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wscottl August-31st-2003 12:57 AM

Track day at Beaver Run
With the forcast for rain all weekend I decided to leave the V8 Miata at home and I take my new P5 to Pittsburgh for some track time. By the time I got to the track I had 750 miles on the car. That will have to be enough break-in time. By the end of the day I was hitting the rev limiter in 3rd on the back straight. Don't you just love the smell of new break pads?

This was the first time for me with the car on the track and it did very well. I was passed by a few WRX's, E30's and Mustangs, but I was also able to out corner more powerfull cars. The Dunlops were very impressive in the rain, but when the track got some heat in it, they started getting slippy by the end of the heat. The car felt very neutral, with no brake fade through three, 20 minute sessions. An off-camber downhill corner made the car hop a few times, but nothing that felt unsafe. The car felt great, and I had more fun that I thought I would.

BTW for about $200 (or the price of a speeding ticket) you can get about an hour of track time and be with other cars that chose to be with cars that are racing.

TaiMaiShu September-1st-2003 07:53 PM

200 bucks for and hour?! thats ridiculous. No wonder theres so many street racers. I'd rather risk the ticket. At least I'll have the radar detector. Besides, the ticket's cheaper. And if I take out some kid crossing the street, his hospital bill/funeral would be equal to about 3-4 hours of track time.

UCSBgeek September-2nd-2003 03:42 AM

Originally posted by TaiMaiShu
200 bucks for and hour?! thats ridiculous. No wonder theres so many street racers. I'd rather risk the ticket. At least I'll have the radar detector. Besides, the ticket's cheaper. And if I take out some kid crossing the street, his hospital bill/funeral would be equal to about 3-4 hours of track time.
we're not talking straight line here. I think this should be in the Motorsports section. :) $200 isn't the best deal I've seen, but damn that track time is worth it, if you know what i mean :D

TaiMaiShu September-2nd-2003 09:45 PM

ok. I spend a few hundred bucks to get my car to handle pretty nice. I cant go auto crossing in the streets so then I gotta spend a couple more hundred to take it to the track, and its only like an hour of enjoyment. I'll stick to power mods.
Hey, if nobody puts those civics in their place, who will?

UCSBgeek September-2nd-2003 10:01 PM

Originally posted by TaiMaiShu
ok. I spend a few hundred bucks to get my car to handle pretty nice. I cant go auto crossing in the streets so then I gotta spend a couple more hundred to take it to the track, and its only like an hour of enjoyment. I'll stick to power mods.
Hey, if nobody puts those civics in their place, who will?

If you haven't done it, and you don't know what you're talking about, STFU, please ;)

demoninvictus September-3rd-2003 01:11 AM

to me, street racing is like those who would have the balls to pull a shot gun out and start shooting squirrels of the side of the highway.. just for the adrehnaline rush... even thouh every one knows it's better suited on the range or on a hunting trip. leave it for the tracks, i mean, sure, go break the speed limit, i do it all the time.. maybe by 10 or 15 if the speed limit is over 40 mph, and certainly not to pass some other driver who insists on racing... as if going to the grocery store was a competition or something?? but it's not worth your life, nor the hell you've gotta go through. hey, just think, go street racing, lose your liscence for a year or face 1000 in fines... not worth the 60 seconds of excitement. if your life is that boring, masturbate more... you need it!
ps. sorry for the second redneck/gun reference in 1 day:p

UCSBgeek September-3rd-2003 04:49 AM

Thanks guys. I can't believe you had a 3000GT and think that street racing is where it's at.

My 103HP DX automatic wouldn't win any damn street races, but on the track I could have you grabbing the 'oh shit' handle so fast it isn't even funny.

TaiMaiShu September-3rd-2003 10:05 PM

Originally posted by PseudoRealityX
You cannot "autocross" on the street. At all.

Please stop being an assclown. The cocky 12 year old attitude is getting old REALLY FAST.

who said you could street autocross? I did say power mods, not Eibachs.
DemoninVictus, you're one to talk. Do you have your "mommy and daddy bought me my first car" 4 banger up at the tracks? That pretty white custom grille? Your clear corners, all that shit, I'd call it rice. If you're trying to say you don't street race, you're full of shit. And tie your own noose, you go over 10-15 miles over the speed limit - You just contradicted yourself. Youre not street racing, but you're still creating a risk.
If youre behind the wheel of a car, you're still putting yourself or others in danger whether youre at the track or on the streets.

TaiMaiShu September-3rd-2003 10:22 PM

maybe I'm glad darwin missed me. I didn't evolve into a dipshit.

TaiMaiShu September-3rd-2003 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Chastan
Thanks guys. I can't believe you had a 3000GT and think that street racing is where it's at.

My 103HP DX automatic wouldn't win any damn street races, but on the track I could have you grabbing the 'oh shit' handle so fast it isn't even funny.

our cars don't have O.S bars.

UCSBgeek September-3rd-2003 10:40 PM

Originally posted by TaiMaiShu
our cars don't have O.S bars.

This one would do the trick ;)

TaiMaiShu September-4th-2003 10:35 PM

love the custom interior.

TheLastMarauder September-5th-2003 12:35 AM

Originally posted by TaiMaiShu
who said you could street autocross? I did say power mods, not Eibachs.
DemoninVictus, you're one to talk. Do you have your "mommy and daddy bought me my first car" 4 banger up at the tracks? That pretty white custom grille? Your clear corners, all that shit, I'd call it rice.

His car is definitely not rice. Speaking of which, I see, oh, 8 gauges in your sig pic! Watch who you call rice.

jjac28 September-5th-2003 01:02 PM

its good to see your mp5 ahead of the wrx in your picture.
p5 kicks ass!

wscottl September-5th-2003 03:44 PM

Thanks, but...
That is only a 2.5RS, and he never did get by me. The blue WRX in my group on the other hand...

The worse part was having to wave by a spec Miata. That hurt.

TaiMaiShu September-5th-2003 10:23 PM

Originally posted by TheLastMarauder
His car is definitely not rice. Speaking of which, I see, oh, 8 gauges in your sig pic! Watch who you call rice.
those guages are functional. I didnt put that shit in just for intimidation.
speedo, tach, oil pressure, rich/lean, water temp, oil temp, fuel guage batt voltage

TheLastMarauder September-6th-2003 10:21 AM

Originally posted by TaiMaiShu
those guages are functional. I didnt put that shit in just for intimidation.
speedo, tach, oil pressure, rich/lean, water temp, oil temp, fuel guage batt voltage

But do they have to be so BIG?!? I mean, you couldn't possibly NOT see them from outside the car. Smaller gauges, which are equally functional, are available. Besides, I seriously doubt you look at all 8 gauges while you are driving...

TaiMaiShu September-6th-2003 08:56 PM

occassionally. If I ever took it out for a spin.

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