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meGrimlock September-8th-2005 11:03 AM

nfs: most wanted wallpaper (dialup = wait)
if anybody has heard of the so-called, rx-8, there might be a few "rx-8" fans here and there. so they might get a kick of these xbox 360 preview wallpapers:





Roddimus Prime September-8th-2005 01:46 PM

is that supposed to be from xbox 360?? that could've been done better on current gen hardware. I've seen much better rendering in GT3 and GT4.

not to piss on your thread but I'm not impressed with these new consoles.


meGrimlock September-8th-2005 02:05 PM

yea its a screen cap from the xbox 360. while this screen cap isnt very impressive, its hard to gauge the true graphical experience until you try it out for yourself. plus this is an at-launch title, future games may be better at taking advantage of the hardware once more developers give it a go.

i'd like to see where this generation of consoles go. while sony has a comfortable, champagne sipping lead over microsoft in the gaming arena, the xbox has become a formidable foe for the playstation legacy in such a short amount of time. i personally will wait till the prices drop on the next gen consoles before considering buying either one hehe.

on a side note: xbox 360 game prices are said to be slightly more expensive, where games used to average $49.99 a title, they are saying to expect around $64.99 prices. i suspect (and this is only a suspicion) that part of it is the royalty fees for both nvidia and ati. if consumers want backwards compatibility for their existing xbox games, theres more of the pie that has to be sliced. the maddox guy on his website once wrote that 1 of the reasons the original xbox sucks is that they will never recoup the cost of the machine in hardware sales alone, they rely on games for revenue. this really isnt news, because nearly all consoles suffer the same economic setback and all rely on revenue generated by accessories and games.

Roddimus Prime September-8th-2005 03:07 PM

I really like Xbox. I think what they did with their hard drive and XBOX live service was GREAT....however their games just flat out suck. Third party software aside their first and second party stuff is junk. Halo is supposed to be great but it was just another FPS to me. Nothing new to the genre.

As a diehard Nintendo/Sega fan I am a fan of innovation and oddity over graphics. Nintendo and Sega are hands down the greatest first/second party developers on the planet. If they would merge and let Sega build Hardware, nintendo software and AM2 2nd would be golden.

p.s. anyone who thinks the Revolution won't be able to hold a candle to the xbox 2 or ps3, keep in mind everyone said the same thing about the GCN when it launched and RE4 is the best looking (and playing) video game ever made. No other video game looks and plays as well as RE4. Throw in the fact there's no load time (hardly) and the controller is the best I've ever used and I think you've got a great system.

p.p.s. If you haven't done so yet, buy a GCN and RE4...thank me later.

Jackelope September-8th-2005 03:22 PM

hmm.. just sold my gamecube... only got an xbox now... never played RE4 - right now i'm just playing Fable / Burnout 3 on xbox - or course... i sold my gamecube to my neighbor (can go play anytime HAHA)

diehard Nintendo fan gone soft :( - I had a subscription to Nintendo Power from the beginning :)

scotty878 September-8th-2005 03:44 PM

Yeah that shot isnt too impressive, nor was I ever too impressed by anything Microsoft in the gaming world...Unless its my freinds modded X-Box with movies and emulators and such which allows playment of Nintendo games..

REVOLUTION all the way!! I love Nintendo and cant wait to see what they're going to do! I've heard rumors that it will be just as graphically pleasing and that it will be easy to build games on it and such.... And if anybody happened to catch the article on IGN, they did the top ten controller innovations and Nintendo got like 8 out of the 10 I think...

Jackelope September-8th-2005 03:46 PM

never thought of modding my xbox... have to look into that.

scotty878 September-8th-2005 03:55 PM

I dont like X-Box, but I can sit in his family room and play it for so long becasue its modded. He has a bunch of classic Nintendo games so I just sit there and play that. And if theirs a lot of people than he just puts on a movie which is saved to his hard drive! He also has games saved on his hard drive so he can change them so you can jump really high and instead of shooting bullets you can shoor people and stuff....It's so fun! He's currently getting linux on their but is having some problems...I dont think its too expensive either, I believe all you need is a bigger hard drive and a mod chip. I could talk to him if you want me to!

Roddimus Prime September-8th-2005 04:14 PM

once you mod an xbox you can nolonger use he LIVE service.

Jackelope September-8th-2005 04:16 PM

i cant get LIVE anyway... cant even get cable/dsl...

scotty878 September-8th-2005 04:19 PM

All the more reason to do it than! lol

Jackelope September-8th-2005 04:24 PM

yep, yep.

Roddimus Prime September-8th-2005 04:34 PM

p.s. for those who think I'm biased towards nintendo like a typical fanboy you should see my video game resume. to sum it up I'v worked in the video game sales for almost 5 years, I was Gametsop (babbges) youngest manager in history. The two stores I ran were ranked #1 and #2 in profit in the nation even though we were in the worst region in the company. I was the only assistant manager sent to our national conference. Both of my stores I managed had NEGATIVE shrink loss...which means not only did no'one steal anything we ended up stealing from customers (somehow, I dunno). I was one of 2 employees sent to Japan in 1999 for the launch of the Dreamcast since my store had more DC pre-orders than any other store in the country. I've done everything you can do except get into E3. I've been around to see systems come and go, and long enough to own every 3D0 porn title as well as every Sega 32X game and Virtual Boy game. I frequently play my sega saturn and I've beaten Panzer Dragoon Saga in English and Japanes. I beat Myst in under 7 minutes. My wedding cake was Sonic the Hedgehog and when I climax in bed I often shout the phrase "Okie Dokie" in a mario accent.

scotty878 September-8th-2005 04:43 PM

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LMAO ROFL!!!!!!!! That last sentence was hailarious!

Aside from that, the rest of that was SOO KOOL! Theirs too many sweet things to point out how kool each individual thing was, but thats so awesome! That would've been sweet if you got to go to E3, but I still think you did pleanty of other sweet things! How old were you when you became manager and did all that stuff?

Roddimus Prime September-8th-2005 04:58 PM

I started working as an hourly part-timer at 18yrs 19 I was assistant manager and I opened my second store before my 21st birthday.

i just re-read that and thought how cocky that sounded. I wasn't trying to strum my own harp...just stating my past so you would know if my opinion was valuable or not when it comes to making video game decisions!

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