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iibbmm September-30th-2002 12:21 PM

Whats your average day?
4:45am : wake up
4:46am : fall asleep
5:15am : wake up
5:16am : check email and misc boards, check ebay auctions
5:17am : pet the cat
5:18am : pet the girlfriend
5:19am : shower, dress, etc
5:30am : play quake3
5:55am : realize I've been fragging too long and run to my new P5
5:56am : drive to work
7:10am : get to work
7:11am : check car sites
11:15am : start working
11:30am : go to lunch
1:00pm : return from lunch
1:01pm : play counterstrike
3:45pm : run to my new p5 and head home
5:00pm : get home
5:01pm : pet the cat
5:02pm : pet the gf
5:03pm : play quake3
6:30pm : work on one of the cars
10:00pm : pet the girlfriend
10:30pm : play quake3
11:30pm : sleep

Brycer79swoman September-30th-2002 12:41 PM


8:00 wake up to loud ass beeping elbow bryce to get him to
stop snoring...push snooze

8:15 crawl outta bed fumble downstairs to shower get greated by
Azriel (grey fluffy kitty..dumb as stick)..trip over her and pet
blackie...spiked collar black kitty...MY kitty
8:30 do hair, make up, get dressed, kiss bryce goodbye get in yellow vroom vroom and get stuck in traffic on the 'whitemud'
turn up the music to stay sane.
9:15 get into work run to the coffee pot and get a big mug of the magic juice sit down at my desk and bs with the girls and then come on abit and yeah *laffs*
NOONISH eat and then take some breaks
5:00 go home and sit in traffic...get home and sit online waiting for bryce to get off of work.
9:00 pick him up and see my 'BOO' tv and sleep...


iibbmm September-30th-2002 01:04 PM

Originally posted by foxymazda
you forgot to add the part of the day you will give to me when you become my b!tch ;)

sandman September-30th-2002 01:07 PM

6:00am - get woken up by one of the cats doing a tap-dance on my head
6:01am - feed the cats
6:03am - head into the basement to work out
7:00am - get ready for work (breakfast, shower, etc)
7:10am - smooch Shell goodbye as she's leaving for work
7:40am - out the door
7:55am - ZooM into parking lot
8:00am - bleh.. work..
8:03am - login to pclub - catch up
8:04 - 8:59 - chat with fraay about pclub
9:00am - login to pclub again.. catch up - msn with fraay
9:01 - 9:59 - chat with fraay about pclub
10:00am - coffee break. better check on pclub! also login to
10:01 - 10:59 - chat with fraay about pclub
11:00am - login to pclub
11:01 - 11:59 - chat with fraay about pclub
noon o'clock - lunch time! check out the pclub, then out the door to track down some food
1:00pm - did i miss anything on pclub? better check...
1:01 - 1:59 - chat with fraay about pclub
2:00pm - thats right! back to pclub...
2:01 - 2:59 - chat with fraay about pclub
3:00pm - coffee break! for todays puzzle, then plcub
3:01 - 3:59 - chat with fraay about pclub
4:00pm - 1 hour to go.. better get my fix of pclub...
4:01 - 4:59 - chat with fraay about pclub
5:00pm - home time! I'm outta here
5:16pm - arrive home - smooch Shell
5:30om - fix supper
6:30pm - house things
11:00pm - bed time

that's pretty much it! actually, i'm not THAT bad about logging in during the day.. i do have work to do after all!! some days i'm slow enough i can get away with it though!

viral_override September-30th-2002 01:07 PM

5am Wake up
5:01am hit snooze
5:10 am Wife kicks me outta bed
5:15 am Do the 3 s
6am Go to work
7am Answer stoopid questions all day until 4pm
4pm Go home
4-5pm workon the car
5pm See the wife
6pm Do some design project
10pm go out

Sleep is for the weak.

viral_override September-30th-2002 01:09 PM

You two should just do the Do and get it over with.

Invincibleredp5 September-30th-2002 01:15 PM

Joe...every1's your bitch.
but its ok cause i'm your favorite.


12- wake up and wonder what i'm doing in joe's bed
turn on computer and check messages
throw on some loud punk music to wake me up
2 - go and look at my car and bask in its slender.
that lasts a while.
3 - cartoons come on and i watch tv.
B.S. for a few hours
5 am- go to sleep

next week

7am- wake up and shower and check mail
8:15- jump in the P5 and its off to the Ford dealer collision center
to start work
9 am - check for every car that has to go out for the day, then go
to lunch
do a little talking to customers some about how
we appreciate them bring there car to us
5 pm- jump in the p5 come home
sleep for 2 hours
7:30 - wake up eat dinner check mail and talk to some friends
2 am - go back to sleep

viral_override September-30th-2002 01:32 PM

Originally posted by blue LEDz

we're just keeping eachother entertained, seeings how neither of us does anything all day:D but at least she gets paid for it;)

Hmm good point ;)

fraay September-30th-2002 03:21 PM

Nothing exciting in my day...

