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Fuck France - a great story heard on Howard Stern

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Old March-20th-2003, 03:49 PM
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**** France - a great story heard on Howard Stern

I'm not sure about all the details of this story, but I think I've got it mostly correct. This was great, and the timing couldn't have been better:

Seems a French cellist (you know - guy who plays the cello) lost his instrument in a NYC cab. As Howard said - this seems to happen once every few months. Some ******** forgets his $100,000 instrument (usually a violin or something) in a cab and freaks out.

Anyway - this French guy was going nuts. As part of his plan to find the cello, he decided to start posting flyers, including a phone number to a relative or friend in France. Since the call was international, I believe he did make note that the call was to France in his flyers.

Well, with the current political climate, the crank calls came flooding in, including this one:

"Hello, Mr. [insert name]. Yeah, I got your ******* cello. I'm in Baghdad - why don't you come get it."

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Old March-21st-2003, 12:25 PM
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Thumbs down Narcissistic Americans

As I've said before, the mindless lemmings who whine about France and their stance against this conflict should amaze even the most rudimentary witted person . In case it comes as a surprise to anyone, France has their own interests in mind regarding this war, specifically regarding their opposition to it, and you can bet your dumb asses that we would do the exact same thing. The Bush Administration has said repeatedly and publicly that this conflict is carried out in our own self interest, so France is doing the exact same thing we are (although it’s a damn well less destructive and expensive one). If France were going to war with someone we collected massive financial benefit from, then hell yes we’d be against the conflict. People need to stop whining and come to grips with the fact that France isn’t doing anything we wouldn’t. It’s as simple as that. Get it? It has nothing to do with being ungrateful or disingenuous to us for our support during World War II, etc..

And on that note, I’d like to pose a question to all the Franco-American geniuses out there: Don’t you think, in calling France names and questioning their worth as a nation, that we’re being ungrateful and disingenuous to them for the fact that they saved our living asses during the American Revolution? Anyone remember that? The French are pretty much the sole reason we survived to BE a nation in the first place, where we otherwise would have had a musket shoved up our ‘newly declared independent’ asses by the British Red Coats. So all the France bashers out there need to shut up. The French have a long, proud history that predates anything even remotely American, and their worth and importance as a state citizen on this earth isn’t any more or less important than our own.

All of this name calling and questioning of France’s gratitude toward the United States by the Bush Administration is nothing more than a method of stirring up all the dumb asses in our country so that they’ll support the war effort and have someone else to loath and complain about. “Whoa! Damn French! Not helping us! Ungrateful bastards!”. It simultaneously amuses and disgusts me how many morons eat this **** up.

Anyone who runs around with the feeling that because we’re Americans we’re better than other people are shameless, selfish, narcissistic bastards, and trying to rip on the French is a prime example of this type of behavior. I say we’re all created equal (I believe a founding document of our country says something about that) and we have no right to question France’s actions, especially because it isn’t anything the United States hasn’t done itself since the French saved our asses over 200 years ago. We’ve always done the same thing, as we are now at this very moment.
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Old March-21st-2003, 01:16 PM
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Your right the French are only looking out for themselves. They only have $60 million in oil contracts with Iraq so nooo they don't want to hurt Iraq. They would lose wayyy to much money. That is shameless and selfish in my opinion.

I am not going to name call but back when we bombed Khadafi my father was part of that mission and because of France not allowing US planes to use thier airspace the mission had to be redirected into a very dangerous area. So no name calling here, that is their right to do that, but I do not have to like them and I sure am hell not going to support them if they ever get into trouble.

The French seem to think that everything no matter what it is can be solved peacefully. I'm sorry some things can't. Some want to sugar coat it and make it seem like it can. I actually heard the other day that Bush didn't even try to sit down at a table with Saddam to try and talk this over. Are you kidding me!! Saddam is a madman hell bent on taking over whatever he can. He isn't going to sit down and reason this out. Since when do people take an Iraqi dictators word over the President of the United States.

