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meGrimlock May-30th-2006 11:07 AM

x3: possible spoilers coming
did anybody check out X3? pretty good movie, but felt out of place in the trilogy. considering they switched directors, the overall feel and pace of the movie was off from the first 2. couldnt get an emotional response from me, but still enjoyable to watch. don't forget to stay thru the closing credits for a quick scene.

Roddimus Prime May-30th-2006 11:00 PM

don't you know who I am?? I'm the juggernaut bitch!!!

p.s. this movie had WAY too much storm and jean grey. It seemed like a Jean + Logan movie. I wanted more juggernaut, colossus and nightcrawler...there was no Kurt warner anywhere!!

meGrimlock May-31st-2006 03:02 PM

all 3 movies could have easily been titled, "wolverine and friends." i agree, the introduced a lot of recognizable mutants, but everything revolved around wolvie, jean, and storm. no further character development came about in wolvie or storm, but they gave some half-assed split personality to jean instead of sticking to the comic.

i hated that juggernaut quote, as if the movie makers had no more ideas but to take an internet clip from a couple of dudes on crack. at least the whole movie wasnt bad.

Tranquilized June-1st-2006 09:10 PM

I went and watched it opening night, and actually enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I was quite upset about several things that happened though...


I was surprised how many crucial character died - Dr. X, Phoenix, Magneto and Mystique(well, not dead exactly), Pyro, and most importantly... Cyclops

In the comics, Jean Gray was possessed, which accounted for her uncontrolable nature. In the movie, Dr. X explains that he set up a series of mind blocks, which caused her to develop split personalities.

And for those of you who can't get enough Wolverine, I have *heard* that the next X Men movie (2007?) will be the story of Wolverine. Yay.

And I got a kick out of the "Juggernaut bitch" reference. Also when Kitty calls him a "Dickhead".

I was in a hurry to leave the theater (It was 2 a.m., I was tired), so I missed the scene after the credits. Damn. Guess I'll have to go watch it again.

Did you guys catch the Mazda commercial before the previews? Pretty cool. Second only to the "Snakes on a Plane" preview. Hahahaha

ghettopro June-1st-2006 10:54 PM

Ya know..
it wasnt till i actually read the thread that i figured out this was a movie you were talking about..
i thought at first you were talking about car spoilers..lolol

meGrimlock June-2nd-2006 10:49 AM

did pyro die? i missed that part. i thought iceman just head butted him. but i guess the phoenix could've disintegrated him during the last scene. yea i was a bit disappointed that most of the main mutants either died or lost their powers. cyclops never had a big role in either of the 3 movies. he had a much bigger role in the comics (leader of the blue team) and jean/cyclops pretty much shaped the entire xmen universe.

RotarySoldier June-4th-2006 11:43 AM

Not to sound like a dork but i thought i could have been a little more like the cartoon/comics....i mean were was Gambit...and thats not how Xavier died....over all a good movie though....i didnt get so see the extra scene in the middle of the credits bother decided to try and start a fight with some guy at the end of the movie so he took of after the guy as soon as the credits started. Does any one know if they are goin to make any more.....i heard they might make a tv series.

meGrimlock June-4th-2006 09:56 PM

gambit wasnt all that great, sure he had a badass attitude, but wolverine surely whooped him in the comics, and whooped him in popularity also. i mean you can only go so far throwing playing cards. but its better than jubilee, her mutant power was having sparklers for fingers. you saw remy's name in striker's files in the 2nd movie, i was kinda hoping to see more of him too. i've heard that a magneto movie has been announced, along with a possible wolverine movie (again the first 3 were pretty much wolverine movies anyway). if this 3rd one goes well, im sure fox will try to get a 4th one in.

RotarySoldier June-5th-2006 10:26 AM

I totaly forgot about jubilee.....she wasnt that great.....but gambit didnt have to through cards....i mean it would be gambit if he didnt but that wasnt his power....he just charged the cards....they could of had him do other things to...i cant think of anything but im sure they could of....he was supposed to be in the third movie from what i understand...i guess there was a contract problem so the cut him..

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