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BoostedPro September-20th-2002 12:47 AM

Late last night/early this morning, I'm sitting on my computer searching the boards and talking to some friends when my dog starts barking like crazy. I get up and check things out only to find a cop standing on my porch. I open the door and he tells me that some punk went through my neighborhood and slashed everyones tires. I go outside and he shows me that both my parents cars and my 4 new Bridgestone's were slashed. I also notice that my rear passenger side rim is damaged. So, I'm sitting here resting now after changing 16 tires (2 Proteges and 1 Dodge Caravan). The cops caught the guy and asked me if I want to press charges so, I'm getting some new tires and a rim out of this.:D Sorry about this post being so long, but I had to vent.

91 LX

BoostedPro September-20th-2002 01:03 AM

Nah, the cop wasn't just standing there. I jsut got to the door before he did. He was about to ring the bell, but my dog gave me enough of a warning.

Makaveli September-20th-2002 01:37 AM

Damn dude, can you damage theother three rims and then get a new set all together?

Sir Nuke September-20th-2002 09:58 AM

what did you do....put all the snow tire sets on? I find if curious that you had 16 wheel/tires laying

pr5owner September-20th-2002 05:54 PM

lol if your that stupid why don't you just kill yourself? its faster... your gonna end up doing it sooner or later.. press charges.. beat that little shit to the ground, he deserves it for his stupidity.. maybe he'll be so in debt he will take himself out of our gene pool...

Matt Buechler September-20th-2002 09:23 PM

hehe gene pool

yeah, last year some litte dickshit took a baseball bat to my car... good thing is i heard him threaten it, so i set up a litte security system :) caught the little bastard red handed, he caused around 5 grand of damage, took my subs and stereo, cut my tires, scraped my rims, (this guy really, really hated me, but dont ask me why) lets see, i can list it for a while, the point is he caused 5 grand worth of damage but i did all the work my self, replaced hood, fenders doors, repainted it myself, so i only spent around 3,000 :) yeah i made money.

I saw him working at McDonalds a couple weeks ago so i went inside.. ha ha ha

little bastard needs to learn his place!

I have it on camera, it took him about 2 hours, if anyone wants to download the footage i'll send it to you.

BPT MX-3 September-20th-2002 09:35 PM

well if you like this then youll love this. i wake up and leave to go to work at 530am and i sit down only to wonder why i have glass protruding from my ass.....well i look at my moon roof....nope not broken what the hell happened. i look at my passenger window and im like hhhhhmmmmmmmm that window sure is clean. :eek: well then i noticer the glass. from anywhere in the car yuo can see my 2 amps and my speaker box. the dumb shits decided to break my window and take the danm face plate on my cd player. what the hell are they gonna do with it????? look at it i guess cause it wont work unless they have the rest of the radio that i still have. so i took it out so they can just have the damn face plate..... what pisses me off the most was that they took the face plate.... fine .....i didnt want it anyways since it was 5 years old........but im pissed for the fact they took my face plate after breaking my window and then left me the radio so i be teased daily. i hate not listening to the radio. sorry but im jusdt pissed cause i love my radio. i finally took it to a competition and i hit 141.9 db my first tmie out. oh well if i see anyone looking in my car at all im gonna tackle them and beat the shit out of them.

but hey thanks for letting me vent....:D

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