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Old August-6th-2002, 11:33 PM
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Unhappy This Must Be Read By Everyone!


No matter what people say, and how sure you are about your driving, street racing kills and usually kills the innocent. Death smiled me right in the face today, passed me by and took someone else.
I was riding home from work around 5:00pm, which is rush hour of course. I'm comfortably driving in the fast lane at a steady pace. I saw this Supra way over in the far lane. Next thing I now he jumps straight across all the lanes and started tail-gating me to the point where I couldn't even see his headlights. There was to much cars for me even to get over. So there is a guy in a green Silverado in front on me. He tries signaling to the Supra that there was a cop about 2 cars in front of him. I don't think he cought on. Anyways, my exit was coming up and apparantly the Silverado's too. This is also when the lanes started to clear. I could clearly see that this Supra wanted to race me. I'm like,
What For!? this dude is crazy. #1. its rush hour #2. he has a Supra and I have, well you know.
Me and the Silverado go over 1 lane about the same time. Then the Silverado goes over 2 more lanes and I was about to make my move to go over. At the same time I was about to switch, then the Supra speeds up behind me still tailing (thought for sure he was going to hit me), then beside me, then takes off FAST! The Supra is now in the slow lane doing about 100mph and the Siverado is on its way over. The Silverado is on his way over, sees the Supra, swerves back over to the left to dodge it. He loses control, swerves to the right onto the shoulder and the grass then did a 180 (luckily missing me), now facing perpindicular to the interstate then slams head on to the side of a HUGE dump truck. He hit it doing about 65mph. You don't really understand the stress and pain of an accident till it happens to you, or you see it close up and watch a person die. This is one time that I truly was afraid and scared. All I could do was call 911. I thought the truck was going to blow up w/ my car right there because it was leaking gas and oil. He died on impact right in front of my eyes. Sqush between the dashboard and the seats. The whole front of the car looked like it was inside out and it was smushed. I could barely right a report because I was shaking so much. Its now 12:00 and I'm still misty eyed. Can you imagine seeing some dead right in front of you with blood pouring from the door and rolling across the highway.
And the dude in the Supra: wrote his report, which I know is BS and then left. The bad thing was he caused the man to crash and kill himself and then tried to say the guy in the Silverado killed himself by driving fast. If I wasn't so hooked on the accident and his death, could have broke his lieing *** in half. But the police have my report and others, so he should get whats coming. If I feel this bad now, I know he must feel Terrible knowing he just took someone life who probably had a family w/ wife and kids.

I told me mother and I took her words seriously. She said "things like that don't happen buy chance". I guess this was my example of what could happen. A big Silverado into a little PowerWheel.

I don't think that y'all will see me post a racing story any time soon. I wish his family the best. R.I.P.

And writing this made me even more teary eyed.

I have to say it again. You don't pay death any attention until it knocks on your door.
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Old August-6th-2002, 11:42 PM
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i know how you feel man, i have faced death(thought i was gone), and i have also seen a 180 end in death. man, that supra driver wil get his...but you will hurt for awhile thinkin of it...goodluck.
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Old August-6th-2002, 11:44 PM
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OMFG I can't even imagine how much that's gotta suck.

Poor bastard was only trying to help and look what happens.
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Old August-6th-2002, 11:53 PM
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well, at least the supra guy stayed. man, I don't even want to picture what you saw. Wish you a speedy recovery from the experience.
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Old August-7th-2002, 09:03 AM
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man that dude in the supra is wack. wtf was he thinkin. i hate ppl that drive badass jus cuz of their car or whatever. but i hope u feel better soon. i've been in a situation like this too. someone running from a cop the opposite way that i was facing at a stop light and he ran a red light. the guy hit a truck coming from the left and the truck flew right infront of me when it got hit and went up the curb. i was very scared and shocked too. this was on thanksgiving morning around 12am ish.

very sad that these things have to happen cuz of careless people

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Old August-7th-2002, 08:04 PM
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sad, such a terrible thing to happen, that supra bastard. Redrims, when i read this i could picture the whole thing, that must be awful. That racer will get he own, for taking another man's life, which no one have the right two. May God have mercy on his soul.
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Old August-8th-2002, 12:51 AM
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Man i am so sorry...I know that situation had to be very intense for you. I just hope the supra owner goes down for what he did. I can just imagine that being my dad or some one i know in that silverado...Geezz, i just hope others read this and think twice before driving wreakless. Street racing is retarded, people should grow up and take it to the track like the pros..God bless
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Old August-8th-2002, 12:12 PM
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I sure hope the Supra person's guilt stalks him forever. I feel sorry for the Silverado person.
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Old August-8th-2002, 05:14 PM
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Here is my story....

I was traveling home from work about 11pm. I turn onto the road that leads to my neighborhood, 45mph with gradual turns. There was a Cavalier in the left lane in front of me doing about 40mph. I check behind me to get over and see headlights approaching FAST.

