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meGrimlock October-26th-2005 12:30 PM

ugh, doom
well i got suckered into watching DOOM with some old coworkers. all fellow nerds and geeks, including me, who wouldnt hesitate to overclock their keyboards if we could brag about it & probably the first to play h4x0rD DOOM before the shareware version even hit the shelves. but i'd much rather watch Wallace & Gromit more than anything.

lets start off by saying i didnt have many expectations for this movie, just wanted to see a lot of gore. pretty much any movie with dwayne (he still prefers "the rock") is gonna suck. i just never realized how much of that suck i was gonna be subjected to. have you ever watched a film that built up and built up to the final climax? DOOM doesnt. it builds up and builds up, but doesnt deliver. the cinematography stayed true to the premise of DOOM3, but the story hardly followed any DOOM narrative at all. every corridor, room, sewer, was a dark and dimly lit and was meant to give you the feeling that you dont know whats going to come at you. it tries very hard to be Aliens but is better off trying to be Resident Evil and it still fails at being either of those or anything at all! poorly delivered lines & meaning less "plot" if you can call it that, and let me tell you, one of the most annoying lines in the movie occurs when one of the main characters holds up a flashlight to another character's eyes and sees they are fully dilated. the main character proceeds to say "You're high aren't you?" which the other one is, but both of them have been in a space station missing all its lightbulbs and just walking for 20 minutes in a dark and dripping sewer with flashlights that fail when you need 'em the most...maybe checking the pupils at this point isnt a good indicator of chemical intoxication.

the only thing that really stays true to the DOOM moniker is the BFG whose appearance is almost as brief as the chainsaw seen in the trailer. The 1st person shooter scenes come at a point when you're just about ready to say, "what's the point?"

and don't get me started on dwayne's full palette of acting skills. bottom line, you'd have to be a certifiable nut or have the attention span of a 12-year old kid with A.D.D. to get anything out of this movie.
-meGrimlock sad

JDM-P5 October-26th-2005 01:29 PM

Yeah, I went and saw it on Friday night. Eben though I wanted to see something else. It was terrible. The other movies w/The Rock starring have been ok-good for me. Tgis one I agree with you stunk!!
Anyway, Dwayne is an old Miami Hurricane football player...and I'm a HUGE fan of UM he has my respect as an

Roddimus Prime October-26th-2005 02:10 PM

blind loyalty....awesome!

just for refernce though, Bill Goldburg is a former UGA defensive line-man and I think he sucks.

This movie looks like ASS. I wouldn't DL it and waste HDD space on it.

meGrimlock October-26th-2005 02:36 PM

the problem with the rock is he acts like a wrestler. one loud, commanding voice that lacks any range of emotions. and his facial expressions are all the same. whether he's angry, mad, or annoyed (which by the way are the only expressions he ever has). the rock looks like he's trying to act, which makes you wonder why he can't. not a lot of muscle bound guys can act. vin diesel is like a stale dinner role with a funky new yorker lisp and an andre agassi hair cut. sly was only good in rocky, arnold was only good as an emotionless robot, segal is about as eloquent as marlon brando with cottonballs in his mouth, van damme i can see he at least tries but his movies make B-rate cinemax softcore pr0n movies look like oscar material. and lets not bring back chuck norris please for the love of all that is holy. sorry for that rant, just a little disappointed at today's action star offerings.

meGrimlock October-26th-2005 02:40 PM

hah, of course goldberg & van damme were in universal soldier sequel together.

Roddimus Prime October-26th-2005 02:47 PM

oh about a good movie....seen any good movies lately?

is it just me or did anyone else like ":The Village" also? I heard it SUCKED...then it came on HBO5 and I watched it and thought it was GREAT. Why did it get such bad reviews??

p.s. Batman Begins is still my favorit movie of the past 1-2 years.

Jackelope October-26th-2005 02:53 PM

i need to go watch that...

scotty878 October-26th-2005 10:32 PM

I went and saw this on Monday with my friend, his brother and his dad. His dad bought the tickets so its not like I wasted any I personally dont think it was THAT bad, but it certainly wouldnt be qualified as "Good." I guess if your into video games and doom and such, it wouldnt be that bad to see if your bored on a weekend or something, but dont jump out of your seats to go see it....

Final Rating: Medeocre.

meGrimlock October-27th-2005 10:02 AM

batman begins was great. however watching it on DVD again, i noticed minor nitpicks that if the writers corrected, you wouldnt have a batman story at all. but still very enjoyable. coincidentally, the guy who killed bruce's parents is one of the marines in DOOM hehe. there have not been many movies i've seen in the theater, before batman it was star wars ep. 3, and before that it was kung fu hustle (which by the way gets my vote for best mother f'n movie of the entire year). i'm trying to see wallace & gromit (possibly on sat) which i know will be awesome. if you havent seen Born To Fight it is just minute after minute of non stop hardcore action. the actors ARE the stuntmen and women. its made by the same production company that did Ong Bak. house of the flying daggers was pretty good but long, and if you don't like to think, i warn you there are a lot of plot twists. initial D live action wasn't too bad. pretty upbeat & entertaining. it stuck to the anime/manga pretty closely i thought. even though i've never watched the anime...i watched the first few eps at an anime convention and thought of all the riced out rides. but my friend says if you get passed the rice, its a pretty good show.

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