By the way for those who care the poll for the war looks like this:

78% for the war

I figure that 11% are against the war even if Saddam was in their house killing their families

The remaining 11% are misinformed about various things like thousands of civilians being killed, blood for oil, personal reasons, and other popular slogans which if studied in detail are not the reasons for this.

Now before someone flames me to the moon please note I didn't call anyone names, insult anyone, or tell anyone they were wrong. I just stated my opinion.
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Old March-21st-2003, 02:24 PM
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Does anyone realize this was a joke? You know, the kind you laugh at? So what if the Frenchies don't want to help us out, they can eat it. We don't need their help.
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Old March-21st-2003, 05:32 PM
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Originally posted by JasonKilpa
Your right the French are only looking out for themselves.
Like the US is only doing this to help the world become a better place , gimme a break.
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Old March-21st-2003, 06:32 PM
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No not the world a better place but the US a better place. Can you give me a better reason why? And I mean a valid one too. Don't tell me for oil or anything like that.
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Old March-21st-2003, 08:48 PM
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If it was not for the us the french would be speaking german
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Old March-21st-2003, 11:58 PM
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The French are acting like Iraq's defence attorney...

A lot of the French shut up once they heard about Scud Missle attacks launched by Iraq, which they said they did not have. None of this **** in the past matters, yeah the french helped America out in the 1700's and yeah America helped France out in the 1940's, so what. The French publically stated they would veto two resolutions, and one of them did not even involve anything but French decisions on Iraq's new government. No one cared whether or not the French would support the U.S., America is in Iraq now and planned on it regardless of France's opinion...So I agree with most of you, everyone hating France is pointless, when it's Iraq's regime that everyone should be hating.
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Old March-22nd-2003, 11:40 AM
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Originally posted by Installshield
So I agree with most of you, everyone hating France is pointless, when it's Iraq's regime that everyone should be hating.
Well I dunno, I have a lot of hate to go around!

[flag waving]

I believe this war is going to make at least US and Iraq a better place to be. If we can get a government set up there that doesn't let their own people starve, we've accomplished a lot. Policeing the world is a difficult and thankless job, but someone should do it. I just think that it should be the UN, not just us. But that's all water under the bridge.

I'm glad that we're actually taking the initiative to change the world. We're sending out a clear message that we won't condone terrorism, and I think it's a hell of a ballsy (and MUCH needed) move to actually go after some of the sources/financers. I think politics get in the way of a lot of ****, slow everytyhing down. This war, the politics have been thrown aside, it's more of a time to get **** done.

All I know is I live in the best country in the world, and I'm proud of it! I don't care who likes it!

[/flag waving]
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Old March-22nd-2003, 01:28 PM
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First of all - hell yes, this was a joke.

And second - I can't say that I agree with France's lack of interest in world security. This is not a "you gotta help us" thing - it's a "you gotta do the right thing" thing .

Where is the reasoning in NOT forcing Saddam's regime from power? The guy is an EVIL dictator, who gasses his own people, supports terror, and is interested only in money and power.

By refusing to join in the resistance to Iraq, France (and every other unsupportive UN member nation) is saying that it's A-OK for Saddam to; Build all the weapons he wants; kill whoever he wants; rob from his own people to support his fetish for weapons and power; rape women; torture people; and defy UN resolutions demanding he disarm.

That last one is a biggie - France VOTED FOR those same UN resolutions. And now that the **** has hit the fan, they are backing down. Saddam called the bluff of the UN, and France is just willing to muck the hand. What is the point in big talk if you won't back it up? Part of the resolutions was to authorize the use of force if Saddam continued to be in violation of prior resolutions that he disarm. Sooooo.....what happened?

And the argument about France's ties with Iraq in terms of oil is even more infuriating. Suuuuuure - France can do whatever is in France's best interest. But face facts - Saddam uses oil money to build biological and chemical weapons. Rather than at least FEED his people, he chooses to build palaces and weapons of mass destruction. So - in essence - France is not only unwilling to take powers away from an abusive leader, they choose to FINANCIALLY SUPPORT his illicit and dangerous activities.

Sorry - if you have a moral oppostition to this war, that's understandable. But if you have a FINANCIAL opposition, you are supporting Iraq, plain and simple.