The guy coming behind me is in my lane, he switches at the last minute squealing tires around me. I then get over as I was coming up on the Cavalier. I pass the Cavalier and look up and notice the speeding guy all the way in the left had turn lane trying to correct and get back on the main road...

Too late his back left tire hits the median launching the back up and spinning the car. This made the front smash into the banked median, its dug in sliding until he hit a tree. It was a smaller tree, so basically it spun him a little more before bringing the tree down with him on the other side of the road. The car was sitting perpendicular to the road, block all lanes.

I slammed on my brakes, pretty sure I cut the Cavalier off, but don't remember. We over to find both passengers unconcious, blood and teeth everywhere. I saw blood pouring from the passengers ears.

Cops got there, the passenger was pronounced dead at the scene. Driver was taken to the hospital. Turns out they both had a blood alcohol level of twice the legal limit. They were both 17.

The mother of the passenger was sick due to cancer. They never told her her son was dead, she died four days later. I can't imagine the pain the father went through.

The driver however was rich and felt like he didn't want to be charged for manslaughter. So his attornies went after me. This went on for months, basically I was watching people blame me for things I didn't do. I was basically about to be charged with manslaughter until a witness testified and cleared my name. The worse year of my life.

Sorry for the long story, but I think people need to see the dangers of speed.
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Old August-8th-2002, 06:53 PM
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here, here. life's too short, i wish people would grow out of it already.

worst are those jokers who weave through traffic and they've got a childseat in the back or one of those "child on board" stickeys.
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Old August-8th-2002, 09:08 PM
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Wow. That's pretty rough, particularly for you, Ambient.
*sorry, redrims, not trying to belittle your situation at all.

That made my hair stand on end. I hope you don't mind but I quoted that story onto another vb car page. Maybe my friends will stop racing. *on the street*
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Old August-8th-2002, 11:20 PM
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Originally posted by Ambient
Here is my story....

I was traveling home from work about 11pm. I turn onto the road that leads to my neighborhood, 45mph with gradual turns. There was a Cavalier in the left lane in front of me doing about 40mph. I check behind me to get over and see headlights approaching FAST.

The guy coming behind me is in my lane, he switches at the last minute squealing tires around me. I then get over as I was coming up on the Cavalier. I pass the Cavalier and look up and notice the speeding guy all the way in the left had turn lane trying to correct and get back on the main road...

Too late his back left tire hits the median launching the back up and spinning the car. This made the front smash into the banked median, its dug in sliding until he hit a tree. It was a smaller tree, so basically it spun him a little more before bringing the tree down with him on the other side of the road. The car was sitting perpendicular to the road, block all lanes.

I slammed on my brakes, pretty sure I cut the Cavalier off, but don't remember. We over to find both passengers unconcious, blood and teeth everywhere. I saw blood pouring from the passengers ears.

Cops got there, the passenger was pronounced dead at the scene. Driver was taken to the hospital. Turns out they both had a blood alcohol level of twice the legal limit. They were both 17.

The mother of the passenger was sick due to cancer. They never told her her son was dead, she died four days later. I can't imagine the pain the father went through.

The driver however was rich and felt like he didn't want to be charged for manslaughter. So his attornies went after me. This went on for months, basically I was watching people blame me for things I didn't do. I was basically about to be charged with manslaughter until a witness testified and cleared my name. The worse year of my life.

Sorry for the long story, but I think people need to see the dangers of speed.
god damn lawyers...did the kid get charged finaly???
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Old August-9th-2002, 03:18 PM
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Yeah, but since he was under 18 he got a slap on the wrist. Some community service and some jailtime to be served only on the weekends because he was in school.

Hopefully the fact that he killed his best friend and put me through a year of hell will curse him until his grave.

First thing on the scene the cops did was look at my car and said "Were you racing him?" That got me red hot. Next his lawyers tried to blame me for chasing them down the road, and they felt threatened for their life. The reason they said I was chasing him is because 2 nights prior, they had gotten into a fight with a black male at a party. I happen to be black and a male, so I guess that automatically made me guilty.

No I am not racially biased, but if you look at it, you can clearly see that was wrong of them. They even had my work clock-in sheet and tried to say I was fighting at a party WHILE I was at work. Doesn't make sense. They wanted to ignore the fact that he was drunk off his *** while driving.
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Old August-9th-2002, 10:33 PM
got boost? HELL NO!!!!!
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I'll die eventually, but at least i dont pull stupid **** like race in traffic
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Old August-10th-2002, 03:12 AM
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Man Ambient, your story was rough. I'm glad they didn't look at my car me and my car like that and said me and the Supra was racing. Some people look at my car and think I'm automatically a racer. You don't know how many times people have asked me "Do you race your car?" or "Do you race for money?"

Man I can't imagine what you went through since you were innocent. It must have been hell.
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