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VagaBond-X October-13th-2004 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by Stueck
the EVO has about 260 lbs of torque, but the RX8 has 153. as carrol shelby put it, horsepower sells cars, torque wins races. yes, the evo would stomp the rx8 and anyother mazda product this side of the 787B, the question is if it will last, which i highly doubt. look at the SRT4 neon - 250 hp, but its from a turbo putting out 14lbs of boost. dont tell me that the engine would last past 175k miles. that would have hella internal strengthening required for that much boost. dont get me wrong, i like both cars. if given the choice, i would take the SRT4 cause it is cheaper and more bang for the buck, but overall i would take a STI over anything. the only problem is the clutch/transmission is weak in it.

my 0.02

correct me if im wrong on any of the stats, this is from memory...

the 787b was not the only race car mazda ever had..... i'm betting all the race cars mazda had (rotary ofcourse) would beat out the evo8

also a stock 3rd gen RX-7 can easily take an evo8
evo8 0-60: 5.4secs
RX-7 0-60: 4.9secs (some say 5.2secs blah blah)

evo8 1/4: 14.2 secs
RX-7 1/4: mid 13 secs (so say 13.5)

so as you can see an RX-7 can easily take the 787b is not the only car on this side of mazda that can take the evo8... plus alot of rx-7s nowadays are in the lo 11 sec to 12 sec 1/4 mile range....

you knwo what else is funny.... the 2nd gen TurboII RX-7 also gets a 14.5 1/4 mile time... so that could possibly beat an evo8 depending on driver....

oh my times for the evo8 are from car and driver.... my times for the RX-7 i just knwo them cuz i'm such an RX-7 enthusiast

so no prob..... the big boy of mazda is still alive and around to kick some a$$

pro-slug 2003 October-14th-2004 12:37 AM

Originally Posted by VagaBond-X
the 787b was not the only race car mazda ever had..... i'm betting all the race cars mazda had (rotary ofcourse) would beat out the evo8

also a stock 3rd gen RX-7 can easily take an evo8
evo8 0-60: 5.4secs
RX-7 0-60: 4.9secs (some say 5.2secs blah blah)

evo8 1/4: 14.2 secs
RX-7 1/4: mid 13 secs (so say 13.5)

so as you can see an RX-7 can easily take the 787b is not the only car on this side of mazda that can take the evo8... plus alot of rx-7s nowadays are in the lo 11 sec to 12 sec 1/4 mile range....

you knwo what else is funny.... the 2nd gen TurboII RX-7 also gets a 14.5 1/4 mile time... so that could possibly beat an evo8 depending on driver....

oh my times for the evo8 are from car and driver.... my times for the RX-7 i just knwo them cuz i'm such an RX-7 enthusiast

so no prob..... the big boy of mazda is still alive and around to kick some a$$

its funny how you take the slowest evo times and compare it to the rx7. The evo usually runs low to mid 13's in the quarter mile and can do 0-60 in under 60 seconds...

VagaBond-X October-14th-2004 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by pro-slug 2003
its funny how you take the slowest evo times and compare it to the rx7. The evo usually runs low to mid 13's in the quarter mile and can do 0-60 in under 60 seconds...

i didn't take the slowest i just took the times i could find the quickest which were from the car and driver website....

LOL i do HOPE it can do 0-60 in under 60 seconds lol...

naw i knwo u meant 6 secs.... and still thats a time comparable to the rx-7

but either way, i'm also thinkign about drivetrain configuration and all that

an rx-7 has its full hp (minus drivetrain loss) at the rear wheels

the evo8 which is awd.... only has the amount that it is split the rear wheels.... unless it has one of those configurations which changes the ratio depending on the driving conditions and blah blah....
so in essence the top end of the evo8 wont be near that fo an rx-7, and while the evo8 will get the starting accel... the rx-7 will pass it once they start going faster cuz the rx-7 will be putting more power overall power to the wheels....

i knwo the rx-8 wont be a match.... but i knwo the rx-7 will match up pretty nicely...and for stock configurations... i'm sure it will come down to the drivers

pro-slug 2003 October-14th-2004 05:21 PM

typo..i meant to say 0-60 under 5 seconds. Just because the evo is awd doesnt mean its is incompetent on the topend. Remember it makes more hp at the crank than the rx7.. so if the rx7 makes 255 , lets say it losses 10 percent hp thru the drivetrain and makes 229 at the wheels. Thereotically the evo will lose twice as much so you have 271 - 52= 219 hp. So the evo is down a lil bit up top but the traction advantage in the beginning is enough to make up for that mere 10 hp. Unless we are talking about top speed here i dont think the evo will lose in any kind of acceleration contest. maybe after 150mph the rx7 will be neck to neck.
ps. the rx7 is a sexy beast either way.

