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fallintoshadow March-24th-2003 09:44 PM

Pro5 Billet antennas for sale
These are hand lathed aluminum antennas. They will fit Protege5s. These are the two styles I've been doing the most of, but if you want something different just let me know. The short one is $10, the medium lenght one is $15, and the longer one (app. 6 inches) is $20. Add $5 if you want it powdercoated black. I'll have pics of those soon. Everyone has said that radio reception actually improves with these. PM me if you are interested.

XtrmLzNC March-28th-2003 09:54 PM

you got any day time shots or any better ones of BOTH antenna's? I think it would look good with my Trenz billet grills.

mazdaspeedwest March-28th-2003 09:57 PM

Those are nice, but if you really want to trick it out, a billet base is what i'd really like, chrome or alum.

how 'bout it?

fallintoshadow March-28th-2003 10:47 PM

Doing a billet base would be very tricky due to the shape and lots of people wouldn't want to take the time to remove the stock one. I guess its possible though. I'm going to look into it. See exactly what I would have to do to make it right. Good idea.

walight01 March-28th-2003 11:32 PM

do they just screw in ??

pr5owner March-29th-2003 12:08 AM

yep, it should just screw in.. im supprise no dumb asses has stolen the antenna's off our cars.. well not that ive heard

fallintoshadow March-29th-2003 07:52 AM

There has been some concern about theft on these. The only thing I can think of is if yours gets stolen and then you see another one that looks like yours it probably is. I'll try and let you know if I ship two to the same area so you guys won't steal the wrong one back. Thats about the only thing I can think of.

XtrmLzNC March-29th-2003 07:55 AM

people ride around all the time with billet antennas on trucks. Those are universal antennas so if those got stolen they would fit tons of other rides. These antenna's are for ONE car. Come many MP5's are in one givin area....and for that matter....ones that would want to customize them! LOL I dont see it a problem. got nice wheels and someone could still them too couldnt they! LOL

fallintoshadow March-29th-2003 08:00 AM

Very true. The only other car that I'm aware of this fitting is on VWs but they don't sit flush on the base, and thats about all I have to say about that.:wave:

mazdaspeedwest March-29th-2003 10:36 PM

Originally posted by fallintoshadow
Doing a billet base would be very tricky due to the shape and lots of people wouldn't want to take the time to remove the stock one. I guess its possible though. I'm going to look into it. See exactly what I would have to do to make it right. Good idea.
well, even if you don't want to mass produce them, i'd still buy a custom one. Even if it came with just a short cable and female connector, or even no connector at all, i don't mind doing the work to put it in. The next hurdle is a silver rubber gasket....(It would be for an 02 Jetta)

i too am a bit suprised the Jetta still has it's shorty antenna. I used some loctite to maybe deter those just trying to unscrew it by hand...

BTW, it's not only for the P5, while the shape of the base may differ (some only slightly) between car makes, quite a few new cars have them, Toytota, Mistubishi, Mazda, VW, Audi, Hyundai....they will all screw onto those bases.

hihoslva March-30th-2003 03:09 AM

Originally posted by fallintoshadow
Doing a billet base would be very tricky due to the shape and lots of people wouldn't want to take the time to remove the stock one. I guess its possible though. I'm going to look into it. See exactly what I would have to do to make it right. Good idea.
Instead of a new base, what about a cover for the existing base?

I really have no idea as to what's involved in maiking these, so this is just an idea - I thought it might be easier than a true replacement base.

So - how about a hollow "slip cover" for the base? It could even be held in place by the antenna itself - made so that when the antenna is screwed in, it clamps the base cover down. Some sort of gasket at the bottom to protect the paint, and you'd be all set.

Just my $.02.


fallintoshadow March-30th-2003 12:25 PM

base ideas
You guys really have your thiking caps on. Mazdaspeedwest is right about the other car models that use the same thread on the antenna as the Mazda. The only one I've tried it on though is the VW. I did notice that for it to sit flush it needs a slightly different shape to the base. I will be really tied up with work this week, but I'll have the powdercoating info on Thursday and I'll check on the antenna base ideas as soon as I can. Thanks guys, later.

fallintoshadow April-4th-2003 01:04 PM

Black powdercoating available
I have the antennas available in black now and they look awesome. Its an extra $5.00 for the powdercoated ones. I'll have pictures up soon. Thanks, later.

fallintoshadow April-10th-2003 01:50 AM

I just got new pics up..sorry none of the black yet. Its been raining everyday. I'll get some when the weather clears up. Thanks, later

Bijou-MP5 April-10th-2003 04:35 PM

yay~~~ I can't wait !!! :D

fallintoshadow April-10th-2003 04:43 PM

So I've been working nights and I overslept today and the Post Office closed before I got there. :bonk: Sorry Bijou---Luckily I'm off all day tomorrow, so it will be on its way.

