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SUX 2BU March-7th-2002 10:57 AM

Yellow P5 named in street racing accident
I couldn't help but get a little revved up when I heard about ANOTHER street racing accdient in my area. So I vented a little and below that is the story:

(On my soapbox) There has been a bad rash of stupid punnks street racing in urban areas with lots of traffic and pedestrian flow (in Richmond and Vancouver) in cars mommy and daddy paid for. Some are killing themselves, or their passengers, or the people they hit. I street race occassionaly (like once every few months) but never in an area with lots of traffic, etc. These kids just don't know how to drive and the fact that their friends are dying doesn't phase them.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox now. Anyway, the protege in that story is actually a yellow P5!! It was named as that on the news this morning but I've copied the whole story for viewing below.


Jeremy Sandler
Vancouver Sun

Thursday, March 07, 2002

Vancouver police are investigating whether street racing played a role in an accident in which a pedestrian was struck near 41st Avenue and Dunbar late Wednesday morning.

The woman, in her mid-70s, was hit after two cars that witnesses said were speeding westbound along 41st were involved in a collision.

Constable Wes Fung of the collision investigation unit told BCTV News on Global that the victim was attempting to jaywalk across 41st, east of Dunbar, when a yellow Mazda Protege and a silver Nissan Altima came speeding along. The Mazda braked because of the woman crossing the road, but the Nissan, which had changed into the centre lane behind the Mazda, did not have time to stop.

"He brakes, but it's too late," said Fung of the Nissan's driver, a man in his 20s. "[He] rear-ends the yellow Protege, knocking it into the pedestrian."

Fung said the drivers did not know each other, but police will investigate whether they were racing at the time of the collision.

"That's something that we're looking at."

University of B.C. student Watson Ng, the driver of the Mazda, spoke briefly with BCTV before talking to police.

"I was trying to stop, like stopping, and I come to a stop and then the car from the back banged into me," he said.

Avinesh Chand, a clerk at Stationery 2000 in the 3500-block of West 41st, saw much of the action that occurred outside the store.

"We heard this screeching sound and as I looked out, I saw this lady flying about 15-20 feet, falling from the air," he said. "Then I realized that she was hit by these cars."

The impact spun the Mazda around backwards and the woman ended up under a vehicle parked nearby.

"She was under a van, a white van that was parked over there," Chand said. "A half-dozen people tried to attend to that lady. We thought she was dead because of the way she was lying."

Emergency personnel arrived within minutes and the victim was taken to Vancouver Hospital with serious but non-life-threatening injuries.

Chand said the city needs to do something to make the street safer for pedestrians to cross, a point echoed by Dr. Brian Harris.

He works in a medical building next to the scene of the crash and said he's been after the city for two years to get a crosswalk or light installed in the area.

He said the large supermarket on the north side of the street and the doctors' offices and residences on the south side mean people want to cross, but it's several hundred metres to the traffic lights east and west of the collision site.

"There's so many elderly people coming across to the doctors' offices or having done so, to skip across and pick up a bottle of milk or something," Harris said.

"Now you can say they shouldn't be jaywalking, but who's going to go to the corner to cross the road either at Dunbar or Blenheim?"

The 70-year-old psychiatrist, who has worked in the area for 27 years, said a city official came to see him about his complaints, but went away saying a crossing would not be a high priority.

"The city refused to accept the fact that jaywalking is illegal but it's going to happen right here for sure," he said.

"It's just accidents waiting to happen and because this has been like a throughway to UBC, the cars don't even slow down, they treat it like a highway. You really have to have your wits about you to cross the road and elderly people don't have that capacity, that's the problem.

"It doesn't cost a lot of money to paint some white lines on a corner," he added. "It's just a tragedy. I feel so angry that this was a preventable accident."

Speeding has been cited as a factor in the deaths of two Lower Mainland youths within the past week.

Whitney Nghiem died and five passengers in her car were injured when Nghiem lost control while driving at more than 100 km/h at about 4 a.m. Sunday on Kingsway.

Early Monday morning, 18-year-old James Garratt of West Vancouver died in another accident police blamed on high speed.

