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P5ChemDood July-17th-2003 12:24 AM

Ok so I go out to the parking lot where I park my new beautiful silver P5 and what do I find?? Some f#$@er chucked a glass bottle from a window and put a nice chip on the passenger fender (luckily--for his sake-- nowhere else). Why do people have to be so damn stupid and thoughtless?! :mad: I figured if I were going to get dings and dents it would happen eventually from highway driving, NOT from a parking lot that I PAY money to have a spot in. I take care of my things and I respect other peoples' things. And this just takes the cake. So is there a way I can get this touched up and have it look new again, or would I have to pay out the asshole for a pro to do it. I don't want to just slap on silver touch-up paint but it isn't worth repainting the entire fender. ARGH. Any suggestions? (besides shoving the broken bottle up that idiot's ass). Sorry for the ranting. Thanks for bearing with me.

fLyPiNoY7 July-17th-2003 02:00 AM

kinda the same thing happened to me...i was walking to my car in the parking lot and what do i see? someone threw pieces of orange all over the entire passenger side...and they dried a little so that left a little stain on my paint and my windshield...people these days...

KpaBap July-17th-2003 03:34 AM

Dents... battle scars...

glyph_99es July-17th-2003 07:19 AM

I had an 85 CRX in Riverside, CA, talk about sun! It was given to me with the engine siezed, so it was parked for a while. Some jerk threw an egg onto the side of it, where I didn't see it for a few days. Looked like the egg had cooked right on.

P5ChemDood July-17th-2003 08:46 AM

fLyPiNoY7- your P5 looks exactly like mine :D I went out this morning to assess the damages and it wasn't all >that< bad. It is definitely dinged because I can see how it distorts the reflection, and it definitely needs paint. I don't know if it is worth it to have it fixed or just touch it up. We'll see when I take in. Oh yeah, I had rotten fruit thrown at my last car, a 94 Accord, white. You don't realize just how dangerous and brutal produce can be to paint.

Phantom Cruiser July-17th-2003 11:11 AM

i feel your pain:( before i had even signed the loan papers for my car (i was still in 'test drive mode') some focker in my parking garage dinged me good!:mad: same exact spot that my focus got dinged...

P5ChemDood July-17th-2003 01:10 PM

OK so here is an update. I took it to a body shop and the guy there swears it is a mark left by a, get this, BB gun. Grrreeeeat. So he's like, hafta pull the fender, molding, light, yada yada... and then hafta blend the hood to match (I'm thinking WTF he has to repaint my entire car for a pee-sized diviot). Anyway he quotes me $700 and I say byebye. I went to my Mazda dealer and the body shop there took a look at it and said that I'm lucky it is in a spot where they wouldn't have to blend the hood or any other piece. They can have it good as new for $235. Not bad. But still $235. In the meantime, they touched it up for free. What do you guys think? Am I obsessive or what ;) In one regard, it's just a little ding. But still....

fLyPiNoY7 July-17th-2003 01:33 PM

hey, its ur p5, u gotta make it look perfect!...btw, do u kno where i can get some interior touch-up paint for my dash?...i kinda scratched it when trying to remove the stock hu...

Protege52003 July-20th-2003 05:18 PM

People park like idiots in parking lots. I don't know why people pay money to have lines painted where people are supposed to park between (no one does)?????

Yeah, the first week I had my P5, some asshole put a good ding in my driverside rear door right where the crease separates the upper from lower.....You can see it from far away.

Sorry to hear about all your problems, but with all the terrible drivers driving now with not having any respect for their cars, or others, this will always be a problem no matter where you live.....


ICE RCKT July-20th-2003 09:59 PM

The unfortunate and sad truth is that this is the first of many you'll accumulate over the years... you have to decide how you're going to deal with it. If the paint is broken and the metal underneath is exposed, then yes, deal with it sooner than later as this would worsen over time. If it's purely cosmetic and you can deal with it in the meantime, you might consider making touch-ups a once/year job. I don't know about your market, but I know of a few people here that make a business out of the back of a minivan, with an air-brush and almost every paint known to man. This guy touched up my dads car in about 7 different places, perfect blends on the silver paint, and you pay cash to boot. I think he charged around $85 (CDN) for those touchups. Ask around at some used car dealerships, they usually deal with these (more-talented ones anyways) for touchups on their cars for sale. Good luck with it!

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