water now lol
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Old March-29th-2002, 03:21 PM
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I used to work out with a friend of mine. He and I had a normal pattern. We would workout every day, alternating body parts each day. Now, it wouldn't be like "Okay. Let's start Monday, work till Thursday, and then rest for a day."
We would usually workout everyday until we planned to do something, we really pushed the routine hard, or five days had passed. However, we didn't always stick to five days then rest. Sometimes it would be two, three or four days and then we would rest. Well, here's how we would work out:
(Let's say a new week started...)
+ First day, we would either start with bi's and tri's or chest.
If we started with chest, we would do bi's tri's following day.

+ Chest, we would do benchpress, inclined benchpress, flat butterfly (with dumb bells, proper form, laying on the bench), then inclined butterflies. Afterwards, we would go eat.

+ Sometimes, if it was in a hurry, I would eat a can of tuna, slice of potatoe bread (or regular wheat), glass of cranberry grape juice, and some fruits or vegetables. Otherwise, we'd usually eat two pieces of baked chicken breast with rice and any side we could cook up real quick. (You have to eat withing an hour for you body to absorb all the protein and nutrients as completely as possible and send it to the muscles. Docs say two hours, I always make sure to do it within an hour.)

+ Bi's and Tri's, we would start with bi's and do dumb bell curls, bar bell curls, alternating curls with the wrists halfway inwards (the dumb bells are pointing fowards). Tri's would be single arm lifts (sitting down, arm pointing up, lower forearm 90degrees and back). Next for the tri's, not sure what you'd call them, but heels on a platform the same height as for putting your hands on, and lower the body and lift back up. Then, we'd complete the tri's with double arm lifts, where we'd use one dumb bell with the combined weight for both arms, and do the same thing as the single arm lifts.

Here and there, we'd throw in a day for Shoulders and Neck. We didn't want to have a steady pattern for the shoulder and neck, as they repond more to intensive workouts than other areas. We didn't want to have this massive no-necks and shoulders with under developed bi's & tri's and pecks.
Now for all of the exercises, we would do three sets of 10-12 reps, with 60-second rests inbetween sets. This would usually work our muscles pretty hard.
We would never work an area of the body that was still sore from a previous workout.
Now, for cardio, we would find a day to fit it in. At least two days a week. My cardio work out would be either, running a five-mile cross country track here at one of the local community colleges, or doing jump rope for a half hour ( jumping for one minute, resting 30 secs, jumping for two minutes, resting for 30 secs, jumping for four minutes, resting for 30 secs, jumping for eight minutes, resting for 30 secs, and then finishing with jumping for 16 minutes straight). The jump rope was and is still a killer cardio workout.
Cardio has been proven to help recovery. Though, I wouldn't recommend cardio on the same day that you max an area of the body.
As for why someone would want to alternate areas of the body...
If you workout one area of your body, your body only has to send bold and nutrients to repair the muscle tissue of that one area. If you workout every area in your body, the body has to send that same supply of blood and nutrients to -all- of your body. The supply would be exhausted before muscles could recover much at all. If only one area is worked out, that one area gets everything the body can give. It has a better rate of recovery. It also gets a higher dose of nutrients from the food you're about to put in the stomach (as you should eat after working out).
For me, I wanted to gain weight, so I either would eat three large meals a day, or four-to-five small meals a day. On the day I would work out, I would drink weight gainer after the workout (and only half of the suggested dose, which was like 1500 calories. suggested dose was like 3000 calories). I would also take two protein drinks a day, whether or not I had worked out that day.

This was like just over two years ago. I grew from 130lbs, to 155lbs, which took me eight months. Even for my size, I recieved quite a few compliments on being bigger and muscular than before. I've since dropped back to 130, as I couldn't afford to eat as much and buy my weight gainer/protein (on average 70-80 dollars a month!). Though, I can afford it now, I usually don't have the time to work out, but then again someone else could say I do. I guess I'm just a lazy *** bastard! haha.

Oh. While working out, don't drink too much water. Just take simple sips of water here and there while working out to keep fatigue from setting in. After the workout, drink plenty of water.
It's also good to eat a sizable portion of pasta after working out. It helps to replenish the glucose lost while working out. It's vital for building your muscles back (repairing) and bigger.

I suggest you buy yourself a subscription of Muscle & Fitness.
Joe Weider rocks you!


Last edited by zenilder; March-29th-2002 at 03:27 PM.
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Old March-29th-2002, 03:39 PM
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Thanks Bryan for the reply. I heard the 'you-have-to-eat-within-an-hour' and didn't know if it was a myth or fact....
So you did 3 sets with 10 reps? I usually do a bit more with less reps....

I used to have a workout buddy until he hooked up with this chick, and they became damn sex machines. He only calls me up around 10pm now to see if I wanna do something, after they're through hehe

Having someone to workout with helps alot....
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Old March-29th-2002, 03:42 PM
The mp3 Girl
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LoL sex is an awesome cardiovascular workout... at least that's one of my excuses.... maybe you should just work on cardio like your friend is and see if that regimen works! lol
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Old March-29th-2002, 04:07 PM
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Working on it, need a full-time girl for that though, and I don't feel like having one.....

Can't wait 'till the summer, all my friends are lazy bums, they're either extremely skinny, or fat hahaha

I'll be at the beach 24/7
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Old March-29th-2002, 08:27 PM
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My intense workout routine invloves many reps of curling 12 oz of pure pain.....
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Old March-29th-2002, 08:48 PM
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Makaveli, in order to get those abs you want its all about calories. You could work those abs till the day you die but if you're taking in too many calories you'll never see it comes down to 99.9% diet. Obviously exerciseing is the #1 way to burn those extra calories and build muscle but theres a fine line between bulking up and cutting up. To cut up you gotta keep your reps high (12-15) and reduce your training weights. Your weight gains so far are just your body's mass increasing...which is very normal for someone getting back into traning. You could (if you're not concerned about getting bigger) do all cardio and just abs to cut up and look good but if you're skinny and want more mass you gotta use them weights. Ethier way remember to watch your calories....too many left over at the end of the day in your body turns to fat. Not enough in your body and you begin to eat your own muscles protein supply. Up your protein high, lower your carbs and fat..but don't cut them completly out. Increase your cardio on the days you don't eat "exactly right" (so to speak aka. taco bell) to counteract the calorie increase. And one other important step is to stay consistant!!! Get in the gym or do your cardio everyday you're supposed too. Good luck.
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Old March-29th-2002, 10:46 PM
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Wow, thanks, so one more question, what should I eat then??? And how much.....

I could go the whole day eating just a single Wunderbar, or I could eat three plates of spaghetti and a couple of steaks, I'm pretty flexible when it comes to that....
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Old March-30th-2002, 12:12 AM
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bo, you need a decent diet and a cardio workout. most people don't wanna be musclebound freaks (altho that's not bad either... ) but most of us want to be decently sized and cut, right? hit the weights, but do not forget the cardio! that is the only true way to lose the gut! i'm by no means a fitness guru, but i know i look/feel a lot better now that i train regularly and have a decent diet. and even tho girls claim looks aren't important, they still look...which really pisses my gf off.

anyhoo, here is my diet:
fish, chicken, pork. try my best to grill them (stay away from fried) and i do about 5-6 meals a day.

supplements (if you need it) and a steady, correct workout will give you hotties...i mean a better body.
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