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vkyolv February-27th-2002 09:20 AM

Freeway Racing
Ok so I was on my way home from work on Monday, and there was this old ass integra with this young punk driving. He took a quick look at me and smirked then tried to disappear in traffic. I was like OH IT IS ON LITTLE BITCH...So I flew up behind him and flipped on the fog lights, (I don't know, Iguess i'm stupid but I think it is intimidating) and he looked up in his rear view, and knew it was on. So I pull up next to him, drop it down into second(I have an automatic) and blow past him. Traffic had let up by this time and we were both hauling ass, weaving in and out of the traffic that was there. By the time I decided to shut it down I was 2 car links ahead of the dumb Ricepunk. He finally caught up and pull up next to me, and I motioned to my watch and was like WTF took you so long, and he flipped me off. He took off (I guess he was pissed that his emblems and Ground effects didn't make him faster or something) and a couple of minutes later I see that he had gotten pulled over and was getting a ticket. Now if that wasn't the icing on the cake I don't know what is.

Hope my rambling made sense!!!

gujustud March-1st-2002 01:30 PM

Haha thats halirous!! Specially the pointing at the watch thing...

I've had something similiar, when a cop was actually pulling me over for doing 120km/h in a 90 zone (its a highway), and it was like 2am in the morning, on a empty highway (he was probablly following me for like 10 minutes before, but it was the camaro cop, so I couldn't tell)....

anyways as I was slowing down, and pulling over, (btw the cops had his lights on) this integra goes FLYING by us, (and I guess he had his 10 inch muffler) and made this HUGE sound, but he musta seen me getting pulled over, so figured he'd do a supa fast fly by, anyways I guess the cop thot "ferget this protege, i'm taking down that integra!", so he pulled around me (from the curb) and chased down the integra, (by then the integra, had flown far down the highway.

I waited on side of the road for around 1 minute, wondering what to do, then I'm like, ahh fetget it, lets go home, so I started driving but didn't see the integra and cop anywhere. Musta taken a exit, oh well, they saved me a ticket! =)

lost_concept March-1st-2002 07:00 PM

Show those rice boys what you made of ! :cool:

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