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p93mazdaracer October-13th-2004 09:03 AM

Drifting to a win!
Ok all my life i have atleast gone down this road 1 time a wekk sense i was like 2.
So it is safe to assume that i know exactly how fast i can go on this road. the road is about 1 mile and its got lots of mountain like turns on it.
speedlimit= 35
shugestid turn speed= 25

I was coming back from school, feeling great to be 10 minits from home, i was trying to get acrost a lane to get on this road the idiot in the civic is behind me at a dead stop. All of a sudden he drives on worng side of road to get to this road i discribed above. reving and burning out the hole way. ok so i was pissed how dare he!
So i guned it lost a little traction in tires but caught up to him because he slowd to 30 aroun the first turn. i was tralling him most of the way tell he tryd to drift the road and almost wrecked. I drift the road every day coming back from school so i know what im doing. ok i e-brake turn right to load springs then hard leftdrifting arounbd the turn at 40! all he saw was my tires in smoke and my car sideways passing him!!!!!!!!! I love Drifting . But i also have a question! What over coil/spring set up tires/ swaybar ect.. is best for this stile of racing??? Money is not an issue because i save up for these mods. I dont by stickers!!! hahahaha

Roddimus Prime October-13th-2004 09:37 AM

this is why kids shouldn't be allowed to drive until they are 21+

I haven't seen you on much but you're not making a real strong impression.

Matty Mooling October-13th-2004 10:02 AM

i'm only 20 and i know better than to be doing shit like that but then again it took a $300 reckless driving ticket for me to realize how stupid it was. i'd say 18 would be a good age to start driving.

Roddimus Prime October-13th-2004 10:11 AM

yeah, maybe the age thing isn't as important as the maturity level. I think the testing should be a lot stricter. I only had to take a written test and drive the cop down to the nearest subway for a breakfast sandwhich.

Matty Mooling October-13th-2004 10:34 AM

well here in PA it's gotten stricter. i had to pass a written test to get my permit. after obtaining the permit you had to wait 6 months before taking the driving test. all driving while having only a permit had to be done with a person over 21 and had to be recorded. you had to have so many hours of driving in inclement weather, highway, parking, etc... however it would be nice if the maturity level was brought into play but unfortunately thats not practical. i don't think raising the age level of when you can start driving would help. i know some 30 year olds who have the maturity level of a twelve year old.

Roddimus Prime October-13th-2004 10:42 AM

true....back to the lesson at hand....this kid needs to grow up.

notice the ever impressive "money is no object" line....uh huh, thats why you're driving a 93 protege!!

Matty Mooling October-13th-2004 10:57 AM

definately needs to grow up and hopefully does before he hurts himself or other people

Phantom Cruiser October-13th-2004 10:59 AM e-brake this turn everyday? In traffic and stuff?

p.s. e-brake "drifting" is not a STYLE OF RACING mmmkay.

VagaBond-X October-13th-2004 11:22 AM

LOL, i'm young (19), and stupid, but i never do things liek that.... yeah i race here n there, i got kill stories in this section..... but comeon man...

if money was no object.... and u like 'REAL' drifting, you shoulda gotten a RWD car.... i woulda gone with an FC3S (hopefully next year i will have enough to get mine, but then again, i'm saving for college, and helping to pay my parents bills too, so maybe not)

but you coulda gotten a 240sx, which are also excellent drift cars..... and what roddimus said about the money no object thing is true....

also man..... you may know this road liek the back of ure hand.....but you never know what other drivers might do....

i know...... and i've been really lucky

example..... i'm coming pretty fast down a road.....the guy coming in the opposite direction of me wants to turn left omto a road (his left) (so he has to cross my path to do it) he sees me coming super fast..... but still goes to do the turn (and does it really slowly) i slam on the brakes, and when he hears my brakes squeel.... u knwo what he does..... he slams on his brakes.... STOPPING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME IN MY PATH....what an idiot..... so i have to release the brakes.... i swertve around him, and to make things worse theres a car behind then i swerve around that car..... i was so fu**ing lucky, that it aint even funny.... i'm also lucky that the protege handles really well....