VagaBond-X October-14th-2004 05:46 PM

Originally Posted by pro-slug 2003
typo..i meant to say 0-60 under 5 seconds. Just because the evo is awd doesnt mean its is incompetent on the topend. Remember it makes more hp at the crank than the rx7.. so if the rx7 makes 255 , lets say it losses 10 percent hp thru the drivetrain and makes 229 at the wheels. Thereotically the evo will lose twice as much so you have 271 - 52= 219 hp. So the evo is down a lil bit up top but the traction advantage in the beginning is enough to make up for that mere 10 hp. Unless we are talking about top speed here i dont think the evo will lose in any kind of acceleration contest. maybe after 150mph the rx7 will be neck to neck.
ps. the rx7 is a sexy beast either way.

not talking just about drivetrain loss... i'm talking about the split fo the awd....

say the split is 70 % of pwer to rear wheels and 30% of power to front wheels

then essentially here is the calculation

271 x 0.7 = 189.7 rwhp (well theoritically with no drivetrain loss)
271 x 0.3 = 81.3 fwhp (same theoritically blah blah)

so essentially in the top end (i'm not talkign about top speed) it will be a 190whp car versus a 229whp (and this is the rx-7 with drivetrain loss that u calculated.... the evo numbers do not have drivetrain loss calculated in) car

and even if the evo was 80/20 split same thing... do the calculations same as above, but with 80% and 20% and with 80% the power to the rear wheels is 216.8rwhp.... which is still without drivetrain loss....

yeah the evo8 is a nice car and i'm not bashing it....i prefer the evo3/4/5 more.... actually all the ones previous to the 8 i liek more.... the evo8s body styling just doesn't appeal to me.....

my favourite is the one with the rear tailights that resemble the pros taillights.

now you see..... you can argue the same thing about the rx-8, but it doesn't have nowhere near the torque the rx-7 has...which puts it at a disadvantage.... and first it cant even compete agaist a 7 in a race... but also cuz of the lower numbers the 8 makes..... like even if it makes 10whp more.... the accel the evo8 will get off of the start will be enough to keep the rx-8 behind....

i dunno if u get what i'm trying to say, cuz i think i'm confusing myself at this point lol....i'll stop typing now :p

VagaBond-X October-14th-2004 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by pro-slug 2003
ps. the rx7 is a sexy beast either way.

of definately, i have to agree with you there

pro-slug 2003 October-14th-2004 07:16 PM

i really don't get what you are trying to say. The split has nothing to do with the topend of the car. You are saying the 30 percent that goes to the front wheels dont power the car? it doesnt count?.. that doesnt make sense. Correct me if i'm wrong. By the way, i'm in love with that fd...*drools*

ghettopro October-14th-2004 08:46 PM

I would prefer RX-7 over 8 anyday...RX-8s look "fat" in a way....

Stueck October-14th-2004 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by VagaBond-X
the 787b was not the only race car mazda ever had..... i'm betting all the race cars mazda had (rotary ofcourse) would beat out the evo8

also a stock 3rd gen RX-7 can easily take an evo8
evo8 0-60: 5.4secs
RX-7 0-60: 4.9secs (some say 5.2secs blah blah)

evo8 1/4: 14.2 secs
RX-7 1/4: mid 13 secs (so say 13.5)

so as you can see an RX-7 can easily take the 787b is not the only car on this side of mazda that can take the evo8... plus alot of rx-7s nowadays are in the lo 11 sec to 12 sec 1/4 mile range....

you knwo what else is funny.... the 2nd gen TurboII RX-7 also gets a 14.5 1/4 mile time... so that could possibly beat an evo8 depending on driver....

oh my times for the evo8 are from car and driver.... my times for the RX-7 i just knwo them cuz i'm such an RX-7 enthusiast

so no prob..... the big boy of mazda is still alive and around to kick some a$$

hate to break it to ya, EVO is 0-60 in 5 flat....

is that RX7 a TT?

Stueck October-14th-2004 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by VagaBond-X
the evo8 which is awd.... only has the amount that it is split the rear wheels.... unless it has one of those configurations which changes the ratio depending on the driving conditions and blah blah....
so in essence the top end of the evo8 wont be near that fo an rx-7, and while the evo8 will get the starting accel... the rx-7 will pass it once they start going faster cuz the rx-7 will be putting more power overall power to the wheels....

