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gujustud February-3rd-2002 06:06 AM

Smoked a 2.0l
hehe.. tonight was Pro night!

I was driving home tonight from a club, and in the car I had 2 girls. I came across a red light (for those from the area, this was in Downtown on Pacific Blvd (one way, about 3 lanes, empty road), and there is a basic LX Pro, 2.0l. I took a quick peek inside, and there was one young guy, and his gal. He gave me a nasty look as I took a look over, and as the light hit green, he hit his gas hard.

He took me off the start, cuz I was shocked by the look he gave me, but I was able to get a better start as well, because he spun his tires (it was raining, he had stock tires, I had my wicked Kumho's!). I easily took a car's length, then 2, infront of him, before coming to the next yellow light.

Don't kill me, but I did the bad, and ran the red :eek:, and left him sitting at the red. It was about 2am, and no cars in sight, otherwise I would of never done it... hehehe... :laugh:

lost_concept February-3rd-2002 07:00 PM

Thats what i am taking about ! :bt: :bt: :bt: :bt:
When someone gives you that look smoke them :laugh:

Makaveli February-3rd-2002 09:00 PM

hey, I drive an lx 2.0, and I was around Pacific Blv last two nights.....
But I was just going with a couple of friends clubbing, and didn't race nobody, so couldn't have been me, but nice win anyways........

gujustud February-4th-2002 12:56 AM

Re: Re: Smoked a 2.0l

Originally posted by PseudoRealityX
So you have the same engine, and you had more weight in your car....and you won.

guess #1) he didnt know he was racing
guess #2) he let off early
guess #3) he is a bad driver
guess #4) he was smart enough to not race in the rain, and blow through stop lights

Um no.

#1) read my sig. I have a '99, meaning I have a 1.8l, he has a 2.0l.

#2) before we reached the yellow light, we both were doing 90km/h in a 50km/h zone, which would indicate to me that he was racing. Also if he wasn't racing, i'm sure he would let his tires peel out the way they did after giving me that grummy look.

#3) he might of let of early, because if he ran the red as well, it would of been around 2 seconds after I did, since I had more of a lead on him.

#4) ease up. :crying: some of you guys take this stuff WAY to serious. if I get in a accident its my fault right? I only ran the red because it was 2am, and no cars in sight, except for the pro behind me. I'm not stupid to do it during the daytime, or when there was cars around.

Mak: sup! nope I know it wasn't you dudes!

gujustud February-4th-2002 01:02 AM

Originally posted by lost_concept
Thats what i am taking about ! :bt: :bt: :bt: :bt:
When someone gives you that look smoke them :laugh:

hehe, thanks! only reason I did it... :D

and of course it had nothing to do with the 2 girls in the car... :cool:

Bruce95fmla February-13th-2002 05:54 PM

that is frigin hilarious , damn got him good huh lol
I remeber I got the VW Jetta hard one time ,, ate him up bad, from one stop light to the other , lol ,, my car was constantly in the 6000 rpm range ,,..

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