that experience taught me that nto only was i doing stupidness by driving so fast.... but other people are idiots, and they can cause accidents too.... and i risked the lives of my 2 friends who were in the car with me..... we were all scared shitless there....we thought we were gonna hit....

now take ure situation.... i dunno how many lanes this road ure racing on is.... but i'm gonna say 2 alnes (one in each direction/ cuz ure description made it seem that way)

your drifting past the civic, who essentially failed his drift..... so ure in the oncoming traffic lane.... now what if there was a car coming that u didn't see, because ure goign around a turn..... crazy accident right there, which u might not have lived through..... or the civic driver coulda done some stupid shit that causes an accident in front of you..... your going fast.... so you may not have enough time to avoid..... and u may get into the accident....

anyway man.... just some advice.... even though i think i'm stating to get confusing... lol.... but man just be careful, and don't do stupid shit.....

drift in empty parking lots at night if you really wanna keep on drifting.... somewhere where if anything happens.... you will not invlove other cars and people.... (but u shouldn't be doing that either)(police don't allow it, so you can get a ticket)

i really don't knwo what i'm talking about no more lol.... anyway, good kill i geuss

Matty Mooling October-13th-2004 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by Phantom Cruiser e-brake this turn everyday? In traffic and stuff?

p.s. e-brake "drifting" is not a STYLE OF RACING mmmkay.

sounds like an intelligent one doesn't he? :rolleyes:

Matty Mooling October-13th-2004 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by VagaBond-X
drift in empty parking lots at night if you really wanna keep on drifting.... somewhere where if anything happens.... you will not invlove other cars and people.... (but u shouldn't be doing that either)(police don't allow it, so you can get a ticket)

[speaking from experience\]yes and they don't seem to like it very well and give very large wreckless driving tickets for it[/speaking from experience] be smart. do it where its safe and allowed

Da P-Funk! October-13th-2004 12:03 PM


Please don't do that again.

I hope the lesson was learned - this is FOR REAL. How do you live with knowing your next stunt cost the life of the mom and her three kids coming the other way? The honduh was stoopid to goad you into driving recklessly, but would not have paid a cent to help fix your car or stand up in court and take the blame... Nope. You would be owned.

I am just as guilty of considering (because i NEVER WOULD Officer!) drag race from a standing start at a light and get to the speed limit (or close to it) as quick as lil' zoom'll take me or speed through a curve with grace and aplomb because I CAN go faster than the honduh (or saturn or...) while STILL IN CONTROL when safe to do so.

Know when to race. Know when to back off. That is wisdom.

What is worth dying for? Ask yourself. Where will you go when you die? How do you know?


Roddimus Prime October-13th-2004 01:20 PM

When I own my own parking lot i'll make sure the kids have a place to do their burnouts and "drift". Police can't say anything if it's on private property with owners permission.

Matty Mooling October-13th-2004 01:28 PM

actually you're wrong(can't believe i just wrote that). if it's causing a disturbance they can put a stop to it and/or issue a citation.

Matty Mooling October-13th-2004 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by p93mazdaracer
Just for ur info its a fucking cuntry road with no one one it!

what does that have to do with anything? a country road with no on on it??? you're on it and the guy driving the civic is on it. whose to know if there wasn't somebody else on that country road coming around the corner while you're driving like damn idiot. think about it! what you did was stupid no matter how you look at it.

VagaBond-X October-13th-2004 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by p93mazdaracer
Ok hold up. roddimus prime i had mucho respect for u \and ur nowledge. But coming from a guy with trasformers "A CARTOON SHOW" guys names ! frist thing u tell me to grow up look i dont care if ur an admin or not NO ONE TALKS TO ME LIKE THAT! Just for ur info its a fucking cuntry road with no one one it ! OK secon Ban me if u must i dont care I really RESPECTED every one from this web site!NOW since every one has there own opinion and likes to bash fellow pro owners fuck off ban me this is bs . Get a life and maby be more respectful to others!
So a finnal fare well delete my account what ever cause u guys really dont under stand what my angle is. there are plunty other pro clubs!