AWD is better at launching than RWD i believe because all power goes to all wheels, than having power to the rear wheels. just my opinion...

VagaBond-X October-14th-2004 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by Stueck
hate to break it to ya, EVO is 0-60 in 5 flat....

is that RX7 a TT?

all FDs (3rd gen RX-7s) (which means '93+) are seqeuntially turboed

well i wasn't sure abotu the times..... i just got them quickly off of what i could find from car and driver..... i'll find the link in like again and edit this post to show u where i got it from

VagaBond-X October-14th-2004 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by Stueck
AWD is better at launching than RWD i believe because all power goes to all wheels, than having power to the rear wheels. just my opinion...

AWD IS better at launching.... i said it was better at launching (hence why i said the evo8 will accel faster at first)

but cuz of the split of power between front and rear wheels, it will not goes as fast as an rx-7 once rolling and they are going at it.... cuz the rx-7 will put all of its whp to the rear wheels.... okay here let me make this example

say this

both rx-7 and ev08 were 100hp (forget all drivetrain loss and blah blah)

the evo8 will have the power split.... so lets take 70/30....

so the evo8 will have 30hp at the front wheels and 70hp at the rear wheels
see now cuz of this power split it will have an awesome launch....

but once rolling, it will only be able to push the max speed of what 70hp can.... the power at both axles don't add up on each other.... to make 100hp.... the max the car will be pushed by is 70hp

see nwo the rx-7 will put down the full 100hp..... it wont get the launch the evo8 can....but it will catch up and pass the evo8 once the start is done.... because it will be able to push the speed that 100hp can.....

you get what i'm tryna say pro-slug....

i knwo roddimus knows what i'm talking about

pro-slug 2003 October-14th-2004 10:52 PM

i'm not trying to be an ass but i'd have to disagree with that. The power between the front and rear wheels does add up on an awd car. if what you say is true than stock proteges will be faster than wrx's on the freeway, since its 50/50 split between front and rear. wrx's have160 hp at the wheels. 50% of tha tis only 80 hp vs 90-100 hp at the wheels for a protege. That just makes no sense to me. And when you dyno an awd car you dont measure just the rear or the front. its all 4. i think 100 awd w hp is equal to 100 rwhp, at least on from a roll..

ghettopro October-14th-2004 11:13 PM

Originally Posted by pro-slug 2003
i'm not trying to be an ass but i'd have to disagree with that. The power between the front and rear wheels does add up on an awd car. if what you say is true than stock proteges will be faster than wrx's on the freeway, since its 50/50 split between front and rear. wrx's have160 hp at the wheels. 50% of tha tis only 80 hp vs 90-100 hp at the wheels for a protege. That just makes no sense to me. And when you dyno an awd car you dont measure just the rear or the front. its all 4. i think 100 awd w hp is equal to 100 rwhp, at least on from a roll..

That makes sense...

VagaBond-X October-15th-2004 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by pro-slug 2003
i'm not trying to be an ass but i'd have to disagree with that. The power between the front and rear wheels does add up on an awd car. if what you say is true than stock proteges will be faster than wrx's on the freeway, since its 50/50 split between front and rear. wrx's have160 hp at the wheels. 50% of tha tis only 80 hp vs 90-100 hp at the wheels for a protege. That just makes no sense to me. And when you dyno an awd car you dont measure just the rear or the front. its all 4. i think 100 awd w hp is equal to 100 rwhp, at least on from a roll..

wrxs have more than 160hp don't they come with 227hp

but heres a friend has one of those subaru wagons....awd and blah blah... i think his is the 160hp version....

well he accels way faster than me from a stop...but once we get rolling i start to catch up.... thats cuz hes not pushing his complete power to one set of wheels, only a portion of it to one set, and i'm pushing all the power in my pro to just the front wheels....

you see the power on the front wheels is not additonal to the power at the rear wheels.... the power works in at the same time, so thats why u cannot add it up.....

well in my theory you can add a bit of it up.... but not the full amount..... but thats just my theory alone.... dunno if its true or not.... but in my theory i say u can add maybe 1/4 or 1/3 of the power from the lesser powered axle... but thats only my thinking

ask roddimus, he knows what i'm talking i will post the link to the thread in the 3 sectionw here me and roddimus talk about it....

edit: heres the link to the thread click here to reach thread, thread title: "Mazdaspeed 3"

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