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Jackelope January-24th-2005 08:19 AM

Why do people do this?

Stueck January-24th-2005 08:47 AM


Jackelope January-24th-2005 09:02 AM

hmm.. in that case, i'm immature (I didn't let off either) - of course, once we got out of the passing lane, i slow down to 60, she/he slowed back to down to 50.

Roddimus Prime January-24th-2005 09:16 AM

I do that sometimes also....if the speedlimit is 70 and I've got the cruise on 80 and someone rides my ass before trying to pass me, I'll stab into it also and keep them behind me....when they tuck back in I slow back down again.....just to let them know who's in charge..

Stueck's right's all immaturity.

Jackelope January-24th-2005 09:20 AM

I wasn't riding there ass though ( :evilgrin: ), and they were going below the speed limit

Roddimus Prime January-24th-2005 09:21 AM

good point.

THAPRO1 January-24th-2005 09:32 AM

its ego trip prob, i've noticed most people who drive SUV's are this way including sad to say my own parents:( lol

VagaBond-X January-28th-2005 01:07 PM

my dad is also like this..... and its not just for cars trying to pass him.... if a car is going a little faster than him, and slowly starts to pass... he will downshift it to 3rd and pull away LOL.... i dunno why he does....

i'm scared when my rx-7 is running that he will do that.... cuz i'm scared of him spinning out..... like when i drove my 7 i almost spun out in 2nd gear at WOT... stupid 7, now i hate it again lol... nah i could never hate it :wackit: :cuddle: :inthebum:

chiefmg January-28th-2005 06:18 PM

That sort of thing drives me nuts too. I think partly it's human nature (watch yourself next time someone passes you, if you aren't using your cruise control or religiously watching your speed I guarantee your speed will creep up as they come by). However, I have noticed it is worse with SUV drivers. Think it might be in the owner's manual? "Do not let small foreign cars pass you at any cost." :rolleyes:

midnightblue97 January-28th-2005 07:05 PM

People do it because they're retarded.
I support mandatory driver's education.
Evan if that happened it would still take a few generations to get all the idiots off the road.

Phantom Cruiser January-28th-2005 08:20 PM

I've often pondered this question. It is like they hover in the left lane, doing about 57mph but when you go right to pass them they suddenly have the urge to do 100! :wtf:

My next favorite driving habit is those people who do the same speed wherever they go. You know the ones, they are doing 50mph on the highway, but they exit doing 50 and do 50 on the frontage road AND on the city streets AND through your neighborhood. C'mon now.....

THAPRO1 January-28th-2005 10:43 PM

My next favorite driving habit is those people who do the same speed wherever they go. You know the ones, they are doing 50mph on the highway, but they exit doing 50 and do 50 on the frontage road AND on the city streets AND through your neighborhood. C'mon now.....
Or worse yet ....10mph on the highway, but they exit doing 10 and do 10 on the frontage road AND on the city streets AND through your neighborhood. C'mon

T4TURBO January-30th-2005 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by THAPRO1
its ego trip prob, i've noticed most people who drive SUV's are this way including sad to say my own parents:( lol

^^^ LOL its so true they get in thier pathfinder and try to catch ppl in STI's

ghettopro January-30th-2005 09:39 AM

Yes, its terrible how many people driving SUVs have shot me the bird when i pass them..and then they try to keep with ..

dangeo February-19th-2005 10:46 AM

I know this thread is a month old, but I just wanted to vent and it looks like the right place...
I think street racing is stupid and dangerous, but losing a homie will do that to you. I guess my black 02 ES looks pretty sharp to others too, even though its stock but intake. I don't drive that aggressive, I keep within 5 miles of posted speed in town. The Protege is just relatively quick off the line I guess. I was just going home and I jumped a Civic (a coupe version of EK vintage) like 3/4 a car length when the light changed. I hear that flatulent sound of a
coffee-can-mufflered Honda, but he doesn't pass me before the next light stops us, a long city block or so. He's sittin' there reving his engine and when the light turns green he chirps his wheels and takes off hard as he can. Its a 25 in front of a hospital during rush hour so I don't chase...I don't want to street race but these Honda kids just want a piece of the Black BJ.