8:15am - wake up
8:16am - check email.. read pclub.. lounge around..
8:40am - shower, get ready for work
9:00am - lounge around some more.. avoid going to work
9:15am - hop in a lovely P5.. drive to work
9:45am - get to work - stare at my lovely car and the cute blue p5 parked next to it... Edit: *cough* I mean Sandman's manly blue p5!

9:50am - check email.. sign on msn
9:51am to 12:00pm - mixture of work, email, pclub, msn (chat with Sandman about pclub), breaks..
12:01pm to 1:00pm - lunch
1:01pm to whenever I feel like going home - mixture of work, email, pclub, msn (chat with Sandman about pclub), breaks..
Sometime between 5:30 and 7:30pm - get home, check email.. sign on msn..
8:00pm - have a life
12:00am - get home
12:01am - check email.. msn.. pclub
1:00am - tv couch potato
2:00am - go to bed

5SpeedP5 September-30th-2002 04:50 PM

well mine sucks! damn highschool

5:55am-Hear that damn alarmclock and go smack it, fall back asleep
6:10am-Wake up
6:15am-Jump in shower
6:20am-put gel shit in hair, and other neccesitys, shave.... put shoes on
6:30am-out the door
6:31am-choose which car to drive, and jump in.... zoom to school
6:40am- arive at school lot, find a good parking spot, park, take off H/U (if in se-r), grab gum, and head up to school from lot
6:50am- walk in nice and toasty school (when cold)
6:55am- get to locker, and greeted by lovely ladies around it
7:00am- go to first period... listen to the dumbest/most boring teacher on earth, fall asleep a few times
7:50am-first period hell is over
8:00am-Arive at second period, enjoy a half way decent class
9:50am-second/third period double class is over
10:00am- Arive to 4th period chem. damn i hate this class, the teacher is 80y.o. too ahhhhh
10:50am- class over
11:00am-arive in pre-cal.... ahh fun! problem solving
11:50am- class over
12:00am-last class oral communications, listen to the teacher talk, and piss off one of my friend's sisters....haha
12:30ish-leave school
12:40-pick up my bud jerad
1pm-eat lunch
1:30-arrive at tech school, log on to MacOS X, my mp3 server, pclub, and crank up some mp3s
1:35- open photoshop, and after effects and get to work
2pm- dew brake.... BS about cars and computers for a while
2:15-get back to work
3pm-leave tech school
3:15- arrive home, take shower, put on work clothes
3:30-arive at work
3:35-logon, open aim, open pclub and act busy
7:30-put crap away, and go home
7:35-drive car home
7:45- eat dinner, call up people who have called me, go out
10- come home and chill, read up on email, and pclub, talk on aim with peeps
12-1am- go to bed hopefully

repeat..... exhausting stuff, and to think im gonna add another job soon... ahhh, and a g/f hopefully

islandpro September-30th-2002 09:36 PM

good now i know where you all are. when i have to come kill you.

islandpro September-30th-2002 09:39 PM

Originally posted by islandpro
good now i know where you all are. when i have to come kill you.
:rofl: :smoke: :withstupi :smoke:

kc5zom September-30th-2002 11:39 PM

5:30 - Cat Dance
6:30 - Alarm, I get up
6:35 - Smack wife upside her lazy head, she gets up
7:45 - Go to work or bus stop to go to school
8:00 - 5:00 - WORRRRRRRRRRK!
8:00 - 9:30 - Riding the bus, one park and ride, one hobo express
10:00 - 5:30 - SCHOOOOOOOOL! (I mean, naptime).
11ish - go to bed

Sir Nuke October-1st-2002 12:31 AM

noon- wake up
noon to 5 pm- do what ever the hell I want, watch tv, surf the net, play in here....whatever.
5:15- drive to work
5:45 arrive at work and work my ass off for 12 hours
7:00 am- get off work and head home
7:30 am- arrive home....go straight to bedroom....get naked....take shower.....fall into bed

start all over at the begining.

Sir Nuke October-1st-2002 04:59 PM

Originally posted by foxymazda
Dont want you fallin asleep at the button Homer....;)
Jo, read my profile and take KNOW that is not allowed!! lol

and I am not one of the SWITCH guys anyway.....I am one of the guys that fix the stuff that the switch guys break! lol

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