ok man calm down....
seriously what everyone else is telling you is really not to bash on you, (well what i was telling you was not to bash on u) i was just trying to give you some advice, as i am sure everyopne else was too, but in their own harsh way....

man i've been through that stage (and still kinda in the stage) of where you think you are the best driver.... and you can handle a car.... and noone can touch you in a race.....
i stopped saying that when i got my license suspended for too many points on my license.... i stopped saying it when i have to pay my insurance bill :( ..... and man if you keep it up.... you may cause harm to another person, or even death to another person.... and also harm or death to urself.....

think about it..... do u really want to die right now..... isn't there so much more in life you want to do..... so y ruin it by racing on public roads.... it would be real fun to go as fast as you can in the wheelchair that u will be in for the rest of ure life.... you wont be able to get in the drivers seat of a car again when that happens......

seriously man... think about it... look at the example i gave you..... its common sense that you don't try to turn when you see some guy coming superfast towards you who is like 50 feet away.... its common sense that when another car is sliding towards another car.... that you don't stop in the path of that car..... but man it happened to me.... other people can be really stupid.... you can be a good driver... but all it takes is some other stupid driver to pull out in front of you.... and thats it.....

man i aint tryna bash you.... just tryna give you some advice.... noone ever said anything about banning you man.....

actually you know what man... if you replied in a cool way addressing everyones concearns... and not just lash out in rage.... iw oulda had alot more respect for u for just doing that....

plus whats the point on lashing out on the internet... your never gonna see these people.... well most of them u aint.... all u did was just make ure name on the net bad.... if you really want to go to another board... then go ahead man....but its cool that u chose to come here first (if u did come here first) i see that there are alot more mature people in this club than the others....

anyway man keep safe

edit: and man a name is a name.... so what if roddimus has a transformer as his name... its what he likes... so hes allowed to have it.... what if i make fun of ure name "oh look its mazdaracer blah blah"
u knwo where i'm coming from.... to each their own right...

p93mazdaracer October-13th-2004 05:37 PM

OK look ur right bashing out ant an answer ! But at the same time i am ferry disturbed at the fact that u and every one else think im just another stupid ass teen on the road , who is going to kill him self! You dont know that tell u drive with the guy. Ok second i LOVE my car to no end ! i would cry for ever if i didnt have it!the; money isnt an issue statement;= i love my car and the passion of the moter so much that im willing to stop smoking, give up the rent, no internet , and much more just to be in my car u really dont understand the PASSION i have for pros! 240sx nice car but it ant a pro so f... it. really guys come on. So any way the reasion i flyed off the handly like that is because i thought u guys shared the same passion for pros , or at least mazdas as i do. and to be disrespected and insulted ANT KOOL!!! so if u guys are done bashing me with exception of MATTY ! the in done being an ass, and if thats so then ill upload my pro pics that i took just befor flying off the handel!
Other wise peace out club pro!

p.s. i had planned on hosting club pros web site on my server, for more people to see

Roddimus Prime October-13th-2004 10:03 PM

wow...what a festering pile of poo this thread turned into.

no'ones banned but you are warned. Watch the language.

I knew this would happen when I read your post. People on this forum are a little more mature and don't appreciate street racing like this nor do we think it's cool or impressive. If you're into the drift scene then go to a track and get us some video of you doing your thing and then we'll all give you props. Do it on the street and you'll get flamed.

Lastly, glad you deleted your post before I did. It shows a level of maturity. Do me a favor....seriously....not bashing. Do something about your spelling. It's killing me trying to decypher what you mean from what you wrote. It gives me headaches.

p.s. Transformers pwn U s0N

VagaBond-X October-13th-2004 10:16 PM

man i don't wanna continue this argument.....