Fung said charges are being considered in Wednesday's accident, but he expressed concern that the recent spate of high-profile traffic fatalities has not altered driving habits.

"Three days ago a young girl was killed and it was in the papers," he said.

"You'd think they would learn, but obviously they haven't, so something's going to be done and hopefully we'll come up with some strategies to deal with it."

lost_concept March-7th-2002 11:39 AM


I practically race anyone who attempts to race me, but even i know my limits, they are idiots, rookies, NOOBS *Newbies*

Tsk Tsk Tsk :o

But taking the lifes of others is stupid over street racing, if someone took the life of someone i knew due to street racing when i see there ass, its gonna get kicked :bt:

Thats my 2000 Cents :D :bt: :bt:

I need to stop street racing at 2 am anyway, before i get caught by a cop going 120 mph, Hmmmmmm Automatic Jail time hahahaha

Deceptipro March-7th-2002 11:44 AM

At the risk of offending a lot of people here..

Street racing is just plain stupid. There's nothing to be gained from trophies, no prize money...and if you're just racing any Joe on the street, no bragging rights. And obviously, most of these racers are so bad at it that they end up killing people for their 10 seconds of fun.

If people feel the need to race, they should take it to the track, train to control their car and compete in an organized race.

mnkyboy March-7th-2002 12:37 PM

I third that motion! Street Racing is STUPID! :rant: :rant:

Go to the track, or if you MUST race on a public street, dont race where pedestrians cross the street!!! As for racing people you dont know, what does it prove??

Kincaid March-7th-2002 05:02 PM

Once again I echo similar sentiments.

I'd like to keep it to the track, but we don't have one.

We have an awesome industrial park here and after 11:00 pm it's completely barren. Awesome place for some great driving.

SpaR/Ticus March-7th-2002 05:11 PM

Originally posted by webmaster
around here .. there are COPS in unmarked sports cars and they even try to get you to race .. and the moment you show any interest .. you are screwed .. and BTW - street racing is for faggots :the finge
They do that in Mass. on the Mass Pike quite often.

Deceptipro March-10th-2002 05:04 PM

Hmmm...would that count if the cop was just driving his suped up WRX, minding his own business and was challenged by some dude in a riced up Civic? He wouldn't be enticing anyone...just being in the right place at the right time, and making the arrest!

...kinda like a drug bust. :p

zenilder March-10th-2002 05:50 PM

Originally posted by TheMAN
Umm... I thought that was illegal for them to do. Cops are not allowed to entice people to break the law then catch them. I forgot wtf it was called.

In the US, yes, it's illegal. It's called entrapment. In Canada and other countries, the laws that the police themselves have are different from here in the US.

In some countries, the police can do whatever the hell they want. :P

mixmaster_matt March-11th-2002 09:50 AM

I don't care what country you are in, the police can do whatever they want, and if you challenge them it is your word against theirs. And who do you think they are gonna believe. So take the damn racing off the streets.

mnkyboy March-11th-2002 09:59 AM

Originally posted by zenilder

In the US, yes, it's illegal. It's called entrapment. In Canada and other countries, the laws that the police themselves have are different from here in the US.

In some countries, the police can do whatever the hell they want. :P

True, my wife is from South America, and she says that some cops down there will take whatever the hell they want from you or do whatever the hell they want with you. You cant down jack squat about it! :(

Makaveli March-11th-2002 06:56 PM

Originally posted by mnkyboy

True, my wife is from South America, and she says that some cops down there will take whatever the hell they want from you or do whatever the hell they want with you. You cant down jack squat about it! :(

Yup, in Yugoslavia there was recently a gay parade... They saw what the rest of the world was doing, so they decided to come out. The cops were the first ones to beat them up, hehe, so they don't really follow rules....