Bijou-MP5 April-10th-2003 04:45 PM

It's no problem fallintoshadow.
just don't work too hard~! ;) you car already have 75000miles on them???

fallintoshadow April-17th-2003 09:21 PM

Tools of the trade
Just so you guys don't think I use slave labor or anything. Here is my lathe. I think Funwagon wanted to see it. I tried to get a picture of me and the lathe together, but my camera decided to crap out on me.

mazdaspeedwest April-18th-2003 10:55 AM

wow, seeing that lathe brings back memories. My grandfather was a master carpenter and machinist, he had this really cool little shop in his basement. When i was a kid, he'd take me down there and we'd build stuff (nothing substantial i was only like 6-10 years old) but it was so much fun. I kept some of his tools when he passed on, but i really regret not keeping the lathe.

thanks for the pic :)

fallintoshadow April-19th-2003 08:41 PM

To anyone who has payed but is still waiting to recieve their antenna...the powdercoaters are dragging their feet. I should have most of the black ones mailed on Monday. This week was my long week at work. Next week I only work two days so I'll have most of the orders filled by Friday. Sorry for the delay. Thanks for everyone's patience. I guess being a little busy is a good problem to have. You guys are awesome...thanks for all the support. Later.

MackDaddy April-20th-2003 01:33 AM

As posted on the other site, thanks for the update brother Justin.

mrpopnfresh April-23rd-2003 04:03 PM

I'm interested in buying the medium sized antenna from you in a black powder coat. How much is shipping to California (92557) and how would I go about paying you? Thanks!

Bijou-MP5 April-23rd-2003 04:06 PM

very good choice!!! you won't regret.

fallintoshadow April-23rd-2003 06:09 PM have been PMed. are incredibly too nice...or something.:)

MackDaddy April-23rd-2003 10:38 PM


Carlisle is May 2-4. I'm just checking to see if I'll have mine by then (of which I'm sure I will.) Just curious..... :)

Thanks man,

fallintoshadow April-23rd-2003 11:51 PM

Should be there...Just in are first on the list. The powdercoaters screwed me again...They won't be shipped until this Friday, but that still gives us plenty of time. Sorry for the wait. I hate relying on other people to do stuff. They just never live up to my standards...

MackDaddy April-24th-2003 05:53 AM

I can relate
If I can do something myself, I'll do it. Waiting on someone else is sometimes frustrating. But, it all works out in the end. ;)

No rush... just checking in with you. Thanks for the update.

Take care,

skyhawk174 April-25th-2003 10:13 AM

Hi Justin, sent yo a PM regarding this antenna. Just interested in getting one or two. Thanks.

fallintoshadow April-27th-2003 11:27 AM

Whew....I've created a monster
To everyone still waiting on their antenna. Thanks for being so patient. I've gotten so many orders that I'm having a little trouble keeping up. I haven't forgotten about anyone or lost any info. I can only make about 10 a week at best with my time constraints and the powdercoated ones take a little longer than that. I was hoping to get ahead of the demand a little, but it took off a little quicker than expected. I'm still plugging away, one antenna at a time. Thanks again everyone!

MackDaddy April-27th-2003 04:42 PM

Again, Mucho Appreciato
You da man...

MackDaddy April-28th-2003 04:45 PM

Got mine today
Looks fantastic, Justin!! :D

Thanks again my brother for all the hard work.

Take care,

ghost323f May-1st-2003 06:06 AM

you can order justin's antennas on his personal webspace on justin'sbillet antennas . I thought youd like me to post up justin:D . Later!

Bijou-MP5 May-1st-2003 10:44 AM

I didn't know justin had his own website for these products:(
oh well, I updated my lists so when ppl can click the link in my sig will lead to the justin's site directly!!!

fallintoshadow May-1st-2003 11:04 AM

Thanks Bijou..don't fret about not knowing...we just got it up and running last night.

mrpopnfresh May-1st-2003 04:05 PM

Man, I wish I could join you guy's club, but I'm all the way in California!! Phoey!:rolleyes: It's all good though!:cool:

mrpopnfresh May-1st-2003 07:22 PM

Thanks for the antenna!!:D It looks freakin awsome!!:D At first it looked kinda stubby, but I got used to it in like 1 min...hehe...anyways, it was smaller than I expected, but the quality was great. Thanks a lot for a quality product!!

fallintoshadow May-1st-2003 07:36 PM

it was smaller than I expected, but the quality was great
Thats what she said!!!:D

fallintoshadow May-12th-2003 09:45 PM

Just an update
To everyone who has currently paid and waiting...I have another batch of antennas shipping out later this week. I have a couple guys waiting on black mediums and those will take a bit longer since I have more orders for these than everything else combined. guys are wearing me out. No worries though. Everyone has been extremely patient and I'm glad everyone is sticking with me. If Steven Morasco reads this send me a PM please. Thanx again.

vw2p5 June-14th-2007 11:25 PM

billet antenna
I want one of these antenna's

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