The more I think and write about this topic, the more I lean toward support of this military action.

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Old March-23rd-2003, 06:49 PM
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Originally posted by hihoslva
First of all - hell yes, this was a joke.

And second - I can't say that I agree with France's lack of interest in world security. This is not a "you gotta help us" thing - it's a "you gotta do the right thing" thing .

Where is the reasoning in NOT forcing Saddam's regime from power? The guy is an EVIL dictator, who gasses his own people, supports terror, and is interested only in money and power.

By refusing to join in the resistance to Iraq, France (and every other unsupportive UN member nation) is saying that it's A-OK for Saddam to; Build all the weapons he wants; kill whoever he wants; rob from his own people to support his fetish for weapons and power; rape women; torture people; and defy UN resolutions demanding he disarm.

That last one is a biggie - France VOTED FOR those same UN resolutions. And now that the **** has hit the fan, they are backing down. Saddam called the bluff of the UN, and France is just willing to muck the hand. What is the point in big talk if you won't back it up? Part of the resolutions was to authorize the use of force if Saddam continued to be in violation of prior resolutions that he disarm. Sooooo.....what happened?

And the argument about France's ties with Iraq in terms of oil is even more infuriating. Suuuuuure - France can do whatever is in France's best interest. But face facts - Saddam uses oil money to build biological and chemical weapons. Rather than at least FEED his people, he chooses to build palaces and weapons of mass destruction. So - in essence - France is not only unwilling to take powers away from an abusive leader, they choose to FINANCIALLY SUPPORT his illicit and dangerous activities.

Sorry - if you have a moral oppostition to this war, that's understandable. But if you have a FINANCIAL opposition, you are supporting Iraq, plain and simple.

The more I think and write about this topic, the more I lean toward support of this military action.

Couldn't agree more. There's a line you have to draw when it comes down to doing the MORAL thing or the financially sound thing. Poo poo france for lining their pockets at the expense of american and british lives. If France is so concerned with money, I'd like to see their stance if the US poses trade sanctions against those snobs.

US help in wwII makes us even for the french revolutionary war help. Even without french help, americans would have become independent in time. It may have taken a second war but, it would have happened.
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Old March-23rd-2003, 08:12 PM
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The US media has you people so blinded. CNN, NBC, it's all bullshit propaganda. They will tell you pretty much what the goverment wants you to hear. American Capatalism. Do you think if CNN started covering the other side of the story that they would get all the interviews with Rumsfeld and Powel and Bush? War is big money to News networks, there is no arguing that.

Ousting Saddam, I'm all for it. He's an assclown. But it was the good old US of A that helped put him in power when they were fighting against Iran. And what about Bin Laden? Same thing. US financed him to fight against the Russians. You play with fire you are going to get burned! In both cases, the US had something to gain by putting these people in a position of power. Things change now and they are not doing what the US wants them to do, lets wipe out the country.

Do you think the US is going to stick around and help rebuild the country they are about to destroy? You guys are going to have to swollow alot of your governments **** if you think that's going to happen. It could take 20 years to get Iraq on track. Sure, the Americans will be there to have AMERICAN companies rebuild Baghdad. Obviously Iraq won't have money but they have tons of Oil. America wins both ways. Whatever post war government that is set up in Iraq will be an American puppet. That's why France is against the war. I'm sure they don't give a **** about Peace as well.

And the bullshit about "If it wasn't for us (Americans), the french would be speaking German right now." What a crock of ****. When the Americans joined the war in the European theatre, the war was already going sour for Germany. It may have taken longer to defeat the Germans with just Russia and the UK but the numbers were there.
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Old March-23rd-2003, 09:19 PM
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Re: Ignorance

Originally posted by browntrout
The US media has you people so blinded. CNN, NBC, it's all bullshit propaganda. They will tell you pretty much what the goverment wants you to hear. American Capatalism. Do you think if CNN started covering the other side of the story that they would get all the interviews with Rumsfeld and Powel and Bush? War is big money to News networks, there is no arguing that.