Back to street racing, everybody's got a different definition. I never race, I just like to accelerate faster then the other car from 0-65km/h, and then cruise from there.... even when not racing people shouldn't go too fast in the city when it busy on the streets. I had a drunk guy fall over in the middle of the road right in front of my car. Luckily I saw him in time to slow down and stop.....

protetype March-11th-2002 09:02 PM

I agree that street racing is stupid. I'm not gonna say i'm innocent of it, because I'm not. But I do admit that it's stupid. I just really hate being revved on by base model corrola's and other cars more wussy than my 1.6l. Anyway, take the racing to the tracks. If you don't have a track... head over to or one of the other race sites and find out some information on maybe getting ahold of your state or wherever you live about having a track built. You've gotta support it, before they'll build it.

gujustud March-11th-2002 10:35 PM

I wish there were more race tracks, IF any where I live here in Vancouver, BC. I know there is one out in Mission (I think its still open), but there isin't barely any, unlike down in the states, there are tons!

Racer91 March-14th-2002 11:15 AM

Intersting clip
This is a link to an interesting story thought you folks may like to see.

Not positive the link will work but i think it should.

SUX 2BU March-14th-2002 12:19 PM

Re: Intersting clip

Originally posted by Racer91
This is a link to an interesting story thought you folks may like to see.

Not positive the link will work but i think it should.

Thanks for that link!!! I heard about that CBC but didn't see it. There were even TWO P5's in that clip and one is a guy on (the one with the black decals on teh fenders).

And that shows pretty much exactly what the scene is like in Vancouver. I don't think it helped the stereotype of young Asian guys whose mommy and daddy buy them a car and they race it around, but like I say, stereotypes come from somewhere.........

mnkyboy March-14th-2002 12:27 PM

Re: Intersting clip

Originally posted by Racer91
This is a link to an interesting story thought you folks may like to see.

Not positive the link will work but i think it should.

That guy in the video is stupid, he said that "its not the car that causes the accident, its the driver". :rant:HOW IN THE HELL DOES HE KNOW THAT?:rant: If the car is totaled, and the driver is killed, how would you know if something failed? Also, IMO each time you put something new on your car, its also adding risk for something to go wrong, even if you are the best racer in the world...

SUX 2BU March-14th-2002 12:31 PM

VERY good point! Looks like Jimmy Fung, or whatever his name was (forgot) has to bring his car into the shop every time he needs the oil checked so he wouldn't have a clue if a bolt on his spindle was loose or something and it flew apart at 120 mph.

mnkyboy March-15th-2002 09:27 AM

Re: Re: Re: Intersting clip

Originally posted by PseudoRealityX

A good driver "should" have a better chance of keeping a broken car under control, even if something was broken.

True, but not true. Unless you are a professional race car driver, you wont have the experience to keep the car in control. Street racing a car for a 14 second race doesnt make you a good driver, it makes you a stupid driver IMO.

Deceptipro March-15th-2002 04:34 PM

If "the driver" doesn't have the training to drive properly, he has no business racing...on the track or not.

Chumpman April-7th-2002 01:20 AM

i'd pretty much agree with that... if ya wanna race, keep it to the track, and AT the track, get pointers/lessons from ppl who KNOW how to race so you can improve your times...

personally, when i'm on the road, i just like to be "efficient" in my driving meaning yeah, i'll accel faster off the light to get ahead of the car next to me, but if that guy suddenly starts gunning it, i'll just slip into the newly created space behind him! :)

and i'd never go over 80 in a 50 zone... and i'd TOTALLY never gun it in a pedestrian area like Kerrisdale (for you non-vancouverites, that's where the guy toasted his P5, and it's one of the busiest pedestrain parts of vancouver)... if u've got more cylinders than IQ points, STAY THE HELL OFF THE ROAD!!!

p.s. bout the entrapment thing, in vancouver we have a blue subaru 2.5RS (older model, w/square headlights) that's an undercover cop car, and yeah, if he revs his engine that's entrapment, but here's a story bout the first time i saw it:
i was literally behind the cop and he was just sitting at the light, then a riced up CRV pulled up and gunned it w/screeching tires on the green... within seconds i saw red&blues flashing from out of the tinted windows (it's a pretty light tint). he pulled the guy over right then and there...
and as a further warning for "efficient" drivers in vancouver, the cops are now using all sorts of undercover cars now for laser-radar traps... when i was going to UBC i saw some beat up old brown american car with cops in it tagging ppl... i've also seen a white ford contour... just FYI

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