I'm a frigin teen myself.... i just turned 19 years old in april....

and i'll tell you this man

i said u may be a good driver..... i never said u are a bad driver..... i'm not saying URE stupid, i'm saying what u DID was stupid..... man i do the SAME STUPID things.....

but i knwo how u are man, cuz i was just like that just recently.....

man have you had the experience of being in a near death collision.... (i was in a friends integra and he wrapped it around a tree (LOL TRYING to drift) 1 person was in critical condition for 4 months.... the driver was unconcious.... i was banged up liek completely..... i told u about MY incident in my first post.....

man have u taken a professional driving course.... i'm not talkign about those gay driver ed courses.... i'm talkign about those racing courses.....

have u been in a car that was out of control man.... all these things make u look differently upon driving.... i've experienced these things..... a small fender bender aint nothing..... when its a serious accident... like my friends integra, which is now in the shape of a C....

man i'm not bashing you at all... so stop thinking everyone here is against you....

man i was the same thing as you.... cant u open ure eyes and just try to see the damn advice i'm giving you.... well then again (here the bashing begins (i thought after all the accusations u made of me bashing you, i might as well actually do it)) man ure a stupid ass teen just like me, who has got his car, and thinks he's all that.... he thinks his car is the fastest in the world (wait til u actually ride in a fast car)... you also think u are invincible and that nothing can hurt you.... just liek how noone can outperform you in driving....

alright man that was the bashing there.....aite ima stop, cuz i don't like these stupid flame wars.... whats the point... id on't know who the hell the guy is that i'm arguing too.... i'd rather do it face to face....

okay man now with all that aside.... i wanna see ure ride.... shwo post up the pics :D

p.s. I hope u plan on doing some frame reinforcing cuz drifitng really helps twist ure frame... (but then again i don't knwo hwo strong the stock 1st gens frame was...)

post up ure pics in the photo gallery man

p93mazdaracer October-13th-2004 10:49 PM

hay man i ant bashin transformers now hahah im just sayn but nvm . things in the past ok thats how i view it. i would like to stick up for what 2 mm pride that i still have, I dont think im invinsable Please . OK my dad owns a towing company = River Creek Towing. And trust in me we have responded to manny police calles. Vaga no i have never had a near death exp , But i have arived at the sciene of 100s . Iv seen peoples sculls cracked open on the road and blood as thick and black as tar! I AM NOT AN IDIOT! trust me. last thing of my pride deal! PROS are very slow compared to morgans! i drive morgans at shows with my dad! 800 hp+ cars and yes i got pics to prove!!!!!!!!! Ill even post then as soon as i can find them on my comp, u guys i understand that street racing is frowned! I dont street race.
Just some stopid a.. guy in a civic got me mad thats all! ight yall are we cool or do i need to hit the road!?

VagaBond-X October-13th-2004 10:54 PM

i wanna see pics of ure pro, and if no pics of ure pro then to the road u go... ahha just j/k

nah man its all good, just as long as u aint like half the teens out there....

alright lets all put it behind us :D :FU2: :D

p93mazdaracer October-13th-2004 10:58 PM

hahah cool i wa hoping ud say that , now to find out how to post pics up

VagaBond-X October-13th-2004 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by p93mazdaracer
hahah cool i wa hoping ud say that , now to find out how to post pics up

its pretty easy... i think :cookoo:

just attach an image,,, int he attachments section which is right there when u try to post a new post

p93mazdaracer October-13th-2004 11:02 PM

great now i cant find the darn camra just had it 30 min ago might be a sec

VagaBond-X October-13th-2004 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by p93mazdaracer
great now i cant find the darn camra just had it 30 min ago might be a sec

lol cool cool....just as long as i get pics haah

p93mazdaracer October-13th-2004 11:09 PM

ill have to do it in the morning or somthing i no fkn clue were my camra JUST went omg Just My Luck To!

VagaBond-X October-13th-2004 11:15 PM

Originally Posted by p93mazdaracer
ill have to do it in the morning or somthing i no fkn clue were my camra JUST went omg Just My Luck To!

haha cool man.... u will have to watch the language tho....

but i'm hoping to check those pics tomorrow man, aite peace

edit: lol i just noticed u spelt it differently lol :p

ghettopro October-14th-2004 03:02 PM

The start of this thread reminded me when i wanted to race my friends S10...but hell...I just got my license yesterday (10/13/2004) and why lose it just b/c i wanted to race...I love just driving around listenning to my rap music ^_^....and listening to the "fart can" even tho mine sounds like a low roar not sure ive never heard it driving by me b/c its my car...anyways....Im just glad to be able to have a car and drive I thought i was a great driver and knew everything but I thought it out like the others told me to in "that thread" and now i dont plan to race him....maybe Im maturing...I doubt it tho...Ive still got alot to learn in life...

