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JDMstuff October-19th-2002 06:06 AM

What would you do?
I recently sold some seats to a so-called friend of mine. He promised me that he would pay me within a week. He's a "spoiled rich-kid" so I figured it wouldn't be a problem. It's now been over a month, and he won't return my calls. I know he recently moved, so I don't know where he lives now. The worst part is that I had an offer for those seats for a much higher amount than what I sold it to him for 3 days after he took them. I have a few options but I'm not sure which would be the best way to go about this.

1. Send his info to a collections agency- They can report this on his credit report if he fails to pay

2. Take him to small claims court- It could take months for this to happen.

3. Find out where he lives, and take it from there.:mach:

bougha October-19th-2002 06:14 AM

If he doesn't give the money or the seats,
call the cops 'cause that's what I call stealing. Even though you guys live in a promised land for the lawyers I think the court is last option I'd use, because many things should be solved by talking and if that doesn't work, kicking some ass. That's the way it goes here, very rare people go to court without first trying to beat everybody ;)

fourty03 October-19th-2002 08:10 AM

hmm.... what would I do?.......

I would try first to see if you can ruin his credit (good idea on that one;)... ) ... if u go to court , u would have to try to prove that you actually gave him the seats ... so, try doing steps

step 3 , then step 1 , then step 2 ..... if that dosnt work repeat steps.... :-)
goodluck and keep us updated


funkdaddysmack October-19th-2002 08:54 AM

I'd find out where the a-hole lives and steal them out of his car. Hopefully he already got rid of his other seats too, hahahaha

mnkyboy October-19th-2002 09:00 AM

Originally posted by fourty03
hmm.... what would I do?.......

I would try first to see if you can ruin his credit (good idea on that one;)... ) ... if u go to court , u would have to try to prove that you actually gave him the seats ... so, try doing steps

step 3 , then step 1 , then step 2 ..... if that dosnt work repeat steps.... :-)
goodluck and keep us updated


The only option that would work is the small claims court one. The only way you can ruin his credit is if you gave him some type of loan, thats what credit is. And if giving him the seats ahead of time is a type of "loan", then you must have it in writing to be worth anything. Your best bet would be the small claims court, since the judge can hear both sides of the dispute. If you are lucky, you might get Judge Judy.... LOL :D

jowettw October-19th-2002 02:40 PM

collect all the evidence you can and go with either legal option, but #3 would be fun.

Identity_X October-19th-2002 03:06 PM

shoot the f#cker:D

slamprotege5 October-19th-2002 03:36 PM

strike it up as a life lesson.......i dont know how many times I have sold wheels, or anything to a friend and them promise me a $100 a week or month, and then nothing. Money up front from now on for me, and as far as the friends that did me wrong, it will come back on them, trust me, always does somehow. If you call the cops they wont do shit, if you kick his ass, he can charge you with assault....take the loss and dont let it happen again. Later:)
Oh by the way, how much $$$ are you out???

Sir Nuke October-19th-2002 08:45 PM

Okay...I am going to put in a totally new option for you....and I personally believe this will work for you....IF his parents have any scruples at all.

IF his parents are "well off" as you described.....NO ONE moves these days without leaving a forwarding address at their local post office for all first class mail...and it stays in effect for a full year. I know...I did this when I moved.

Write a very NICE letter to his FATHER. Tell him EXACTLY what has taken VERY polite in the choice of words. Address the letter to his FATHER...and send it to his OLD ADDRESS....his dad will get the letter, in the address request he contact you and at least give you their new phone number so you can properly contact them in the future.....and if HE has any morals/scruples at all...HE will address this matter with his son. NO FATHER wants a deadbeat/theif as a it directly reflects on them. Give this a shot....

oh yeah...and at the END of the letter you may want to mention, in a very polite manner as well, that if this effort doesn't yeild the payment that is owed you...that you will be addressing it with an attorney and small claims court.

THEGOLDPRO October-19th-2002 08:56 PM

screw it take the whole car! then you get your seats, and whatever else you want of his. you always have to teach people lessons, or they will do it all their life.

LitlRay October-19th-2002 09:39 PM

I think Ill go w/ Sir Nuke on this one.... that is a brilliant idea... that never crossed my mind - but he's totally right :) I say go for it :cool:

JDMstuff October-19th-2002 11:08 PM

I sold him a set of suede Recaros for $1400. I was originally asking $1800 and had a buyer with cash in hand 3 days later.

Sir Nuke's idea is cool, but his dad is out of the picture at this point. He lived with his mother up until recently, but I'm not sure where he moved to. I'm sure he still gets some of his mail at his mom's house.

The real kicker is that he drives a brand new M3!!! The seats he bought from me was going into a Mustang that he just bought. This guy gets money from somewhere as he hardly works.

Sir Nuke October-19th-2002 11:36 PM

Originally posted by JDMstuff
I sold him a set of suede Recaros for $1400. I was originally asking $1800 and had a buyer with cash in hand 3 days later.

Sir Nuke's idea is cool, but his dad is out of the picture at this point. He lived with his mother up until recently, but I'm not sure where he moved to. I'm sure he still gets some of his mail at his mom's house.

The real kicker is that he drives a brand new M3!!! The seats he bought from me was going into a Mustang that he just bought. This guy gets money from somewhere as he hardly works.

IF he primarily lives with his MOM...then do as I stated above...but address the letter to his mother....she is his parent...and the same thing applies to both of them.

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