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ghettopro October-4th-2004 03:58 PM

What are my chances??
I am getting My license October 13, 2004 in other words in a week and a couple of and my friend nathan are planning on racing.... he has a newer model (not sure how new) Chevy S10 manual 4 cylinder it will squeel tires out of every single gear....and my 1992 mazda protege DX (not tested power wise but that will change) I was wondering what my chances are of beating him.........(i think i put this in the rite place)

Sir Nuke October-4th-2004 06:08 PM

for starters...the LAST thing you should be out doing as soon as you begin to going out don't have the experience. You want to race....go out to a REAL TRACK and start practicing....and then take your friend on at the track.

ghettopro October-4th-2004 06:15 PM

I knew I would get a response like that...

ghettopro October-4th-2004 06:19 PM

and I havnt just now started to drive either....ive been driving for a year already with a permit and have had alot of experience and have had many near wrecks (that were not my fault ^_^) and learned how stupid everyone else is....(have told in another thread somewhere) anyways....our plans are .....there is a long 55mph straight away in front of a gas station.....we planned to go to at most 65 but most likely stay in the boundaries.....just a powerful acceleration test if you want to call it that....he says he will get me off the line and that I will most likely catch up on the topend.....

ghettopro October-4th-2004 06:21 PM

Experience = really bad storms debris over roads everywhere driing at nite , nite driving, countless hours of day driving, Ive got a decent bit under my belt......Im done talking for a while *puts tape over mouth*

Roddimus Prime October-4th-2004 06:37 PM

street racing is lame-o no matter how docile you think you'll be or how much experience you claim to have.

Go to the track, race him and get an actual time slip to see who's faster.

street racers = biggest ricers in the world

Roddimus Prime October-4th-2004 06:38 PM

p.s., He'll beat you. My brother has a 4cyl s-10 and your car is an auto....he's got ya.

hughes412 October-4th-2004 07:23 PM

You might think your experianced and you very well could be the next Ernhart, but you can never tell what other people are going to do. It only takes 1 person to pull out in front of you to kill some one. I'm not trying to tell you what to do because I used to do the same, Im just letting you know what KILLED MY LITTLE BROTHER! He would have been 30 this coming March! At least at the track you'll fill better winning in front of other racers and youll have that little slip to shove in your friends face any time he talks smack! Plus you can only hurt your self!

Stueck October-4th-2004 07:32 PM

i cant agree with you more hughes. and sorry about your brother...sad story.

hughes412 October-4th-2004 07:47 PM

Its good to learn from the mistakes of others, its bad when its family! But thanks.

ghettopro October-4th-2004 09:00 PM

Well...I would go to a track but considering theres not one where i live and the next one closest is in chattanooga...and i am not allowed to go there....and there are not any places where anyone can pull in front of you on this straight away either just for teh record....and as far as the racing goes....Street racing = ricer...that may bother some not trying to start anything but thats ppls opinion and it doesnt bother me...its just somethign someone has said...if we had a track I would go there and race there but theres not one avalible to me...

FlyinHawaiian071 October-5th-2004 12:59 AM

heh, funny kid. I'm 18 and have only been driving for about 2.5+ years. I drive stupidly....look at some of my posts! But the one thing that I have under my belt that you do not, the thing which has also kept me out of trees, deers, dump trucks, and other objects (inanimate or otherwise), is a professional driving school. Two weeks after I learned how to drive a stick and got my license, my dad took me to the Dodge/Skip Barber Driving School . If you click the link, go to the bottom. We did the 2-day Ultra-High performance driving school. We started out in Neons (not as bad as people say) by learning how to stop in bad conditions without ABS from 40 mph. We did this in a straight-line and in a curve. We also did lane-change excersises at 40 and learned heel-toe downshifting, which I use in my everyday driving. We moved to Dodge Dakota pickup trucks to learn on the skidpad both skid control and how to effectively use oversteer in a racing situation. We got BACK into the neons the next day and took dozens of laps around an autocross circuit and then jumped into Vipers for the grand fanale. Back when I did it, it was the Viper GTS/ACR with 470 HP.... Anyway, long story short, don't do anything stupid until you've actually done it in a controlled circumstance. And even then, don't do it... It's almost cost me and other people several times.

ghettopro October-5th-2004 07:13 AM


hughes412 October-5th-2004 08:02 AM

Ghettopro what did you think you would get? I participate in this forum and in The reason I like this one more is the people in this forum are more responsible and act more grownup! If you want to talk to a bunch of idiots about street racing, and not get this kind of feedback go to the other forum.

I'm not saying don't do race, just be growup about it! One more thing its pointless to race an auto with the only mod being a muffler!

kargoboy October-5th-2004 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by ghettopro

Yeah, well, it's true, street racing is about the dumbest thing you could possibly do right now. It's dumb any time, but even more so now.
All you need is a ticket (or worse) right after you get your license.
You'll be riding shotgun for a couple more years.

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