Second rant, SUV/Pick-up drivers. Guy I worked with got so many tickets the company wouldn't let him drive a company vehicle for a year. He gets his priviledges back. A few weeks later I'm on I-81 keeping up with traffic at 70. Here he comes rocketing by in the left lane, in a Ford Explorer mind you, 98, the kind that likes to roll over. I don't know how fast he was going to pass us that fast. Dumb butt.

Thirdly, if you are going down a street or alley where you know there are a lot of kids in the neighborhood, even if no speed is posted, why in God's name would you go OVER 25 and corner in your CRV hard enough to have visible body roll? The neighbor lady. I tried to point out the fact that kids are out playing in the neighborhood and street, but I guess I was to subtle...

Maybe an IQ test should be part of the drivers liscence test.

mgs_freak February-19th-2005 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by dangeo
Maybe an IQ test should be part of the drivers liscence test.

I don't really think that would help us much though. Maybe even more harm. Those people that excell on IQ tests are normally the ones with no common sense. Trust me, I'm married to one (unfortunately). Extremely smart but at the same time......oh so dumb. :withstupi

Da P-Funk! February-22nd-2005 06:53 AM

*Why O why* do people drive thier trucks and SUVs like maseratis? Tailgating, whipping around traffic.


i saw a genius in a Ram p/up do a complete 390 on the dual hwy. Stopped traffic as we stared at him(probably had shat his'self). He then roared off as if nothing happened!


Remember! God made stoopid people too!

Phantom Cruiser February-22nd-2005 11:01 AM

Jackelope February-22nd-2005 11:11 AM

:evilgrin: Bingo! good site...

Da P-Funk! February-23rd-2005 07:48 AM

I agree with the camapign 'nanner mentioned. May it cause SOMEONE to think about it.

I remember teaching my 16 year old son to drive the family Joe Isuzu Trooper. He came off a hwy ramp *way* too fast for comfort - i remember saying slow down, slow down, SLOW DOWN (being careful not to startle him so he didn't mash hard on the brakes and upset the precarious balance) - but impress him with the importance of compliance). Clorox didn't get THAT stain out! ;)

When it was over he said, 'what?' That lead to a long talk on the difference between ESUVs and cars...

I then let him drive the P5 off the same ramp and he said, 'ahh, now i get it!' ;)

dangeo February-24th-2005 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by Da P-Funk!
i saw a genius in a Ram p/up do a complete 390 on the dual hwy. Stopped traffic as we stared at him(probably had shat his'self). He then roared off as if nothing happened!

That happened to me at a dual left hand turn lane...except it was a Mustang GT...guess he wanted to show up the "little foreign car"...Thank goodness there was no one else around that early in the was CLOSE...woke me up!

91ProtegeDX March-16th-2005 10:21 PM

i recently had my first "refusal to race" a while ago...because theres a road i usually take and its just a complete strait line for about 4 miles..... but theres some parts where u can turn on and then theres a ford plant on the left and its pretty heavily populated but nice wide roads.....and the speed limit is 45 but i was cruising in about 55-60, noone around nothings really gonna happen. Suddenly this white accord pulls up next to me and slows to even my knew he/she wanted to race but the thing was i saw a school bus WAAY down the road and i just decided not to do it because i knew i would have to pass it or do something stupid and that would suck....and someone could be getting off or i just let him speed off....i dont know why he floored it...loser.........but...........

i would have beat him heh heh...some people speed in the STUPIDEST places.....i agree with whoever was saying why go over 25 in a residential area......when my friend first got his car he was averaging about 40-45 in a posted 25.....i yelled at him afterwords because he was just inches from other cars going through our "down town" section. whatever only speed where its safe and i can enjoy the thrill...but dodging traffic...if its not a strait line im not gonna race....

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