Phantom Cruiser October-14th-2004 04:02 PM

Hey, just for the record...I'm not like all the other "guys" bashing you in this thread.....I'm a girl!

ghettopro October-14th-2004 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by VagaBond-X
man i don't wanna continue this argument.....

I'm a frigin teen myself.... i just turned 19 years old in april....

and i'll tell you this man

i said u may be a good driver..... i never said u are a bad driver..... i'm not saying URE stupid, i'm saying what u DID was stupid..... man i do the SAME STUPID things.....

but i knwo how u are man, cuz i was just like that just recently.....

man have you had the experience of being in a near death collision.... (i was in a friends integra and he wrapped it around a tree (LOL TRYING to drift) 1 person was in critical condition for 4 months.... the driver was unconcious.... i was banged up liek completely..... i told u about MY incident in my first post.....

man have u taken a professional driving course.... i'm not talkign about those gay driver ed courses.... i'm talkign about those racing courses.....

have u been in a car that was out of control man.... all these things make u look differently upon driving.... i've experienced these things..... a small fender bender aint nothing..... when its a serious accident... like my friends integra, which is now in the shape of a C....

man i'm not bashing you at all... so stop thinking everyone here is against you....

man i was the same thing as you.... cant u open ure eyes and just try to see the damn advice i'm giving you.... well then again (here the bashing begins (i thought after all the accusations u made of me bashing you, i might as well actually do it)) man ure a stupid ass teen just like me, who has got his car, and thinks he's all that.... he thinks his car is the fastest in the world (wait til u actually ride in a fast car)... you also think u are invincible and that nothing can hurt you.... just liek how noone can outperform you in driving....

alright man that was the bashing there.....aite ima stop, cuz i don't like these stupid flame wars.... whats the point... id on't know who the hell the guy is that i'm arguing too.... i'd rather do it face to face....

okay man now with all that aside.... i wanna see ure ride.... shwo post up the pics :D

p.s. I hope u plan on doing some frame reinforcing cuz drifitng really helps twist ure frame... (but then again i don't knwo hwo strong the stock 1st gens frame was...)

post up ure pics in the photo gallery man

yeah no body is agaisnt you theyve said the same thing to me when i planned to race that S10 as said in previous post and as far as wrecks My mom is a dispatcher and my dad is a road officer and ive seen some crazy @$$ wrecks....many of which there wsa very little car left...much less person...anyways....even tho you ve heard it before and this coming from a 16 year old...then you should definatly listen :bounce: always know your limits...also your hands hurt im tired of typing ive tpyed enough today ....good day to you all....

JDM-P5 January-25th-2005 03:01 PM

Damn!! Someone needs to work on their grammar and punctuation skills. What are they teaching you kids in school these days?
And sex ed doesn't count.

ghettopro January-25th-2005 05:56 PM

Absolutly nothing...

JDM-P5 January-25th-2005 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by ghettopro
Absolutly nothing...

Heh heh.... :cookoo:

JDM-P5 January-25th-2005 06:31 PM

it's not all the fault of the kids though....I think the system is shitty to begin teachers sucked....well, most were ok...but certain ones were always shady....but then again...i graduated from HS in '99....the 90s was just fawking odd.

Bartizek January-25th-2005 09:29 PM

This thread is like 3 months old guys!!!!!

ghettopro January-25th-2005 10:13 PM


Bartizek January-26th-2005 04:47 PM

but If it is back i'd like to take this opertunity to say that Ebrake drifting is a form of drifting...

not too long ago someone posted a video of a guy in a civic Ebrake drifting and we all thought it was the shit..

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