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Sweedenhouse August-11th-2002 12:25 PM

xXx....more like suxsuXsux
OMG has anyone seen this yet? Its so freakin whack. I went and saw it on opening night this friday with my gf at an 11 at night show. I think we pissed everyone off in the theatre though because we were laughing our asses off, and could not believe that Fast And The Furious was actually a 'better' movie than xxx was. First off I knew it was gonna be bad cause they had little bleach blonde, hitler ass hair cut having, MTV sellout b**** Feminem on the screen with a preview of his movie. I was cursing the whole time that thing was playing and had to yell "WICKED CLOWNZ NEVER DIE!!!!!" once the preview was over. People were kinda confused, but there were a few other juggalos in there that gave me props.

Soo anyway, I had to go watch again the next day with a couple of my friends just to make sure I wasn't in some weird mind frame, or totally imagined what I just watched. Nope it still sucked ass. And the sad thing was is that people were laughing at all the stale parts that gets played on the rpeviews a million times and in commercials. And this one fool was sitting a few sits down and kept clapping everytime tehre was an explosion or Vin Diesel took the time to pause to say sumthin extremely stupid before some mega action sequence.
Vin, I'm sorry man but you're no Arnold, don't even try to pull off the one-liners the way he and Stallone can.

Basically this movie has crappy music, lots of action (which isn't bad except its completely unbeliveable and ruined with terrible dialouge), terrible acting, a retarded story, and A FEMINEM PREVIEW IN THE BEGINNING!!!!!

A 4 year-old coulda writing a better script I think. I just can't beleive Vin Diesel turned down FATF 2 because his "integrity can't be bought", but he would stoop to this level. It blows my mind, seriously FATF is a far better movie almost oscar caliber compared to xxx.

Oh well I guess I can always watch Pitch Black again and think Vin Diesel is still cool.

protetype August-11th-2002 12:45 PM

i've heard both good and bad opinions of this movie. i'm curious to see it still, because i've heard it was a kick ass movie, and it was a suck ass movie.

Rider69 August-11th-2002 02:50 PM

I agree that the movie sucked, but there was plenty of action. I thought the script sucked and the acting was pretty bad.

Not to give too much away, but the scene where they are driving fast along the river, did anyone else think "I need NOOOOSSSSS!"?

Sweedenhouse August-11th-2002 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Rider69
Not to give too much away, but the scene where they are driving fast along the river, did anyone else think "I need NOOOOSSSSS!"?
haha, yeah me and my gf were saying the same thing. We were sittin there like "oh shit! what's that by the e-brake........ITS NAAAWWZZZZZ!!!!!"

titocruzsd August-11th-2002 06:24 PM

you could tell it was corny just by watching the lame/cheesy advertisements on TV! :boring:

NoahsMP5 August-11th-2002 06:43 PM

I don't have much intrest in going to see it. I heard Vin is doing a sequel to Pitch Black though. That was a pretty good movie. It looks like they are just hoping for the action to carry the movie.

And Swedenhouse , could you tell me how you realiiy feel about eminem.

Sweedenhouse August-11th-2002 10:26 PM

I could tell ya all day how I really feel about Feminem, but I promised the mods I would tone my brash language down so it would have to be in a pm if you really wanna hear. But you could go onto kazza and dl the songs "Slim Anus", and "Nuthin But A Bitch Thang" and pretty much get the gist. One of the best lines is at the end of Bitch Thang when Shaggy goes off saying "when I think of your daughter, it makes me sad. She got a whore for a momma, and a bitch ass dad." And "Slim Anus" is a sweet remix that ICP and Twiztid did of "My Name Is". Jamie Madrox dubbed his voice in perfect over Feminem's retarded lyrics.

flip703 August-12th-2002 12:03 PM

Off topic: I was flipping over channels last week and I thought I saw your Juggalo trademark on Smackdown?!

On topic: I wanna see it coz of the hype and publicity yet I'm not really into it. I can go by without seeing this movie. Actually I haven't seen The Fast and The Furious. Anyone else?

mnkyboy August-12th-2002 12:29 PM

Re: xXx....more like suxsuXsux

Originally posted by Sweedenhouse
xXx....more like suxsuXsux
LOL :bt:

Sweedenhouse August-12th-2002 01:36 PM

Originally posted by flip703
Off topic: I was flipping over channels last week and I thought I saw your Juggalo trademark on Smackdown?!

Heh cool yeah the Hatchetman was chillin right by the ramp where the superstars came down, you should watch this week. I got some fresh ass third row seats (where the seats start, not fllor) for tomorrow's night's Smackdown show in Seattle. Hopefully I'll be on camera side. I'ma be all painted up, and I'll be reppin some Hatchetman signs, and Austin 3:16 (yes I know Austin is gone, but he still the greatest WWF superstar ever) signs.

But as for the movie, heh I actually reccommend seeing it, for a good laugh. It is seriously funny, although not intended to be.

Nuder August-12th-2002 02:45 PM

This isnt a spoiler but to whomever saw the movie...did you see the part where Vin was using the Heat Seaking Rocket Launcher??? If you go watch it again...which i highly doubt, you'll see that its a camera painted in green with a pvc pipe attached to it...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA It was freakin hilarious!!!! After all those expensive stunts and pyro works and all that...they have a crappy rocket launcher. If you're gonna watch the movie...look out for that and get ready to laugh your ass off!!

turbonium959 August-12th-2002 04:13 PM

Yeah, the movie definately did not meet my expectations. It was OK, not too bad, but it very predictable. I thought it was an americanized version of Bond, only more cheezier. Plus, you know there is going to be part two, and it is going to be slightly better or waaaaay worse.

NoahsMP5 August-12th-2002 09:34 PM

I got both those songs. I love listening to artist going back and forth with each other. Shits just funny.

I saw the hachet man running on smackdown too. I will be lookin for a tall blond clown this thursday.

Sweedenhouse August-12th-2002 10:06 PM

Heh that's cool man, Yeah be checkin for your Juggalo protege homie on Smackdown. I'll be lookin somehting like this, cept with a little bit different syle of paint. And oh here's some extra pics to show how I rep "the pro community", hehe yeah I'm sure I make all the pro owners out there real proud huh? ......


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