Ousting Saddam, I'm all for it. He's an assclown. But it was the good old US of A that helped put him in power when they were fighting against Iran. And what about Bin Laden? Same thing. US financed him to fight against the Russians. You play with fire you are going to get burned! In both cases, the US had something to gain by putting these people in a position of power. Things change now and they are not doing what the US wants them to do, lets wipe out the country.

Do you think the US is going to stick around and help rebuild the country they are about to destroy? You guys are going to have to swollow alot of your governments **** if you think that's going to happen. It could take 20 years to get Iraq on track. Sure, the Americans will be there to have AMERICAN companies rebuild Baghdad. Obviously Iraq won't have money but they have tons of Oil. America wins both ways. Whatever post war government that is set up in Iraq will be an American puppet. That's why France is against the war. I'm sure they don't give a **** about Peace as well.

And the bullshit about "If it wasn't for us (Americans), the french would be speaking German right now." What a crock of ****. When the Americans joined the war in the European theatre, the war was already going sour for Germany. It may have taken longer to defeat the Germans with just Russia and the UK but the numbers were there.
You know, I'm sick of people comparing "having faith" to being ignorant. You don't know know what's going to happen when the war ends. It seems it's the popular thing today to be anti-government, no-faith, know-it-all, damn-fatcats-in-the-capital whiny bullshit. Do you think people like me are the only ones being spoonfed ****? Where do all the whiny anti government pansies get their information? It's fed to them by other pansies who'll believe anything. Here's one for you.... Dick Cheny owns stock in linens, that's what the war is all about, so he can profit on the sale of towels for their heads. IT'S A CONSPIRACY!

People who have nothing better to do than complain about their government, one that is better than most any other in the world, should move to a country who's citizen's aren't so lucky. Move to Iraq and starve, how about then you complain about your nations leaders... That is if you have the strength left to do it.

No matter what happens after the war, I believe the Iraqi people will be better off without a leader who has more than weapons and his own personal wealth on his list of priorities.

I'll continue to be blind now, I'm done.
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Old March-23rd-2003, 09:22 PM
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Re: Ignorance

Originally posted by browntrout

Do you think the US is going to stick around and help rebuild the country they are about to destroy? You guys are going to have to swollow alot of your governments **** if you think that's going to happen. It could take 20 years to get Iraq on track. Sure, the Americans will be there to have AMERICAN companies rebuild Baghdad. Obviously Iraq won't have money but they have tons of Oil. America wins both ways. Whatever post war government that is set up in Iraq will be an American puppet. That's why France is against the war. I'm sure they don't give a **** about Peace as well.

And the bullshit about "If it wasn't for us (Americans), the french would be speaking German right now." What a crock of ****. When the Americans joined the war in the European theatre, the war was already going sour for Germany. It may have taken longer to defeat the Germans with just Russia and the UK but the numbers were there.

Acutally, the Germans were 1 or 2 weeks from completing the A-bomb. So, time was the most important issue. France owes Americans BIG!

Rebuilding Iraq is obviously a huge task but, it's not like Iraq has some great infastructure of huge GNP producers. Liberating the people will hopefully improve nutrution, education, income equity, etc, etc.
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Old March-24th-2003, 12:12 AM
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Re: Ignorance

Originally posted by browntrout
The US media has you people so blinded. CNN, NBC, it's all bullshit propaganda. They will tell you pretty much what the goverment wants you to hear. American Capatalism. Do you think if CNN started covering the other side of the story that they would get all the interviews with Rumsfeld and Powel and Bush? War is big money to News networks, there is no arguing that.


No, I don't think that's it at all....the networks just play what you want to hear... it's called ratings. And I haven't really seen what I consider to be propaganda.

There is no lack of alternate news sources... you can turn to C-Span and see news networks from around the world.... the French news doesn't even try to hide the fact they are anti-US... BBC is about on-par with U.S. media...CBC seems to doing a pretty good job of trying to be objective . I didn't get to see enough of the middle eastern networks to say.

...and yeah although I believe U.S. entering WWII had a lot to do with the turn of events...I don't like hearing "...they would be speaking German right now."

Last edited by UCSBgeek; March-24th-2003 at 12:15 AM.
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