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king_girliegirl May-14th-2002 02:18 AM

Why do guys hate loosing to girls so bad??
This last weekend I raced my boyfriend's (1fatEs) 2002 Protege ES and beat both cars that I raced. The funnist thing though was that I totally crushed some guys ego. He drove a Ford Focus and was always bragging about how fast his car was and how no one could ever beat him. Well my boyfriend and I knew his car would beat him so I decided to drive the car instead of my boyfriend and it just amazed me how upset the guy was to have lost to a girl. I have to admit it was pretty fun kicking a guys ass :D ,but I just don't understand why EVERYONE thinks that girls can't race a car. Why is it such an ego killer for a guy to loose to a girl?:D

nightowl May-14th-2002 06:21 AM

if i lost against ya i would have at least asked for your phone number :D

Sir Nuke May-14th-2002 08:49 AM

Originally posted by nightowl
if i lost against ya i would have at least asked for your phone number :D
LOL good ice breaker nightowl! lol

well king_girliegirl, its a GUY thing I guess....some have jaded views of a womans capabilities....those views are wrong in my opinion....none the less...that is how some men/boys think.

Probably from the standpoint that all mainstream motorsports are male they THINK that women aren't a threat....which is just wrong.....their gender has nothing to do with it, as you well know.

Guess they just don't BELIEVE! LOL :{D

knightrider May-14th-2002 11:29 AM

i am not a sexist person but I think that girls cant drive because most of them drive like my grandma. So when it comes to really precise driving they just don't have the experience, I do believe that most if not all girls as well as guys have all the potential necessary but not enough experience.

I think that it's a turn on when I come across a girl that can drive as good as most guys, and when they're as enthusiastic about cars and care for there car as much as I do, even though I own a crap protege. So press on with your skills and just laugh at the losers who can't take a hit. I bet that kid would've cried even if your boyfriend had beat him

my 2 cents.

craigrrrp May-14th-2002 11:40 AM

good for you......i have nothing against losing to anyone (it just does not happen) it is a mans ego ...the dude probobly still thinks woman should be barefoot and have dinner waiting for him when he gets

Mp3Angel May-14th-2002 01:56 PM

I know the feeling! LoL Guys just can't stand it.... I'm almost ashamed to say though that I usually agree with most men's opinions on the "average" woman driver. At least in this state it seems like MOST women won't drive faster than the speed limit, or even 5 under, but they won't move out of your way either! Of course, these women are "average", but we Pro girls are way above average! ;) It's time for some men to realize that! :D

nightowl May-14th-2002 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Mp3Angel
I know the feeling! LoL Guys just can't stand it.... I'm almost ashamed to say though that I usually agree with most men's opinions on the "average" woman driver. At least in this state it seems like MOST women won't drive faster than the speed limit, or even 5 under, but they won't move out of your way either! Of course, these women are "average", but we Pro girls are way above average! ;) It's time for some men to realize that! :D
eh men sista! :D

May-14th-2002 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Mp3Angel
I know the feeling! LoL Guys just can't stand it.... I'm almost ashamed to say though that I usually agree with most men's opinions on the "average" woman driver. At least in this state it seems like MOST women won't drive faster than the speed limit, or even 5 under, but they won't move out of your way either! Of course, these women are "average", but we Pro girls are way above average! ;) It's time for some men to realize that! :D
In Southern CA, the women here are the speeders. More often than not, when someone blows by doing 60 in a 35mph zone, it is a young girl.

And since I autocross, I'm smart enough to know that there are some seriously fast women drivers out there. Most women however have problems with aggression in autocrossing. Not being aggressive enough, or being aggressive at inappropriate times (I still have trouble getting my GF to use the brakes to slow the car, rather than scrubbing the tires :) ).

Our region has a dedicated "Ladies School," written up last year in Road & Track, where the men aren't even allowed to talk to their GF/Wife/friends, except to offer words of encouragement ("You're doing great," "Wow, you're really screaming out there," "You have me worried," etc). This is great for getting them into the sport, as well as making them better street drivers.

Finally, I don't get upset when a women beats me, just surprised. At a recent drag event, I got lined up against a girl in a Honda Civic. She stalled it several times moving up in line, so I figured I had it easy. Turned out she smoked me, and the reason she kept stalling was that the car had a racing clutch and a majorly lightened flywheel. And a JDM ITR engine.:) Now if we had been bracket racing....

JAL1639 May-14th-2002 09:08 PM

My wife drives faster than the speed limit, it is just REAL scary to ride with her. She says she can drive good, but then I point out the curb rubs on her tires and hub cabs, and she wonders why I will not buy here some rims.

1fatEs May-18th-2002 04:48 AM

OK i know all of you have been waiting for me to post something about this just because it was my girlfriend driving my car when she beat the ford focus.....Tell you what i almost thought the guy was going to cry.....anyways let me tell you all my friend will not let it go because not only did the guy loose to a girl but he beat me the weekend before and so now all my friends say that i cant drive my own car as good as king_girliegirl and that i should not even try racing anymore

protetype May-18th-2002 04:20 PM

Originally posted by 1fatEs
OK i know all of you have been waiting for me to post something about this just because it was my girlfriend driving my car when she beat the ford focus.....Tell you what i almost thought the guy was going to cry.....anyways let me tell you all my friend will not let it go because not only did the guy loose to a girl but he beat me the weekend before and so now all my friends say that i cant drive my own car as good as king_girliegirl and that i should not even try racing anymore
lmao... you need to get some pointers from her bro? :D nah, i'm just kidding. i'm not one to talk... my sister gets better launch times at the track than i do, and usually gets better times than me in her rides. on the street i've never been beat by a girl... but i wouldnt care... i'd just give her props, same as i would a guy. there's this one chick at the local spot that drives a civic si that's hooked up... all the guys there make fun of anyone she races because she usually wins. i don't get why people get upset when they lose to a girl. like nightowl said... "good race... can i get the digits?!" :D

king_girliegirl May-19th-2002 03:47 AM

I just thought I would say something to stand up for my boy since he just dissed himself. :D For one thing everything I know about racing I learned from him, and second of all when he raced the Focus the weekend before his spark plugs were going out so he wasn't getting as good as a boost. I know when the cars running right my baby could have kicked that guys butt too. :D As far as reaction time, I've never raced on the track so I don't know how great of a reaction time I have. It seems like that may be one thing that's helping me out. I'm hoping next time we go to the drags I can run the car to see what kind of a reaction time I do get.

tttP5 May-19th-2002 04:01 AM

well in my opinion.....
all girls should be better drivers according to statistics..... thats why they pay less for insurance.......
although probably half the time a girl would admit that a guy could probably handle an emergency situation better or be more alert.
nothing personal to any girls who read this.

reasons why being a girl could be better:
1) they pay less for insurance
2) if they don't get a job they could always marry a rich husband
3) girls get attention even if they weren't in a cool car, guys only get attention if they had a nice car and half the time the attention is only on the car.....

dre2ooo May-20th-2002 03:53 PM

ugh, the reason guys pay more is b/c:

Girls are 3x as likely to get into an accident... BUT
Guys are 3x as likely to get into a FATAL accident.

So, the AVERAGE female driver is more prone to fender benders or parking lot accidents or "stupid" mistakes :p:

GUYS are more likely to total a car and injure several people in the proccess :D

don668 May-21st-2002 12:40 AM

Back in "small town British Columbia" where I grew up everyone had muscle cars. By brother in law has a 70 Dodge Dart SE with a 340 wedge, probably 400hp, geared for the quarter. When some jerk wouldnt leave him alone for a race, he would line up, then hop out and let my sister take him! She could drive most of the guys downtown into the ground, her RT. was amazing!


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